• 제목/요약/키워드: Electric pulse stimulation

검색결과 42건 처리시간 0.02초

체외 전기자극기가 심장에 미치는 영향의 분석 및 평가 (Analysis of an External Stimulator's Impact on the Heart)

  • 김문수;최성욱
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제35권11호
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    • pp.1213-1217
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    • 2011
  • 의료용 자극기는 병원과 가정에서 환자의 통증 경감 및 재활 치료를 위해 사용되는 의료기기이다. 전기자극기의 자극 펄스가 심장에 유입되면 부정맥 및 심실세동 등의 심각한 부작용을 초래할 수 있다. 의료용 자극기에서 공급하는 자극 펄스의 전달 거리를 측정하고 심장이 전기 자극의 위험 범위 밖에 위치하도록 자극의 크기 및 자극 부위를 제한할 필요가 있다. 전기 자극기는 초당 60 회의 빈도로 0.001Joule 전기 펄스를 가하도록 설계되었다. 전기 자극기의 성능 및 인체에 미치는 영향을 측정하기 위해 생리 식염수를 이용한 생체 조직의 모델을 제작하였고, 이를 이용하여 거리에 따른 전기장의 감쇄 정도를 측정하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 전기 자극기를 동물실험에 적용한 후 심장 주변에 전기자극을 가했을 때 심장에서 나타나는 위험요인을 관찰하고 직류전류가 흘렀을 때 심장에서 나타나는 현상과 비교하였다.

Parallel Load Techinques Application for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

  • Choi, Sun-Seob;Kim, Whi-Young
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2012
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation requires an electric field composed of dozens of V/m to achieve stimulation. The stimulation system is composed of a stimulation coil to form the electric field by charging and discharging a capacitor in order to save energy, thus requiring high-pressure kV. In particular, it is charged and discharged in capacitor to discharge through stimulation coil within a short period of time (hundreds of seconds) to generate current of numerous kA. A pulse-type magnetic field is formed, and eddy currents within the human body are triggered to achieve stimulation. Numerous pulse forms must be generated to initiate eddy currents for stimulating nerves. This study achieved high internal pressure, a high number of repetitions, and rapid switching of elements, and it implemented numerous control techniques via introduction of the half-bridge parallel load method. In addition it applied a quick, accurate, high-efficiency charge/discharge method for transcranial magnetic stimulation to substitute an inexpensive, readily available, commercial frequency condenser for a previously used, expensive, high-frequency condenser. Furthermore, the pulse repetition rate was altered to control energy density, and grafts compact, one-chip processor with simulation to stably control circuit motion and conduct research on motion and output characteristics.

알콜 탈수소효소의 안정도에 미치는 전기 자극의 효과 (Effect of Electro-stimulation on Stability of Alcohol Dehydrogenase from Horse Liver)

  • 이강민;김철생;이혜정;함대현;박충웅
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.1723-1727
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    • 2004
  • We investigated the activity and stability of alcohol dehydrogenase from horse liver (HLADH) under the electric stimulation. The activity and stability of alcohol dehydrogenase depended on electric output voltaqe, stimulation time, pulse duration and pulse interval, and temperature. HLADH retained about 23% of its activity in buffer but 78% in 10% trehalose solution under electric stimulation with 10V, 10min, The stabilizing of enzymes against electric stimulation by stabilizing additives showed a great potential use of enzymes in biotechnology and medical engineering fields.

전기자극에 의한 알콜 산화효소의 활성도와 안정도연구 (Activity and Stability of Alcohol Oxidase from Hansenula sp. by Electrostimulation)

  • 이강민;김경숙;박충웅
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2004
  • 전기자극에서 알콜 산화효소의 활성도와 안정도를 연구하였다. 알콜 산화효소의 활성도와 안정도는 전기출력전압, 자극시간, 자극기간, 자극간격에 따라 달라진다. 전기자극에 의하여 비활성화 효소 활성도는 당, 중합체, 히드로젤과 같은 안정화 첨가제에 의하여 회복되었다. 이 효소에 전기자극을 40 V, 10분 주었을 때 완충용액에서는 활성도가 전혀 없었지만 10% 트레할로스 용액에서는 52%의 활성도를 유지하였다. 전기자극하에서 효소를 안정화시킬 수 있음은 효소를 생물공학과 의료공학에 널리 이용할 수 있는 가능성을 보여준다.

Effect electric pulse application on the fruit body production of Tricholoma matsutake-In situ condition

  • Islam, Ferzana;Islam, Afsana;Ohga, Shoji
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2013
  • Effect of electric pulse stimulation was tested on the fruit body formation of valuable mushroom Tricholoma matsutake in the field of natural habitat of this mushroom. After applying the electric stimulator to the specific area of pine forest we found that the treatment especially stimulated the fructification of T. matsutake. And the most valuable findings of our study was that only our treatment plots showed fruit body formation whereas the control plots and the whole natural habitats of our study area showed zero production of this mushroom during the same time. From the point of view of mushroom production, our experiment shows that fruit body production can be upgraded by using pulsed power as an electrical stimulation in the field of the natural habitat of this mushroom. These findings from our experiment confirm the effectiveness of the significance of pulsed power technology for the improvement of T. matsutake fruit body production in the natural habit of this mushroom.

펄스포밍의 스위칭 제어기술을 적용한 경두개 자기자극장치 (Pulse forming's switching control adopted a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Biomedical engineering, Dongju College University)

  • 김휘영
    • 한국정보통신학회논문지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.729-736
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는, 펄스포밍 제어기술과 펄스 성형을 가지는 자기 자극장치에 대해 언급 하고자 한다. 자기자극장치는 5-100초 사이에 펄스성형 기술적용과 순간적 방전코일 전류 6kA까지 상승되므로 스너버 회로를 가지는 IGBT 전력소자를 사용하였다. 57-67%의 열손실을 줄였고, 2-34%의 적은 에너지를 사용한 유도전계펄스로 전형적인 코사인 펄스와 매칭 되는것을 알수가 있었다. 자기자극장치는 펄스성형하는 기술 증가와 함께 한계 펄스진폭의 예측 되는 감소인 20-100초 사이에서 펄스성형 기술을 운동신경에 활발한 자극하기 위하여 사용된다. 자기 자극장치 프로트 타입에서 이용된 기초과학 기술에 의하여 기능을 확장할 수 있고, 전력소비를 줄일 수 있었고, 자기자극장치의 열손실에 대해서도 축소할 수가 있어, 더 나은 연구와 치료에 통해 응용할 수가 있다.

ZigBee를 이용한 뇌졸중 치료용 무선 전기 자극기 개발 (Development of Wireless Neuro-Modulation System for Stroke Recovery Using ZigBee Technology)

  • 김국화;유문호;신용일;김형일;김남균;양윤석
    • 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2007
  • Stroke is the second most significant disease leading to death in Korea. The conventional therapeutic approach is mainly based on physical training, however, it usually provides the limited degree of recovery of the normal brain function. The electric stimulation therapy is a novel and candidate approach with high potential for stroke recovery. The feasibility was validated by preliminary rat experiments in which the motor function was recovered up to 80% of the normal performance level. It is thought to improve the neural plasticity of the nerve tissues around the diseased area in the stroked brain. However, there are not so much research achievements in the electric stimulation for stroke recovery as for the Parkinson's disease or Epilepsy. This study aims at the developments of a wireless variable pulse generator using ZigBee communication for future implantation into human brain. ZigBee is widely used in wireless personal area network (WPAN) and home network applications due to its low power consumption and simplicity. The developed wireless pulse generator controlled by ZigBee can generate various electric stimulations without any distortion. The electric stimulation includes monophasic and biphasic pulse with the variation of shape parameters, which can affect the level of recovery. The developed system can be used for the telerehabilitation of stroke patient by remote control of brain stimulation via ZigBee and internet. Furthermore, the ZigBee connection used in this study provides the potential neural signal transmission method for the Brain-Machine Interface (BMI).

반복핵이식에 의한 복제동물 생산에 관한 연구 I. 토끼 수핵난자의 전기자극에 의한 활성화 (Study on Production of Cloned Animals by Recycling Nuclear Transplantation I. Activation of Nuclear Recipient Oocytes by Electrostimulation in Rabbits)

  • 이효종;최민철;최상용;박충생;윤창현;강대진
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 1993
  • The present study was undertaken to determine the optimal condition for parthenogenetic activation of rabbit oocytes by electric stimulation in vitro in an attempt to develop nuclear transplantation techniques for cloning mammalian embryos and animals. Freshly ovulated oocytes were collected from superovulated rabbits from 13 to 26 hrs. after hCG injection. The cumulus-free oocytes were activated parthenogetically by repeated stimuli of square direct electric pulses in O.3M mannitol solution. After applying electric stimulations of different voltages, pulse durations and pulse times, all of the oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 with 10% FCS for 96 hours in a 5% $CO_2$ incubator, and their developmental potential in vitro was examined. The higher activation rate (68.9%) was achieved at the voltage of 2.0kv/cm, the pulse duration of 60 $\mu$sec and three pulse times and the activation rate of 100% was achieved at the pulse duration of 100 and 200 $\mu$sec, the voltage of 1.5kv/cm and three pulse times. Although the higher rates of activation of oocytes were achieved at 100 and 200 $\mu$sec, none of them developed to blastocyst in vitro. The oocytes collected 18~20 hours post hCG injection showed the highest rate of activation and development to blastocyst in vitro than the oocytes collected 13~15 or 25~26 hours post hCG injection. Therefore, it can be suggested that the application of electric stimulation of 2.0kv/cm, 60 $\mu$sec and three pulse times to the oocytes collected at 18~20 hours post hCG injection would be more beneficial for the parthenogenetic activation of oocytes in rabbits.

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경피(經皮) 전기자극(電氣刺戟)을 파형(波形) 파라메터에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on Waveform Parameter for the Electrotactile Stimulation)

  • 함광근;민홍기;이호재;허웅
    • 대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한의용생체공학회 1992년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.198-202
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    • 1992
  • In this paper, we have performed an experiment to obtain an optimized electric stimulation condition on the tip or a ringer skin. The desired parameters for stimulation of the finger tip skin are waveforms, frequency, stimulation intensity, duty cycle. As a result, when the finger skin was stimulated with monophasic, biphasic, and differntial phasic, the most appropriate condition was 200 to 250[Hz] in frequency, 10 to 25[%] in duty cycle. Burst type pulse was more sensitive effect than that of continuous pulse methode.

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개인용 고주파 전기자극기의 주파수 가변 설계 및 출력 특성의 분석 (Analysis of Output Characteristics and Frequency Variation Design for Personal High Frequency Electrical Stimulation Medical Devices)

  • 장경욱;임지현;백승명;손진근
    • 전기학회논문지P
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    • 제65권1호
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, personal electrical stimulation medcial devices using bioelectrical stimulating was developed. Therapy effect of RET(resistive electric transfer) was more effective than CET(capacitive electric transfer), but CET was adopted because of safety issue. Then, the optimum parameters that may be effective in thin skin or facial wrinkles was set. For example, the frequency of the pulse voltage for stimulation is 1.8[MHz], burst frequency is 7[kHz] or 400[Hz], the development of devices was to have ON/OFF control and frequency control. When burst frequency was adjusted 7[kHz], heat was generated in the electrode. The case of 400[Hz] the heat was little generated. The microcontroller ATmega128-based experimental results show that the proposed personal high frequency electrical stimulation devices can be applied to medical equipment using therapy effect successfully.