• Title/Summary/Keyword: Education program

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Gastroscopic Findings of Rural Residents with Symptoms of Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorder (만성(漫性) 위장장애증상(胃腸障碍症狀)을 가진 농촌주민(農村住民)들의 위내시경(胃內視鏡) 검사소견(檢査所見))

  • Park, Jung-Han;Chun, Byung-Yeol;Lee, Dong-Koo;Choi, Yong-Whan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.19 no.1 s.19
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted in July-August, 1984, to define the causes of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in rural population and to provide data for the management of such patients. A household survey was conducted to identify all the residents of Youngchun and Sungiu counties in Kyungpook province who were over 20 years of age, had chronic upper gastrointestinal symptoms for over the last 6 months, never had medical examination for the symptoms, and volunteered to participate in the gastroscopic examination. Gastroscopy was done for 106 males and 108 females. Gastric ulcer was found in 16.8% of all the examinees, duodenal ulcer in 15.4%, gastritis in 14.0%, and gastric cancer in 3.7%. No lesion was found by gastroscopy in 52.3%. Gastric ulcer more common in male(26.4%) than in female(7.4%) (p<0.01) and the same was true for duodenal ulcer(20.8% of male, 10.2% of female). Gastric cancer was found in 7.5% of the male while none of the female had gastric cancer. A higher proportion of the female (68.5%) showed normal finding in the gastroscopy than the male(35.9%) (p<0.01). No significant association was found between the upper gastrointestinal symptoms and the gastroscopic findings. The higher prevalence rate of gastric ulcer than that of duodenal ulcer in this study which is the reverse of the study findings of urban area in Korea and western countries may be related in part with the dietary habit and social environment of the rural population. Although early diagnosis is the most important for the treatment of gastric cancer, many of the people with chronic upper gastrointestinal complaints defer the diagnosis and treatment. It is may be due to lack of the knowledge of diseases and the health care attitude of the rural people. A national program for the health education and mass screening for the gastric cancer should be developed.

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A Study on Smoking Behavior and The Influencing Factors Among High School Male Students in Korea (고등학교(高等學校) 남학생(男學生)의 흡연행위(吸煙行爲)와 관련요인(關聯要因) 분석(分析))

  • Chang, Young Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.193-215
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    • 1991
  • This study is aimed at providing basic information applicable to setting up the education programs and strategies to prevent smoking among high school students by analysing smoking behavior and influencing factors. The samples consisted of 814 students, 557 parents and 362 teachers selected randomly from 8 high schools, one from each school district in Seoul. Date Analyses were made through Chi-Square test, Factor Analysis, One Way ANOVA, Multiple Regression, Correlation. SPSS/$PC^+$program was utilized. Smoking behavior (continuous smoking, re-smoking, ex-smoking, never smoking, daily smoking, occasional smoking) were used as dependent variables. Influencing factors (male students, habits, attitudes and knowledge toward smoking, home life, school life, juvenile delinquency, friendship, demographic parent's and teacher's recognition toward male students smoking) were used as in dependent variables. The major findings of the study are as follows : 1. The total smoking rate occupies 41.1% whereas the continuous smoking rate stands at 19.2%, re-smoking rate 9.5%, ex-smoking rate 12.4% and never smoking rate 58.9%. 2. The total smoking rate among high school students is significantly correlated with their monthly expenditures and type of school (p<0.001). The continuous smoking rate also shows the same tendency. As the length of butt get shorter, the current smoking rate increase. The duration of smoking is in proportion to its continuity. The major motive of smoking is curiousity whereas that re-smoking is to follow friend's behavior. The study shows that peer pressure is the most powerful factor influencing smoking behavior of students. Friends and fellow students encourage to pick up smoking and resume smoking even alter one stops smoking. 3. The correlationship between favorable attitudes toward smoking and the current smoking rate and its continuity is statistically significant(p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001). 4. The stability and harmony of family life and the current smoking rate show negative correlationship. The daily smoking amount of father is in proportion to the continuity of students' smoking. When parents are in favor of smoking, it is more likely that the experimental smoking rate increase the smoking rate increases, and vice versa. The more acceptable attitudes toward smoking among siblings is also one of the factors to increase the smoking rate and continuity (p<0.001). The more lenient the attitudes of parents toward their children's association with smoking friends, the higher the smoking rate. When students have difficulties in adjusting to school life, it is more likely that the current smoking rate and continuity increase. 5. The continuity of smoking and friendship are significantly correlated (p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001). 6. The continuity of smoking and juvenile delinquency are significantly correlated (p<0.001). 7. The difference in attitudes and smoking reasons of parents and students is significantly correlated to different smoking behavior (p<0.01, p<0.001). While smoking knowledge does not significantly influence their smoking behavior, it is noted that in the case of teachers, smoking reason (p<0.05), attitudes (p<0.001) and knowledge (p<0.05) strongly influence their smoking behavior. 8. There is a significantly correlation among the smoking reasons, attitudes and knowledge between students and parents(p<0.001). As for the correlationship between regularity and smoking amount and other influencing factors, the daily smoking amount is in proportion to depth of inhalation and duration of smoking, negative attitudes of parents unstability of family, dissatisfaction of family members, juvenile delinquency, strong smoking reasons and positive attitudes towards smoking. 9. In the case of daily smokers depth of inhalation is significantly correlated to the duration of smoking, juvenile delinquency, acceptability of parents, dissatisfaction of family members and smoking reasons. The duration of smoking motives is significantly correlated to juvenile delinquency, high acceptability of parents, strong smoking motive and positive attitudes toward smoking. 10. It is noted that 40% of parents and 30% of teachers do not recognize the significant correlationship between and the relative influencing factors mentioned above.

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A Proposal on a Management Model Applicable to Visiting Nursing Program for a Low-income Group (저소득층 방문간호 관리를 위한 제안 - 강북구 방문간호 대상자를 중심으로-)

  • Ko Mee-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.118-138
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    • 1996
  • Because of accelerated urbanization public body visiting nursing project that started according as matter of health on urban class in the lower brackets of income was concentrated on Social interests has a unsatisfied points to propel project efficiently from the lack of rating materials. Therefore centering around written contents in documentary literature of citizen health by household in five years from starting year of project to now. visiting frequency by medical manpower was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively in aspect of management hereupon. for the sake of giving a basic materials for public health project of this field. This research presents documentary literature of citizen health which become materials is that as one person's charged region of nurse in duty scale. district is Kang-Buck Gu. the object is resident in the lower brackets of income grounded livelihood protection law and who is admitted by the head of organ~chief of health care). and the number of material centering around the head of a household is 415 copy. The result of research is summarized. as follow. 1. Average visiting frequency examinated by medical manpower show difference according to valuables of supervision characteristics namely average visiting. Frequency of nurse has long term residence in case registration season is early and supervision season is the first year and is high incase a kind of house is unlicdnsed mountain town. Average visiting frequency with doctor is high incase supervision season is the first year and the medical insurance system is admitted by chief of health care. That shows that a man of discomfort behavior left alone are yet many in local society. The meaning of this result shows that the continuity of official relation about class in the lowest brackets of income of long term residence goes well between househole who is a user of visiting nursing service of the object according to midway income under management influences a given duty of nurse s and so causes quantitative decrease. 2. In case behavier and condition of health that nurse diagnoses are bad. as the type matter is a lack of health and the number of patient is large. the average visiting frequency of nurse is high. because average visiting frequency with doctor is high as the condition of health is bad and the number of patient is large. That is similar with that of nurse. CD Average visiting frequency of nurse s seen by matter of disease is very high only in apoplexy by 39.50 and is confined within limits from 7.63 to 11.36 in other disease. But average visiting frequency with doctor is double as many as that of nurse but defined in apoplexy hypertension and articulate. (1) Average visiting frequency of nurse by existence in inoculation of hepatitis is low by 6.73 in unidentified group and very high by 26.89 in group of non-inoculation and the case of the antigenic positive man of B type hepatitis or epileptic who can't be inoculated shows 13.00 and that even family nursing service is needed to them. That result shows that though one person nurse of local charge has a large scale of duty. as visting nursing service is given a class who has a large demand preferentially by respectively accurate nursing diagnosis. the number of diagnosis service is similar with it. 3. During five years. average visiting frequency of nurse is 10.84 and average visiting frequency with doctor is 76.50 seeing from the official scale of nurse. visiting by household is performed two more per year to the average. Seeing this by type of service. average visiting frequency of nurse is higher in indirectly nursing than in directly nursing and that suggests that at the time of visiting household nurse performs education of protection lively save patient but at the time of contrastedly visiting with doctor. directly nursing is more contents of service show no difference by man power and medication dressing by demand is 14.3 and 18.6 the aid of hardship term of doctor and nurse is high by 18.7 and 17.00 in the request of hospitalization when seeing by demands. 4. Action by turns exemplified 1994 is well in sequence of 2/4 turn. 3/4 turn. 1/4 turn. 4/4 turn. When seen by average visiting frequency of nurse but gradually is even. Without difference by turns. average visiting frequency of doctor is much higher in 1/4 turn than other turns. Type of service by turns is all even but directly nursing is inactive in 4/4 and indirectly nursing. Very increases in 4/4 and so. Nurse's quantity of duty is plentiful that shows that by evaluation of last turn and plan of project. Contents of service follows that medication and dressing is the highest by' 5.57 in 1/4turn. goes down gradually by turn. becomes 3.57 in 3/4 turn. and increases again by 4.83 in 4/4 turn. the rest service is higher in 2/4 turn than other turns. 5. Total visiting frequency of nurse is explained to total $37.5\%$ by six valuables of visiting frequency of doctor. nursing demand. demand of diagnosis. condition of behavior. year. Special terms and magnitude of influential power is the same as sequence of enumerated valuables. Namely. the higher the visiting frequency of doctor. the bigger nursing and demand of diagnosis is. the worse the condition of behavior is. the older the object is and the more the household of special terms is. the high total visiting frequency of nurse is.

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Dental Care Utilization Patterns and Its Related Factors of the Rural Residents (경상북도 일부 농촌지역 주민의 치과의료이용양상 및 관련요인)

  • Chang, Bun-Ja;Kim, Ji-Young;Song, Keun-Bae;Kam, Sin;Lee, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to analyze the dental care utilization patterns and related factors of the rural residents. Methods: The data collected by interview and self-administered questionnaire survey of 524 peoples of Seongju county in Gyeongsanbuk-do. The summarized results are as follows. Results: The rate of persons who experienced the oral disease was 52.5% during 1 year and it was at most in the age group of 40-49. The rate of persons who had experienced the oral disease were investigated according to general characteristics, perception of oral health, being of regular treatment facility. Therefore the rate of persons who had experienced the oral disease was significantly higher the younger peoples, worse oral health status and being of the regular treatment source than the other groups. During 1 year period, 64.0% of the cases had treated the perceived oral disease, 36.0% did no action at all during last year. Among respondents, 49.4% had treated their oral disease at dental clinics, 8.0% had treated at community health center or subcenter and remains did not treated at all. The results of logistic regression analysis suggested that statistically significant factors in dental health care utilization were educational level, degree of pain, oral health status and regular treatment facility. Therefore the dental health care utilization rate was higher at groups with the high educational level, serious pain, better oral health status and being of the regular treatment source than other groups. 45.5% of the rural residents did not treat their oral disease immediately due to the no identified need, limitation of time(19.2%), economic limitation(19.2%), and geographical limitation(9.0%). Conclusions: In consideration of above findings, we may conclude that oral health community program to prevent oral diseases should be intensified, oral health education to raise oral health knowledge should be performed periodically.

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Health Care Utilization Pattern and Its Related Factors of Low-income Population with Abnormal Results through Health Examination (저소득층 건강검진 유소견자의 의료이용 양상 및 관련요인)

  • Kwon, Bog-Soon;Kam, Sin;Han, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.87-105
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the health care utilization pattern and its related factors of low-income population with abnormal results through health examination. Methods: Analysed data were collected through a questionnaire survey, which was given to 263 persons who 30 years or over with abnormal results through health examination at Health Center. This survey was conducted in March, 2003. This study employed Andersen's prediction model as most well known medical demand mode and data were analysed through 2-test, and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: The proportion of medical utilization for thorough examination or treatment among study subjects was 51.0%. In multiple logistic regression analysis as dependent variable with medical utilization, the variables affecting the medical utilization were 'feeling about abnormal result(anxiety versus no anxiety: odds ratio 2.25, 95% confidence intervals 1.07-4.75)', 'type of health security(medicaid type I versus health insurance: odds ratio 2.82, 95% confidence intervals 1.04-7.66; medicaid type II versus health insurance: odds ratio 3.22, 95% confidence intervals 1.37-7.53)', 'experience of health examination during past 2 years(odds ratio 2.39, 95% confidence intervals 1.09-5.21)' and 'family member's response for abnormal result(recommendation for medical utilization versus no response: odds ratio 4.90, 95% confidence intervals 1.75-13.75; family member recommended to utilize medical facilities with him/her versus no response: odds ratio 19.47, 95% confidence intervals 5.01-75.73)'. The time of medical utilization was 8-15 days after they received the result(29.9%), 16-30 days after they receive the result(27.6%), 2-7 days after they received the result(20.9%) in order. The most important reason why they didn't take a medical utilization was that it seemed insignificant to them(32.4%). Conclusions: In order to promote medical utilization of low-income population, health education for abnormal result and its management would be necessary to family member as well as person with abnormal result. And follow-up management program for person with abnormal result through health examination such as home-visit health care would be necessary.

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The Association between Family Support, Activities of Daily Living and Depression among Hospitalized Older Patients with Chronic Diseases (만성질환 입원노인의 가족지지 및 일상생활 수행능력과 우울과의 관련성)

  • Kim, Jeong Yi;Ryu, So Yeon;Han, Mi Ah;Choi, Seong Woo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was performed to identify the association between family support, activities of daily living (ADL) and depression among hospitalized older patients with chronic diseases. Methods: This study subjects were 100 elderly patients with chronic diseases including chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes mellitus and et al. in a general hospital. The collected data were patient characteristics, family support, ADL, and depression by structured questionnaire and medical chart review. The used statistical analyses were t-test, analysis of variance, Pearson's correlational analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results: The mean scores of family support, ADL and depression were $49.95{\pm}8.68$, $8.65{\pm}2.65$, $6.66{\pm}3.78$, respectively. The prevalence rate of depression was 64.0%. In simple analysis, the statistically significant associated factors with depression were age, spouse, economic status, social activity, subjective health status, and number of pain. Depression had statistically a significant positive correlation with ADL and a negative correlation with family support. The final result of hierarchial multiple regression analysis (Model 3), the factors related to depression were family support (b=-.135, p<.001), subjective health status (b=2.510, p=.001). Conclusions: It is necessary to develop and apply the program for controlling the depression of elderly patients with health education, reinforcement of supportive systems in hospital. And, further multidisciplinary studies should be done.

A Study on Needs of the Families of Head Injury Patients (두부 손상환자 가족의 간호요구에 대한 연구)

  • Cho Gyoo-Yeong;Park Hyoung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.414-433
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the needs which are perceived by one of the familiy members who have head injury parients by traffic accidents in the intensive care units. Subjects were 70 families members of head injury patients admitted to 2 general hospitals NICU located Pusan city, 1 general hospital NICU located Ulsan city from December 1. 1998 to February 28. 1999. For this study, 70 family members were interviewed with aid of a Likert scale which was developed by researcher for this study. For development of the survey instrument, literature review and open questionnaire technique with family members and the nurses working in NICU. The 50needs-items were classified into 7 groups according to the homogeneity of the items with the support of literature review. For the content validity, the instrument was reviewed by 1 nursing professor and the internal reliability of this instrument was Cronbach alpha=0.94 which is highly accepted. Data was analyzed by a SPSS computer program. Data analysis included frequency. percentage, mean, standard variance and t-test or ANOVA. The results were as followings : 1. The general characteristics of head injury patients shows that the male was 74.3%, the female was 25.7% and age distribution shows that the fifty-fifty nine years was 30%, the highest. Of religion the buddhism was the most, The diagnosis distribution shows that epidural hematoma was 32.9% and subdural hematoma was 24.3%. The mentalility distribution shows that semicoma was 31.4% and stupor was 31.4%. Hemiplegia was 42.9% 2. The general charaterisrics of the family needs of head injury patients shows that thirty-thirty nine years was 31.4%, the highest. sex distribution shows that the male was 20%, the female was 80%. Of religion the buddism was the most. 3. The family needs of head injury patients was $3.03{\pm}0.42$, needs for the information of a patient's condition was $3.65{\pm}0.48$, the highest. And needs for the information of care and treatment was $3.48{\pm}0.48$, needs to be supplied with comfortable facilities for family was $3.04{\pm}0.66$, needs to be participate in a patient's care was $2.90{\pm}0.55$, needs to be informed about the available resources was $2.83{\pm}0.59$, needs to be supported emotionally for family was $2.79{\pm}0.55$, needs for religious assistance was $2.51{\pm}0.85$. 4. Examining the family needs of head injury patients according to patient's characteristics, mentality, plegia degree and operation were shown be variables to make an effect on the needs for the head injury patients family. At all, according to severity of head. injury, the family needs of head injury patients was high. 5. Examining the family needs of head injury patients according to their general characteristics, we could know that religion, job. income were shown to be variables to make an effect on the family needs. Through the examination it can be seen that the characteristics of head injury patients and the family needs of head injury patients. In conclusion, the family needs of head injury patients was almost same the family needs of ICU patients. Therefore we must involve the family's care of head injury patients and we must provide exact and repeated explanation, education and support the family of head injury patients. As this study was resulted in selecting the families admitted to NICU of some general hospital, we couldn't stretch the result in our favor. Therefore, continuous studies are suggested.

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A Study on the Care Needs of Family-Caregivers and the Level of Self Care for Patients of Cerebral Vascular Accident(CVA) (뇌졸중환자의 자가간호 수준과 가족구성원의 간호요구)

  • Cho Young-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.239-255
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the care needs of family-caregivers caring for patients with a CVA and the level of self care of the patients. The subjects for the study were 112 patients with a CVA and their caregivers. These patients were seen in a hospital or out-patient-department(OPD) at two oriental medical hospital in Jeonbuk province. The survey instruments used in this study were Kang's ADL checklist for self care of patients and Kim's Likert-style checklist for care needs of family-caregivers to patient with CVA. The survey was conducted from July 4 to August 30, 1999. Internal validity by calculation of Cronbach's alpha was 0.95, which was regarded as high. The survey results were analyzed using the SPSS program, with percentages, means, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficients. The results of this study are as follows : 1. The level of self care for patients with a CVA was : 1) complete dependence(M=14.9, 13.1%), 2) complete independence(M=23.6, 20.9%), 3) incomplete independence(M=23.9, 21.0%), 4) incomplete dependence(M=26.6, 25.0%), 5) dependence and independence(M=23.0, 20.0%). The items for which there was a high level of self care were : 1) drinking(M=3.62), 2) eating (M=3.25), 3) position returning(M=3.18) : and the items for which there was a low level of self care were : 1) ascending and descending stairs(M=2.08), 2) walking(M=2.47). 3) putting on and taking off trousers(M=2.55). 2. The mean score of the sum of the care needs of the family-caregivers was : 1) need for immediate care and help: 2) need of the way to communicate with patient: 3) need for education and assistance related to physical functional level: 4) need to be informed about the disease, treatment and care: 5) need for social support and consultation: 6) need for appreciation: 7) need for management of nursing problems related to immobility. The highest meed factor was the need for immediate care and help(M=3.47): and lowest need factor was the need for management of nursing problems related to immobility(M=2.80). 3. There were significant differences between the level of care need and general characteristic of the caregivers, there were family-caregivers age(P=0.001), marital status (P=0.276), occupation (P=0.006), monthly income(P=0.000), Patient's relationship to caregivers(P=0.004) and health(P=0.000). 4. There were significant differences between the level of self care and general characteristic of the patients, there were patient paralytic condition(P=0.01), blood pressure(P=0.01), and length of suffering(P=0.03). 5 There were significant differences between the level of care need and the general characteristic factors, which were CVA patient's blood pressure (P=0.05), problem of medical fee (P=0.05). 6. There was significantly correlation with the family-caregivers care need and the level of self care in the CVA patient(r=0.300, P=0.000). As a result, need to promote the level of self care in patients and to meet the care need of family-caregivers for more efficient nursing of CVA patients, is emphasized. Therefore more study is needed on an efficient way to provide rehabilitation and quality nursing interventions for family-caregivers and patients with CVA.

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Validation of the coach-athlete relationship scale of amateur golf players: Rasch rating scale model (아마추어 골프 선수를 위한 코치-선수 관계 척도의 타당화: Rasch 평정척도 모형 적용)

  • Kim, Sae Hyung;Choi, Jae Il;Lee, Jun Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1319-1329
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research was to develop and validate the coach-athlete relationship scale suitable to amateur golf players by applying the Rasch rating scale model. As the coach-athlete relationship scale, the Korean form of scale developed by Kim and Park (2008), which was revised based on the evidence on the basis of inspection contents, was used to conduct a survey on 217 amateur golf athletes. And the unidimensionality, which is the basic assumption of the Rasch model, was verified using the WINSTEPS program, and the appropriateness of the item category was established through the step calibration. The goodness of fit of each question was tested through the goodness-of-fit index and the differential item functioning (DIF) was estimated according to the golf career. When the goodness-of-fit index estimated for each question was 1.30 or more it was judged unfit and the significance level in the analysis was all set as.05. The results of the analysis showed that the measures variance explained by the Rasch measurement model was more (33.7%) than 20%, so the unidimensionality assumptions of the 11 questions (..hospitable posture when my coach is teaching) were satisfied. The result of analyzing the item category (7 scale) with step calibration was found to be unfit, but in the result of reanalyzing by rescoring into a 5-point scale, it was found to be fit. Particularly, in the result of estimating the goodness-of-fit using the systematized item category (5 scale), Question 10 (...my best when my coach is teaching) and Question 11 were found to be unfit, and as a result of estimating the differential functioning item according to golf career, Question 11 was found to be unevenly differentiated according to golf career. So the 5-point scale of Question 9 after eliminating the two questions which were unfit and differentiated was validated to be the coach-athlete relationship scale suitable to amateur golf athletes.

A Study on Ancestral Service Preparation and Sacrificial Consciousness of Housekeepers Living in Pusan and Yeosu Area (부산지역과 전남 여수지역 주부들의 제례준비 및 제례의식 조사 연구)

  • 정복미;정해옥;김은실
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 2004
  • This study surveyed ancestral service preparation and sacrificial consciousness of housewives living in Pusan and Yeosu area. Statistical analysis of chi-square test was carried out by using SAS program. The results are summarized as follows. l. In major general characteristics of subjects, the forties(35.56%), Buddhism (57.79%), high school education(52.54%), a couple with children(63.45%) were the most abundant. 2. The time of sacrificial rites in both areas was usually hold from 23:00 to 01:00 (47.16%). The housewives having a job hold earlier the service than the full-time housewives(p<0.05). 3. The range of ancestor-memorial rites was usually up to 3rd generation(34.47%). The leader of sacrificial ceremony was mainly the eldest grandson by the eldest son (78.28%) in the old subjects and a person of wealth in the young subjects(p<0.05). 4. There were more positive answers for the necessity of a sacrificial ceremony (57.32%). Older than 50 years of subjects thought the sacrificial rites should be held(70.77%), while as the age of subjects was younger, they realized less necessity for that(p<0.05). Sacrificial consciousness was higher in Buddhists than the other religionists(p<0.0001). The sacrificial rites was thought to be needed for their harmonious family(50.43%). Younger subjects thought that it is necessary to succeed that as the tradition, while older housewives thought that it would contribute toward peace in their family(p<0.05). Buddhists and Christians answered that it was good for harmonious family, and Catholics and the others for tradition(p<0.01). Their consideration of sacrificial rites in the future was higher in keeping the traditional practice (37.04%) and Buddhists took higher these consideration(43.17%). Considering the sacrificial consciousness, there were statistical differences among the religionists (p<0.0001). The eldest daughter-in-raw had a different opinion about the following up the method of sacrificial ceremony from second eldest daughter-in-raw and the next one(p<0.05). The housewives in Pusan were showing more the affirmative attitudes to keep the traditional practice than those in Yeosu.

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