• 제목/요약/키워드: Economic Freedom

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존 칼빈의 경제, 경영 사상과 현대적 적용에 대한 연구 - 유통, 물류에의 적용 관점 - (A Study on the J. Calvin's thought of Economy and Management and its modern Application - with a Application Viewpoint of Distribution & Logistics Sectors -)

  • 김홍섭
    • 한국항만경제학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.147-169
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    • 2015
  • 우리사회는 빠르게 변화해오고 있고, 빠른 산업화와 민주화를 이룬 나라다. 우리의 이런 경제성장과 민주화에 대해 기독교적 사상과 서구 자본주의의 사상적 기반에 한 요인이 있다고 평가되고 있다. 개신교로의 종교개혁과 민주화에 기여한 사상가로 존 칼빈(J. Calvin)은 막스 베버( Max Weber)가 지적한데로 자본주의 발전에 큰 공헌을 했다. 칼빈은 루터( M. Luther)와 함께 종교개혁을 이룩한 개혁자이며 무엇보다도 종교, 경제, 사회, 정치 등 다양한 방면에 지대한 영향을 미친 사상가이며 실천가였다. 칼빈은 경제문제를 신학의 주요 주제로 이해하고 경제활동이 하나님과 인간의 올바른 관계회복의 자리가 될 수 있다고 보았다. 본 연구에서는 존 칼빈의 경제, 경영사상에 대하여 조사, 종합하고 체계화해 보고자 한다. 그의 오래전 경제,경영 사상이 변화하고 있는 현대 경제, 경영 여건에 어떻게 이해, 적용될 수 있으며, 특히 한국의 경제, 사회 및 경영여건의 변화에 적용될 수 있을 지에 대해 살펴보았다. 존 칼빈의 시대와 개혁에 대한 이해와 경제,경영관련 선행연구들을 살펴본다. 칼빈의 사상은 당시대에 중요한 변화와 개혁을 일으켰으며 오늘도 중요한 이정표를 제시하고 있다.성경에 기초한 그의 사랑과 정의와 공평의 원리와 사상은 오늘날에도 여전히 귀하고 적용되어야할 보편적 진리이며 중요한 평가기준이 된다. 칼빈의 사상은 오늘날에도 중요한 경제,경영 의사결정과 국가 정책에 근간이 되고 있다. 특히 경제가 우리 삶의 중심으로 더 강화된 오늘날에도 정의와 공평, 경제적 빈부 격차의 심화, 사회계층간의 갈등 확대, 고용과 임금, 시장의 자유와 균형, 토지의 공공성 등 에 중요한 사상적 방향을 제시하고 있다. 여기서는 경제의 세계화, 신자유주의 의 확장 등으로 세계금융위기, 유럽 발 재정위기 등을 거치며 어려워진 우리와 세계경제에 의미있는 사상적 근거로 칼빈 경제,경영사상을 재조명하고 큰 틀에서 미래방향을 제시하고, 실천분야라 할 수있는 유통,물류분야에의 적용과 방향을 제시하였다. 그럼에도 본 연구는 문헌적 연구로서 경제,경영 현장에 대한 실천적 검토와 사례 및 대안제시에 제한적이라는 한계를 갖는다. 향후 보다 구체적으로 각 경제,경영 부문에 칼빈의 사상이 적용되는 실천적 상황 등에 대한 심층연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

한국형 동반성장 정책의 방향과 과제 (The Policy of Win-Win Growth between Large and Small Enterprises : A South Korean Model)

  • 이장우
    • 중소기업연구
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 최근 사회경제적 이슈가 되고 있는 동반성장의 개념과 실천 방향에 대해 논의하고자 한다. 이를 위해 동반성장의 정책적 개념을 살펴보고 유사한 개념인 상생협력과 공생발전과도 비교 분석하고자 한다. 또한 동반성장을 통해 글로벌 경쟁력을 만들어 낸 선진국 사례들로부터 교훈을 찾아내고 우리의 사회 문화적 특성에 맞는 한국형 모델을 제안하고자 한다. 한국형 동반성장 모델은 미국의 시장중심형, 일본의 문화기반형, 유럽의 정책주도형 등의 장점을 융합할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 한국형 모델은 공동체적 에너지를 창출해내는 한국인의 잠재력 활용, 통제와 자율의 융합형 제도 개선, 미래지향적 협력관계를 위한 기업들의 행동변화 등 세 가지 요인을 핵심으로 할 필요가 있다. 한국형 모델의 실현을 위해 필요한 정부의 역할과 과제, 그리고 동반성장위원회의 역할에 대해서도 논의하고자 한다.

공인탐정 관련 법률(안)의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on Act on Certified Detective and Certified Detective Business)

  • 김봉수;추봉조
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제61호
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    • pp.285-305
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    • 2019
  • 공인탐정제도 도입에 따른 경제적 효과는 도입시 조사영엽의 합법화와 경비, 조사시장의 활성화로 약 4,877억원의 매출이, 장기적으로는 1조 2,724억원의 매출효과가 연구발표되었다. 탐정업의 도입필요성은 "미래 유망분야의 새로운 직업"으로 선정되어 '신직업'으로 보고 있고, '사실 조사를 지원하는 공인탐정제도'는 현 정부의 공약이기도 했다. 이에 현재 계류중인 법안이 국회를 통과하면 합법적으로 탐정들의 사실조사가 가능해 진다. 최근 국회에 '공인탐정법안', '공인탐정 및 공인탐정업에 관한 법률안'이 계류중이다. 공인탐정제도 도입에 대한 합법과 불법의 경계에 관한 논의가 지속되고 있다. 탐정제도는 OECD 가입 34개국 중 우리나라를 제외한 모든 국가에서 허용되고 있으며, 물론 각국의 실정에 맞게 자격인증, 교육, 영업 등록 등 다양한 관리제도를 통해 국민의 권익보호에 필요한 탐정업의 장점은 활성화하면서 부작용 등 단점은 최소화되고 있다. 따라서 우리도 탐정을 금지할 것이 아니라 적정한 관리를 통해 새로운 제도를 받아들일 필요가 있으며, 새로운 청년의 일자리와 퇴직근로자들의 일자리 창출을 할 수 있는 새로운 직업이 창출되어야 할 것이다. 물론 기존의 신용조사업, 경비업, 손해사정사 등으로 우리나라에서도 개별적으로 조사 관련 업무가 일부 진행되고 탐정이라는 새로운 제도를 도입하여 시행하다 보면, 업무의 혼란으로 더 큰 우려가 야기될 수 있다는 주장도 있다. 하지만 관련 직군과의 업무의 충돌문제도 열린 새로운 연구와 제도 및 정책의 제안이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 윤재옥 의원의 '공인탐정법안', 이완영의원의 '공인탐정 및 공인탐정업에 관한 법률안'의 주요 내용을 바탕으로 왜 탐정 입법안이 조속히 마련되어야 하는지, 탐정과 일자리 창출과 어떤 관련이 있는지, 탐정제도를 도입하게 되었을 경우 자격면제 기준에 왜 엄격한 법제화가 필요한지, 공인탐정제도의 불명확성으로 어떤 우려가 될 수 있는지 크게 4가지에 관련된 문제점을 제시하여, 첫째, 헌법재판소의 탐정유사명칭 사용금지와 치안수요의 한계에 대한 합법과 불법의 모호성으로 조속한 입법안이 마련되어야 하며, 둘째, '심부름센터', '흥신소'등의 음성화로 사회적 문제점을 일자리 창출과 연계하여 공인탐정법안의 필요성을 살펴보고, 셋째, 공인탐정자격 면제 기준의 문제을 엄격한 법제화를 통해 탐정 제도의 도입에 대한 부분을 살펴보고, 마지막으로 공인탐정업무의 불명확성에 대한 우려에 대한 개선방안을 제시해 보고자 한다.

유럽주식회사법의 최근 동향에 관한 연구 (Current Development of Company Law in the European Union)

  • 최요섭
    • 법제연구
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    • 제41호
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    • pp.229-260
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    • 2011
  • 유럽연합에서 회사법 통일의 노력은 리스본조약 이전부터 회사법과 관련한 규칙과 지침을 설정했다는 점에서 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 유럽연합 회사법의 법규범은 자체의 규칙을 통해 유럽주식회사라는 개념을 설정하였으며, 공개유한책임회사인 유럽주식회사와 더불어, 2008년 이후에는 중소기업을 위한 폐쇄유한책임회사에 대한 입법도 추진하고 있다. 최근 유럽주식회사법을 근거로 설립된 회사의 수가 증가되면서 발전된 형태의 회사법에 대한 논의가 활발히 진행되고 있으며, 이는 우리나라 회사법 분야에서도 흥미로운 주제가 된다. 기존의 유럽회사법에 관한 국내연구는 전반적인 유럽회사규칙 및 지침에 대한 내용을 소개하고 있으나, 근래에 이루어지고 있는 회원국 법률간 하향경쟁과 이를 통한 회원국의 입법에서의 변화, 그리고 유럽에서의 회사법연구에 대한 최근 논의에 대해서 다시 다루어 볼 필요가 있다. 따라서 이글에서는 유럽연합조약을 통한 설립의 자유와 이를 통한 각 회원국의 법률 간 경쟁과 유럽주식회사규칙의 제정 배경에 대해서 살펴보고 현재 유럽주식회사규칙의 내용을 평가한다.

중국의 군사적 부상과 역내 해양안보 - 주변국의 전략적 대비 및 유사를 중심으로 - (China's Military Rise and Regional Maritime Security - Its Neighbors' Strategic Calculations and Various Contingencies -)

  • 김태호
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권33호
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    • pp.113-147
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    • 2014
  • While China's military rise is an issue of growing importance to regional security, it is worthwhile to note that it is not China's military modernization per se, but its capacity to project and sustain power along and beyond its borders--in particular, the possibility to resolve forcefully its outstanding maritime disputes and various contingencies. This essay argues that China's "anti-access capability"--a U.S.-coined term originally developed for a Taiwan contingency--is equally applicable to other major regional cases such as the Spratly disputes and a North Korean contingency. Furthermore, notwithstanding China's continuos efforts to develop and deploy various types and classes of weapons/platforms, it is the Russian systems and technologies that are most capable and thus likely assigned to the highest mission-critical areas. In assessing China's current and likely future military capability as well as their implications for the region, it is necessary to take note of the following: • There exists asymmetry of military capability between China and its weaker neighbors. While the PLAN is weak in several important aspects, for instance, many of its neighbors' navies are weaker still. • Some have argued that China's foreign policy behavior apparently became more "assertive" in 2009-2013, but it is wiser to keep in mind that China has almost always been assertive and aggressive when it comes to what China defines as "sovereignty and territorial issues" as well as its newest "core interests." • On the South China Sea disputes it is the function of U.S. presence in the theater--in the form of overseas bases and the freedom of navigation--and the PLA's own limitations to project and sustain power for an extended period of time that have largely prevented armed. • While Taiwan remains the idee fixe of China's diplomacy and military, it is and will be a tough nut to crack. China's recent creeping attempts for economic integration with Taiwan should be seen in this context. • China and Japan, the two regional heavyweights and traditional rivals, will likely have a bilateral relationship that is replete with difficulties and tension. China's unilateral announcement of its ADIZ in November 2013 as well as the occasional yet persistent disputes with Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyudao/Diaoyutai islands are only the latest manifestation of this deeper and difficult relationship. • For Korean security it is imperative to take into account the geostrategic and historical factors. On top of the existing military threats from North Korea, the ROK should be able to employ a) hedging strategy, b) "limited defense sufficiency" strategy, and c) rock-solid relations with the United States.

빅데이터 분석을 활용한 마늘 생산에 미치는 날씨 요인에 관한 영향 조사 모형 개발 (Development of Examination Model of Weather Factors on Garlic Yield Using Big Data Analysis)

  • 김신곤
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.480-488
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    • 2018
  • 정보통신 기술의 발전으로 농업분야에서도 다량의 데이터로부터 가치 있는 정보를 생성하고 그 활용을 위해 빅데이터 기술을 적용하는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 농업에서 재배 가능한 작물과 품종은 기온, 강수량, 일조시간 등의 자연환경의 영향에 따라 결정된다. 본 논문은 마늘의 생육과정과 일별로 측정되는 기상변수를 활용하여 농작물 생산에 영향을 미치는 기상기후 요인을 도출하고 마늘을 대상으로 단위면적당 생산량 예측(단수) 모형을 도출하였다. 기상변수는 마늘의 생육단계를 고려하여 빅데이터 분석 기법을 이용하였다. 탐색적 자료 분석과정에서는 통계청, 농촌진흥청, 농촌경제연구원으로부터 생산량, 도매시장 반입량, 생육 데이터 등 다양한 농산물 생산 데이터를 제공받아 활용하였다. 또한 기상청으로부터 AWS, ASOS, 특보현황 등 다양한 기상관측 데이터를 수집하여 활용하였다. 상관관계 분석 과정은 변수선택, 후보모형 도출, 모형진단, 시나리오 예측 등을 통해 도출한 모형의 모형 적합도와 생산량 예측력을 비교하여 마늘생산단수예측 모형을 설계하였다. 수많은 기상요인 변수는 요인분석을 이용하여 차원을 감소시키고 설명변수로 선정하였다. 이 방법을 이용함으로써 회귀분석에서 발생할 수 있는 다중공선성과 낮은 자유도의 문제를 효과적으로 통제할 수 있었으며 회귀분석의 적합도와 예측력을 높일 수 있었다.

한국 여성단체의 아동복사활동의 실태에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Child Welfare Activities in the Korean Women's Organizations)

  • 이소희
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 1979
  • This study attempts to shed additional light on the national diffusion process and interaction of welfare services for children and mothers. The central hypothesis examined is the following : In general, the implant of social welfare system is first considered on the characteristics of their own socio-economics , and diffusion prodess of welfare services tends to occur faster in countries with open sicieties than in countries where entry barriers are high and society ranking rigid. The scope of the study is limited in several ways. Attention is concentrated on the agency of woman in the belief that an in-depth case study of one field can yield more insight than a less detailed investigation embracing a number of social welfare systems. The angency of woman is selected for several reasons. a) It is important the agency of woman alone produce more effective than services affecting both the child welfare and women's libertion bradually. Moreover, these services will form the heart of mother's welfare. b) The services of women's agency is gradually wide spread, since a role of government is still negligible before a full realization of economic income. c) The services of women agency is a prime example of a social welfare. d) statistical data and other information are more readily available. One of major findings of our study is the existence of the barriers inhibiting child welfare form " motherhood cult". Despite all the distinct advantages for mother and child , social attitudes appear to be some resistant on child welfare system among men and women even the agenices of women. What is surprised is the extent of the awareness that strategies of women's agency to liberate woman and to increate activities of women involve the strategies to liberate child. The conviction that solving application problems for child welfare in line with the activities of agency by women offer greater freedom and more advantage to mother are not apparent on the data collected from 18 of multi-functional agencies in our country. there are little sign that such agencies cooperate toward attainment of common goals. The intensive early focus of the movement on consciousness raising is a necessary beginning and such efforts by women's organizations would help both in the continuous evolution of women and child. Some of the agencies offer a variety of services to women and children, others are specialized in that they offer fewer services or even only one. Social welfare agenices giving service to children and their families are identified by various names usually women service and child welfare from govern , mental agency and voluntary public agency to foreign aided. What is totally missing , however, is an integrated synthesis of child welfare program Through women's agency. Social changes to occur, but delineation of appropriate and comprehensive social policy is also necessary at this point at this point since efforts, social changes and polices must be well coordianted and focused, as well as mutually supprotive and reinforcing.

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국제법상 북극항로에서의 통항제도에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Legal Issues relating to Navigation through Arctic Passage)

  • 문규은
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권43호
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    • pp.29-55
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    • 2018
  • Arctic sea ice has been retreating as a result of the global warming. Arctic sea ice extent for April 2018 averaged 13.71 million square kilometers. This figure shows far less sea ice compared to the average extent from 1981 to 2010. Meanwhile, 287 times of maritime transits through the Northwest Passage have been made during the 2017 and the first ship traversed the Northern Sea Route without the assistant of ice-breaker in August 2017. Commercialization of the Arctic Passage means significant economic and strategic advantages by shortening the distance. In this article, 'Arctic Passage' means Northern Sea Route along the Arctic coast of Russia and Northwest Passage crossing Canadian Arctic Ocean. As climate changes, the potential feasibility of the Arctic Passage has been drawing international attention. Since navigation in this area remains hazardous in some aspects, IMO adopted Polar Code to promote safe, secure and sustainable shipping through the Arctic Passage. Futhermore, Russia and Canada regulate foreign vessels over the maritime zones with the authority to unilaterally exercise jurisdiction pursuant to the Article 234 of UNCLOS. The dispute over the navigation regime of the arctic passage materialized with Russia proclaimed Dmitrii Laptev and Sannikov Straits as historically belong to U.S.S.R. in the mid 1960s and Canada declared that the waters of the passage are historic internal waters in 1973 for the first time. So as to support their claims, In 1985, Russia and Canada established straight baseline including Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage. The United States has consistently protested that the Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage are straits used for international navigation which are subject to the regime of transit passage. Firstly, it seems that Russia and Canada do not meet the basic requirements for acquiring a historic title. Secondly, since the Law of the Sea had adopted before the establishment of straight baseline over the Russian Arctic Archipelago and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Ships can exercise at least the right of innocent passage. Lastly, Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage have fulfilled the both geographical and functional criteria pertaining to the strait used for international navigation under the international law. Especially, should the arctic passage become commercially viable, it can be expected to accumulate the functional criterion. Russia and Canada regulate the ships navigate in their maritime zones by adopting the higher degree of an environmental standard than generally accepted international rules and standard mainly under the Article 234 of UNCLOS. However, the Article 234 must be interpreted restrictively as this contains constraint on the freedom of navigation. Thus, it is reasonable to consider that the Article 234 is limited only to the EEZ of coastal states. Therefore, ships navigating in the Arctic Passage with the legal status of the territorial sea and the international straits under the law of the sea have the right of innocent passage and transit passage as usual.

직장생활에 대한 새로운 인식 (Quality of Working Life)

  • 김영환
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.43-61
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    • 1981
  • Interest in the Quality of working life is spreading rapidly and the phrase has entered the popular vocabulary. That this should be so is probably due in large measure to changes in the values of society, nowadays accelerated as never before by the concerns and demands of younger people. But however topical the concept has become, there is very little agreement on its definition. Rather, the term appears to have become a kind of depository for a variety of sometimes contradictory meanings attributed to it by different groups. A list of all the elements it if held to cover would include availability and security of employment, adaquate income, safe and pleasant physical working conditions, reasonable hours of work, equitable treatment and democracy in the workplace, the possibility of self-development, control over one's work, a sense of pride in craftsmanship or product, wider career choices, and flexibility in matters such as the time of starting work, the number of working days in the week, Job sharing and so on altogether an array that encompasses a variety of traditional aspirations and many new ones reflecting the entry into the post industrial era. The term "quality of working life" was introduced by professor Louis E. Davis and his colleagues in the late 1960s to call attention to the prevailing and needlessly poor quality of life at the workplace. In their usage it referred to the quality of the relationship between the worker and his working environment as a whole, and was intended to emphasize the human dimension so often forgotten among the technical and economic factors in job design. Treating workers as if they were elements or cogs in the production process is not only an affront to the dignity of human life, but is also a serious underestimation of the human capabilities needed to operate more advanced technologies. When tasks demand high levels of vigilence, technical problem-solving skills, self initiated behavior, and social and communication skills. it is imperative that our concepts of man be of requisite complexity. Our aim is not just to protect the worker's life and health but to give them an informal interest in their job and opportunity to express their views and exercise control over everything that affects their working life. Certainly, so far as his work is concerned, a man must feel better protected but he must also have a greater feeling of freedom and responsibility. Something parallel but wholly different if happening in Europe, industrial democracy. What has happened in Europe has been discrete, fixed, finalized, and legalized. Those developing centuries driving toward industrialization like R.O.K, shall have to bear in mind the human complexity in processing and designing the work and its environment. Increasing attention is needed to the contradiction between autocratic rule at the workplace and democratic rights in society.n society.

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현대 복식에 표현된 맥시멀리즘 연구 (A Study on the Maximalism Depicted in the Contemporary Costumes)

  • 이효진
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.275-292
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to recognize the aesthetic characteristics of the Maximalism depicted in contemporary costumes of new millennium. This is done by analyzing and examining the social and cultural background of fashion in the few years of 21st century. The fashion trend of the beginning of 21st century was coexisted conflicting factors with ultramodern factor and past recurrent factor. For that reason, new millennium is to be existence background of Maximalism style in contemporary costumes. The social and cultural background of Maximalism was regarded as characteristics of the Glocalism, fusion style, bobos. Glocalism means a compound word of Globalism and Localism, and used various fields of policy, economics, society etc. Consequently, the aesthetic formativeness of Maximalism of the contemporary costumes was investigated as the 'Romantic Hippie Look' and 'Romantic Sports Look' 1) Romantic Hippie Look New millennium fashion trend is affected by hippie style of 1970's. That is major reason that the antiwar consciousness of 9.11 terror, USA-Afganistan war and the economic depression is similar to 1970's situation. Accordingly, fashion trend is developed into bright, light, romantic style and fashion designers chose materials with flowers, butterflies, dragonflies pattern. Because the clothing of these material reflects well modern people's feeling to escape misgivings, unrest of political terror, war etc. The characteristics of hippie style expressed freedom as the greatest merit was raised new trend, so called 'Romantic Hippie Look' on new millennium. That is, the romantic hippie look of the contemporary costumes is depicted as the formative beauty of the multiculturalism and nationalism. 2) Romantic Sports Look : The beginning of new millennium, many fashion designers intend to graft the details of sports wear on order made or ready made clothing and try to show luxury and cheerful fashion design with combination of sporty and romantic factors. Accordingly, theses fashion trends expressed 'Romantic Sports Look' with a harmony or disharmony of unusual factors. The fashion trend of new millennium centering around special cities like New York, Paris, Milan moved to various regional culture. Accordingly, the features of fashion depicted not unique theme but multiplicity of the clothing of dissimilar style or material by the mixture of 2 or 3 factors like the fusion of femininity and masculinity and the combination of past and present of details. That is, the romantic sports look of the contemporary costumes is depicted as the formative beauty of the multi-functional and crossover.

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