• Title/Summary/Keyword: Elevation Angle

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An Analysis on the Visual Structure from the Building Area around An-ap Pond (안압지 호안 건물지의 조망 경관구조 분석)

  • 박경자;이관규;양병이
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2001
  • This study aims to analyze visual structure by evaluating the view from five building sites around An-ap pond, and attempt to determine which site commands the best view and will provide the most active use. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: According to the questionnaire survey of experts on the relations of dominancy-subordination(´chu-jong´), vacancy-solidness(´heo-sil´), sparsity-density(´so-mil´) based on ancient oriental Yin-Yang theory and analysis of visual structure on angle of elevation, depression, and the landscape-component ratio to be seen through five building sites around the west of An-ap pond, building site three was selected as the building site which has the best landscape. Therefore, it is estimated that building site three played the role of core-building site. According to the result of correlation analysis, the greater the increased in the component ratio of sky, mountain ,the greater the degree of harmony within the landscape. As well, the degree of harmony increased when the landscape component ratio of a distant view was greater than that of a near view. Moreover, it was proved that the relationships of ´chu-jong´, ´heo-sil´, ´so-mil´ are correlative, not independent.

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Orbit Determination of LEO Satellite using Ground Tracking Data (지상국 추적 데이터를 이용한 저궤도 위성의 궤도결정 특성 분석)

  • Jung, Ok-Chul;Choi, Su-Jin;Chung, Dae-Won;Kim, Eun-Kyou;Kim, Hak-Jung
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.170-176
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    • 2011
  • This paper analyzes the orbit determination results using azimuth and elevation angle from ground tracking data, which has the standard data interface format, GEOS-C. The ground tracking data is very useful for initial orbit determination after a satellite launch. In this paper, the quality of the measurement data has been investigated using a variety of real tracking passes, compared with the high precision orbit data of KOMPSAT-2. The accumulated tracking data from consecutive satellite-ground passes is processed for orbit determination using least square method. The accuracy of orbit determination result is also presented.

Two-Step Procedures for the Estimation of Two-Dimensional Distributed Sources (2차원 퍼진 신호를 추정하는 두단계 방법)

  • Lee, Seong-Ro;Song, Ikck-Ho;Lee, Joo-Shik;Park, Jeong-Soon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 1997
  • Most research on the estimation of direction of arrival has been accomplished based on the assumption that the signal sources are point sources. In some real surroundings, signal source localization can more adequately be accomplished with distributed source models. When the signal sources are distributed over an area, we cannot directly use well-known DOA estimation methods, In this paper, we represent an source by the center angle and degree of dispersion. Then, we address the estimation of the elevation and azimuth angles of distributed sources based on the parametric distributed source modeling in the 3-dimensional space.

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A Study of Beam Tilted Antenna by Aperture Coupled Microstrip Array (개구 급전 마이크로스트립 배열에 의한 빔 틸팅 안테나에 관한 연구)

  • 고진현;하재권;박덕규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.151-155
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    • 1999
  • We proposed the beam tilted antenna by aperture coupled microstrip array, found out the values of design parameters by using Ensemble 5.1 of Ansoft Co., and analysed the performance of fabricated antenna. In order to point to the fixed satellite on the nothern hemisphere, 3 dB beamwidth of this antenna is 25$^{\circ}C$ to 65$^{\circ}C$. Operation bandwidth is 2.51GHz to 2.59GHz. The structure of this antenna is composed by 3 types of squared patches; reflector, driver, and director. The maximum antenna gain is 6.2dB at 2.56GHz and elevation angle of 42$^{\circ}C$. Front-to-Back ratio is more than 13dB at the same condition.

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Analysis on the Degree of Enclosure on the Court Space in Suh-Won (서원 중정공간의 폐쇄성 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-taek;Lee, Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 1994
  • This study deals with the degree of enclosure on the Court Space in 'Suh-Won' that has warious perceptual composition elements. 1. The size of Court Space in which we can read the complexion of others and easily understand every behavior of them is similar to that of the 'Madang' in the Korean traditional houses. 2. The angles of elevation are within the range of suitable enclosure as going from the center of the court Space to 'Kang-Dang' and the space -from the center of the Court Space to 'Kang-Dang'- is restricted and surrounded. It is also within the range of the least enclosure as going from the center of the Court Space to the 'Mun-Ru'. 3. The degrees of enclosure based on the horizontal angle are within the degree we can perceive the objects of structure easily. 4. The degree of enclosure based on the ratio D/H is increased as approaching from 'Mun-Ru' to 'Kang-Dang'. The distance as approaching from 'Mun-Ru' to 'Kang-Dang' is changed from social distance to personal distance. To conclude this the Court Space in 'Suh-Won' represents the hierarchical system with variety and the degree of enclosure and the size of space are within the range of human scale.

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Detecting and Restoring the Occlusion Area for Generating the True Orthoimage Using IKONOS Image (IKONOS 정사영상제작을 위한 폐색 영역의 탐지와 복원)

  • Seo Min-Ho;Lee Byoung-Kil;Kim Yong-Il;Han Dong-Yeob
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2006
  • IKONOS images have the perspective geometry in CCD sensor line like aerial images with central perspective geometry. So the occlusion by buildings, terrain or other objects exist in the image. It is difficult to detect the occlusion with RPCs(rational polynomial coefficients) for ortho-rectification of image. Therefore, in this study, we detected the occlusion areas in IKONOS images using the nominal collection elevation/azimuth angle and restored the hidden areas using another stereo images, from which the rue ortho image could be produced. The algorithm's validity was evaluated using the geometric accuracy of the generated ortho image.

A Simulation Based Assessment for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System

  • Suh, Yong-Cheol;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2003
  • Since the operation of the first satellite-based navigation service, satellite positioning has played an increasing role in both surveying and geodesy, and has become an indispensable tool for precise relative positioning. However, in some situations, e.g. at a low angle of elevation, the use of satellites for navigation is seriously restricted because obstacles like buildings and mountains can block signals. As a mean to resolve this problem, the quasi-zenith satellite system has been proposed as a next-generation satellite navigation system. Quasi-zenith satellite is a system which simultaneously deploys several satellites in a quasi-zenith geostationary orbit so that one of the satellites always stay close to the zenith if viewed from a specific point on the ground of East Asia. Thus, if a position measurement function compatible with CPS is installed in the quasi-zenith and stationary satellites, and these satellites are utilized together with the CPS, four satellites can be accessed simultaneously nearly all day long and a substantial improvement in position measurement, especially in metropolitan areas, can be achieved. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of quasi-zenith satellite system on positioning accuracy improvement through simulation by using precise orbital information of the satellites and a three-dimensional digital map. Through this developed simulation system, it is possible to calculate the number of simultaneously visible satellites and available area for positioning without the need of actual observation. Furthermore, this system can calculate the Dilution Of Precision (DOP) and the error distribution.

Landslide susceptibility mapping using Logistic Regression and Fuzzy Set model at the Boeun Area, Korea (로지스틱 회귀분석과 퍼지 기법을 이용한 산사태 취약성 지도작성: 보은군을 대상으로)

  • Al-Mamun, Al-Mamun;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to identify the landslide susceptible zones of Boeun area and provide reliable landslide susceptibility maps by applying different modeling methods. Aerial photographs and field survey on the Boeun area identified landslide inventory map that consists of 388 landslide locations. A total ofseven landslide causative factors (elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, geology, soil, forest and land-use) were extracted from the database and then converted into raster. Landslide causative factors were provided to investigate about the spatial relationship between each factor and landslide occurrence by using fuzzy set and logistic regression model. Fuzzy membership value and logistic regression coefficient were employed to determine each factor's rating for landslide susceptibility mapping. Then, the landslide susceptibility maps were compared and validated by cross validation technique. In the cross validation process, 50% of observed landslides were selected randomly by Excel and two success rate curves (SRC) were generated for each landslide susceptibility map. The result demonstrates the 84.34% and 83.29% accuracy ratio for logistic regression model and fuzzy set model respectively. It means that both models were very reliable and reasonable methods for landslide susceptibility analysis.

Creation of 3D Maps for Satellite Communications to Support Ambulatory Rescue Operations

  • Nakajima, Isao;Nawaz, Muhammad Naeem;Juzoji, Hiroshi;Ta, Masuhisa
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2019
  • A communications profile is a system that acquires information from communication links to an ambulance or other vehicle moving on a road and compiles a database based on this information. The equipment (six sets of HDTVs, fish-eye camera, satellite antenna with tracking system, and receiving power from the satellite beacon of the N-star) mounted on the roof of the vehicle, image data were obtained at Yokohama Japan. From these data, the polygon of the building was actually produced and has arranged on the map of the Geographical Survey Institute of a 50 m-mesh. The optical study (relationship between visibility rate and elevation angle) were performed on actual data taken by fish-eye lens, and simulated data by 3D-Map with polygons. There was no big difference. This 3D map system then predicts the communication links that will be available at a given location. For line-of-sight communication, optical analysis allows approximation if the frequency is sufficiently high. For non-line-of-sight communication, previously obtained electric power data can be used as reference information for approximation in certain cases when combined with predicted values calculated based on a 3D map. 3D maps are more effective than 2D maps for landing emergency medical helicopters on public roadways in the event of a disaster. Using advanced imaging technologies, we have produced a semi-automatic creation of a high-precision 3D map at Yokohama Yamashita Park and vicinity and assessed its effectiveness on telecommunications and ambulatory merits.

Development of Korean VTEC Polynomial Model Using GIM

  • Park, Jae-Young;Kim, Yeong-Guk;Park, Kwan-Dong
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2022
  • The models used for ionosphere error correction in positioning using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are representatively Klobuchar model and NeQuick model. Although these models can correct the ionosphere error in real time, the disadvantage is that the accuracy is only 50-60%. In this study, a method for polynomial modeling of Global Ionosphere Map (GIM) which provides Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) in grid type was studied. In consideration of Ionosphere Pierce Points (IPP) of satellites with a receivable elevation angle of 15 degrees or higher on the Korean Peninsula, the target area for model generation and provision was selected, and the VTEC at 88 GIM grid points was modeled as a polynomial. The developed VTEC polynomial model shows a data reduction rate of 72.7% compared to GIM regardless of the number of visible satellites, and a data reduction rate of more than 90% compared to the Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) polynomial model when there are more than 10 visible satellites. This VTEC polynomial model has a maximum absolute error of 2.4 Total Electron Content Unit (TECU) and a maximum relative error of 9.9% with the actual GIM. Therefore, it is expected that the amount of data can be drastically reduced by providing the predicted GIM or real-time grid type VTEC model as the parameters of the polynomial model.