• Title/Summary/Keyword: Effective intervention

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Comparison of Fit Factor for Healthcare Workers Before and After Training with the N95 Mask (의료용 N95 마스크 착용방법에 대한 교육 전·후 밀착계수 비교)

  • Kim, Hyunwook;Baek, Jung Eun;Seo, Hye Kyung;Lee, Jong-Eun;Myong, Jun-Pyo;Lee, Seung-Joo;Lee, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.528-535
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study compares the differences of fit factors before and after training on the N95 mask. The results will be utilized to suggest the need of providing effective training on respirator use. Methods: A total of 49 study subjects were tested, comprised of nurses from a general hospital and undergraduate nursing students from a medical school. Anthropometric measurements of face length and face width were compared with the NIOSH(National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) panel. Fit factors(FF) were measured with TSI Portacount Pro+8038 before and after on-site training regarding the proper use of respirators. The FF pass/fail criterion was set at 100. Results: Two subjects(4.1 %) passed the fit test before training on use of the N95. However, 36(73.5%) of the 49 passed the test after training. Overall the FF(GM(GSD)) was 13.4(3.2) before training, but improved to 106.6(2.1) after training, which was statistically significant. These findings suggest the efficacy of educational intervention, and the performance of the direct on-site training proved to be better than that of the traditional educational methods. Conclusions: This study showed the effect of on-site training of the N95 respirator among health care workers(HCW). Therefore, providing effective training on the use of N95 for HCWs before their work assignments will greatly reduce exposure to harmful agents. It is recommended that fit testing be mandated to check for adequate protection being provided by the given respirators.

Effects of a Memory Training Program Using Efficacy Sources on Memory Improvement in Elderly People. (노인의 효능자원을 이용한 기억훈련프로그램의 효과)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.1170-1180
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    • 2000
  • This study was a quasi-experimental study to confirm the effects of a memory training program using efficacy sources. The purpose was to develop an effective memory training program for elderly people and to identify the effects of the memory training program. This study was carried out between February 24 and July 18, 1999 and the subjects of the study were 102 elderly people who were participants at a welfare institute in Seoul. The experimental group (51) and the control group (51) were assigned by means of participation order. The control group was matched to the experimental group and was selected considering age, sex, and religion. The experimental group participated in the memory training program. The memory training program was based on the literature of Fogler & Stern (1994), Wang & Lee (1990), Lee (1991) and Lee (1993). The memory training program was given twice a week for two weeks with each program lasting two hours. Task centered memory self-efficacy was measured using the Memory Self-Efficacy Scale developed by Berry & Dennehey (1989) and Meta Memory was measured by the MIA developed by Dixon et al. (1988) Memory performance was measured by the word list developed by Cho Sung Won (1995) and the face recognition task (Face Recognition Task developed for this study). Data were analyzed by SPSS PC and the results are described below. 1. The experimental group which participated in the Memory Training Program showed higher task centered memory self-efficacy scores as compared to the control group (t=4.354, P=.0001). 2. The experimental group which participated in the Memory Training Program showed higher metamemory scores as compared to the control group (t=4.733, P=.0001). 3. The experimental group which participated in the Memory Training Program showed higher memory performance scores as compared to the control group (t=7.500, P=.0001). The memory performance involved an immediate word recall task, a delayed word recall task, a word recognition task, and the face recognition task. 4. In the experimental group, there was significant correlation between the task centered memory self-efficacy scores and the metamemory scores (r=.382, P=.006), but the correlation between the task centered memory self-efficacy scores and the memory performance scores and between the metamemory scores and the memory performance scores were not significant. The results showed that task centered memory self-efficacy, meta memory and memory performance improved following the Memory Training Program including the memory process, changes in memory with aging, and appropriate use of memory strategies. Memory Training Program is an effective nursing intervention for improving memory in elderly people and, also, in people with complaints of memory loss.

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Facial Nerve Palsy after Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy: Case Report (양측 하악지 시상골 절단술 후 발생한 안면 신경 마비의 증례)

  • Jin, Soo-Young;Kim, Su-Gwan;Kim, Hak-Kyun;Moon, Seong-Yong;Oh, Ji-Su;Jeong, Kyung-In;Jeon, Woo-Jin;Yun, Dae-Woong;Yang, Seok-Jin
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.276-280
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    • 2011
  • BSSRO (bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy) is an effective surgical method for maxillofacial deformities. Rigid fixation using a plate and screws can stabilize bony segments and induce early mouth opening. Though this procedure has a low complication rate, normal function and esthetic recovery is achieved through proper and early management of the complications. Complications consisting of temporomandibular disorders, sensory disturbances due to inferior alveolar nerve damage, open bite, malunion or nonunion, and facial nerve palsy occur, but these rarely develop. Facial nerve palsy causes the muscles involved in facial expression to depress, which results in ocular dryness or retinal damage. When facial nerve palsy develops, early management involving steroid medication and physical therapy is effective. In the case of severe damage, surgical intervention should be considered. A 20-year-male patient came to the oral and maxillofacial surgery department for orthognathic surgery. The mandible was set back by BSSRO under general anesthesia. Facial nerve palsy was observed on the left side of the face: steroid and vitamins were administered early and physical therapy was performed daily. These forms of management can aid in function and allow for gradual esthetic recovery. Presumed causes were excessive soft tissue retraction or soft tissue injury by the osteotome at the horizontal osteotomy of the ramus. Careful dissection, retraction and a precise osteotomy are needed for protection of the facial nerve. If nerve damage is observed, early management can help in the recovery of facial nerve function and esthetics.

Discomfort of Donors associated with Bone Marrow Donation (골수공여자들의 불편감)

  • Yu Ha Jeung;Park Sun Nam;Moon Jung Soon
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.157-171
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    • 2001
  • The study was designed to provide the fundamental information for understanding discomfort of bone marrow donors and for promoting an individual comfort by comparing the difference on discomfort between unrelated donors and related donors. The subject of the study was fifty related donors and thirty unrelated donors who was in the C University Hospital. This survey had been carried out and collected from October, 1998 to March, 1999. The scale of discomfort of donors associated with bone marrow donation were assessed by the questionnaire deviced by Kim Sang Dol and amended by the researcher. Data was analyzed by $x^2-test$, t-test, two-way ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficients. The results were as follows. 1. Considering the general characteristics of bone marrow donors according to gender, male was consisted of $60\%$ and female was consisted of $40\%$. Of those related donors are consisted for $62.5\%$ and accounted for $37.5\%$ of those unrelated donors. Considering the classification to the job, employee of company were major donors which was $35\%$, and next order was student, individual businessman, and housewife. Considering the education level. college students were $48.7\%$ and students who have less than high school level were $42.5\%$. 2. According to the above the results regarding discomfort of bone marrow donation, it is especially shown that the major cause for discomfort of bone marrow donors is on physical factor. The concrete examples for physical factor are pain in the region of bone marrow harvest and pain in the injection part by fluid therapy and blood-sampling, an immovability of the body after bone marrow harvest, and difficulties on walking. Considering physiological factor, there are an uneasiness about leading to injure their health, vague fear about the hospital. and a tedium at hospital. Environmental factors for discomfort of bone marrow donors are insufficient explanation for needle gauge and procedure of bone marrow donation and difficulty on following medical schedule. Therefore. it is necessary to establish more effective and systematically organized program for nursing intervention based on the research results. An effective program is only useful in getting rid of discomfort of bone marrow donors.

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Effect of Therapeutic Gymnastic Ball Exercise in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain (만성 요통환자의 치료를 위한 치료용 볼 운동의 효과)

  • Lee, Eun-Young;Bang, Yoo-Soon;Ko, Ja-Kyung
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2003
  • This study was designed 10 investigate the effects of therapeutic gymnastic ball exercise on pain, flexibility, lumbar disability level and daily activity levels in male patients of the armed forces medical hospital who complain of chronic low back pain. Twenty-three males were placed in the experimental group and twenty-nine males were placed in the control group. All of the subjects were chosen on the basis of availability among in-patients who were diagnosed with low back pain. The control patients were matched to the experimental group and they were selected considering gender, pain duration and age. Gymnastic ball exercise therapy was developed by the author with the assistance of a rehabilitation specialist. Gymnastic ball exercise therapy includes muscle relaxation, flexibility, muscle strength and posture development exercises. The gymnastic ball exercise therapy was carried out by the experimental group three times a week for eight weeks. Before and after the experiments, the intensity of pain, the lumbar joint mobility (flexibility), the lumbar disability levels, and the daily activity levels of the subjects were measured, respectively. The intensity of pain and the lumbar disability levels were measured by the Visual Analogue Scale, the level of flexibility by a measurement ruler, and the level of disability by the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Scale. Data were analysed using a t-test, a paired t-test and an unpaired t-test. The results were as follows: 1. The intensity of pain in the lumbar spine in the experimental group was significantly decreased compared with that of the control group during the 4th week and 8th week. 2. The flexibility of the lumbar spine in the experimental group was significantly increased compared with that of the control group during the 4th week and 8 week. 3. The level of pain caused by anterior, posterior, left lateral and right lateral bending and by rotation in experimental group was significantly decreased compared with that of the control group. 4. The Oswestry Disability score of the experimental group was significantly increased compared with that of control group. These findings indicate that gymnastic ball exercise therapy could be effective in decreasing pain and lumbar disability, and increasing the daily activity levels and lumbar flexibility in patients with chronic low back pain. The study also suggests that gymnastic ball exercise therapy could be an essential factor for effective nursing intervention for patients suffering from chronic low back pain.

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Early Therapeutic Effects of Cyberknife Radiosurgery on Trigeminal Neuralgia (삼차신경통에 대한 사이버나이프 방사선수술의 조기 치료 효과)

  • Mun Seong-Kwon;Choi Ihl-Bohng;Kang Young-Nam;Jang Ji-Sun;Kang Ki-Mun;Choi Byung-Ock
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: We evaluated whether Cyberknife radiosurgery is an effective and safe method of therapy for medically intractable trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the outcome of 26 patients, who failed to surgery or were not suitable candidates for invasive intervention and were treated by Cyberknife radiosurgery between March 2004 and May 2005. Radiosurgery doses of $60{\sim}64 Gy$ were delivered to the 80% isodose line prescribed to an 6 mm length of the nerve, sparing the most proximal 3 mm away from the trigeminal nerve root entry zone (median dose: 64 Gy). Results: Follow-up period was $3{\sim}15$ months (median follow-up period: 9 months) Preliminary results from a cohort of 26 patients undergoing Cyberknife radiosurgery for TN showed that pain relief was achieved in 50% (13/26) of patients within the first 24 hrs after treatment. At last follow-up, 96.2% (25/26) of patients reported early pain relief within 7 days. Treatment failure developed in 2 of 26. Poor response occurred in one patient and relapse was observed in the other patient. 3 patients had hypoesthesia (11.5%), which was the only complication observed with any of our patients. Conclusion: With these results, authors assumed that Cyberknife radiosurgery for TN could be one of safe and effective therapeutic methods.

Effect of Health Promotion Program on Self-efficacy, Healthy Lifestyle and Serum Lipid Level in Employees with Hyperlipidemia (건강증진 프로그램이 고지혈증 근로자의 자기효능감, 건강한 생활양식 및 혈중지질에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Soon-Lae;Kwon, Eun-Ha
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.200-210
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This quasi-experimental study was performed to investigate the effects of a health promotion program(HPP) on self-efficacy, healthy lifestyle and blood lipid profile in employees with hyperlipidemia. Methods: The subjects were forty-three employees who were diagnosed as having hyperlipidemia during routine health examination at two worksites in Seoul in 2001. Of the forty-three subjects, thirty were allocated to the experimental group and the remaining thirteen were allocated to the control group. Data were collected from September 24, 2001 to March 16, 2002. The HPP was applied to the experimental group for 11 weeks and included health education, diet counseling, watching videos, conference, and so on. The health education included information about exercise, smoking cessation, and abstinence from drinking alcohol and seven sessions of hyperlipidemia education. The experimental group was requested to keep a daily health promotion lifestyle diary. This diary was analyzed by a dietician and subjects were instructed based on the results. As for data analyses, wilcoxon signed rank test and wilcoxon rank sum test and x2-test were carried out using SAS program. Results: 1. Self-efficacy scores of the experimental group were significantly more increased than those of the control group (experimental: 5.86 10.80, control: -4.04 11.91, p=0.018). 2. Healthy lifestyle scores of the experimental group were significantly more increased than those of the control group (experimental: 0.19 0.26, control: -0.05 0.29, p=0.024). 3. Blood total cholesterol values of the experimental group were significantly more decreased than those of the control group (experimental: -13.07 30.10mg/dl, control: 10.00 26.57mg/dl, p=0.033). 4. Blood triglyceride values of the experimental group were significantly more decreased than those of the control group (experimental: -29.17 192.40mg/dl, control: 63.31 107.53mg/dl, p=0.050). Conclusion: These findings indicate that the HHP could be effective in improving self-efficacy, healthy lifestyle and blood HDL cholesterol and decreasing blood total cholesterol in employees with hyperlipidemia. Therefore, the HHP could be suggested as an effective nursing intervention for employees in the worksite by ultimately preventing cerebral and cardiac vessel complications related to hyperlipidemia.

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The Effects of Inhalation Method Using Essential Oils on the Preoperative Anxiety of Hystrectomy Patients (향기흡입법이 자궁적출술 환자의 수술전 불안에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh, Young-Hi;Jung, Hyang-Mi
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of inhalation method using essential oils on the preoperative anxiety of hystrectomy patients, and to provide effective and holistic nursing care to them. The research design was a nonequivalent control group non synchronized design. The data were collected from February 1 to March 31, 2002 at D Medical Center in Busan. The subjects were forty one patients that were operated on under general anesthesia for hystrectomy. They were assigned to two groups, twenty one subjects in the experimental group and twenty subjects in the control group. The tool of the Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) was used to anxiety on all patients the day before surgery and the preoperative period. Then systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate levels were measured the day before surgery and the preoperative period. The experimental group received two treatments of inhalation method using essential oils of with lavender, ylang ylang, and bergamot oil. The data were analyzed by the $X^2$ test and the independent t-test. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Hypothesis 1: It has been supported that the experimental group received inhalation method using essential oils might cause lower level of the preoperative VAS anxiety than that of the control group(t=-2.93, p=.006). 2. Hypothesis 2: It has been rejected that the experimental group received inhalation method using essential oils might cause lower level in the preoperative systolic blood pressure than the control group(t=-.120, p=.905). It has been rejected that the experimental group received inhalation method using essential oils might cause lower level in the preoperative diastolic blood pressure than the control group.(t=1.766, p=.085). 3. Hypothesis 3: It has been supported that the experimental group received inhalation method using essential oils might cause lower level in preoperative pulse rate than the control group(t=5.853, p=.000). According to these results, inhalation method using essential oils can be considered an effective nursing intervention that relieves the preoperative anxiety of hysterectomy patients and stabilizes vital sign partially.

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Combined Effect of Cold Plasma and UV-C Against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on Fresh-cut Lettuce (양상추에 인위접종된 Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium과 Listeria monocytogenes에 대한 저온 플라즈마와 UV-C의 살균 효과)

  • Seong, Ji-Yeong;Park, Mi-Jung;Kwon, Ki-Hyun;Oh, Se-Wook
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of cold plasma combined with UV-C irradiation against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on lettuce. E. coli O157:H7, S. Typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes, corresponding to approximately 5.82, 5.09, 5.65 log CFU/g, were inoculated on lettuce, respectively. Then, the lettuce was treated with cold plasma, UV-C and combination (cold plasma + UV-C), respectively. The treated lettuce was stored for 9 days at $4^{\circ}C$ for microbiological analysis and sensory evaluation. Cold plasma reduced the populations of E. coli O157:H7, S. Typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes by 0.26, 0.65, and 0.93 log CFU/g, respectively. Each microorganism were reduced by 0.87, 0.88, and 1.14 log CFU/g after UV-C treatment. And, the combined treatment that was treated by cold plasma after UV-C treatment reduced the populations of inoculated microorganisms by 1.44, 2.70, 1.62 log CFU/g, respectively. The all treatment significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the populations of all inoculated bacteria compared to untreated lettuce. UV-C combined with cold plasma was the most effective for reducing the pathogenic bacteria on lettuce, by showing log-reductions of ${\geq}2.0\;log\;CFU/g$. All treatment was not significantly different until 6 day storage compared to control group in terms of appearance, texture and overall acceptability. Therefore, the combined treatment will be an effective intervention method to control the bacteria on lettuce.

Effects of Healing Beats program on patients' anxiety, stress, systolic blood pressure, heart rate and Bis Index after epidural blocking : A randomized controlled trial (Healing Beats 프로그램이 경막외강차단 시술 후 환자의 불안, 스트레스, 수축기 혈압, 심박동수 및 Bis Index에 미치는 효과 : 무작위대조군)

  • Bae, Ik Lyul;Song, Ji Ah
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.54-65
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    • 2020
  • This randomized pre-post-controlled experimental study determined the effect on patients' anxiety, stress, systolic blood pressure, heart rate and Bis index when the Healing Beats program is applied after epidural blockage. The subjects were selected from the patients who visited the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain for the treatment of epidural blockage and volunteered through the recruitment announcement. A total of 74 sets of data were collected and analyzed with 25 subjects in the experimental group, 24 in the placebo group, and 25 in the control group. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, x2-tests, F-tests and repeated measures of ANOVA. As a result of the study, the general characteristics and variables of the experimental group, placebo group, and control group were all the same, and anxiety was measured twice before and after the study. There were significant differences between groups (F=27.175, p<.001), and stress (F=4.78, p<.001), heart rate (F=4.22, p<.001) and the Bis index (F=7.96, p<.001) were analyzed by variance according to population and time. There was a significant difference. However, there was no significant difference in systolic blood pressure (F=1.23, p=.298). In conclusion, the Healing Beats program can be used as an effective and effective intervention for sedation in clinical situations or stressful situations.