• Title/Summary/Keyword: East Sea oceanography

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Characteristics of Element Geochemistry in Ulleung Basin Sediments During the Late Quaternary (제4기 후기 동안 동해 울릉분지 퇴적물내 원소 함량 특성과 기원지 연구)

  • Um, In-Kwon;Choi, Man-Sik;Shin, Hyung-Sun
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2009
  • Major and trace elements were analyzed in three core sediments to investigate geochemical characteristics of East Sea sediments and provenance changes during late Quaternary in Ulleung Basin. Comparing with Yellow and South Sea sediments, contents of major elements were generally similar while contents of trace elements were significantly different. Furthermore, within this basin, there were some variabilities in trace element compositions. In the western slope sediments (WS), Mo was enriched over 6 times as much as other sites. On the other hand, Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta were enriched in basin sediments (Basin), and Ca and Cs were enriched in southern slope sediments (SS). After excluding elements derived from biogenic, authigenic and diagenetic origins, the lithogenic elements (K, Ti, Cs, Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta) could be classified into three groups from the comparison of element/Al ratios among cores. The first group consisted of elements (K and Ti) that showed the nearly similar element/Al ratios among three cores. The second group contained Cs which showed significant difference between two slope sediments. The third group elements (Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta) showed highly enriched in basin relative to both slope areas. The depth profiles of metal/Al ratios in basin sediments provided the following interpretation for the compositions of sediment and their variation. From 10,000 yr B.P. to 7,000 yr B.P. two lithogenic components (volcanic ashes and western slope sediments) were mixed and deposited in the basin. After 7,000 yr B.P., however, southern slope sediments were mixed with volcanic ashes and deposited in basin area. This event of source change is nearly close to inflow period of the Tsushima Warm Current to Ulleung Basin. Thus, it might be suggested that element geochemistry in Ulleung basin sediment indicate the change of current system in the study area.

The Impact of Nakdong Estuarine Barrage on Distribution of Biogenic Silica (BSi) in Surface Sediment (하구둑이 낙동강 하구 표층 퇴적물 생규소(BSi) 분포에 미치는 영향)

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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.172-186
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    • 2017
  • Current study is a part of the efforts to assess the estuarine barrage effects on the coastal ecosystem induced by the Si flux changes. Surface sediments from Seomjin and Nakdong estuary and sediment cores from Nakdong estuary was analysed to investigate the effect of estuarine barrage on the distribution of grain size, organic matter (loss on ignition: LOI) and biogenic silica (BSi). The samples of Seomjin estuary were collected in March, 2015 and those of Nakdong estuary were collected in November, 2014. Generally, the longitudinal distribution of grain size, LOI and BSi in Seomjin estuary, natural estuary, was gradually changed. However mud (silt and clay), LOI and BSi increased from station mid-estuary where tide reaches year-round. The distribution of grain size, LOI and BSi in Nakdong estuary, however, were entirely different between inside and outside of estuarine barrage. The mud percentage and LOI were low and consistent in inside of the barrage except R05, inside of right gate, yet those of outside of the barrage were higher and varied by adjacent sluices. Mud, LOI and BSi of ND1 and ND2 decreased immediately after the construction of Nakdong estuarine barrage due to disturbance of sediment and decrease of sediment supply. To exclude the physical effects by the barrage, BSi excess ($BSi_{exc}$) was calculated using regression equation of BSi-LOI and BSi-mud of Seomjin estuary. $BSi_{exc}$ of Seomjin estuary decreased gradually from upper estuary to lower estuary. $BSi_{exc}$ of Nakdong estuary were positive in inside of the barrage and negative in outside of the barrage. BSi retention and shift of species composition of diatom by the barrage would affect $BSi_{exc}$ distribution. Before the construction of Nakdong estuarine barrage, $BSi_{exc}$ of ND2 was negative and consistent owing to high mud sedimentation. After the construction, $BSi_{exc}$ of ND2, however, fluctuated due to continuous disturbance of sediment due to construction of Eulsuk bridge and East gate.

A Study on the Habitat Mapping of Meretrix lyrata Using Remote Sensing at Ben-tre Tidal Flat, Vietnam (원격탐사를 활용한 베트남 Ben-tre 갯벌의 Meretrix lyrata 서식지 매핑 연구)

  • Hwang, Deuk Jae;Woo, Han Jun;Koo, Bon Joo;Choi, Jong-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.975-987
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    • 2021
  • Potential habitat mapping of Meretrix lyrata which is found in large parts of South East Asian tidal flat was carried out to find out causes of collective death. Frequency Ratio (FR) method, one of geospatialstatistical method, was employed with some benthic environmental factors; Digital elevation model (DEM) made from Landsat imagery, slope, tidal channel distance, tidal channel density, sedimentary facesfrom WorldView-02 image. Field survey was carried out to measure elevation of each station and to collect surface sediment and benthos samples. Potential habitat maps of the all clams and the juvenile clams were made and accuracy of each map showed a good performance, 76.82 % and 69.51 %. Both adult and juvenile clams prefer sand dominant tidal flat. But suitable elevation of adult clams is ranged from -0.2 to 0.2 m, and that of juvenile clams is ranged from 0 to 0.3 m. Tidal channel didn't affect the habitat of juvenile clams, but it affected the adult clams. In the furtherstudy, comparison with case of Korean tidal flat will be carried out to improve a performance of the potential habitat map. Change in the benthic echo-system caused by climate change will be predictable through potential habitat mapping of macro benthos.

Deep Learning Based Floating Macroalgae Classification Using Gaofen-1 WFV Images (Gaofen-1 WFV 영상을 이용한 딥러닝 기반 대형 부유조류 분류)

  • Kim, Euihyun;Kim, Keunyong;Kim, Soo Mee;Cui, Tingwei;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.293-307
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    • 2020
  • Every year, the floating macroalgae, green and golden tide, are massively detected at the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. After influx of them to the aquaculture facility or beach, it occurs enormous economic losses to remove them. Currently, remote sensing is used effectively to detect the floating macroalgae flowed into the coast. But it has difficulties to detect the floating macroalgae exactly because of the wavelength overlapped with other targets in the ocean. Also, it is difficult to distinguish between green and golden tide because they have similar spectral characteristics. Therefore, we tried to distinguish between green and golden tide applying the Deep learning method to the satellite images. To determine the network, the optimal training conditions were searched to train the AlexNet. Also, Gaofen-1 WFV images were used as a dataset to train and validate the network. Under these conditions, the network was determined after training, and used to confirm the test data. As a result, the accuracy of test data is 88.89%, and it can be possible to distinguish between green and golden tide with precision of 66.67% and 100%, respectively. It is interpreted that the AlexNet can be pick up on the subtle differences between green and golden tide. Through this study, it is expected that the green and golden tide can be effectively classified from various objects in the ocean and distinguished each other.

Measurement of Turbulence Properties at the Time of Flow Reversal Under High Wave Conditions in Hujeong Beach (후정해변 고파랑 조건하에서 파랑유속 방향전환점에서 발생하는 난류성분의 측정)

  • Chang, Yeon S.;Do, Jong Dae;Kim, Sun-Sin;Ahn, Kyungmo;Jin, Jae-Youll
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2017
  • The temporal distribution of the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) and the vertical component of Reynolds stresses ($-{\bar{u^{\prime}w^{\prime}}}$) was measured during one wave period under high wave energy conditions. The wave data were obtained at Hujeong Beach in the east coast of Korea at January 14~18 of 2017 when an extratropical cyclone was developed in the East Sea. Among the whole thousands of waves measured during the period, hundreds of regular waves that had with similar pattern were selected for the analysis in order to give three representing mean wave patterns using the ensemble average technique. The turbulence properties were then estimated based on the selected wave data. It is interesting to find out that $-{\bar{u^{\prime}w^{\prime}}}$ has one clear peak near the time of flow reversal while TKE has two peaks at the corresponding times of maximum cross-shore velocity magnitudes. The distinguished pattern of Reynolds stress indicates that vertical fluxes of such properties as suspended sediments may be enhanced at the time when the horizontal flow direction is reversed to disturb the flows, supporting the turbulence convection process proposed by Nielsen (1992). The characteristic patterns of turbulence properties are examined using the CADMAS-SURF Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model. Although the model can reasonably simulate the distribution of TKE pattern, it fails to produce the $-{\bar{u^{\prime}w^{\prime}}}$ peak at the time of flow reversal, which indicates that the application of RANS model is limited in the prediction of some turbulence properties such as Reynolds stresses.

Phosphorus Phases in the Surface Sediment of the South Sea (남해 표층 퇴적물에서의 인의 존재상)

  • SON Jaekyung;LEE Tongsup;YANG Han Soeb
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.680-687
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    • 1999
  • To understand the role of shelf sediment in phosphorus biogeochemical cycle, we carried out sequential sediment extraction (SEDEX) of P and porewater analysis on 14 core samples collected in the South Sea of Korea, SEDEX classified P-pools into 5 phases and results are grouped into two categories: reactive P (loosely sorbed-P and Fe bound-P) and refractory P (detrital inorganic-p, authigenic mineral-P and organic-P). Total P concentrations are decreased with sediment depth in all samples as a result of dissolution to porewater. Reactive P comprises about $20\~50\%$ of total P, and iron bound-P is the major form consisting $70\~80\%$ of reactive P-pool. Iron bound-P decreases sharply with depth. Depth profiles of dissolved P concentration in porewater show mirror image of iron bound-P, revealing the role of FeOOH as a regulator of reactive P supply to overlying water column. Authigenic mineral-P consists less than $5\%$ of total P, thus removal of reactive P by converting into refractory P seems inefficient in shelf sediment. This implies that continental shelf sediment sequesters P temporarily rather than permanently. Results show local variation. Nakdong estuary receiving large amount of terrigenous input shows the highest concentration of total P and reactive P. Here iron oxyhydroxides at the surface sediment control the water column flux of P from sediment. Although total P content at the surface is comparable (500$\~$600 ${\mu}g{\cdot}g^{-1}$) between the South Sea and East China Sea, the former contains more iron bound-P and less derital inorganic-P than the latter. Reasons for the difference seem due in part to particle texture, and to biological productivity which depends roughly on the distance from land.

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Factors Limiting the Vertical Distribution of the Deep-Water Asian Eelgrass, Zostera asiatica on the East Coast of the Korean Peninsula (동해 연안 왕거머리말의 수직분포 제한 요인)

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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2020
  • Although most species in genus Zostera inhabit shallow coastal areas and bays with weak wave energy, the Asian eelgrass, Zostera asiatica is distributed in deep water depth (8-15 m) unlike other seagrasses on the eastern coast of Korea. To examine factors limiting distribution Z. asiatica in relatively deep coastal areas, a transplantation experiment was conducted on October 2011, in which Z. asiatica shoots were transplanted from the reference site (donor meadow, ~9 m) to the shallow transplant site (~3 m). We compared shoot density, morphology, and productivity of Z. asiatica as well as environmental factors (underwater irradiance, water temperature, and nutrients) between the reference and transplant sites from October 2011 to September 2012. Shoot density and shoot height of transplants dramatically decreased within a few months after transplantation, but were similar with Z. asiatica in the reference site during spring. Shoot productivity were significantly higher in the transplant site than in reference site because of high light availability and nutrient concentrations. Transplants showed photoacclimatory responses such as higher rETRmax and Ek and lower photosynthetic efficiency in the transplant site than those in the reference site. Most of Z. asiatica transplant in the shallow transplant site disappeared in summer, which may be due to the high wave energy and physical damages induced by typhoons (TEMBIN and SANBA) in August and September 2012. According to the results of this study, Z. asiatica could not survive in shallow areas despite of more favorable light and nutrient conditions. Thus, Z. asiatica may restrictively occur in deep areas to avoid the intense physical stresses in the shallow area on the east coast of Korea.

Trace (Minor) Elemental and Isotopic Compositions of Aragonitic Mollusk Shells in the Eastern Coast and Cheju Island, Korea (한반도 동해안과 제주도 연안에서 발견되는 아라고나이트질 연체동물 각질의 미량원소 및 탄소와 산소 동위원소 함량의 변화)

  • Ji, Ok-Mi;Woo, Kyung-Sik
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.112-123
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    • 1998
  • The objectives of this study are to investigate the trace elemental and stable isotopic compositions of aragonitic mollusk shells, such as Gomphina veneriformis melanaegis, Mytilidae and Umbonium coastatum, from the eastern coast of Korean peninsula and Cheju Island, and to compare their variations with latitude, that is, the temperature of the ambient seawater at which the skeletons grew. The Mg compositions of Gomphina veneriformis melanaegis tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of Mytilidae and Umbonium coastatum do not show any trend. Sr compositions of Mytilidae tend to increase with increasing water temperature, whereas those of Gomphina veneriformis melanaegis decrease. Fe compositions of Umbonium coastatum tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of Gomphina veneriformis melanaegis increase. Fe compositions of Mytilidae do not show any trend with water-temperature variations. Ba compositions of all the skeletons do not show any trend with water-temperature variations. Cd compositions of Mytilidae and Umbonium coastatum do not show any trend with increasing water temperature, whereas those of Gomphina veneriformis melanaegis increase. Cu compositions of Gomphina veneriformis melanaegis increase with increasing water temperature, whereas Mytilidae and Umbonium coastatum do not show any trend. Pb compositions of Umbonium coastatum do not show any tend with increasing water temperature, but those of other skeletons increase. Zn compositions of Mytilidae tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of Gomphina veneriformis melanaegis increase. Zn compositions of Umbonium coastatum do not show any trend with increasing water temperature. Estimated water temperatures from oxygen isotopic data of all the skeletons are higher than the range of water temperature of the shallow seawater of the East Sea and around Cheju Island. The oxygen isotopic compositions of all the skeletons are well clustered, but they do not show any trend with latitude. Therefore, this could reflect that the organisms may not have secreted their shells in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with ambient seawater due to vital effect. Thus, isotopic compositions of all the organisms in this study may not be suitable for paleotemperature estimate.

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Trace (Minor) Elemental and Isotopic Compositions of Calcitic Skeletons in the Eastern Coast and Cheju Island, Korea (한반도 동해안과 제주도 연안에서 발견되는 방해석질 각질의 미량원소, 부원소 및 탄소와 산소 동위원소 함량의 변화)

  • Ji, Ok-Mi;Woo, Kyung-Sik
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.124-141
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    • 1998
  • The objectives of this study are to investigate the trace (minor) elemental and isotopic compositions of calcitic skeletons, such as barnacle, echinoid, branching and encrusting calcareous algae and oyster, from the eastern coast of Korean peninsula and Cheju Island, and to compare their variations with latitude, that is, the temperature of ambient seawater at which the skeletons grew. Articulated and encrusting red algae are composed of high-Mg calcite (7-21 mol% $MgCO_3$). Echinoids are also composed of high-Mg calcite (7-15 mol% $MgCO_3$). Whereas barnacles are composed of low-Mg calcite (1-5 mol% $MgCO_3$). The Mg compositions of articulated red algae, barnacle and oyster tend to increase with increasing water temperature, whereas those of encrusting red algae and echinoid do not show any trend. Sr compositions of articulated red algae, echinoid and barnacle tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of encrusting red algae and oyster do not show any trend. Mn compositions of articulated red algae and encrusting red algae decrease with an increase of water temperature, whereas those of echinoid and barnacle do not show any trend. Fe compositions of articulated red algae tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of encrusting red algae and oyster increase. Fe compositions of echinoid and barnacle do not show any trend with water temperature variations. Ba compositions of echinoid and low-magnesium calcitic skeletons do not show any trend with water temperature variations. Ba compositions of articulated red algae tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of encrusting red algae increase. Cd and Pb compositions of all the skeletons tend to increase with increasing water temperature. Cu compositions of encrusting red algae increase with increasing water temperature, whereas articulated red algae, echinoid, barnacle and oyster do not show any trend. Zn compositions of high-magnesium calcitic skeletons and low-magnesium calcitic skeletons do not show any trend. Estimated water temperatures from oxygen isotopic data of all the skeletons except for the barnacle arc higher than the range of temperature of the shallow seawater of the East Sea and around Cheju Island. The oxygen isotopic compositions of oyster and echinoid are well clustered, and they do not show any trend with increasing water temperature. Therefore, this could reflect that the organisms have not secreted their shells in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with ambient seawater due to vital effect. Thus, the oxygen isotopic composition of barnacle can potentially be utilized for paleotemperature estimate whereas those of other organisms in this study may not be useful.

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The Factors Controlling the Formation of Spring Population of Acartia hongi (Copepoda: Calanoida) in Incheon Coastal Water, Korea (인천 연안에서 요각류 Acartia hongi 춘계 개체군 형성의 영향 요인)

  • Yoo J.K.;Youn S.H.;Choi J.K.
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2006
  • To investigate the factors controlling the spring population of Acartia hongi, egg production, hatching time of egg and predation pressure were measured. Egg production was maintained the superior position between winter and spring. Egg production was positively correlated with not only water temperature when water temperature was below $7^{\circ}C$ but also chlorophyll-a concentration when it was from $7^{\circ}C$ to $21^{\circ}C$. A regressive equation of development time$(D_e,\;day)$ of eggs derived from water temperature$(T,\;^{\circ}C)$ was obtained as $D_e=18.9(T-0.4)^{-1.0}$, showing longer development time at water temperature below $5^{\circ}C$. In Cross Correlation Analysis(CCA) to examine the time-lag relationship among abundances of developmental stages of A. hongi, egg production rate calculated by multiplying population egg production rate by hatching time showed more significant correlation with nauplii abundance than population egg production rate. Therefore, it suggests that hatching time is also recognized by a factor controlling formation of population and especially, in winter, high abundance of egg derived from high daily egg production rate and delayed hatch by low water temperature become the origin of initial spring population of nauplii. Egg predation by Noctiluca scintillans, suggesting a negative factor in formation of A. hongi spring population, was observed. During spring, A. hongi eggs were found in $2.9\sim21.1%$ of individuals of N. scintillans. It was deduced that $1.2\sim49.5%$ of the eggs produced by A. hongi was preyed on by N. scintillans. In conclusion, the factors controlling spring population of A. hongi were regarded as high egg production by winter generation, the delayed development time of egg by low temperature, and egg predation of N. scintillans.