• Title/Summary/Keyword: End-products

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Case studies : Security issues of IT products in terms of supply chain (사례 위주로 본 공급자망을 중심으로 한 IT제품 보안 위험)

  • Choi, Woongchul
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2016
  • Before an IT product is used, there is a sequence of the process such as the components supply-demand of the product, their assembly and production, their logistics and delivery, and then finally, the product can be used by a user. During this sequence of the process, there can be many security exposures and risks. In this paper, we show, by examining security cases of various IT products, that there are many security exposures in the process of IT products from their production to their delivery to end users and in their use, and also show how critical the security exposures are. Even though there are various security theories, technologies and security controls, there is still weak link from the production of an IT product to its use, and this weak link can lead to security vulnerabilities and risks. This paper tries to call attention to the importance of the execution of the security control and the control components. We examine the practical cases to find out how the security control is paralyzed, and to show how it is compromised by asymmetric security resources. Lastly, from the cases, we examine and review the possible domestic security issues and their countermeasures.

Systematical Discrimination of Bolt for Maintenance (제품의 유지보수를 위한 볼트 식별체계)

  • Mok, Hak-Soo;Han, Chang-Hyo;Jeon, Chang-Su;Lee, Jung-Hun;Lee, Kyu-Chang;Sung, In-Cheol;Song, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.414-422
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we analyze the standards of the bolts for maintaining the products. The maintainer don't know the detail information of bolts by seeing the shape of bolts when they repair the products. So they waste much time and cost. To solve the these problem, we propose the new systematical discrimination of bolts. To propose the discrimination code, we divide the shapes of the bolts into four classes(head, internal drive, shank and end). User can fine preferentially similar standards by just the shapes of bolts under the this discrimination code. And, User can find the standards of bolts that they want by using the additional information such as measurements. We will reduce the cost and time for the maintaining the products by using the proposed discrimination code.


  • D.M.M. Pedroso;G.R. Dias;Gesztesi, J-L
    • Proceedings of the SCSK Conference
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    • 2003.09b
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    • pp.524-526
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    • 2003
  • Lipsticks are cosmetics which do not contain water and are usually preserved with parabens. When submitted to the Challenge Test, theses products did not reach the CTFA criteria, which means that microbiological contamination could occur before the end of its shelf life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contamination level of 130 lipsticks after its use. Microorganisms were isolated from 14,6 % of the samples. However, only in two samples (1,5%) the contamination level exceeded the 100 CFU/g level, which means that, although the preservative system was not efficient to eliminate bacteria, the lack of free water was enough to prevent the microbial development. Total bacteria and fungi were determined by conventional methodology, according to CTFA Microbiological Guidelines. The microbes were then isolated and characterized as normal skin flora microorganisms. This suggest that products were contaminated by the constant application of lipsticks by consumers. This could lead to cross contamination when the same product is shared by several people. Extra care should be taken into account when this type of products are available to be tested by several consumers in demonstration displays.

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Reestablishing EA as a Pan-Government IT Governance Tool (국가정보화 거버넌스 체계정립을 위한 EA 노력의 변화 분석)

  • Kim, Sung Kun;Oh, Seung Woon;Shin, Shinae
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2010
  • Enterprise Architecture (EA) is known as a means to solve IT management problems. In 2005, the South Korean government introduced it and required each agency to develop a variety of architectural products. Such an early-stage EA effort turned out to be not very effective because those products were hardly of use for pan-government IT governance. Realizing these problems, the Lee Myung Bak government has decided to change its direction so that EA products would also be utilized at pan-government IT decisionmaking. After reviewing the early stage of EA effort, we in this study describe such a transition. Future directions of EA efforts are also discussed at the end.

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Strategic focus for substantial rewards

  • Hann, Michael A.
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2019
  • Due principally to the desire to seek lower production costs, the bulk of the world's textile and clothing manufacture migrated to low-cost zones, mainly outside Europe, over the course of the late-twentieth century. In the early-twenty-first century, fast fashion became a dominant force worldwide, with 'Western' retail buyers hunting cheaper deals from clothing manufacturers (mainly in Asia), and with occasional disasters not changing matters beyond the duration of a fashion season. Progressively, seams became narrower, cheaper raw materials were used and durability was no longer an aim. Why bother to do otherwise? This was what the 'Western' consumer wanted: fashion to be worn only a few times and then discarded, despite the fact that vast amounts of human, technological and financial resources were wasted in such a quest. By the end of the second decade of the twenty-first century, the production of textile and clothing products continued to contribute substantially to global warming. This paper reviews briefly the current conditions of manufacture, and argues that the research agenda should be focused on addressing the implications of a progressively changed focus, not on fast-fashion products, but instead on the production of products with greater durability. Meanwhile 'Western' consumers need to turn away from fast fashion and realise that waste is bad for their economy and their society. It is argued further, that after a period of re-adjustment, substantial financial rewards await the national textile and clothing industries that undergo such a turn around.

Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, and Curing Potentials of Micronized Celery Powders added to Pork Sausages

  • Ramachandraiah, Karna;Chin, Koo Bok
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.110-121
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    • 2021
  • Meat industries utilize plant material such as celery in cured meat products. Extraction of valuable bioactive compounds, nitrates and nitrites often involves processes that increase cost or lack sustainability. Thus, this study investigated the effect of ball-milled celery powders (CP) on the physicochemical, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties along with curing efficiency in comminuted meat product. Pork sausages loaded with CPs with different average particle sizes: 265 ㎛ (T1), 68 ㎛ (T2) and 7 ㎛ (T3) were compared to those added without and with sodium nitrite (150 ppm). The a⁎ values were increased for sausages with larger particle size. The L⁎ values decreased for all CPs. Residual nitrite for all particle sizes increased in the earlier stages and decreased at the end of storage period. The curing efficiency also increased for larger size particles with an increase until day 9 followed by a gradual decrease. Superfine CP had a tendency to improve the antioxidant activities. The antimicrobial activity of CPs was not comparable with nitrite added sausages. The textural parameters remained unaffected by particle size. Thus, instead of extracts or juices, micronized CPs could be used to improve the antioxidant activities and curing efficiency of label friendly reformulated meat products.

Review of the Studies on the Qualities in Peanuts (땅콩 품질에 관한 연구현황과 금후의 방향)

  • Lee, Jung-Il;Park, Hee-Woon;Han, Eui-Dong
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    • v.33 no.s01
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    • pp.64-85
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    • 1988
  • Peanut seeds are characterized by high oils and proteins with good quality, and are utilized as an edible oil source and a protein-rich food products. The end products, being peanut butter, salted seed, confections, roasting stock and other by-products are favored in world-wide because of their unique roasted peanut flavor. As with many other foods, interest in the composition and chemistry of peanut is largely a result of thier use as human food. Thus, a more complete knowledge of thier chemical and food quality and flavor properties is desired. Literatures are reviewed mainly focucing on the physicochemical properties and nutritional quality of oil, protein and flavor in peanuts. Chemical properties of protein and oil, and volatile flavor component in peanut seeds are studied extensively in view point of chemical and food nutritional value. But in crop base, the synthesis and genetic studies of the chemicals could not provide valuable informations on the breeding for quality improvement. Some essential amino acids are limiting in peanut seeds and the tocopherols are very important in oil stability and for dietary adequacy ratio in high linoleic acid peanut oil, but it is thought to be quite difficult to improve by breeding technique as their lack information of gene actions. However, the selections of high protein and oil, and some essential amino acids and linoleic acid rich genotypes could be helpful for the quality improving. Research studies are also needed to elucidate the relationships between flavor components and consumer perception of peanut flavor.

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A Study on the Thai Consumers' Perception and Willingness to Pay for Korean Paprika and Tomatoes (태국 소비자의 한국산 파프리카 및 토마토에 대한 인식과 지불의사에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Je-Yun;Lee, Choon-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated Thai consumers' perception and willingness to pay for Korean paprika and tomatoes to establish effective export strategies, To this end, an online survey was conducted on 300 consumers living in Bangkok, Thailand, and the factors affecting the purchase intent and willingness to pay price premium for Korean paprika and tomatoes were analyzed. The results are as follows. First, Thai consumers usually buy fruit and vegetables offline, such as supermarkets and large discount stores, but not a few respondents obtained purchase information online. Second, the price competitiveness of Korean paprika and tomatoes is low to Thai products, and the quality, safety, freshness, and cost-effectiveness are similar or low to other exporting countries. Therefore it is important to improve non-price competitiveness using positive perceptions of Korean products and Korean Wave. Third, the most important reason why Thai consumers not buying Korean paprika and tomatoes is the lack of stores and high prices. Fourth, as a result of analyzing the factors affecting the purchase intent for Korean paprika and tomatoes, the strategy of selling paprika and tomatoes through supermarkets to consumers with high income is effective. Fifth, considering the factors of willingness to pay premium prices for Korean paprika and tomatoes, a high pricing strategy targeted consumers with high income and many family members is appropriate.

Marketer Generated Content on Social Media: How to Support Corporate Online Distribution

  • ZHONG, Xin;YAN, Jinzhe
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: More and more marketers use social media platforms to create and spread information called Marketer Generated Content (MGC) to inform consumers of products. MGC often embeds product purchase links, thus directing consumers to online distribution channels for online purchases. This study examined the effect of social media MGC on consumers' willingness to buy online in the anchor of consumers' perspective to answer the question of "how social media generated content support corporate online distribution". Research design, data, and methodology: According to the means-end-chain theory, we introduce perceived value and continuous following intention as chain mediators to explain the mechanism of MGC influence on consumers' online purchase intention and consider product type to discuss boundary conditions. Two experiments were designed to test hypothesizes. Results and Conclusion: First, emotional MGC (vs. informational MGC) has lower (higher) perceived utility (hedonic) value. Second, perceived value has a significant mediate role in the effect of MGC on continuous following intention. Third, perceived value and continuous following intention significantly and sequentially mediated the effect of MGC on online purchase intention. Through the sequential mediations of perceived utility value and continuous following intention, Informational MGC of search products significantly increase online purchase intentions. Another parallel sequential mediation, including perceived hedonic, emotional MGC of experience products, partially enhanced online purchase intentions. Finally, this study gives implications for how corporates can use social media MGC to promote product sales online.

Umami Characteristics and Taste Improvement Mechanism of Meat

  • Md. Jakir Hossain;AMM Nurul Alam;Eun-Yeong Lee;Young-Hwa Hwang;Seon-Tea Joo
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.515-532
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    • 2024
  • Taste is one of the five senses that detect vital information about what we are eating. Comprehending taste is crucial for enhancing the flavor of foodstuffs and high-protein foods like meat. Umami has global recognition as the fifth elementary taste, alongside sweetness, sourness, saltiness, and bitterness. Umami compounds are known to enhance the sensation of recognized flavors such as salty, sweet, bitter, and others. This could end up in greater food consumption by consumption by consumers. With the rising global population, meat consumption is rising and is projected to double by 2025. It is crucial to comprehend the umami mechanism of meat and meat products, identify novel compounds, and employ laboratory methodologies to gather varied information. This knowledge will aid in the development of new consumer products. Although very limited information is available on umami taste and compounds in meat through research data. This article discusses recent advancements in umami compounds in other foodstuff as well as meat to aid in designing future research and meat product development. Moreover, another objective of this review is to learn present techniques in foodstuffs to enhance umami taste and utilize that knowledge in meat products.