• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth system model

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Development and Assessment of LSTM Model for Correcting Underestimation of Water Temperature in Korean Marine Heatwave Prediction System (한반도 고수온 예측 시스템의 수온 과소모의 보정을 위한 LSTM 모델 구축 및 예측성 평가)

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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2024
  • The ocean heatwave is emerging as a major issue due to global warming, posing a direct threat to marine ecosystems and humanity through decreased food resources and reduced carbon absorption capacity of the oceans. Consequently, the prediction of ocean heatwaves in the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula is becoming increasingly important for marine environmental monitoring and management. In this study, an LSTM model was developed to improve the underestimated prediction of ocean heatwaves caused by the coarse vertical grid system of the Korean Peninsula Ocean Prediction System. Based on the results of ocean heatwave predictions for the Korean Peninsula conducted in 2023, as well as those generated by the LSTM model, the performance of heatwave predictions in the East Sea, Yellow Sea, and South Sea areas surrounding the Korean Peninsula was evaluated. The LSTM model developed in this study significantly improved the prediction performance of sea surface temperatures during periods of temperature increase in all three regions. However, its effectiveness in improving prediction performance during periods of temperature decrease or before temperature rise initiation was limited. This demonstrates the potential of the LSTM model to address the underestimated prediction of ocean heatwaves caused by the coarse vertical grid system during periods of enhanced stratification. It is anticipated that the utility of data-driven artificial intelligence models will expand in the future to improve the prediction performance of dynamical models or even replace them.

Proposing a Pre-service Teacher Training Program for the Gifted Education

  • Shin Myeong-Kyeong;Park Jong-Wook;Chung Byung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.347-357
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    • 2005
  • Since 1998, an elementary teacher education institute in Korea has hosted the center for the gifted education. The institute hired undergraduate students to escort and liaison each class of the gifted student participants with assisting classroom activities. These liaison teachers observed the gifted classroom activities and evaluated them by using a given checklist and filling out pre-made evaluation forms. Currently this system is being transferred from part-time jobs for students to earn allowance into well organized pre-service teacher program focusing on the gifted education. In other words, the purpose of system is being shifted from how liaison teachers facilitate the gifted program to how the system helps the liaison teachers to be quality teachers for the gifted who can understand what the gifted are and how to facilitate them. Analyzed were the self reports of the liaison teachers regarding their perceptions and beliefs of the gifted and their education program. It was found participant liaison teachers purposed to have more live experiences with getting along with students as well. Liaison teachers’ perceptions on establishing a gifted teacher professional education sequence were reported in this study. The potential scaffolding of the pre-service teacher education program model of the gifted education was provided as a consequence of this study.


  • Choi, Jong-Kuk;Kim, Ki-Dong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.717-720
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we predicted locations vulnerable to ground subsidence hazard using fuzzy logic and geographic information system (GIS). Test was carried out at an abandoned underground coal mine in Samcheok City, Korea. Estimation of relative ratings of eight major factors influencing subsidence and determination of effective fuzzy operators are presented. Eight major factors causing ground subsidence were extracted and constructed as a spatial database using the spatial analysis and the probability analysis functions. The eight factors include geology, slope, landuse, depth of mined tunnel, distance from mined tunnel, RMR, permeability, and depth of ground water. A frequency ratio model was applied to calculate relative rating of each factor, and the ratings were integrated using fuzzy membership function and five different fuzzy operators to produce a ground subsidence susceptibility map. The ground subsidence susceptibility map was verified by comparing it with the existing ground subsidences. The obtained susceptibility map well agreed with the actual ground subsidence areas. Especially, ${\gamma}-operator$ and algebraic product operator were the most effective among the tested fuzzy operators.

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Global, Remote, and Local Effects on the Mediterranean Climate in Present-Day Simulations (현재 기후 모의실험에서 나타나는 지중해의 기후에 대한 전 지구, 원격, 지역 영향들)

  • Kim, Go-Un;Seo, Kyong-Hwan
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2020
  • Impacts on the atmospheric circulation and ocean system over the Mediterranean during boreal summer are investigated using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) historical simulations (from 1911 to 2005). As the climate warms, global and remote effects lead to a strengthening in descending motion, an increase in sea surface temperature (SST) and surface dryness, but a decrease in marine primary production over the Western Mediterranean. The global effect is estimated from interannual variability over the global mean SST and the remote effect is driven by diabatic forcing generated from the South and East Asian summer monsoons. On the other hand, a local contribution leads to the strengthened descending motion and increased surface dryness over the Eastern Mediterranean, whereas the marine primary production over this region tends to increase due to possibly the urban wastewater and sewage. Our result suggests that particular attention needs to be paid to conserve the marine ecosystem over the Mediterranean.

3D Seismic Data Processing Methodology using Public Domain Software System (공유 소프트웨어 시스템을 이용한 3차원 탄성파 자료처리 방법론)

  • Ji, Jun;Choi, Yun-Gyeong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2010
  • Recent trend in petroleum/gas exploration is an application of 3D seismic exploration technique. Unlike the conventional 2D seismic data processing, 3D seismic data processing is considered as the one which requires expensive commercial software systems and high performance computer. This paper propose a practical 3D seismic processing methodology on a personal computer using public domain software such as SU, SEPlib, and SEPlib3D. The applicability of the proposed method has been demonstrated by successful application to a well known realistic 3D synthetic data, SEG/EAGE 3D salt model data.


  • Kyoo-Jin Yi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2013
  • The annual expenditure on diesel oil and heavy oil in the construction sector is the second largest among all industrial sectors. According to the greenhouse reduction scheme of Korean Government, construction sector targeted 7.1% reduction by 2020. Although this target is not higher than other industrial sectors, it is not easy to achieve the reduction target without radical advance in technology, which cannot be expected to happen soon, considering the conservative characteristics of construction industry. Most researches on environmental issues focus on the issues related to energy saving matters during material production stage or maintenance stage, such as heating and insulation, and few deal with the issues directly related to the energy use in the construction sites. This research regards the operation of equipment for the on-site construction processes as a system and attempts to model the energy use processes related to the activities in construction sites, and provides simulation results of earth excavation and hauling processes. The result of this research is expected to aid construction planners estimating the time-based patterns of energy use and assessing greenhouse gas emission and to help selecting more energy efficient alternatives at the planning stage.

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Impact of GPS-RO Data Assimilation in 3DVAR System on the Typhoon Event (태풍 수치모의에서 GPS-RO 인공위성을 사용한 관측 자료동화 효과)

  • Park, Soon-Young;Yoo, Jung-Woo;Kang, Nam-Young;Lee, Soon-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.573-584
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    • 2017
  • In order to simulate a typhoon precisely, the satellite observation data has been assimilated using WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model) three-Dimensional Variational (3DVAR) data assimilation system. The observation data used in 3DVAR was GPS Radio Occultation (GPS-RO) data which is loaded on Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite. The refractivity of Earth is deduced by temperature, pressure, and water vapor. GPS-RO data can be obtained with this refractivity when the satellite passes the limb position with respect to its original orbit. In this paper, two typhoon cases were simulated to examine the characteristics of data assimilation. One had been occurred in the Western Pacific from 16 to 25 October, 2015, and the other had affected Korean Peninsula from 22 to 29 August, 2012. In the simulation results, the typhoon track between background (BGR) and assimilation (3DV) run were significantly different when the track appeared to be rapidly change. The surface wind speed showed large difference for the long forecasting time because the GPS-RO data contained much information in the upper level, and it took a time to impact on the surface wind. Along with the modified typhoon track, the differences in the horizontal distribution of accumulated rain rate was remarkable with the range of -600~500 mm. During 7 days, we estimated the characteristics between daily assimilated simulation (3DV) and initial time assimilation (3DV_7). Because 3DV_7 demonstrated the accurate track of typhoon and its meteorological variables, the differences in two experiments have found to be insignificant. Using observed rain rate data at 79 surface observatories, the statistical analysis has been carried on for the evaluation of quantitative improvement. Although all experiments showed underestimated rain amount because of low model resolution (27 km), the reduced Mean Bias and Root-Mean-Square Error were found to be 2.92 mm and 4.53 mm, respectively.

Seismic Response from Microtremor of Chogye Basin, Korea (초계분지의 상시미동 지진응답)

  • Lee, Heekyoung;Kim, Roungyi;Kang, Tae-Seob
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2017
  • Chogye basin, which is surrounded by country rock, has a closed-basin form. In such a basin, incident seismic energy can form multiply reflected waves, thus causing energy concentration to occur at this closed-basin area. Microtremor measurement survey was performed at the Chogye basin, which is located in Chogye-myeon and Jeokjungmyeon, Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea. Microtremor data were transformed into the frequency domain, and then the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) were calculated. Fundamental resonance frequencies were estimated from the HVSR results for every observation point. Using the empirical relationship between site period and thickness for sediment sites in Korea known from the previous study, the distribution of sediment thickness of the Chogye basin was estimated from the fundamental resonance frequencies. Being compared with the mountainous rim with steep slope, the measurement points inside the basin have low values of the fundamental resonance frequency with the minimum of 1.03 Hz, which corresponds to the thickness of sedimentary layer with the maximum depth of about 100 m. A three-dimensional basin model was constructed for bedrock topography of the Chogye basin by an interpolation of basin depths estimated at each measurement site.

Topic Model Analysis of Research Themes and Trends in the Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology (기계학습 기반 토픽모델링을 이용한 학술지 "자원환경지질"의 연구주제 분류 및 연구동향 분석)

  • Kim, Taeyong;Park, Hyemin;Heo, Junyong;Yang, Minjune
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.353-364
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    • 2021
  • Since the mid-twentieth century, geology has gradually evolved as an interdisciplinary context in South Korea. The journal of Economic and Environmental Geology (EEG) has a long history of over 52 years and published interdisciplinary articles based on geology. In this study, we performed a literature review using topic modeling based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), an unsupervised machine learning model, to identify geological topics, historical trends (classic topics and emerging topics), and association by analyzing titles, keywords, and abstracts of 2,571 publications in EEG during 1968-2020. The results showed that 8 topics ('petrology and geochemistry', 'hydrology and hydrogeology', 'economic geology', 'volcanology', 'soil contaminant and remediation', 'general and structural geology', 'geophysics and geophysical exploration', and 'clay mineral') were identified in the EEG. Before 1994, classic topics ('economic geology', 'volcanology', and 'general and structure geology') were dominant research trends. After 1994, emerging topics ('hydrology and hydrogeology', 'soil contaminant and remediation', 'clay mineral') have arisen, and its portion has gradually increased. The result of association analysis showed that EEG tends to be more comprehensive based on 'economic geology'. Our results provide understanding of how geological research topics branch out and merge with other fields using a useful literature review tool for geological research in South Korea.

A Study of Method for Construction of Wireless Vision Monitoring System for Fish-cage in Open Sea (외해 가두리 양식장용 무선 영상 감시 시스템 구축 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Jin-Seok;Kwak, Jun-Ho;Jung, Sung-Jae;Ham, Yeon-Jae
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.989-996
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    • 2008
  • Recently, a few types of fish-cage in open sea are researched. This fish-cage has to operate monitoring system for keeping an optimum living condition for fish. The most efficient monitoring system is WVMS(Wireless Vision Monitoring System) for fish-cage in open sea. WVMS should be able to transmit video signal and communicate with each controller. So. it needs to be based on WLAN(Wireless LAN) which has characteristic of higher transfer-rate, In this paper, we propose a structure of WVMS using WLAN equipments for maritime environment and prove its effectiveness. We present the propagation loss model of WVMS's communication channel. measured by field test, and discuss its validity compared with the predictive value based on the Friss propagation model and Plane earth reflection model. We present the number of frames that is received from WLAN modem connecting with underwater-camera in field test spots. As a result, we confirmed that proposed WVMS is suitable for maritime environment and it is possible to be applied to fish-cage in open sea on 'seogwipo'.