• Title/Summary/Keyword: Elastic Modulus

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Anisotropic Compression Behavior and Phase Transition of Sepiolite Under Moderate Pressure Conditions (천부지권 압력 하 해포석의 비등방적 압축 특성 및 상전이 연구)

  • Seohee, Yun;Yongjae, Lee
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.423-430
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    • 2022
  • Pressure-dependent elastic behavior and chemical reaction of natural sepiolite (Mg8Si12O30(OH)4·12H2O) was studied under two different pressure-transmitting medium (PTM) conditions using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. Under non pore-penetrating silicone oil PTM, we observed that the b-axis length increases up to ca. 3.6 GPa, marking an anisotropic compression region with negative linear compressibility of βb= -0.0012 GPa-1, which then decreases at 7.7 GPa. Under pore-penetrating water PTM, the anisotropic compression behavior is enhanced with doubled negative linear compressibility of βb= -0.0025 GPa-1 up to 3.2 GPa, where transformation into stevensite is observed upon ex-situ temperature treatment at 280 ℃ as confirmed via XRD and SEM. Derived bulk moduli (K0) and linear compressibilities (β) were compared to other structurally and chemically related minerals.

Development of Stability Evaluation Algorithm for C.I.P. Retaining Walls During Excavation (가시설 벽체(C.I.P.)의 굴착중 안정성 평가 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lee, Dong-Gun;Yu, Jeong-Yeon;Choi, Ji-Yeol;Song, Ki-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2023
  • To investigate the stability of temporary retaining walls during excavation, it is essential to develop reverse analysis technologies capable of precisely evaluating the properties of the ground and a learning model that can assess stability by analyzing real-time data. In this study, we targeted excavation sites where the C.I.P method was applied. We developed a Deep Neural Network (DNN) model capable of evaluating the stability of the retaining wall, and estimated the physical properties of the ground being excavated using a Differential Evolution Algorithm. We performed reverse analysis on a model composed of a two-layer ground for the applicability analysis of the Differential Evolution Algorithm. The results from this analysis allowed us to predict the properties of the ground, such as the elastic modulus, cohesion, and internal friction angle, with an accuracy of 97%. We analyzed 30,000 cases to construct the training data for the DNN model. We proposed stability evaluation grades for each assessment factor, including anchor axial force, uneven subsidence, wall displacement, and structural stability of the wall, and trained the data based on these factors. The application analysis of the trained DNN model showed that the model could predict the stability of the retaining wall with an average accuracy of over 94%, considering factors such as the axial force of the anchor, uneven subsidence, displacement of the wall, and structural stability of the wall.

A Study on Jointed Rock Mass Properties and Analysis Model of Numerical Simulation on Collapsed Slope (붕괴절토사면의 수치해석시 암반물성치 및 해석모델에 대한 고찰)

  • Koo, Ho-Bon;Kim, Seung-Hee;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Yeup
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2008
  • In case of cut-slopes or shallow-depth tunnels, sliding along with discontinuities or rotation could play a critical role in judging stability. Although numerical analysis is widely used to check the stability of these cut-slopes and shallow-depth tunnels in early design process, common analysis programs are based on continuum model. Performing continuum model analysis regarding discontinuities is possible by reducing overall strength of jointed rock mass. It is also possible by applying ubiquitous joint model to Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. In numerical analysis of cut-slope, main geotechnical properties such as cohesion, friction angle and elastic modulus can be evaluated by empirical equations. This study tried to compare two main systems, RMR and GSI system by applying them to in-situ hazardous cut-slopes. In addition, this study applied ubiquitous joint model to simulation model with inputs derived by RMR and GSI system to compare with displacements obtained by in-situ monitoring. To sum up, numerical analysis mixed with GSI inputs and ubiquitous joint model proved to provide most reliable results which were similar to actual displacements and their patterns.

Reliability of mortar filling layer void length in in-service ballastless track-bridge system of HSR

  • Binbin He;Sheng Wen;Yulin Feng;Lizhong Jiang;Wangbao Zhou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2023
  • To study the evaluation standard and control limit of mortar filling layer void length, in this paper, the train sub-model was developed by MATLAB and the track-bridge sub-model considering the mortar filling layer void was established by ANSYS. The two sub-models were assembled into a train-track-bridge coupling dynamic model through the wheel-rail contact relationship, and the validity was corroborated by the coupling dynamic model with the literature model. Considering the randomness of fastening stiffness, mortar elastic modulus, length of mortar filling layer void, and pier settlement, the test points were designed by the Box-Behnken method based on Design-Expert software. The coupled dynamic model was calculated, and the support vector regression (SVR) nonlinear mapping model of the wheel-rail system was established. The learning, prediction, and verification were carried out. Finally, the reliable probability of the amplification coefficient distribution of the response index of the train and structure in different ranges was obtained based on the SVR nonlinear mapping model and Latin hypercube sampling method. The limit of the length of the mortar filling layer void was, thus, obtained. The results show that the SVR nonlinear mapping model developed in this paper has a high fitting accuracy of 0.993, and the computational efficiency is significantly improved by 99.86%. It can be used to calculate the dynamic response of the wheel-rail system. The length of the mortar filling layer void significantly affects the wheel-rail vertical force, wheel weight load reduction ratio, rail vertical displacement, and track plate vertical displacement. The dynamic response of the track structure has a more significant effect on the limit value of the length of the mortar filling layer void than the dynamic response of the vehicle, and the rail vertical displacement is the most obvious. At 250 km/h - 350 km/h train running speed, the limit values of grade I, II, and III of the lengths of the mortar filling layer void are 3.932 m, 4.337 m, and 4.766 m, respectively. The results can provide some reference for the long-term service performance reliability of the ballastless track-bridge system of HRS.

A Fundamental Study on Laboratory Experiments in Rock Mechanics for Characterizing K-COIN Test Site (K-COIN 시험부지 특성화를 위한 암석역학 실내실험 기초 연구)

  • Seungbeom Choi;Taehyun Kim;Saeha Kwon;Jin-Seop Kim
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 2023
  • Disposal repository for high-level radioactive waste secures its safety by means of engineered and natural barriers. The performance of these barriers should be tested and verified through various aspects in terms of short and/or long-term. KAERI has been conducting various in-situ demonstrations in KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel). After completing previous experiment, a conceptual design of an improved in-situ experiment, i.e. K-COIN (KURT experiment of THMC COupled and INteraction), was established and detailed planning for the experiment is underway. Preliminary characterizations were conducted in KURT for siting a K-COIN test site. 15 boreholes with a depth of about 20 m were drilled in three research galleries in KURT and intact rock specimens were prepared for laboratory tests. Using the specimens, physical measurements, uniaxial compression, indirect tension, and triaxial compression tests were conducted. As a result, specific gravity, porosity, elastic wave velocities, uniaxial compressive strength, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, Brazilian tensile strength, cohesion, and internal friction angle were estimated. Statistical analyses revealed that there did not exist meaningful differences in intact rock properties according to the drilled sites and the depth. Judging from the uniaxial compressive strength, which is one of the most important properties, all the specimens were classified as very strong rock so that mechanical safety was secured in all the regions.

Reproducibility Evaluation of Shear Wave Elastography According to the Depth of the Simulated Lesion in Breast Ultrasonography (유방초음파 검사에서 모조 병소의 깊이에 따른 전단파 탄성초음파의 재현성 평가)

  • Jin-Hee Kim;In-Soo Kim;Cheol-Min Jeon;Jae-Bok Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.919-927
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    • 2023
  • Elastography utilizes the fact that the tissue of a malignant tumor is harder than that of a benign tumor and increases the specificity of diagnosis according to the elastic modulus of the tumor, helping to reduce unnecessary biopsies. However, the reliability of elastography can be influenced by the equipment used and the examiner's skills. In this study, the researchers analyzed the reproducibility of elastography by evaluating phantom images when measuring the elasticity values repeatedly. Phantoms were created using silicone and gelatin with different levels of stiffness, and they were inserted at varying depths from the surface. The elasticity values were measured using shear wave elastography. The study aimed to determine whether the reproducibility of elasticity values remains consistent depending on the stiffness and depth of the lesions. The experimental results showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between the elasticity values obtained through shear wave elastography and the depth or stiffness of the lesions. However, in the lesions with the lowest stiffness, the elasticity values were statistically significant (p<0.001) and showed a high correlation with the depth of the lesions. Although there were variations in the measured elasticity values based on the differences in lesion stiffness and depth, these differences did not significantly impact the diagnosis. Therefore, shear wave elastography remains a reliable diagnostic method, and it is suggested that it can be helpful in the diagnosis of breast lesions.

A Study on the Reinforcement Effect of Low Flow Mortal Injection Method Using Field Test (현장시험을 이용한 저유동성 몰탈주입공법의 보강효과에 관한 연구)

  • Junyeong Jang;Gwangnam Lee;Daehyeon Kim
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.599-609
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    • 2023
  • In the seismic retrofitting of harbor breakwaters in Korea, the recovery rate is often uncertain due to site conditions and site conditions, and problems continue to arise. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the recovery rate and compressive strength of the improved material through drilling survey by grouting confirmation method after applying low-fluidity mortar injection method, and furthermore, we checked the elastic modulus by downhole test and tomography to confirm the reinforcement effect of soft ground after ground improvement. The experimental results showed that the average shear wave velocity of the ground increased from 229 m/s to 288 m/s in BH-1 and BH-3 boreholes to a depth of 28.0 m, and the average shear wave velocity of the ground to a depth of 30.0 m tended to increase from 224 m/s to 282 m/s in the downhole test. This is believed to be a result of the increased stiffness of the ground after reinforcement. The results of the tomographic survey showed that the Vs of the soft ground of the sample at Site 1 increased from 113 m/s to 214 m/s, and the Vs of the sample at Site 2 increased from 120 m/s to 224 m/s. This shows that the stiffness of the ground after seismic reinforcement is reinforced with hard soil, as the Vs value satisfies 180 m/s to 360 m/s in the classification of rock quality according to shear wave velocity.

Seismic Impact Analysis of Buried Citygas Pipes through Structural Analysis (구조해석을 통한 도시가스 매설배관의 지진 영향 분석)

  • Yoon Ho Jo;Maria Choi;Ju An Yang;Sang Il Jeon;Ji Hoon Jeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2023
  • Earthquakes are one of the most important disasters affecting underground structures. Urban gas underground pipes may cause safety problems of structures in the event of an earthquake. Since Korea began digital observation, the number of earthquakes has been steadily increasing. The seismic design standard for urban gas pipes was established in 2008, but it is difficult to estimate the impact of pipes in the event of an earthquake based on the installation of pipes. In this study, structural analysis was performed on PE (polyethylene pipe) pipes and PLP (polyethylene coated steel pipe) pipes, which are mainly used as buried pipes in Korea, according to environmental and pipe variables in the event of an earthquake. This study sought to find the variables of the most vulnerable buried pipe by modeling pipes through Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and generating displacement on the ground. Through this study, it was confirmed that the larger the elastic modulus of the soil, the deeper the buried depth, the smaller the tube diameter, and the higher the pressure, the more PLP pipes are affected by earthquakes than PE. Based on these results, the vulnerable points of buried urban gas pipes are inferred and used for special inspections of buried pipes in the event of an earthquake.

Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticle types on the structural, mechanical and antibacterial properties of carrageenan-based composite films (산화아연 나노입자 유형이 카라기난 기반 복합 필름의 구조, 기계적 및 항균 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Ga Young Shin;Hyo-Lyn Kim;So-Yoon Park;Mi So Park;Chanhyeong Kim;Jae-Young Her
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.126-137
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    • 2024
  • In this study, zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) were synthesized using three distinct zinc salts: zinc acetate, zinc chloride, and zinc nitrate. These ZnONPs were subsequently utilized in the fabrication of carrageenan-ZnONPs (Car-ZnONPs) composite films. The study assessed influence of the various ZnONPs on the morphological, water vapor barrier, color, optical, and antimicrobial properties of the Car-ZnONPs composite films. The surface morphology and UV-blocking attributes of the composite films were affected by the type of ZnONPs used, but their surface color, transparency, and chemical structure remained unaltered. The composite film's thickness and elongation at break (EB) significantly increased, while the tensile strength significantly decreased. In contrast, film's elastic modulus (EM) and water vapor permeability coefficient (WVP) showed no significant difference. All the composite films with added ZnONPs demonstrated potent antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes . Among the carrageenan-based composite films, Car-ZnONPsZC showed the highest antibacterial and UV-blocking properties, and its elongation at break was significantly higher than that of the pure carrageenan films. This suggests that ZnONPs composite films have the potential to be used as an active packaging film, preserve the safety of the packaged food and extend shelf life.

Study of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Zr-14Cu-7.5Ni-2.6Al Alloy Wide Ribbon (Zr-14Cu-7.5Ni-2.6Al 합금 광폭 리본의 물리적, 기계적 특성 연구)

  • Dongjin Oh;Yongsoo Kim;Sung Joon Pak;Heongkyu Ju
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2024
  • In this study, the properties of Zr-14Cu-7.5Ni-2.6Al wide ribbon with amorphous structure and properties were analyzed using Hall effect, SEM-EDX, and XRD. Made by melt spinning method, this Zr-14Cu-7.5Ni-2.6Al based alloy ribbon is not more than 96 ㎛ thick and 100 mm wide. This amorphous alloy exhibited tensile strength of 1,641 MPa, yield strength of 1,541 MPa, elongation of 1% and elastic modulus of 98GPa. The bulk concentration, resistivity, and mobility values are midway between general heavy doping ceramics and metals, and they are about 100 times weaker than ordinary metals, so they are close to Si and have good electrical conductivity. In addition, folding tests were conducted at extreme temperatures, withstanding 150,000 times at -20℃, 300,000 times at 24℃, and 150,000 times at 60℃, with no folding defects observed. These results demonstrate the excellent durability and reliability of the Zr-14Cu-7.5Ni-2.6Al wide ribbon alloy and suggest the possibility of developing electronic products using this alloy.