• Title/Summary/Keyword: Educations

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Development Strategy for Utilization of ECVAM using the User Survey (사용자 만족도 조사를 통한 국토환경성평가지도 발전방안 연구)

  • Song, Wonkyong;Kim, Eunyoung;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to work out strategy for utilization of Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) using the user survey. It surveyed system users of ECVAM about its recognition and satisfaction. The results of the survey, the ECVAM became more popular and were highly satisfied with updated data. Especially, the study found a relationship between the satisfaction of ECVAM and accuracy, utilization, and convenience of the system. However, the satisfaction has a difference between user groups, a government official and a agent for EIA including researchers. The satisfaction of the agent group was affected by the convenience, the accuracy, and the utilization in order. In the other hand, the satisfaction of the government official group was affected by the utilization, the convenience, the accuracy, and recognition in order. Therefore, we need to adopt different strategies for educations of ECVAM and publicity activities depending on user groups. To increase the satisfaction of ECVAM, we should research not only to attain pinpoint accuracy, but also to suggest the guideline to utilize the map for a government official.

Efficiency of Management Education in Cyber Space (사이버 교육에 있어서의 효율성에 관한 연구)

  • Jihwan Yum;Beumjun Ahn
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2004
  • The new way of doing education in cyber space is not limited by time or locations. The students do not need to attend classroom physically on time. Networked computers allow students to study their subjects at any time and any where. This study tries to probe the relationships among demographic variables and instructional variables with students satisfaction in the management education. Pervious studies found out that the critical success factors of cyber educations are based on the demographic and instructional variables. The results of the study demonstrate that demographic variables are not significantly related with students satisfaction. Rather instructional variables such as personal interactions with professors, job related contents and careful reduction of difficulties countered during the class proceeding are more significantly related with learning satisfaction. The result shows the newly emerged internet based education system requires in-depth collaborations and coordination among professors, system engineers, education instrument designers, and students.

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The effect of recognition of need and participation intent of motivational interviewing education in dental hygiene students experiencing clinical practice (일부 임상실습을 경험한 치위생(학)과 학생들의 동기면담 교육 필요성 인식도와 동기면담교육 참여의사에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seon-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.807-814
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of recognition of need and participation intent of motivational interviewing education in dental hygiene students experiencing clinical practice. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 261 dental hygiene students in Gwangju and Jeonnam from June 6 to August 8, 2016. The questionnaire comprised general charactieristics of the subjects and Motivational interviewing (MI) in health care including philosophy, principle, and method. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman's correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis using SPSS 21.0 program. Results: Recognition on need for MI education was positively correlated with participation intent for the education. MI method showed the highest correlation among MI educations(r=0.329, p<0.001). Participation intent for motivation interviewing(MI) education was higher in those having stronger recognition on need for MI method education and satisfaction with clinical practice. Conclusions: It is necessary to develop motivational interviewing education curriculum that will promote participation intent for motivational interviewing in clinical field.

A Direction of the Environmental Movement based on Voluntary Simplicity Life Style (자발적 단순성지향 생활양식(Voluntary Simplicity Life Style)에 기초한 환경운동의 방향)

  • 윤숙현
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between the environmental movement and voluntary simplicity life style. The results of this study are as follows: First, both voluntary simplicity life style and the environmental movement are concepts which became the center of public interest because of the evil practices appeared in the process of the development of capitalism. Second, the level of consciousness of environment is comparatively high, but the level of the power of execution is comparatively low as a whole. In the case of Korea, people have not yet the mature responsibilities of citizenship. It is very important to enforce different informal educations in order to increase the effectiveness of the environmental movement. Home training based on voluntary simplicity life style is the most important informal education for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of the environmental movement. Consequently, for the preservation of environment we need to do our best endeavors such as home training based on voluntary simplicity life style, environmental education based on our social and cultural background, and more powerful administrative measures which is administrative support rather than administrative control.

A Study on Comparison and Analysis of the Social Environmental Education among Korea, Japan and China (한국, 일본, 중국 사회환경교육 현황 비교 및 분석)

  • 이소영;최경희;최석진
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.76-85
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    • 2002
  • As exchanges and cooperations among Korea, Japan and China about environmental issues become active, exchange programs about social environmental education increases. Therefore, in this study, the present state of the social environmental educations in Korea, Japan and China is analyzed and compared. The conclusions are as following. First, the social environmental education in Korea is mainly executed by NGOs about environment, religion and gender. In the social environmental education in Korea, education for sensibility in which all the people can participate such as field investigation, camping and travel holds the majority. However, the education about social-political knowledge which deals with environmental policy and economy is not sufficient. Second, in the social environmental education in Japan, the education of environmental education methods and knowledge about environmental issues, in which citizens participate such as workshop and forum holds the majority. Third, the social environmental education in China is mainly executed by CEEC under SEPA. Education toward teenagers for fostering environment-friendly attitude is mostly active, and lectures are in general. However, education for the specific knowledge of environmental issues is not enough. The social environmental education is very significant as lifelong education for environment friendly welfare society since civil decision-making leads directly the social behavior. Therefore, efforts must be made to develop the social environmental education of each countries by means of active exchange and energetic support of the social environmental education program and autonomous exchange of NGOs for the social environmental education.

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A basic study for establishing a network of environmental education : focusing on the nonformal environmental education of civil environmental organizations (환경교육의 네트워크 구축을 위한 기초 연구 : 민간환경단체의 사회환경교육 중심으로)

  • 장인영;조경숙
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.335-347
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    • 1999
  • Restricted by time and space, formal environmental education has a limit in accommodating fast changing socal phenomena and quickly spreading environmental problems. Therefore, to carry out more efficiently the environmental education for middle and high school students, this study is intended to search for a way to establish a network of formal and nonformal environmental education. More than 80% of civil environmental organizations replied they agree to establish a network of environmental education. As for the establishment of a network, they preferred the establishment in which middle and high school, civil environmental organizations, government, the environment-related departments of the universities. They preferred ‘civil environmental organizations’ for the operator, ‘local municipal or provincial level for the scale, ‘direct personal relations’ for the interchange method. To establish a network, they replied that ‘funding’, ‘specialists in environmental education’, ‘staff to proceed educations’, ‘reform of law and systems’ are required. They also preferred ‘funding from government budget’ for a way to fund a network. We can draw the following conclusions from the survey, We need a training program for environmental education staff not to make those educational programs by civil environmental organizations temporary Also, more studies should be done to establish more organized network of environmental education and nonformal environmental education by civil environmental organizations. Environmental problem varies depending on the local characteristics, and thus environmental education should be carried out locally at the network center for environmental education. Besides, local self-governing bodies should support it administratively and financially.

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A Study on Actual Conditions of the First-Aid Education for Child-care Teachers at Daycare Center for the Disabled Children (장애아 전담 보육시설에서 보육교사의 응급처치교육에 대한 실태조사)

  • Lee, Hyo-Cheol;Jang, Yong-Su
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to examine the degree of recognition of safety education and its execution for child-care teachers at daycare center for the disabled children in Jeollanam-do. Ninety six child care teachers filled out the questionnaire and the results were as follows. Results : 1. The possibility of accident prevention by the day care teachers was a little higher in case of nearby education institution. The most appropriate period of safety education was within one month. 2. Majority of child care teachers had received safety and first-aid educations before and the education was done for less than 2 hours. 3. The best educational method was practice-centered education of off-duty time. The contents of first-aid education were bleeding, fall, shock, and burn. 4. The education material and book should be available to the teachers when they need the knowledge. 5. By the annual schedule, safety education should be conducted and provided to the parents. Conclusion : This study suggested that reinforcement of contents related to emergency situation and actual first-aid as well as theory education in the process of parent and teacher education should be conducted on the basis of information of general conditions related to safety and first-aid education at the daycare center for the disabled children.

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Study on the Solving Conflicts between Fishing Village Community and Residents in using Community Fishing Ground (마을어장 이용에 따른 어촌계와 주민간의 갈등 해소 방안 연구)

  • CHOI, Young-Chan
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.568-575
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    • 2009
  • On the conflict factors in using community fishing ground and their solutions, some conclusions are derived with the survey for fishing villages, residents, tourists as follows: Jeju Island has beautiful sceneries with seas in all the directions and so remarkable potential as personal experience fishing village. For sustainable development of ecological tourism in each fishing village, systematic, long-term development plans and management systems through decision making with residents in fishing and non-fishing villages are demanded. For tourist development of fishing village, protection management systems for marine and swampy land are needed first of all. Next, economical profit and the participation of resident have first priority, and also individual standards for each village are urgently prepared based on the results of basic research on each village. Finally, educations on environment and fishing village with professional tourist guide are needed. Ecological protection, environmental education, resident participation, local government's concern, and financial support could solve residential conflicts and make Jeju Island a Mecca of local fishing village tourism.

The Prenatal Management in the Oriental Medicine (한방측면에서 본 임신부의 영양관리)

  • Lee, Kyung-Sub
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 1997
  • The changes of mental activities and the normal life during the pregnancy have a direct and indirect influences not only on the maternal health but also on the physiological function of the fetus. In the oriental medicine, many attentions have been ordered during the pregnancy. And they called these attentions and managements during the pregnancy as 'Tia-jiao(胎敎)'. The Tia-jiao, that is the prenatal culture, means 'educations for the fetus', so it is a hygienic conception for the pregnacy and the delivery. About this, many oriental gynecologic texts contained various contents such as the prohibitions against food(Shi-ji 食忌), the attentions on the mental activities(Yang-xing-ging 養性情), the notions on the normal life(Qi-ju-ji 起居忌), the cautions against drugs(Yao-ji 藥忌), the instructions for the treatments, the preventions against abortion(Gu-tia-liang-fa 固胎良法). The Tai-jiao can be divided two categories. The one is the behaviors and mental attitudes which can induce the good characters, and the other is the intake of foods and drugs which can grow the healthy body. According to the transitions of the generation, the economies, the societies, and the cultures have been changed. Through the pursuits of the intelligent babies have been remained, all conceptions and recognitions have also been altered. Therefore the ways to the prenatal culture must be changed, The reviewing the old and learning now, and doing the appropriate Tia-jiao in the modern times may be the best way to get the good babies.

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Usage Analysis of Multi-mouse Mischief for ESD (ESD를 위한 멀티마우스 Mischief 적용분석)

  • Han, Jeonghye
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.509-516
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    • 2015
  • As the interest in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) increases worldwide in and around UNESCO, the aids for IT equipment and the donations for educations to developing countries are being active. Through Powerpoint-based teaching and learning contents simply authored by teachers, Mischief can be used to help many children in self-driven class activities. In this paper, we developed an additional program to control mouse pointers of Mischief with image files, size, and speed factors. Then we applied them to elementary students for enhancing their interest and participation to class activities.