• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth Science II

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The relation of structural transition, thermal and electrical stability deintercalation of Li- CICs(II) : For Li-EaGDICs and Li-EGDICs (Li-CICs의 Deintercalation에 따른 구조변이와 열적, 전기적 안정성과의 관계(II) : Li-EaGDICs와 Li-EGDICs에 관하여)

  • Oh, Won-Chun;Park, Chung-Oh;Back, Dae-Jin;Ko, Young-Shin
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 1996
  • We have discussed on the deintercalation process of Li-EaGICs and Li-EGICs synthesized under pressure and temperature by spontaneous oxidation reaction of those compounds based on the results of X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis and electrical specific resistivity analysis. According to the results of the X-ray analysis for the intercalation process, we have found that the stage 1 for Li-EaGICs and Li-EGICs were not completly formed, but their lower stages were formed mainly. And from this results of the deintercalation process, we have found that the deintercalation process did not occur any more after 4 weeks, and the Li-EGDICs have more residual lithium metals than LiEaGDICs between the graphite interlayers. According to the thermal decomposition analysis, Li-two compounds had included very hard exothermic reaction. And we have found that these compounds did not occrurred deintercalation reaction above $400^{\circ}C$. According to the results of the electrical specific resistivity measurements, Li-EGDICs have relatively lower electrical specific resistivity than Li-EaGDICs, and Li-EaGDICs showed a formation of the ideal curve. From these results, we can suggest that Li-EaGDICs have a better properties as an anode material secondary than Li-EGICs.

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An Inquiry into the Formation and Deformation of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang (Kyongsang) Basin, Southeastern Korea (한반도 동남부 백악기 경상분지의 형성과 변형에 관한 질의)

  • Ryu In-Chang;Choi Seon-Gyu;Wee Soo-Meen
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.2 s.177
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2006
  • Previously published stratigraphic, sedimentologic, paleontologic, paleomagnetic and geophysical data are reviewed to make an understanding on the tectonic evolution of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang (Kyongsang) basin, southeast Korea. A stratigraphic framework and a tectonic model on the formation and deformation of the Gyeongsang Basin are newly proposed on the basis of integration these data with magmatism and mineralization ages in the basin. A newly proposed stratigraphic framework indicates that strata in the basin can be subdivided into five distinct stratigraphic units that represent pre-rifting, syn-rifting, inversion I, II, and III stages. The Gyeongsang Basin was formed initially as a pre-rifting stage due to north-south extension in the Late Jurassic prior to a syn-riftins stage that resulted from east-west extension during the Early Cretaceous. In the Late Cretaceous, the basin was deformed by three-staged sequential deformation of north-south, northwest-southeast, and east-west compressions. The tectonic history of the basin has been largely controlled by the change of motion of the Izanagi Plate from north to northwest during the Cretaceous. In the early Cretaceous, the Izanagi Plate began to subduct northward beneath the Eurasian Plate and caused the left-lateral strike-slip fault systems in the southern part of the peninsula. The left-lateral wrenching of these fault systems was causally linked to development of pull-apart basins, such as the Gyeongsang Basin in the southeastern part of the peninsula. However, northwestward movement of the Izanagi Plate during the Late Cretaceous probably led to the extensive volcanism as well as sequential deformations in the basin. The stratigraphic and tectonic model, which is newly proposed as a result of this study, may be expected to enhancing the efficiency for exploration and exploitation of useful mineral resources in the basin as well as establishing geologic history in the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin. Together with the spatial and temporal correlation of the Cretaceous basins in adjacent areas, this stratigraphic and tectonic model provides a new geologic paradigm to delineate the sophisticated tectonic history of East Asia turing the Cretaceous.

Preparation of Pure CO2 Standard Gas from Calcium Carbonate for Stable Isotope Analysis (탄산칼슘을 이용한 이산화탄소 안정동위원소 표준시료 제작에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Mi-Kyung;Park, Sunyoung;Kang, Dong-Jin;Li, Shanlan;Kim, Jae-Yeon;Jo, Chun Ok;Kim, Jooil;Kim, Kyung-Ryul
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2013
  • The isotope ratios of $^{13}C/^{12}C$ and $^{18}O/^{16}O$ for a sample in a mass spectrometer are measured relative to those of a pure $CO_2$ reference gas (i.e., laboratory working standard). Thus, the calibration of a laboratory working standard gas to the international isotope scales (Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) for ${\delta}^{13}C$ and Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (V-SMOW) for ${\delta}^{18}O$) is essential for comparisons between data sets obtained by other groups on other mass spectrometers. However, one often finds difficulties in getting well-calibrated standard gases, because of their production time and high price. Additional difficulty is that fractionation processes can occur inside the gas cylinder most likely due to pressure drop in long-term use. Therefore, studies on laboratory production of pure $CO_2$ isotope standard gas from stable solid calcium carbonate standard materials, have been performed. For this study, we propose a method to extract pure $CO_2$ gas without isotope fractionation from a solid calcium carbonate material. The method is similar to that suggested by Coplen et al., (1983), but is better optimized particularly to make a large amount of pure $CO_2$ gas from calcium carbonate material. The $CaCO_3$ releases $CO_2$ in reaction with 100% pure phosphoric acid at $25^{\circ}C$ in a custom designed, evacuated reaction vessel. Here we introduce optimal procedure, reaction conditions, and samples/reactants size for calcium carbonate-phosphoric acid reaction and also provide the details for extracting, purifying and collecting $CO_2$ gas out of the reaction vessel. The measurements for ${\delta}^{18}O$ and ${\delta}^{13}C$ of $CO_2$ were performed at Seoul National University using a stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (VG Isotech, SIRA Series II) operated in dual-inlet mode. The entire analysis precisions for ${\delta}^{18}O$ and ${\delta}^{13}C$ were evaluated based on the standard deviations of multiple measurements on 15 separate samples of purified $CO_2$. The pure $CO_2$ samples were taken from 100-mg aliquots of a solid calcium carbonate (Solenhofen-ori $CaCO_3$) during 8-day experimental period. The multiple measurements yielded the $1{\sigma}$ precisions of ${\pm}0.01$‰ for ${\delta}^{13}C$ and ${\pm}0.05$‰ for ${\delta}^{18}O$, comparable to the internal instrumental precisions of SIRA. Therefore, we conclude the method proposed in this study can serve as a way to produce an accurate secondary and/or laboratory $CO_2$ standard gas. We hope this study helps resolve difficulties in placing a laboratory working standard onto the international isotope scales and does make accurate comparisons with other data sets from other groups.

Effect of Earthworm Flour Supplemented Diet on Growth and Blood Components of Rats (토용분(土龍粉) 첨가급식(添加給食)이 흰쥐의 성장(成長) 및 혈액성분(血液成分)에 미치는 영향)

  • Paik, Jung-Hee;Koh, Jin-Bog
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.136-142
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    • 1984
  • A study was carried out to determine the nutritive effect of earthworm on rats. Male albino rats weighing 72.3${\pm}$1.7 g and the female rats weighing 71.4${\pm}$1.4 g were divided into 3 groups for each sez, respectively. The diet groups were control diet(group I), a diet of 2% earthworm flour supplemented to the control diet at every 3 days interval(group II) and a chief of 2% earth-worm flour added to the control diet everyday(group III). Comparing with control group, female rats in group III showed higher tendency of food consumption. Body weight gain of male rats in group III was more than that of control group. Food and protein effeciency ratios were not influenced by 2% earthworm flour added diet in both male and female rats. While the weights of heart and lung of male rats in group H were higher than those of control group, there was little difference in the weights of liver, kidney and spleen between control group and experimental groups. Hematocrit values of female rats in experimental groups were higher than those of control group, however there was little difference in male rats between control group and experimental groups. There was little : difference in the content of hemoglobin in blood, total protein, albumin, A/G ratio, total cholesterol and glucose in serum between control group and experimental groups.

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Development of the computer program calculating the stress induced by various loads for buried natural gas pipeline ( I ) (매설 천연가스 배관의 제반하중에 의한 응력 계산용 프로그램 개발 (I))

  • Bang I.W.;Kim H.S.;Kim W.S.;Yang Y.C.;Oh K.W.
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 1998
  • According to the requirements of ANSI B3l.8, the pipe thickness is determined with hoop stress resulted from internal pressure. And the other loads induced by soil, vehicle, thermal expansion, ground subsidence, etc shall be evaluated rationally. There are two ways of calculating stress of buried gas pipeline. The first is FEM. FEM can calculate the stress regardless of the complexity of pipeline shape and boundary conditions. But it needs high cost and long time. The second is the way to use equation. The reliable equations to calculate the stress of buried gas pipeline was developed and have been used in designing pipeline and evaluating pipeline safety, But these equation are very difficult to understand and use for non-specialist. For easy calculation of non-specialist, the new computer program to calculate stress of buried natural gas pipeline have been developed. The stress is calculated by the equations and extrapolation of the graph resulted from FEM. The full paper is consist of series I and II. In this paper, series I, the calculating equation of the program is explained in detail.

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Science Integrated Process Skill of the Students in Science Education Center for the Gifted (과학영재교육원 학생들의 과학 통합 탐구 능력)

  • Jeong, Eunyoung;Kwon, Yi-young;Yang, Joo-sung;Ko, Yu-mi
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.525-537
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate science integrated process skill of the students in science education center for the gifted. In order to do this, 'free-response test for the assessment of science process skills' developed by Yu-Hyang Kim(2013) was administered to 102 students(15 in elementary school science class, 58 in middle school science class I, and 29 in middle school science class II) who attend the program of science education center for the gifted in C university. The assessment tool measured 9 skills ; formulating inquiry questions, recognizing variables, formulating hypotheses, designing experiment, transforming data, interpreting data, drawing conclusions, formulating generalizations, and evaluating the designed experiments. As a result, the students in science education center for the gifted had relatively high scores in the area of 'formulating hypotheses' and 'recognizing variables', but they had relatively low scores in the area of 'transforming data', 'interpreting data', and 'evaluating the designed experiments'. The 2 items' percentage of correct answers were below 40% ; one is about a drawing a line graph in 'transforming data', and the other requires finding improvements of the experimental design in 'evaluation'. There was no significant difference between boys' scores and girls's one, and between the scores of students in the field of biology and those of students in the other fields(physics, chemistry, and earth science) in science integrated process skills. And there was significant difference according to the periods receiving the gifted education in 'formulating generalizations'. The teaching and learning has to focus on improving science integrated process skills in the program of science education center for the gifted and teaching and learning materials needs to be developed.

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Three Teaching-Learning Plans for Integrated Science Teaching of 'Energy' Applying Knowledge-, Social Problem-, and Individual Interest-Centered Approaches (지식내용, 사회문제, 개인흥미 중심의 통합과학교육 접근법을 적용한 '에너지' 주제의 교수.학습 방안 개발(II))

  • Lee, Mi-Hye;Son, Yeon-A;Young, Donald B.;Choi, Don-Hyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.357-384
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we described practical teaching-learning plans based on three different theoretical approaches to Integrated Science Education (ISE): a knowledge centered ISE, a social problem centered ISE, and an individual interest centered ISE. We believe that science teachers can understand integrated science education through this paper and they are able to apply simultaneously our integrated science teaching materials to their real instruction in classroom. For this we developed integrated science teaching-learning plans for the topic of energy which has a integrated feature strongly among integrated science subject contents. These modules were based upon the teaching strategies of 'Energy' following each integrated directions organized in the previous paper (Three Strategies for Integrated Science Teaching of "Energy" Applying Knowledge, Social Problem, and Individual Interest Centered Approaches) and we applied instruction models fitting each features of integrated directions to the teaching strategies of 'Energy'. There is a concrete describing on the above three integrated science teaching-learning plans as follows. 1. For the knowledge centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Journey of Energy' and we tried to integrate the knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science applying the instruction model of 'Free Discovery Learning' which is emphasized on concepts and inquiry. 2. For the social problem centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Future of Energy' to resolve the science-related social problems and we applied the instruction model of 'Project Learning' which is emphasized on learner's cognitive process to the topic. 3. For the individual interest centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Transformation of Energy' for the integration of science and individual interest and we applied the instruction model of 'Project Learning' centering learner's interest and concern. Based upon the above direction, we developed the integrated science teaching-learning plans as following steps. First, we organized 'Integrated Teaching-Learning Contents' according to the topics. Second, based upon the above organization, we designed 'Instructional procedures' to integrate within the topics. Third, in accordance with the above 'Instructional Procedures', we created 'Instructional Coaching Plan' that can be applied in the practical world of real classrooms. These plans can be used as models for the further development of integrated science instruction for teacher preparation, textbook development, and classroom learning.

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Petrology of Host Body of Feldspar Deposits in Jechon Ganites (장석광상 모암인 제천반상화강암의 암석학적 특성)

  • Lee, Han-Yeang;Kim, Dai-Oap;Park, Joong-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.405-414
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    • 2001
  • Jecheon granite can be divided into two types; porphyritic granite (K-feldspar megacryst bearing) and medium-grained biotite granite. Porphyritic granite, host body of feldspar deposits, is 8${\sim}$11 km in diameter and about 80 $km^{2}$ in area. It mainly contains K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and quartz, and magnetite, zircon, sphene and apatite are accessary minerals. Enclosed minerals in K-feldspar megacryst with 3${\sim}$10 cm in diameter are hornblende, plagioclase, quartz, magnetite, apatite, sphene and zircon. Mafic enclaves mainly consisting of hornblende, plagioclase and quartz are frequently observed in porphrytic granite. Medium-grained biotite granite consists of K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and hornblende as main, and hematite, muscovite, apatite and zircon as accessary minerals. Core and rim An contents of plagioclase from porphyritic granite, medium biotite granite, K-feldspar megacryst, and mafic enclave are 36 and 21, 40 and 32, 37 and 32, and 43 and 36, respectively. $X_{Fe}$ values of hornblende are 0.57 at biotite granite, 0.51 at K-feldspar mehacryst and 0.45 at mafic enclave. $X_{Fe}$ values of biotite and hornblende are homogeneous without chemical zonation. K-feldspar megacryst shows end member of pure composition with exsolved thin lamellar pure albites. Characteristics of mineral compositions and petrography indicate porphyritic granite is igneous origin and medium-grained biotite granite comes from the same source of magma; biotite granite is initiated to solidly and from residual melt porphyritic granite can be formed. Possibly K-feldspar megacrysts are formde under H$_{2}$O undersaturation condition and near K-feldspar solidus curve temperature; growth rate is faster than nucleation rate. Mafic enclaves are thought to be mingled mafic magma in felsic magma, which is formed from compositional stratigraphy. Estimated equilibrium temperature and pressure for medium-grained biotite granite are about $800^{\circ}C$ and 4.83${\sim}$5.27 Kb, respectively.

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Conjunction Assessments of the Satellites Transported by KSLV-II and Preparation of the Countermeasure for Possible Events in Timeline (누리호 탑재 위성들의 충돌위험의 예측 및 향후 상황의 대응을 위한 분석)

  • Shawn Seunghwan Choi;Peter Joonghyung Ryu;John Kim;Lowell Kim;Chris Sheen;Yongil Kim;Jaejin Lee;Sunghwan Choi;Jae Wook Song;Hae-Dong Kim;Misoon Mah;Douglas Deok-Soo Kim
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.118-143
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    • 2023
  • Space is becoming more commercialized. Despite of its delayed start-up, space activities in Korea are attracting more nation-wide supports from both investors and government. May 25, 2023, KSLV II, also called Nuri, successfully transported, and inserted seven satellites to a sun-synchronous orbit of 550 km altitude. However, Starlink has over 4,000 satellites around this altitude for its commercial activities. Hence, it is necessary for us to constantly monitor the collision risks of these satellites against resident space objects including Starlink. Here we report a quantitative research output regarding the conjunctions, particularly between the Nuri satellites and Starlink. Our calculation shows that, on average, three times everyday, the Nuri satellites encounter Starlink within 1 km distance with the probability of collision higher than 1.0E-5. A comparative study with KOMPSAT-5, also called Arirang-5, shows that its distance of closest approach distribution significantly differs from those of Nuri satellites. We also report a quantitative analysis of collision-avoiding maneuver cost of Starlink satellites and a strategy for Korea, being a delayed starter, to speed up to position itself in the space leading countries. We used the AstroOne program for analyses and compared its output with that of Socrates Plus of Celestrak. The two line element data was used for computation.

Evaluation of CO2 Storage and Uptake by Forest Landscapes in the Middle Region of Korea

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Ahn, Tae-Won
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2013
  • Anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gas concentrations, primarily through radiative forcing from carbon dioxide, continue to challenge earth's climate. This study quantified $CO_2$ storage and uptake by dominant forest types and age classes in the middle region of Korea. In addition, the role of forest landscapes in reducing atmospheric $CO_2$ against $CO_2$ emissions based on energy consumption was evaluated. Mean $CO_2$ storage and uptake per unit area by woody plants for three forest types and four age classes were estimated applying regression equations derived to quantify $CO_2$ storage and uptake per tree; and computations per soil unit area were also performed. Total $CO_2$ storage and uptake by forest landscapes were estimated by extrapolating $CO_2$ storage and uptake per unit area. Results indicated mean $CO_2$ storage per unit area by woody plants and soils was higher in older age classes for the same forest types, and higher in broadleaved than coniferous forests for the same age classes, with the exception of age class II (11-20 years). $CO_2$ storage by broadleaved forests of age class V (41-50 years) averaged 662.0 t/ha (US$331.0 hundred/ha), highest for all forest types and age classes evaluated. Overall, an increased mean $CO_2$ uptake per unit area by woody plants was evident for older age classes for the same forest types. However, decreased $CO_2$ uptake by broadleaved forests at age class V was observed, compared to classes III and IV with an average of 27.9 t/ha/yr (US$14.0 hundred/ha/yr). Total $CO_2$ storage by woody plants and soils in the study area was equivalent to 3.4 times the annual $CO_2$ emissions, and woody plants annually offset the $CO_2$ emissions by 17.7%. The important roles of plants and soils were associated with 39.1% of total forest area in South Korea, and $CO_2$ emissions comprised 62.2% of the total population. Therefore, development of forest lands may change $CO_2$ sinks into sources. Forest landscape management strategies were explored to maintain or improve forest roles in reducing atmospheric $CO_2$ levels.