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A Study on How to Build a User-centered·Field-oriented Ship-communication Test Environment(Living Lab) (사용자 중심의 선박통신 현장 시험 환경(Living Lab) 구축 방안 연구)

  • Sangjin JANG;Bu-Young KIM;Hyo-Jeong KIM;Si-Hwan LEE;Taehan SONG;Woo-Seong Shim
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.394-400
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    • 2023
  • Unlike advancements on land, the maritime industry has been slow to embrace new technologies, primarily due to user apprehension toward unproven innovations in the development process. The existing paradigm of technology development, marked by expert-oriented and laboratory-centric test environments, often leads to a stagnation of progress at the research stage, as the applicability of the technology remains uncertain. This study departed from the conventional research system and introduced a novel methodology known as a "living lab." This approach aimed to ensure applicability by actively involving field-oriented users throughout the entire lifecycle of technology development, encompassing planning, development, verification, and evaluation. The presentation of a plan for the construction and operation of such a living lab in this study is expected to contribute to establishing an efficient experimentation system for ships that can reflect user opinions in the future and to secure technology applicability in the maritime field.

ESG Activities and Costs of Debt Capital of Shipping Companies (해운기업의 ESG 활동과 타인자본비용)

  • Soon-Wook Hong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.200-205
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the impact of ESG activities of domestic shipping companies on the cost of debt. It is known that companies with large information asymmetry tend to have high costs of debt. Corporate ESG activities have been identified as an effective means of reducing information asymmetry. By actively engaging in ESG activities, companies can lower the cost of debt by reducing information asymmetry. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether these mechanisms, which have been observed in previous studies, also apply to domestic shipping companies. Multiple regression analysis is conducted on KOSP I-listed shipping companies from2010 to 2022. The cost of debt is set as the dependent variable, while the ESG rating is used as the explanatory variable. The analysis reveals that companies with a high level of ESG activities generally have a lower cost of debt. However, it is important to note that ESG activities of shipping companies do not seem to have a significant impact on their cost of debt. In fact, the level of ESG activities among domestic shipping companies is not particularly high (Hong, 2024). Despite these findings, domestic shipping companies should still strive for sustainable management to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment and meet the demands of the modern era. ESG management is a representative method for achieving sustainability. Therefore, shipping companies should not only focus on reducing the cost of debt but also on opening up the closed industry culture and communicating with capital market participants for sustainable growth. It is crucial for these companies to listen to the voices of stakeholders and embrace a holistic approach to sustainability.

Exploring the Direction of Teaching and Learning in the Era of Science and Technology -Focusing on New Materialism, Phenomenology, Actor Network Theory, and Trend Korea 2024 Perspectives (과학기술 시대 교수학습 방향 탐색 -신유물론, 현상학, 행위자 네크워크 이론, 트랜드 코리아 2024 관점을 중심으로)

  • Yoon Ok Han
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.923-932
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of teaching and learning in the era of science and technology. The conclusion is as follows: From the perspective of new materialism, the direction of teaching and learning first emphasizes the importance of learning experience. Second, a teaching method that emphasizes giving meaning is needed. Third, there is a need to consider various perspectives and backgrounds. The direction of teaching and learning in the era of phenomenology is, first, the meaning and meaning of learning is important. Second, it emphasizes the role of independent learners. Third, diverse experiences must be integrated. Fourth, a flexible approach is needed depending on the environment and situation. Rather than a fixed teaching method, it is necessary to use a variety of teaching strategies according to the situation and needs of the learner. From the perspective of actor network theory, the direction of teaching and learning needs to first embrace a variety of actors. Second, there is a need to understand the role of the mediator actor. Third, there is a need to emphasize the dynamic aspect of the network. Fourth, there is a need to emphasize interaction and giving meaning. Fifth, there is a need to strengthen interaction with technology. Sixth, there is a need to create a non-linear and open learning environment. The direction of society and teaching and learning presented in Trend Korea 2024 considers time as a precious resource in a divided society, and teaching and learning must adapt and develop in a useful direction in a changing environment.

A Comparative Study on Landscape Composition of Palace Gardens in Korea, China, Japan - Focused on Changdeokgung Palace, Summer Palace and Sento Imperial Palace - (한·중·일 궁궐정원의 경관 구성 비교 연구 - 창덕궁(昌德宮), 이화원( 頤和園), 선동어소(仙洞御所)를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Sang-Jun;An, Seung-Hong;Yoon, Sung-Yung;Yeom, Sung-Jin;Park, Hee-Soung;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out investigation of characteristics palace gardens representing historical background, political and cultural identity in Korea, China, and Japan. It had been done a comparative analysis in formation, location and site layout, site composition, landscape elements and planning, landscape technique and vista for palace gardens in East asia's three countries. In order to process this study, Changdeokgung Palace in Korea, Summer Palace in China and Sento Imperial Palace in Japan were selected based on similar status. therefore it provide theoretical foundation to investigate the identity of palace gardens in three countries. Furthermore the study determined homogeneity(similarity) and heterogeneity(differentiation) of the characteristics between palace gardens in three countries through the in-depth comparative analysis in order to investigate identity of palace gardens in three countries and to present the value of Korean palace garden. Homogeneity and heterogeneity between palace gardens in three countries deducted from the study were summarized as follows; First, it shows indigenous style of Korean garden throughout adapting natural terrain without natural destruction. Second, various symbolic elements which ie reflected East asian ideologies present in the gardens. Chinese thoughts and technique were influenced in the development of palace garden in Korea and implemented in similar ways of China. Homogeneity of utilizing waterscape could be found in three countries. Lastly, Palace garden in Changdeokgung had played a role as cultural place with taste for the arts rather than representing authority of the throne. It appears to be similar in China and Japan. The reason how Korea, China and Japan established their own independent style is that each palace garden had been developed to embrace indigenous culture with introduced elements even though they were closely bound up with culture.

A Study on Hybrid Characteristics of Public Space in Contemporary Cities Reinterpreted by the Idea of Liminal Space (역공간(Liminal Space) 개념으로 해석한 현대도시 공공공간의 혼성적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Zoh, Kyung-Jin;Han, So-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2011
  • This study is a reinterpretation of characteristics of public space in contemporary cities with a view to liminal space. The conditions of pubic space now cannot be captured through the existing discourses of publicness, and public space. The basic premise of the study is that the idea of liminal space or liminality is useful to grasp the fluid and hybrid attribute of public space in contemporary cities. Liminal space, originally from anthropological studies, is the intermingled stage between two realms and the sustained period of the ritual. The idea has been widely used for various cultural phenomenon and spatial experiences. A literature review on public space and liminal space was carried out. Cases pertaining to public space with a view to liminal space were examined and discussed in detail. Through the careful reading of several public spaces with an angle toward liminal space, the new perspective toward public space will be drawn out. First, we need to emphasize the fluid spectrum of public space rather than the serial stage such as the public, the semi-public, the semi-private, and the private. Second, the idea will contribute to understanding the flexible state depending upon time. What we can learn from case studies is the volatile characteristics in public space as a common phenomenon support its vitality. This interpretation will contribute to the perception of a new horizon of public space. The nature of public space is unpredictable and free. In reality, the spectrum of public space will expand and fluctuate. Ironically, public space can be vitalized through enhancing and activating the private space. The intimate and complicated interface between the two realms is a key issue. The boundary of public space might be redefined to embrace the flexible the fragile nature of changing public space. These research implications will guide the thoughtful design and management of pubic space.

A Study on the Relationship between Standardization and Technological Innovation: Panel Data and Canonical Correlation Analysis through the use of Standardization Data and Patent Data (표준과 기술혁신의 관계에 관한 연구: 표준 제정·보유정보와 특허정보를 이용한 패널데이터 분석 및 정준상관 분석)

  • Lee, Heesang;Kim, Sooncheon;Jeon, Yejun
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.465-482
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    • 2016
  • Previous researches have introduced various ways to analyze the impact of standardization on innovation while the works are not only small in number but based on interview or case study. This paper addresses the impact of standardization activities within South Korean industries on technological innovation applying an empirical analysis of standardization activities and technological innovation. Drawing on Korean Industrial Standards Classification from panel data of 2003 to 2012, we employed corresponding data of each industrial classification: Number of standards, Accumulated number of standards, Number of patents applied in Korea, Sales, Operational profit, Intangible asset, and R&D invest. In the first model, we run panel data models employing the number of patents applied in Korea as an independent variable, and the number of standards, accumulated number of standards, sales, and operational profit as dependent variables to observe industrial impacts upon the relationship between standards and patents, along with time lagged consideration. The result shows that number of standards are revealed to have a negative influence on patent applications in the year of research, and no significant effect appears for the next two years while positive effect shows up on the third year. Meanwhie, accumulated number of standards turned out to have positive effects on patent applications in Korea. This implies it takes time for innovation subjects to embrace newly established standards while having a significant amount of positive effect on technological innovation in the long term. In the second model, we use canonical correlation analysis to find industrial-wide characteristics. The result of this model is equivalent to the result of panel data analysis except in a few industries, where some industry specific characteristics appear. The implications of our results present that Korean policy makers have to take account of industrial effects on standardization to promote technological innovation.

A Study of Improvement for the Prediction of Groundwater Pollution in Rural Area: Application in Keumsan, Korea (농촌지역 지하수의 오염 예측 방법 개선방안 연구: 충남 금산 지역에의 적용)

  • Cheong, Beom-Keun;Chae, Gi-Tak;Koh, Dong-Chan;Ko, Kyung-Seok;Koo, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2008
  • Groundwater pollution prediction methods have been developed to plan the sustainable groundwater usage and protection from potential pollution in many countries. DRASTIC established by US EPA is the most widely used groundwater vulnerability mapping method. However, the DRASTIC showed limitation in predicting the groundwater contamination because the DRASTIC method is designed to embrace only hydrogeologic factors. Therefore, in this study, three different methods were applied to improve a groundwater pollution prediction method: US EPA DRASTIC, Modified-DRASTIC suggested by Panagopoulos et al. (2006), and LSDG (Land use, Soil drainage, Depth to water, Geology) proposed by Rupert (1999). The Modified-DRASTIC is the modified version of the DRASTIC in terms of the rating scales and the weighting coefficients. The rating scales of each factor were calculated by the statistical comparison of nitrate concentrations in each class using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test; while the weighting coefficients were modified by the statistical correlation of each parameter to nitrate concentrations using the Spearman's rho test. The LSDG is a simple rating method using four factors such as Land use, Soil drainage, Depth to water, and Geology. Classes in each factor are compared by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test which gives a different rating to each class if the nitrate concentration in the class is significantly different. A database of nitrate concentrations in groundwaters from 149 wells was built in Keumsan area. Application of three different methods for assessing the groundwater pollution potential resulted that the prediction which was represented by a correlation (r) between each index and nitrate was improved from the EPA DRASTIC (r = 0.058) to the modified rating (r = 0.245), to the modified rating and weights (r = 0.400), and to the LSDG (r = 0.415), respectively. The LSDG seemed appropriate to predict the groundwater pollution in that it contained land use as a factor of the groundwater pollution sources and the rating of each class was defined by a real pollution nitrate concentration.

The Impact of Childhood Cancer on The Korean Family (암 환아 발생이 가족에게 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • ;;Ida Martinson
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.636-652
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    • 1992
  • This study identified the impact of childhood cancer on the Korean family. The purpose was to contribute knowledge for family nursing and pediatric hospice care practice with sick children and their families. This descriptive study was conducted during a 6 month period with children who were being treated for cancer at six university hospitals in Seoul. The data were gathered from members of 68 families ; 24(Group A), with a child newly diagnosed with cancer : 27(Group B), with a child under treatment and without complications, and 17 (Group C), with a child in relapse. Medical records, structured questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection. The questionnaires and interview schedules had been used previously in Martinson's research in the USA and China. The findings, conclusions, and suggestions are as follows. 1. The impact of childhood cancer on the family. Members of the family experienced fear, helplessness, guilty feelings, and anger at the time of the initial diagnosis and at relapse. Mothers complained of headache, anorexia and poor appetite, weight loss, sleep disturbance, and bad dreams. Many of the fathers either lost or changed jobs, and all working mothers stopped working. Half the parents reported changes in their marital relationships such as frequent quarrels but also stronger unity. Family members perceived cancer as the most frightening disease. Change in their world view was expressed as living on faith understanding suffering, determining to live a better life, wanting to live an upright life and valuing health as the most important. Religious activities are found most helpful through this difficult experience. Financial debt due to the treatment and care of the sick child, burdened 22 families. The above mentioned impact was most evidant in Group B(those presently undergoing treatment) and Group C(those in relapse). Findings indicate that nursing care should embrace the family of a child who is being treated for cancer. 2. Characteristics of the child with cancer The majority of the children in this sample had a diagnosis of leukemia. Their mean age was 6.8 and the ratio of boys to girls was 1.12 ; 1. The mean hospitalization frequency was 13.5 times and the mean duration of illness was 16.8 months. Most of 1.he children perceived cancer as the most frightening disease ; 32.7% of the children described their sickness as serious. Children in Group C were hospitalized more frequently, stayed in hospital for longer periods, and expressed their sickness as quite serious more often than the other two groups. These findings indicate how much comprehensive pediatric hospice nursing care services are needed along with relevant research and nursing education. 3. Characteristics of the families. The mean age of the father was 39.5 and the mother, 36,6 ; they are in their most productive life period. Mothers especially expressed feelings of financial uneasiness and powerlessness about giving up their jobs, and guilty feelings for not providing enough care and concern to other children due to taking care of the sick one. The burden of caring for the sick child can bring negative changes in family dynamics which they think provoke potential health problems in members of the family These findings suggest a need for nursing support and counselling resources. Findings also suggest the need for ethical inquiry about such questions as who should give information to the child in regard to diagnosis and prognosis, when, and how. Other suggestions included : 1) Quality health care for childhood cancer such as home care and pediatric hospice programs should be established. 2) Special and practical consideration for long-term patients should be made in the present insurance coverage. The reimbursement period for long-term patients should be lengthened. 3) Further in-depth qualitative studies are needed. 4) Education programs including guided practice experience for pediatric hospice care practitioners are needed.

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A Study on the Influence of Positive Psychological Capital of Small and Medium Business Members, Job Burnout, and Organizational Citizen Behavior (중소기업 구성원의 긍정심리자본, 직무소진, 조직시민행동의 영향관계)

  • Choi, Sung Yong;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.159-174
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    • 2020
  • This study is an empirical study analyzing the effects of positive psychological capital on job burnout. In addition, positive psychological capital played a role in organizational citizenship behavior, and tried to verify the role of organizational citizenship behavior as a black box, or parameter, between job burnout. And then, the sub-factors of organizational citizenship behavior were divided into two: individual-oriented organizational citizenship behavior and organization-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. To this end, a questionnaire survey was conducted for members of small and medium-sized enterprises to compare and analyze the relationship between variables. Positive psychological capital is increasing interest in that it can reduce the job burnout of members and embrace the propensity of young generations represented by millennials because it can improve the effectiveness by developing positive mental states and strengths of the organization. There is a need for research as a keyword. As a result of this study, first, it was found that positive psychological capital of SME(small and medium-sized enterprises) members had a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Second, positive psychological capital was found to have a significant negative effect on job burnout. Third, it was a verification of how positive psychological capital and organizational citizenship behavior affect job burnout. In the relationship between positive psychological capital and job burnout, organization-oriented organizational citizenship behavior was found to play a mediating role. However, it was found that individual-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors among the organizational citizenship behaviors are not valid. In this study, positive psychological capital and job burnout, which have been mainly studied in service workers' emotional workers(crew, nurses, counselors, etc.), nursery teachers, and social workers, were applied to SME members by using the parameters of organizational citizenship behavior. You can put that implication on things. The positive psychological capital and organizational citizenship behavior can be further enhanced through SME members' love for the company, improvement of consideration among employees and resulting organizational commitment and work performance. It could also provide momentum for sustainable management for small and medium-sized enterprises that are relatively short of capital and resources.

The Limitation of Air Carriers' Cargo and Baggage Liability in International Aviation Law: With Reference to the U.S. Courts' Decisions (국제항공법상 화물.수하물에 대한 운송인의 책임상한제도 - 미국의 판례 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Joon-Jo
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.109-133
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    • 2007
  • The legal labyrinth through which we have just walked is one in which even a highly proficient lawyer could easily become lost. Warsaw Convention's original objective of uniformity of private international aviation liability law has been eroded as the world community ha attempted again to address perceived problems. Efforts to create simplicity and certainty of recovery actually may have created less of both. In any particular case, the issue of which international convention, intercarrier agreement or national law to apply will likely be inconsistent with other decisions. The law has evolved faster for some nations, and slower for others. Under the Warsaw Convention of 1929, strict liability is imposed on the air carrier for damage, loss, or destruction of cargo, luggage, or goods sustained either: (1) during carriage in air, which is comprised of the period during which cargo is 'in charge of the carrier (a) within an aerodrome, (b) on board the aircraft, or (c) in any place if the aircraft lands outside an aerodrome; or (2) as a result of delay. By 2007, 151 nations had ratified the original Warsaw Convention, 136 nations had ratified the Hague Protocol, 84 had ratified the Guadalajara Protocol, and 53 nations had ratified Montreal Protocol No.4, all of which have entered into force. In November 2003, the Montreal Convention of 1999 entered into force. Several airlines have embraced the Montreal Agreement or the IATA Intercarrier Agreements. Only seven nations had ratified the moribund Guatemala City Protocol. Meanwhile, the highly influential U.S. Second Circuit has rendered an opinion that no treaty on the subject was in force at all unless both affected nations had ratified the identical convention, leaving some cases to fall between the cracks into the arena of common law. Moreover, in the United States, a surface transportation movement prior or subsequent to the air movement may, depending upon the facts, be subject to Warsaw, or to common law. At present, International private air law regime can be described as a "situation of utter chaos" in which "even legal advisers and judges are confused." The net result of this barnacle-like layering of international and domestic rules, standards, agreements, and criteria in the elimination of legal simplicity and the substitution in its stead of complexity and commercial uncertainty, which manifestly can not inure to the efficient and economical flow of world trade. All this makes a strong case for universal ratification of the Montreal Convention, which will supersede the Warsaw Convention and its various reformulations. Now that the Montreal Convention has entered into force, the insurance community may press the airlines to embrace it, which in turn may encourage the world's governments to ratify it. Under the Montreal Convention, the common law defence is available to the carrier even when it was not the sole cause of the loss or damage, again making way for the application of comparative fault principle. Hopefully, the recent entry into force of the Montreal Convention of 1999 will re-establish the international legal uniformity the Warsaw Convention of 1929 sought to achieve, though far a transitional period at least, the courts of different nations will be applying different legal regimes.

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