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The Clinical study in 60 cases for breast cancer patients on the effects by Hnagamdan(抗癌丹) (항암단(抗癌丹)을 투여한 유방암(乳房癌) 환자(患者) 60례(例)에 대한 임상보고(臨床報告))

  • Choi, Byung-Lyul;Lee, Yong-Yeon;Yoo, Hwa-Seung;Seo, Sang-Hoon;Choi, Woo-Jin;Cho, Jung-Hyo;Lee, Yeon-Weol;Son, Chang-Kyu;Cho, Chong-Kwan;Song, Kee-Cheol
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.669-674
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    • 2001
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of Hangamdan(Kangaidan) on 60 patients who have suffered from breast cancer. Methods: Hangamdan(Kangaidan) was administered to patients for over 1 months continuously. We checked improvement of clinical symptoms, changes of chemistry hematological test. Results: The results obtained are summarized as follows. Hangamdan(Kangaidan) has significant effect on the improvement of clinical symptoms. The effects of maintenance and improvement in the symptoms with traditional oriental therapy(83.3%) and combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(92.1%) were observed. The effects of the symptoms were diarrhea(37.3%), abdominal pain (25.3%), general body weakness(22.9%), nausea(20.5%) and etc. in orders. And analysis of hematology attached by breast cancer, maintenance and increasing of WBC(89.9%), RBC(74.7%), Hgb(81.1%), Platelet(92.4%) were observed. After taken Hangamdan(Kangaidan), maintenance and decreasing of AST(85.9%), ALT(94.8%), ${\gamma}$-GTP(87.5%), BUN(88.3%), Creatinine(90.9%) were observed. And increasing of IL-12(25%), IFN-${\gamma}$(83%) were observed. Conclusions: From the above results, it is suggested that Hangamdan(Kangaidan) have significant effects on recovery of immune modulation.

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The Effects of Auditor Turnover Ratio on the Quality of Earnings (경영자의 외부감사인 교체빈도가 기업이익의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Suk-Yong;Hwang, Kyu-Jin;Kim, Ki-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.877-886
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    • 2009
  • Since 1982, the auditee have selected the auditor under market mechanism. Under the system on which the auditor have been chosen by client, there have been chances for opinion shopping, etc. To prevent those, some audit regulations have been introduced. Prior studies have documented the positive effect of these audit regulations. Those studies, however, had some limitations which they dealt with just short event period for empirical tests. This study examines the effect of Auditor Turnover Ratio on the Quality of Earnings using a sample of firms that were listed on Korea Exchange(KRX) from 1995 to 2004. The firms that change auditor frequently are expected to have low disclosure quality. The CEO with the incentives to manage or manipulate earnings could accomplish this purpose by replacing existing auditor with more friendly auditor, which could result in eventually lowering earning's quality of the firm. The result of empirical test shows that the accrual quality of firms which have high auditor turnover ratio are significantly lower than those of firms which have low ratio. This result is consistent with our hypothesis that the more frequently a firm changes auditor, the lower the quality of earning is. This evidence might give the implication to policy-making supervisor.

Development of Web Credibility Evaluation Model Using AHP (AHP를 이용한 웹 사이트 신뢰성 평가 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Young-Kee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.51-69
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    • 2008
  • This study tired to develop the web credibility evaluation model by calculating weighted values and sensitivities of indicators which presented on preceding researches using Analytic Hierarchy Process. "Expert Choice 2000" was used as the tool for analysing AHP. 25 experts are answered for this questionnaire who are selected by judgement sampling method, one of the non-probability sampling method. Also, sensitivity analyses was performed to graphically see how the alternatives change with respect to the importance of the indicators or sub-indicators. The main results are summarized as followings; i) importance analysis in first level factors: trust-worthiness(0,606), expertness(0.222), safety(0.173), ii) importance analysis in second level factors: trustfulness (0.519), reputation(0.087), usefulness (0.102), timeliness(0,093), competency(0.027), security(0.115), reliability(0,058). iii) some of the importance analysis in third level factors: the site provides comprehensive information that is attributed to a specific source(0.252), the site has articles that list citations and references(0.153), the site contains user opinions and reviews(0.072), etc. iv) sensitivity analyses showed that the importance of the indicators or sub-indicators are slightly changed with respect to the alternatives change.

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A Review on E-Governance Research Trend and Analysis - An Empirical Analysis of Academic Papers in Korea - (e-거버넌스 연구의 경향 분석: 국내 학술논문을 중심으로)

  • Yu, Jae-mi;Oh, Cheol H.
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.3-21
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    • 2015
  • Since the 1990s, the notion of governance has been introduced as an alternative way of understanding the new trend of public administration. Then, it was followed by the emergence of the concept, e-governance (electronic governance) with the development of information and communication technologies. E-governance means an approach to understanding how to manage state affairs. It emphasizes the notion of governance where various actors (government-market-civil society, etc.) adjust and cooperate through mutual collaborative network, not a unilateral decision-making form of government, in order to solve common problems. It also carries the notion of 'electronic' in the sense that it operates on the basis of utilizing information and communication technology (ICT). This study systematically attempts to analyze research trends and methodologies of e-governance in major Korean journals and proceedings in the field of public administration and policy studies over the last 15 years. Some of the findings are worth noting: first, e-governance studies in Korea are in large measure concentrated on the government-centered perspective. Also, past studies tend to focus on problem-solving by suggesting policy alternatives. Past studies, thus, seem to pay relatively less attention to explanation of the phenomena through rigorous analysis. Under the circumstances, this review is expected to shed light on some of conceptual or methodological issues related e-governance studies, thus, to provide significant implications for future research of e-governance.

Development of Low Temperature Thermal Desorption System and Remediation of Soil Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbon (열순환식 저온열탈착 정화장치의 개발 및 유류오염 토양 현장 적용)

  • Kim, Guk-Jin;Lee, Sun-Hwa;Park, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Chi-Kyung;Lee, Cheol-Hyo;Kim, Do-Sun;Cho, Seok-Hee;Chang, Youn-Young
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2008
  • The Low Temperature Thermal Desorption (LTTD) System equipped with a soil transfer unit, a rotary kiln, RTO, cyclones and a bag filter etc. was developed. The LTTD system was designed to be economically operated using LPG as a fuel and recirculating the discharged gas from the LTTD system through RTO. For the performance test of LTTD system the soil contaminated with light and heavy oils (2,690 mg TPH/kg soil) and with particle sizes below 50 mm was fed into the rotary kiln of LTTD system at 7$m^3$/hr with retention time of 15 minutes. Operation temperatures of LTTD system for the removal of soil TPH were $567^{\circ}C$ and $692^{\circ}C$. The residual TPH after treatment was 46 mg/kg and 32mg/kg respectively at each temperature condition, which shows high TPH removal efficiencies of the developed LTTD as 98.3% and 98.9%.

A Study on the Improvement of Performance Testing System of Domestic Surveying Equipment (국내 측량장비 성능검사제도 개선방안 연구)

  • MIN, Kwan-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we proposed the improvements for performance test and surveying equipment regulations, standards, methods and procedures, depending on the need of improving the legal system for surveying equipment in a diverse and sophisticated surveying industry. This research was performed first investigating the existing legal systems(Act on the establishment and management of spatial data, Framework act on national standards, ISO 17123, JIS B 7912) with respect to the surveying equipment performance testing and the research for IOS and KOLAS suggested the improvements on the application for the surveying equipment performance testing standard. More exactly, first, two years were presented for the surveying equipment performance testing cycle considering the precise accuracy of the instrument stability, purpose and frequency of use, etc. Second, the abolition of the measurement distance by grade and the upward or cross-grade adjustment of the single prism standards about the light wave rangefinder and total station were suggested for the improvement on survey equipment performance criteria. Third, since the main function of total station is focused on a three-dimensional coordinate measurement due to the improvement of surveying equipment performance testing, it was proposed to use the precision(repeatability) of the coordinate measuring method as an evaluation method.

Pozzolanicity of Calcined Sewage Sludge with Calcination and Fineness Conditions (소성조건 및 분말도에 따른 소성하수슬러지(CSS)의 포졸란 특성)

  • So, Hyoung-Seok;So, Seung-Young;Khulgadai, Janchivdorj;Kang, Jae-Hong;Lee, Min-Hi
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2015
  • This study discussed the pozzolanic properties of calcined sewage sludge (CSS) according to calcination and fineness conditions. The chemical and mineralogical analysis of CSS according to calcination temperature and time were carried out and compared with that of the existing pozzolanic materials such as fly-ash, blast furnance slag and meta-kaolin. Various mortars were made by mixing those CSS and $Ca(OH)_2$ (1:1 wt. %), and their compressive strength and hydrates according to experimental factors such as fineness of CSS and curing age were also investigated in detail. The results show clearly the potentiality of calcined sewage sludge (CSS) as an admixture materials in concrete, but the CSS should be controlled by calcination temperature and time, and fineness etc. In this experimental condition, the calcination temperature of $800^{\circ}C$, calcination time of 2 hours and fineness of $5,000cm^2/g$ were optimum conditions in consideration of the mechanical properties and economic efficiency of CSS. The compressive strength of CSS mortars was higher than that of fly-ash mortars and blast furnace slag mortars, especially at the early ages. Then, the utilization of CSS in construction fields was greatly expected.

Reduction Factor of the Site Coefficient due to the Foundation Embedment in the Soft Soil Layer for the Seismic Analysis of a Building (건축물의 지진해석을 위한 연약지반에 묻힌 기초로 인한 지반증폭계수에 대한 저감계수)

  • Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the reduction factor of the code-defined site coefficient due to the embedment of a foundation was estimated for the seismic analysis of a building built on a soft soil site. This was done by utilizing the in-house finite element software P3DASS, which has the capability of pseudo 3D seismic analysis with nonlinear soil layers. A 30m thick soft soil site laid on the rock was assumed to be homogeneous, elastic, viscous and isotropic, and equivalent circular rigid foundations with radii of 10-70m were considered to be embedded at 0, 10, 20 and 30m in the soil layer. Seismic analyses were performed with 7 bedrock earthquake records deconvoluted from the outcrop records of which the effective ground acceleration was scaled to 0.1g. The study results showed that the site coefficients are gradually reduced except in the case of a small foundation embedded deeply in the weak soil layer, and it was estimated that the deviation of the site coefficients due to the foundation size was not significant. The standard reduction factor due to the foundation embedment were calculated adding the standard deviation to the average of 5 reduction factors calculated for 5 different foundation radii. Standard reduction factors for the site amplification factor were proposed for the practical amplification and the codes of KBC, etc., in accordance with the average shear wave velocity of the site, and the site class.

Analyses on the Physical and Electrochemical Properties of Al2O3 Coated LiCoO2 (리튬이차전지용 양극 활물질(LiCoC2)의 표면처리의 특성 분석 및 전기화학적 특성 고찰)

  • Chang, Youn-Han;Choi, Sei-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.184-189
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    • 2007
  • The importance of secondary battery industry is getting excited according to the development of battery industry as a high efficiency energy supplier of electronic machine of mobile information such as mobile phone, lap-top computer, PDA. It is rasing the interest about security of safety and high efficiency of cathode material for main part of secondary lithium battery. The cathode material which has been used like $LiCoO_2,\;LiMn_2O_4,\;LiNi_xCo_yMn_zO_2,\;LiNi_xCo_yM_zO_2$ (M=Al, Zr, Mg etc.,) the most typical material is $LiCoO_2$. But it is studying the development of substitute such as efficiency amelioration of $LiCoO_2$, thetiary element, olivine element because of the capacity of $LiCoO_2$, the matter of security; especially the betterment of efficiency, security research of safety has been actively processed in domestic and overseas about surface coating treatment of active cathode which is using oxide ($M_xO_3$). This study analyses side effect of battery according to increase of surface treatment, formation of precipitation for reagent condensation, non-reagent residue of oxide ($M_xO_3$) which is remains during the surface treatment of $LiCoO_2$; conducts study of new process, the consideration of the electrochemical property to improve oxide solution of mixing rate, mixture of surface treatment, dryness, calcinations conditionetc.

The Clinical study in 83 cases for colorectal cancer patients on the effects by Hangamdan(抗癌丹) (항암단(抗癌丹)을 투여(投與)한 대장암(大腸癌) 환자(患者) 83례(例)에 대한 임상보고(臨床報告))

  • Lee, Yong-Yeon;Seo, Sang-Hoon;Yoo, Hwa-Seung;Choi, Woo-Jin;Cho, Jung-Hyo;Lee, Yeon-Weol;Son, Chang-Kyu;Cho, Chong-Kwan
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.165-180
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    • 2000
  • Clinical studies were carried out 83 cases of patients with colorectal cancer treated by Hangamdan(抗癌丹) from January 1th 1998 to September 30th 2000. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Distribution of those attached by colorectal cancer, by sex, showed that Male is more then Female, by age, showed that the number of fifties is majority. 2. Distribution of diagnostic stage, in descending order; stage III(53%, top), stage IV(45.8%). 3. The effects of maintenance and improvement in the symptoms with traditional oriental therapy(83.3%) and combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(92.1%) were observed. The effects of the symptoms were as follows: diarrhea(37.3%), abdominal pain (25.3%), general body weakness(22.9%), nausea(20.5%) and etc. in orders. 4. Analysis of hematology attached by colorectal cancer, maintenance and increasing of WBC(89.9%), RBC(74.7%), Hgb(81.1%), Platelet(92.4%) were observed. After taken Hangamdan, the safety of the liver and kidney were as follows; maintenance and decreasing of AST(85.9%), ALT(94.8%), GTP(87.5%), Creatinine(90.9%) were observed. 5. of IL-12 and $IFN-\gammer$ attached by colorectal cancer, increasing of IL-12(53.3%), IFN-{\gammer}(80%)$) were observed. 6. Analysis of QOL attached by colorectal cancer, maintenance and improvement of combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(89.6%), traditional oriental therapy(83.3%) were observed. 7. Analysis of survival in patients with IV stage of colorectal cancer, above 7 months(18.4%), 12 months(65.8%). 8. Analysis of antitumor effects, maintenance of traditional oriental therapy(83.3%) and maintenance and improvement of combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(80.5%) were observed. Analysis of tumor marker attached by colorectal cancer, maintenance and decreasing of CEA(78.8%) were observed. 9. Analysis of curative valuation, maintenance and improvement of traditional oriental therapy(83.3%), combined treatment of western and oriental therapy(72.7%) were observed. From the above results, it is suggested that Hangamdan has significant effects of antitumor and immune activity, also could be usefully applied for colorectal cancer patients by combination with western therapy or alone.

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