• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth system model

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A Method for Optimal Power Assignment of the Transponder Input Carriers in the Multi-level & Multi-bandwidth System (Multi-level & Multi-bandwidth 시스템에서 위성중계기 입력반송파 전력의 최적 할당 기법)

  • 김병균;최형진
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics A
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    • v.32A no.9
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    • pp.1167-1176
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    • 1995
  • This paper suggests a method for optimal power assignment of the satellite transponder input carriers in the Multi-level & Multi-bandwidth system. The interference and the noise effects analyzed for the optimal power assignment are intermodulation product caused by the nonlinear transponder characteristics, adjacent channel interference, co-channel interference, and thermal noise in the satellite link. The Fletcher- Powell algorithm is used to determine the optimal input carrier power. The performance criteria for optimal power assignment is classified into 4 categories according to the CNR of destination receiver earth station to meet the requirement for various satellite link environment. We have performed mathematical analysis of objective functions and their derivatives for use in the Fletcher-Powell algorithm, and presented various simulation results based on mathematical analysis. Since the satellite link, it is meaningful to model and analyze these effects in a unified manner and present the method for optimal power assignment of transponder input carriers.

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Selection of mother wavelet for Low Impedance Fault Detection (Low Impedance Fault 검출을 위한 최적 마더 웨이브렛의 선정)

  • Byun, S.H.;Kim, C.H.;Kim, I.D.;Nam, K.N.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1997.07c
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    • pp.1012-1014
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    • 1997
  • This paper introduces wavelets and shows that they may be efficient and useful for the detection of general faults in power system. The wavelet transform of a signal consists in measuring the "similarity" between the signal and a set of translated and scaled versions of a "mother wavelet". The "mother wavelet" is a chosen fast decaying oscillation function. A number of mother wavelet for signal analysis have been proposed and some of them are in use in fault detection. However, the performance of fault detection depend on used mother wavelet. In the present paper a comparative evaluation of different mother wavelets for low impedance fault detection is performed. The discussion is focused in well-known mother wavelet based wavelet transform. Several families of wavelets are used to analyse transient earth fault signals in a 345kV model system as generated by EMTP.

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Earth Resistivity Modelling and Grounding Resistance Estimation for Yongdam Dam Power Station Grounding Design (용담댐 발전소 접지설계를 위한 대지비저항 모델링 및 접지저항 추정)

  • Oh, Min-Hwan;Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Kim, Jong-Deug
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07c
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    • pp.1188-1191
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    • 1998
  • Detailed estimation of subsurface resistivity distribution and accurate estimation of actual fault current coming into the grounding system are indispensible to optimun grounding system design. Especially, it is essential for efficient grounding design to estimate subsurface resistivity distribution quantitatively and logically. Accurate estimation of subsurface resistivity distribution has an absolute influence on calculating touch voltage, step voltage and ground potential rise (GPR) which are related with grounding design standard for human safety. In this study, thirty-three electrical sounding surveys were made in Yongdam Power Station to obtain detailed subsurface resistivity distribution and the sounding data were interpreted quantitatively using multi-layered model. The results of the quantitative resistivity models were adopted practically to calculate grounding resistance values. Analytical asymptotic equations and CDEGS program were used in grounding resistance calculation and the results were compared and reviewed in the study.

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Differential Evolution for Regular Orbit Determination

  • Dedhia, Pratik V.;Ramanan, R V.
    • International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.6-12
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    • 2020
  • The precise prediction of future position of satellite depends on the accurate determination of orbit, which is also helpful in performing orbit maneuvers and trajectory correction maneuvers. For estimating the orbit of satellite many methods are being used. Some of the conventional methods are based on (i) Differential Correction (DC) (ii) Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). In this paper, Differential Evolution (DE) is used to determine the orbit. Orbit Determination using DC and EKF requires some initial guess of the state vector to initiate the algorithm, whereas DE does not require an initial guess since a wide range of bounds for the design unknown variables (orbital elements) is sufficient. This technique is uniformly valid for all orbits viz. circular, elliptic or hyperbolic. Simulated observations have been used to demonstrate the performance of the method. The observations are generated by including random noise. The simulation model that generates the observations includes the perturbation due to non-spherical earth up to second zonal harmonic term.

Research for Gravity Measurements Using CG-5 Autograv System and Network Adjustment (CG-5 상대중력계를 이용한 중력관측 및 중력망조정에 관한 연구)

  • He, Huang;Yun, Hong-Sic;Lee, Dong-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.713-722
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    • 2009
  • Gravity measurement can determine the earth gravitational field, also is the fundamental to the research of earth gravitational field, geodesy and geodynamic, vertical movement of the crust, geoid surface, sea level and climate etc. Recently, National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) introduced FG-5 absolute gravity meter in order to lay a foundation for establishment of Absolute Gravity Network, and furthermore NGII plan to construct about 1,200 multi dimensional and function Unified Control Points(UCP) in nationwide. It will play an important role in development of high accuracy geoid model in South Korea. This paper explains the fundamental theory and method of relative gravity measurement, surveys the relative gravity of 21 stations using latest Scintrex CG-5 relative gravimeter. In addition, it calculates gravity values, compare and analysis gravity survey results using datum-free adjustment and weighted constraint adjustment. The results indicate show that datum-free and weighted constraint adjustment methods are available to determine high accuracy gravity achievement, datum-free method is more advantage than weighted constraint adjustment.

Analysis of a Target's Power-Spill Patterns Using Squint SAR Images (Squint SAR 영상 내 목표물 분산전력패턴 분석기법)

  • Hwang, Ji-Hwan;Kim, Duk-Jin;Lee, Seung-Chul;Han, Seung-Hoon;Cho, Jae-Hyoung;Moon, Hyoi
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.722-730
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents an analysis technique for estimating the properties of a target's power-spill patterns observed in reconstructed SAR images, which in turn depend on the setup squint angle of the FMCW signal-based SAR system. The target responses observed in the reconstructed SAR images were affected by the range-direction and azimuth-direction of a wave projected on the ground, and the obtained results were analyzed by applying three-dimensional squinted SAR geometry. Furthermore, the rotation patterns were verified through simulations based on the FMCW signal model and back-projection algorithm. This paper summarizes the obtained evaluation results as a function of SAR geometry and squint angle.

Geometric Regualrization of Irregular Building Polygons: A Comparative Study

  • Sohn, Gun-Ho;Jwa, Yoon-Seok;Tao, Vincent;Cho, Woo-Sug
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.6_1
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    • pp.545-555
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    • 2007
  • 3D buildings are the most prominent feature comprising urban scene. A few of mega-cities in the globe are virtually reconstructed in photo-realistic 3D models, which becomes accessible by the public through the state-of-the-art online mapping services. A lot of research efforts have been made to develop automatic reconstruction technique of large-scale 3D building models from remotely sensed data. However, existing methods still produce irregular building polygons due to errors induced partly by uncalibrated sensor system, scene complexity and partly inappropriate sensor resolution to observed object scales. Thus, a geometric regularization technique is urgently required to rectify such irregular building polygons that are quickly captured from low sensory data. This paper aims to develop a new method for regularizing noise building outlines extracted from airborne LiDAR data, and to evaluate its performance in comparison with existing methods. These include Douglas-Peucker's polyline simplication, total least-squared adjustment, model hypothesis-verification, and rule-based rectification. Based on Minimum Description Length (MDL) principal, a new objective function, Geometric Minimum Description Length (GMDL), to regularize geometric noises is introduced to enhance the repetition of identical line directionality, regular angle transition and to minimize the number of vertices used. After generating hypothetical regularized models, a global optimum of the geometric regularity is achieved by verifying the entire solution space. A comparative evaluation of the proposed geometric regulator is conducted using both simulated and real building vectors with various levels of noise. The results show that the GMDL outperforms the selected existing algorithms at the most of noise levels.

The Behavior of Corrugated Steel Pipes on Underground Structures According to the Depth of Cover (파형 강관 지중구조물의 토피고에 따른 거동특성)

  • Yook, Jeong-Hoon;Kim, Nag-Young
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2004
  • The analysis of corrugated steel pipes is depending on a second dimension frame analysis or compressed ring model. This is the analysis not to consider the behavior of soil-structure interaction. The behavior of load resistance system is varied according to the depth of cover and the spacing of corrugated steel pipes structure. Therefore, the behavior characteristic of corrugated steel pipes was confirmed through finite element analysis to consider the activity of soil-structure interaction. If soil cover is filled up to the more of optimal depth, behavior of corrugated steel pipes are similar to those of ductile steel pipes according to the earth pressure distribution and effects of traffic loads are decreased. But, If soil cover is filled up to the less of optimal depth, corrugated steel pipes can't behave completely as ductile steel pipes because the passive earth pressure acting on side of corrugated steel pipes is decreased according to the decrement of vertical earth pressure, and the traffic loads influence on the section forces is increased, so that the traffic loads dominated the behavior of corrugated steel pipes.

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A Study on the Flow Changes around Building Construction Area Using a GIS Data (GIS 자료를 활용한 신축 건물 주변 지역의 흐름 변화 연구)

  • Mun, Da-Som;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_1
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    • pp.879-891
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the effects of urban redevelopment and building construction on the change of the detailed flows around the Pukyong National University (PKNU) campus located in the building-congested area was investigated using a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model and GIS (geographic information system). For the analysis of the detailed flows before and after the constructions of the buildings around and within the campus, numerical simulations for the 16 inflow directions were performed before and after the construction. We used, as reference wind speeds at the inflow boundaries, the averaged wind speeds observed at the Gwangan light beacon (962) where there is no surrounding obstacle (i.e., building and terrain) acting as friction. We analyzed the area fractions in which wind speeds at z = 2.5 m changed after the construction for 16 inflow directions. The area fractions were relatively large in the east-south-easterly and southerly cases, because of the high-rise buildings constructed at the east and the apartment complex and the Engineering buildings constructed at the south of the PKNU campus. In the case of the easterly of which frequency is highest among the wind directions observed at the Daeyeon AWS (AWS 942) located inside the PKNU campus, the wind-speed change was not significant even after the constructions. It is shown that the building construction has affected the detailed flows around as well as even in the far downwind region of the constructed buildings. Also, it is shown that the GIS and CFD model are useful for analyzing the detailed flows in planning the urban redevelopment and/or building construction.

Recovery of Mass Changes in Antarctic Ice-Sheet based on the Regional Climate Model, RACMO (RACMO 기후 모델에 기반한 남극 빙상 질량 변동의 재현)

  • Eom, Jooyoung;Rim, Hyoungrea
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2020
  • Mass change in the Antarctic Ice Sheet(AIS) is the most important indicator of changes in Earth's climate system including global mean sea level rise that are largely affected by ongoing global warming. In this study, AIS mass variations are examined with satellite gravity data and outputs from a regional climate model. The analysis of gravity data shows that along the coastal region the Western AIS has experienced a continuous and significant ice loss while a slight increasing in the Eastern AIS during the study period (2002.08-2016.08). The temporal and spatial variations in ice mass changes are recovered by a regional climate model, but the recovered amplitudes are much smaller than those of observations. This under-estimation is remarkably resolved by modifying a base flow field for the ice discharge. The recovered estimates based on the ice-flow field can explain about 97% of the rate of mass change in observations before 2009. This implies that changes in ice flow dynamics along the coast line plays a pivotal role in regulating long-term budget of ice mass in AIS.