• Title/Summary/Keyword: Edge Segment

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3D image processing using laser slit beam and CCD camera (레이저 슬릿빔과 CCD 카메라를 이용한 3차원 영상인식)

  • 김동기;윤광의;강이석
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.40-43
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    • 1997
  • This paper presents a 3D object recognition method for generation of 3D environmental map or obstacle recognition of mobile robots. An active light source projects a stripe pattern of light onto the object surface, while the camera observes the projected pattern from its offset point. The system consists of a laser unit and a camera on a pan/tilt device. The line segment in 2D camera image implies an object surface plane. The scaling, filtering, edge extraction, object extraction and line thinning are used for the enhancement of the light stripe image. We can get faithful depth informations of the object surface from the line segment interpretation. The performance of the proposed method has demonstrated in detail through the experiments for varies type objects. Experimental results show that the method has a good position accuracy, effectively eliminates optical noises in the image, greatly reduces memory requirement, and also greatly cut down the image processing time for the 3D object recognition compared to the conventional object recognition.

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Strength and Crack Growth Computation for Various types of Stringers for Stiffened Panels using XFEM Techniques

  • Krishna, Lok S;Reshma, G;Dattaguru, B
    • International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2020
  • In this paper the crack growth, modeling, and simulation of the stiffened and un-stiffened cracked panels presented using commercially available finite element software packages. Computation of stresses and convergence of stress intensity factor for single edge notch (SEN) specimens carried out using the finite element method (FEM) and extended finite element method (XFEM) and compared with an analytical solution. XFEM techniques like cohesive segment method and LEFM using virtual crack closure technique (VCCT), used for crack growth analysis and presented results for un-stiffened and stiffened panels considering various crack domain. The non-linear analysis considering both geometric and material non-linearity on stiffened panels with various stringers like a blade, L, inverted T and Z sections the results were presented. Arrived at the optimum stringer section type for the considered panel under axial loading from the numerical analysis.

Noise Removal for Level Set based Flower Segmentation (레벨셋 기반 꽃 분할을 위한 노이즈 제거)

  • Park, Sang Cheol;Oh, Kang Han;Na, In Seop;Kim, Soo Hyung;Yang, Hyung Jeong;Lee, Guee Sang
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, post-processing step is presented to remove noises and develop a fully automated scheme to segment flowers in natural scene images. The scheme to segment flowers using a level set algorithm in the natural scene images produced unexpected and isolated noises because the level set relies only on the color and edge information. The experimental results shows that the proposed method successfully removes noises in the foreground and background.

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Multi-Resolution Modeling Technique Using Mesh Segmentation

  • Kim, Dong-Hwan;Yun, Il-dong;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.474-477
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents an algorithm for simplification of 3D triangular mesh data, based on mesh simplification. The proposed algorithm is first attempt to segment the entire mesh into several parts using the orientation of triangles. Then simplification algorithm is applied to each segment that has similar geometric property. The proposed two step multi-resolution modeling scheme would yield better performance then conventional algorithm like edge collapse technique, since the segmentation step can give global information on the input shape. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is performed efficiently.

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A new species of the genus Robertgurneya (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Miraciidae) from the East Sea of Korea

  • Hyun Woo Bang
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.590-603
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    • 2021
  • Benthic harpacticoids were collected from the East Sea of Korea. Specimen were identified as members of the genus Robertgurneya Apostolov & Marinov, 1988 based on the following characteristics: the fourth segment of antennule with aesthetasc, antenna with three-segmented exopod, shape of mandible, and P1-P4 armature formula. Robertgurneya donghaensis sp. nov. is morphologically most closely related to R. simulans (Norman & Scott T., 1905) and R. similis similis (Scott A., 1896). However, R. donghaensis is characterized by the rostrum with a pointed tip, caudal rami about as board as the length of its inner edge, the first segment of the P1 endopod much longer than entire exopod, and the P5 exopod with five setae in male. The genus Robertgurneya is reported from Korean waters for the first time.

Construction of a artificial levee line in river zones using LiDAR Data (라이다 자료를 이용한 하천지역 인공 제방선 추출)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae;Park, Hyeon-Cheol;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.185-185
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    • 2011
  • Mapping of artificial levee lines, one of major tasks in river zone mapping, is critical to prevention of river flood, protection of environments and eco systems in river zones. Thus, mapping of artificial levee lines is essential for management and development of river zones. Coastal mapping including river zone mapping has been historically carried out using surveying technologies. Photogrammetry, one of the surveying technologies, is recently used technology for national river zone mapping in Korea. Airborne laser scanning has been used in most advanced countries for coastal mapping due to its ability to penetrate shallow water and its high vertical accuracy. Due to these advantages, use of LiDAR data in coastal mapping is efficient for monitoring and predicting significant topographic change in river zones. This paper introduces a method for construction of a 3D artificial levee line using a set of LiDAR points that uses normal vectors. Multiple steps are involved in this method. First, a 2.5-dimensional Delaunay triangle mesh is generated based on three nearest-neighbor points in the LiDAR data. Second, a median filtering is applied to minimize noise. Third, edge selection algorithms are applied to extract break edges from a Delaunay triangle mesh using two normal vectors. In this research, two methods for edge selection algorithms using hypothesis testing are used to extract break edges. Fourth, intersection edges which are extracted using both methods at the same range are selected as the intersection edge group. Fifth, among intersection edge group, some linear feature edges which are not suitable to compose a levee line are removed as much as possible considering vertical distance, slope and connectivity of an edge. Sixth, with all line segments which are suitable to constitute a levee line, one river levee line segment is connected to another river levee line segment with the end points of both river levee line segments located nearest horizontally and vertically to each other. After linkage of all the river levee line segments, the initial river levee line is generated. Since the initial river levee line consists of the LiDAR points, the pattern of the initial river levee line is being zigzag along the river levee. Thus, for the last step, a algorithm for smoothing the initial river levee line is applied to fit the initial river levee line into the reference line, and the final 3D river levee line is constructed. After the algorithm is completed, the proposed algorithm is applied to construct the 3D river levee line in Zng-San levee nearby Ham-Ahn Bo in Nak-Dong river. Statistical results show that the constructed river levee line generated using a proposed method has high accuracy in comparison to the ground truth. This paper shows that use of LiDAR data for construction of the 3D river levee line for river zone mapping is useful and efficient; and, as a result, it can be replaced with ground surveying method for construction of the 3D river levee line.

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Video Segmentation and Key frame Extraction using Multi-resolution Analysis and Statistical Characteristic

  • Cho, Wan-Hyun;Park, Soon-Young;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.457-469
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we have proposed the efficient algorithm that can segment the video scene change using a various statistical characteristics obtained from by applying the wavelet transformation for each frames. Our method firstly extracts the histogram features from low frequency subband of wavelet-transformed image and then uses these features to detect the abrupt scene change. Second, it extracts the edge information from applying the mesh method to the high frequency subband of transformed image. We quantify the extracted edge information as the values of variance characteristic of each pixel and use these values to detect the gradual scene change. And we have also proposed an algorithm how extract the proper key frame from segmented video scene. Experiment results show that the proposed method is both very efficient algorithm in segmenting video frames and also is to become the appropriate key frame extraction method.

The Ellipse Detection using Adaptive Edge Segmentation Based Randomized Hough Transform (적응 에지 세그먼트 기반 Randomized Hough Transform을 이용한 타원 검출)

  • Han, Gwang-Su;Han, Yeong-Jun;Han, Heon-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.157-160
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문에서는 입력 영상의 에지를 단일 세그먼트로 구성하고 같은 타원에 속하는 에지 세그먼트를 병합하여 타원검출의 속도와 정확도를 향상시키는 방법을 제안한다. 먼저 분기점은 이용한 라벨링 기법과 코너 패턴 정합 기법으로 연속된 화소들의 집합인 에지 세그먼트를 만든다. 구성된 에지 세그먼트와 Randomized Hough Transform에 의해 타원을 추정하여 병합하고 타원을 결정한다. 위 과정으로부터 얻어진 병합된 에지 세그먼트 집합 하나가 타원 하나를 구성하므로 입력 영상 내의 전체 타원의 개수를 정확하게 추정할 수 있다. 또한 전체 에지 화소들로 타원을 검출하는 기존 방법과 달리 분리된 에지 세그먼트 단위로 타원 변수를 결정하기 때문에 전체 수행시간을 크게 줄일 수 있다.

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Probabilistic Modeling of Fiber Length Segments within a Bounded Area of Two-Dimensional Fiber Webs

  • Chun, Heui-Ju
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.301-317
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    • 2011
  • Statistical and probabilistic behaviors of fibers forming fiber webs of all kinds are of great significance in the determination of the uniformity and physical properties of the webs commonly found in many industrial products such as filters, membranes and non-woven fabrics. However, in studying the spatial geometry of the webs the observations must be theoretically as well as experimentally confined within a specified unit area. This paper provides a general theory and framework for computer simulation for quantifying the fiber segments bounded by the unit area in consideration of the "edge effects" resulting from the truncated length segments within the boundary. The probability density function and the first and second moments of the length segments found within the counting region were derived by properly defining the seeding region and counting region.

Development of a Dual-Arm Drawing Robot using Line Segment Approximation of Image Edges (윤곽선의 선분 근사화를 활용한 양팔 화가 로봇의 개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Kyu;Lee, Sang-Pil;Jung, Hye-Lim;Cho, Hye-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2014
  • This paper introduces a dual-arm robot painter system which is capable of sketching a camera-captured image with short line segments. To express various curved edges in the image by combining line segments, we first apply edge detection algorithm to the entire image, split the edged image into small boxed pieces, and then apply Hough Transformation to each piece so that the edges inside the piece can be approximated with short line segments. To draw the picture within a reasonable time, we designed a simple dual-arm robot system and controlled both arms concurrently according to linear interpolation algorithm. From the experiments, we could verify that simple linear motions can describe various images effectively with a unique brush style.