• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emergency response training

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Transition of Occupational Health Nursing Education in Korea (한국 산업간호교육의 변화추세 분석)

  • Cho, Tong Ran;June, Kyung Ja;Kim, So Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.144-155
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    • 1997
  • In December 1990, Occupational Safety and Health Law was amended to reinforce employer's responsibilities on employees' health and safety. Among the amended law it was important to expand the role of an occupational health nurse to the role of an occupational health manager. An occupational health manager should take charge of coordinating periodic health examination and environmental hazard evaluation, providing primary care, monitoring employees' health status, giving the workplace walk-through, selecting safe protection equipment, providing health information, counseling and health education, independently. This position of occupational health nurse is equivalent to the role of doctors or occupational hygienists. In 1991, government made a master plan to prevent occupational disease and injury. Under the plan, Korea Industrial Nursing Association (KINA) was established in 1994 with the purpose of improving health services and upgrading career opportunities for members. Therefore, this study was designed to analyze the transition of occupational health nursing education with the changes of law and policy in Korea between 1991 and 1996. In details, it was to analyze the rate of school providing occupational health nursing practice based lecture, lecture hours, lecture contents in undergraduate curriculum, program contents of graduate school, kinds of continuing education, etc. For this purpose, we conducted survey two times. In February 1991, baseline study was conducted with all nursing programs in Korea (19 BSN programs and 43 nursing departments of junior college). From April to May in 1996, the second survey was conducted with all nursing programs (38 BSN programs and 69 junior colleges). The first response rate was 66.1% and the second was 40.6%. Structured questionnaires were mailed to the deans or the community health nursing faculties. In the case of graduate school, telephone survey was conducted with 10 school of public health or environmental health area. Data from the yearbook of Industrial Safety Training Institute (ISTI), the history of Korea Industrial Health Association, and the journals of KINA were also included in the analysis. As the results, we found that there were remarkable improvement in undergraduate and graduate programs, obligatory as well as voluntary continuing education in terms of occupational health nursing expertise between 1991 and 1996. 1) The number of school providing occupational health nursing practice-based lecture was increased with the rate from 7.3% to 25.6%. The rate of school giving over 15 class-hours was increased from 33.3% to 46.6%. 2) Content areas were composed of introduction of occupational health, occupational epidemiology, industrial hygiene, occupational disease and injury, law and policy, health education, concept of occupational health nursing, role of occupational health nurse, occupational health nursing process, etc. Of content areas, occupational health nursing process was more emphasized with the increased rate from 43.9% to 88.4%. 3) In the case of graduate school, occupational health programs were increased from 4 to 10. One of them has developed occupational health nursing program as an independent course since 1991. 4) The law increased educational hours from 28 hours to 36 hours for introductory course at the time of appointment, and from 14 hours to 24 hours every 2 years for continuing education. Course contents were Occupational safety and health law, introduction of occupational health, health education methodology, planning and evaluation, periodic health exam, occupational disease care, primary care, emergency care, management, industrial environment evaluation, etc. In 1996, Korea Industrial Nursing Association has begun to provide continuing education after Industrial Safety Training Institute. 5) Various educational programs in voluntary base were developed such as monthly seminar, CE articles, annual academic symposium, etc. It was shown that changes of law and policy led rapid growth of occupational health nursing education in various levels. From this trend, it is expected that occupational health nurse expertise be continuously to be enhanced in Korea. Legal and political supports should proceed for the development of occupational health nursing in early stage.

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A Development of Curriculum for Information Security Professional Manpower Training (정보보안 전문인력 양성을 위한 교육과정 개발)

  • Lee, Moongoo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2017
  • Social attention to information security field is inspired, and manpower demand forecast of this area is getting high. This study surveyed information security knowledge of practitioners who work in a field of information security such as computer and network system. We analyzed a connection between survey data, information protection job system that was suggested by NICE, IT skills that NCS and KISA classified and security field classification system. Base on data that analyzed, this study suggests a curriculum that trains professional manpower who perform duties in the field of information security. Suggested curriculum can be applied to 2 year college, 3 year college and 4 year college. Suggested curriculum provides courses that students who want to work in a field of information security must learn during the college. Suggested courses are closely connected to a related field and detailed guideline is indicated to each course to educate. Suggested curriculum is required, and it combines a theoretical education that become basis and a practical education so that it is not weighted to learn theory and is not only focusing on learning simple commands. This curriculum is established to educate students countermeasures of hacking and security defend that based on scenario that connected to executive ability. This curriculum helps to achieve certificates related to a field more than paper qualification. Also, we expect this curriculum helps to train convergent information security manpower for next generation.

Parishioner's role Expectations of Parish Nursing (한국 교인들의 목회간호 역할기대)

  • Kim, Chung-Nam;Kwon, Young-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.231-244
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    • 2000
  • Parish nursing is a community health nursing role developed in 1983 by Lutheran Chaplain Granger Westberg. An increasing emphasis on holistic care, personal responsibility for a healthy lifestyle, and changes in healthcare delivery systems have undoubtedly facilitated the establishment of an innovative nursing role in the community. Parish nurses are functioning in a variety of church congregations of various denominations. The parish nurse is a educator, a personal health counselor, a coordinator of volunteers. The parish nurses helps people relate to the complexed medical care system and assists people to integrate faith and health. The purpose of this study is to investigate what the korean parishioners want in parish nursing and what type of role expectation from parish nurse. The subjects were 1138 parishioners of 23 churches of various denominations in nationwide Korea. Data were collected by self-reported question naires from Feb 4 to June 25. 1999. The data were analyzed by using percentage. frequency. $x^2-test$. multiple Response set with SPSS program. The results are as follows: 1. Desired parish nursing contents by parish nurses are: psychological counselling(23.4%) out of private counselling. stress management(21.1 %) out of private health education. Emergency care(14.1%) out of group health education. Blood Pressure check-ups (19.0%) out of Health check ups. home visiting(44.9%) out of patient visiting method. B T. pulse, respiration and blood pressure check(15.0%) in Care to serve in home visiting. spiritual preparation to accept the death(41.7%) in hospice care, advices to choice of medical treatment using guide(50.1%) in introducing and guiding of health care facilities, pray(21.7%) in spiritual care' faith support. 2. Desired Health Teaching Content According to Period of Clients by Parish Nurse are: Vaccination(22.5%) in infant and toddler health management. sexual education(25.3%) in adolescent health management. prenatal care (29.5%) in pregnant health management. osteoporosis prevention and management (22.4%) in Middle aged health management. dementia prevention and management(25.5%) in elderly health management. 3. The expectant role from parish nurse is spiritual care faith support(14.1%). patient visiting care(13.2%), hospice care(12.9%), private counseling(12.8%), health check ups (11.1 %), volunteer organization and training out of believer(11.0%), private health education (9.3%), group health education (8.3%). 4. In Necessity of Performing Parish Nursing according to Region, Most(over 95%) responded that nursing program is needed. so there is no significance between regions. In Performing Parish Nursing in their church, Most(92.2%) responded they want to perform program. 5. In case of performing parish nursing, 52% out of the subjects responded they want to participated in parish nursing volunteer's activity, for example. to be in active to be a companion to chat(42.1%), necessity support (25.3%), donation support(25.0%), exercise support(18.2%), vehicles support (9.9%). As a result. in holistic care and spiritual care, the need of parish nursing and the role expectation from parish nurse are very high among korean believers. Therefore, I suggest parish nursing centering around Taegu and Kyungbuk province should be extended to nationwide. For extending parish nursing program. more active advertisement and research is needed. After performing parish nursing program through out the country, further comparative research between regions should be practiced and Korean parish nursing program will be developed and activated.

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An Analysis of the importance in fire-stations' works and redesign by disaster management steps (재난관리 단계별 소방업무 중요도분석 및 업무재설계)

  • Park, Chanseok
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.572-582
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    • 2014
  • Fire-stations' works limited to the existing fire protection rescue and emergency services in rapidly changing disaster environment are not difficult to deal with the fire service demand of the people any longer. In this study, after calculating the importance of the disaster management about fire-stations' works by disaster management steps thorough a survey of experts about Fire and Disaster, firefighting tasks are to be redesigned. Experts have the higher rating in preparation step of firefighting tasks. Because securing resources and building systems in preparation step and safety training in prevention step have a high importance, it is required to improve efficiency of firefighting tasks through redesign. The most important point in redesign is to realize fire-stations' works are to expand and to develop such a policy if fire-offices excavate the civil and government cooperation works and provide such legal and institutional basis of establishment and operation. And it should be sought to maintain international cooperation for international disaster response. Ultimately, fire-offices will have further expansion in quality and simultaneously quantitatively by excavating 'collaboration (business cooperation)' or enhancing existing works in addition to existing 'fire and rescue, first aid' business.

A Study on the Effectiveness of the Hazardous Chemical Transport Vehicle Management System (유해화학물질 운반차량 관리제도 실효성 연구)

  • Kim, Sungbum;Lee, HyunSeung;Jeong, Seongkyeong
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.794-801
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The effectiveness of the transport vehicle management system of the Chemical Substances Control Act will be studies and used as basic data for future system improvement plans. Method: After the enforcement of the Chemical Substances Control Act, the effectiveness for the transport vehicle management system was studies by comparing the transport plan, guidance and inspection status, safety training completion management, ect., and the reduction rate of chemical accidents. Results: The average number of chemical accidents in transport vehicles nationwide is 20 each year. And It is decreasing with the stabilization of the Chemical Substances Control Act('15.1.1). The first reason for the decrease in chemical accidents is the increase in submission of transport plans. Second, as the guidance and inspection rate increased every year, the shipper company's management of transport companies was naturally strengthened. Finally, it is judged that chemical accident caused by transport vehicles decrease through safety education. Conclusion: The current tranport vehicle management system of the Chemical Substances Control Act is effective. However, further research is needed to improve the practical and efficient transport vehicle management system.

Behavioral Change of Workers who completed Experiential Safety Training (체험식 안전교육 이수 근로자의 행동 변화 연구)

  • Choonhwan, Cho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2023
  • Safety education delivered to construction workers in a lecture manner has limitations in concentration and immersion, so delivery power and interest are low. In order to improve unstable behavior through education and prevent safety accidents, it is necessary to change the paradigm to hands-on education. Purpose: Experiential safety education aims to contribute to preventing accidents for construction workers by quickly recognizing risks, improving emergency response skills, and verifying the effectiveness of pre- and post-learning. Method: Based on a survey of workers who experienced the same work environment as the actual construction site, an opinion survey on the pre- and post-safety experience education and a variable measurement tool were planned, and a research hypothesis was established. Results: The Bayesian theory and MC simulation analysis were used to analyze the structural equation model, and the change in construction worker behavior was confirmed through the intended safety (A), non-experiential education in the sub-area of anxiety (B), average, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values. Conclusion: The effect of education and industrial accidents are reduced only when construction workers are motivated to participate.

A Study on Improvement of the police disaster crisis management system (경찰의 재난위기관리 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Yongtae;Kim, Moonkwi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.556-569
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    • 2015
  • With about 75% of the population of Korea criticizing the government's disaster policy and a failure to respond to large-scale emergency like the Sewol ferry sinking means that there is a deep distrust in the government. In order to prevent dreadful disasters such as the Sewol ferry sinking, it is important to secure a prime time with respect to disaster safety. Improving crisis management skills and managerial role of police officers who are in close proximity to the people is necessary for the success of disaster management. With disaster management as one of the most essential missions of the police, as a part of a national crisis management, a step by step strengthening of the disaster safety management system of the police is necessary, as below. First, at the prevention phase, law enforcement officers were not injected into for profit large-scale assemblies or events, but in the future the involvement, injection should be based on the level of potential risk, rather than profitability. In the past and now, the priortiy was the priority was on traffic flow, traffic communication, however, the paradigm of traffic policy should be changed to a safety-centered policy. To prevent large-scale accidents, police investigators should root out improper routines and illegal construction subcontracting. The police (intelligence) should strengthen efforts to collect intelligence under the subject of "safety". Second, with respect to the preparatory phase, on a survey of police officers, the result showed that 72% of police officers responded that safety management was not related to the job descriptions of the police. This, along with other results, shows that the awareness of disaster safety must be adopted by, or rather changed in the police urgently. The training in disaster safety education should be strengthened. A network of experts (private, administrative, and police) in safety management should be established to take advantage of private resources with regard to crisis situtions. Third, with respect to the response phase, for rapid first responses to occur, a unified communication network should be established, and a real-time video information network should be adopted by the police and installed in the police situation room. Fourth, during the recovery phase, recovery teams should be injected, added and operated to minimize secondary damage.