• Title/Summary/Keyword: ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY

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A Study on Economic Evaluation Method of Steel Erection Work using by Self-supported Steel Joint (자립형 철골 접합부를 이용한 철골설치 방식의 경제성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Changki;Kim, Taehoon;Cho, Hunhee;Kang, Kyung-In
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.3-7
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    • 2009
  • Construction projects are being the skyscraper and the large size by limited site condition and developing construction technology. Therefore, Steel structure work is steadily increasing caused by easy to work and structural safety. However, steel-frame work has the large incidence of heavy accident potentially. Recently a research group has recently developed newly designed self-supported steel joint for enhancing safety of steel erection work. Before applying the steel joint in a construction site, economic evaluation should be performed. Thus, we proposed the method for measuring economic efficiency of the new steel joint and verified economic feasibility of the steel joint method through a case study. As a result, Steel erection method using by self-supported steel joint showed economic rather than the one using by H-beams.

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A Study on the Economic Analysis of LNG Combined Cycle Thermal Power Plant in Cost Based Pool Electricity Markets (변동비반영 발전경쟁시장에서 LNG-복합 화력발전소의 경제성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Cheon-Ho;Han, Seok-Man;Chung, Koo-Hyung;Kang, Dong-Ju;Kim, Bal-Ho H.
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.57 no.8
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    • pp.1327-1333
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    • 2008
  • Since Cost Based Pool markets has been continued to power markets, Genco. needs economic analysis about investment in power plants. Particularly most Private Genco.s have presently a construction plan about LNG combined cycle thermal power plants. In this paper, we propose a economic analysis method of LNG combined cycle thermal power plants using Economic Dispatch and Optimal Power Flow in CBP markets. Also we develope computation model using it for decision making to build a plant. This method can consider a variation of power facility like power plants and transmission lines in CBP markets. Finally, this dissertation provides a relevant case study to confirm the effect of cost factor to economical efficiency.

Consume More for the Economy or Less for the Environment? Conflicts Between Economic and Environmental Remedies in Japan

  • Kim, Inkyoung;Unny-Law, Rohan
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.5-31
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    • 2019
  • How can we reconcile our aspirations for more economic growth or prosperity with the constraints of a finite planet? One of the high-income countries, Japan, makes us wonder if we can deal with two different challenges simultaneously: overcoming economic recession and solving environmental degradation. This study investigates the supply-side perspective which highlights the productive capacity and efficiency of the economy through economic lenses and the demand-side perspective which highlights the Japanese personal lifestyles through social lenses. This study aims to answer the question, if Japan's sustainable consumption behavior is counter to economic development whilst environmentally proactive. It finds that translating individual practices and cultures of sustainability into the macro- scopic economic growth path is key to a sustainable and healthy Japan.

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Human functions in innovation and sustainable marketing

  • Jat-Syu Lau;Ziyuan Li
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2023
  • This research endeavors to explore the enhancement of workforce economic efficiency through the application of nanotechnology, focusing on its economic implications. The findings of this investigation reveal that in recent years, surging global population growth and escalating demands for products and services have led to excessive resource consumption, resulting in adverse environmental consequences and altering environmental conditions-a phenomenon referred to as the economic growth dilemma. Entrepreneurs and economic stakeholders have begun to recognize the importance of sustainable development and the integration of environmental considerations into the production of goods and services. Within this context, knowledge-based economies have emerged as a driving force for sustainable business practices, particularly in the realm of nanotechnology. The integration of nanotechnology across various industries, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, environmental management, and the chemical and petroleum sectors, as well as energy distribution, has yielded remarkable results. Consequently, this research aims to investigate the application and integration of nanotechnology in environmentally friendly silver nanoparticle production within select industries. Subsequently, it will examine the far-reaching implications of nanotechnology on economic growth and sustainable development.

The Determinants of the Efficiency of Korean Ports - Using Panel Analysis and Heteroscedastic Tobit Model - (국내항만의 효율성 결정요소 - 패널분석과 이분산 토빗모형을 이용하여 -)

  • Mo, Su-Won
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.349-361
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    • 2008
  • There has been abundant empirical research undertaken on the technical efficiency of Korean ports. Most studies have focused on the use of parametric and non-parametric techniques to analyse overall technical efficiency. This paper utilizes data for the period 2000-07 to offer a heterogeneous perspective on the overall efficiency of Korean ports. The framework assumes that ports use one input to produce one output; the output and input include port export(import) and regional export(import). This paper also employs panel analysis and heteroscedastic Tobit model to show the effect of the explanatory variables on the port efficiencies. The panel analysis shows that the regional export/total export has negative effect on the export efficiency while the regional import/total import has not any relations with the import efficiency. The heteroskedastic Tobit model shows that both regional export ratio and regional import ratio have negative effects on the efficiency while the gross regional domestic product has not any significant relations with the import efficiency.

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Differences in liver microRNA profiling in pigs with low and high feed efficiency

  • Miao, Yuanxin;Fu, Chuanke;Liao, Mingxing;Fang, Fang
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.312-329
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    • 2022
  • Feed cost is the main factor affecting the economic benefits of pig industry. Improving the feed efficiency (FE) can reduce the feed cost and improve the economic benefits of pig breeding enterprises. Liver is a complex metabolic organ which affects the distribution of nutrients and regulates the efficiency of energy conversion from nutrients to muscle or fat, thereby affecting feed efficiency. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that can regulate feed efficiency through the modulation of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. In this study, we analyzed miRNA profiling of liver tissues in High-FE and Low-FE pigs for the purpose of identifying key miRNAs related to feed efficiency. A total 212~221 annotated porcine miRNAs and 136~281 novel miRNAs were identified in the pig liver. Among them, 188 annotated miRNAs were co-expressed in High-FE and Low-FE pigs. The 14 miRNAs were significantly differentially expressed (DE) in the livers of high-FE pigs and low-FE pigs, of which 5 were downregulated and 9 were upregulated. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis of liver DE miRNAs in high-FE pigs and low-FE pigs indicated that the target genes of DE miRNAs were significantly enriched in insulin signaling pathway, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone signaling pathway, and mammalian target of rapamycin signaling pathway. To verify the reliability of sequencing results, 5 DE miRNAs were randomly selected for quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The qRT-PCR results of miRNAs were confirmed to be consistent with sequencing data. DE miRNA data indicated that liver-specific miRNAs synergistically acted with mRNAs to improve feed efficiency. The liver miRNAs expression analysis revealed the metabolic pathways by which the liver miRNAs regulate pig feed efficiency.

The Concentration of Economic Power in Korea (경제력집중(經濟力集中) : 기본시각(基本視角)과 정책방향(政策方向))

  • Lee, Kyu-uck
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-68
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    • 1990
  • The concentration of economic power takes the form of one or a few firms controlling a substantial portion of the economic resources and means in a certain economic area. At the same time, to the extent that these firms are owned by a few individuals, resource allocation can be manipulated by them rather than by the impersonal market mechanism. This will impair allocative efficiency, run counter to a decentralized market system and hamper the equitable distribution of wealth. Viewed from the historical evolution of Western capitalism in general, the concentration of economic power is a paradox in that it is a product of the free market system itself. The economic principle of natural discrimination works so that a few big firms preempt scarce resources and market opportunities. Prominent historical examples include trusts in America, Konzern in Germany and Zaibatsu in Japan in the early twentieth century. In other words, the concentration of economic power is the outcome as well as the antithesis of free competition. As long as judgment of the economic system at large depends upon the value systems of individuals, therefore, the issue of how to evaluate the concentration of economic power will inevitably be tinged with ideology. We have witnessed several different approaches to this problem such as communism, fascism and revised capitalism, and the last one seems to be the only surviving alternative. The concentration of economic power in Korea can be summarily represented by the "jaebol," namely, the conglomerate business group, the majority of whose member firms are monopolistic or oligopolistic in their respective markets and are owned by particular individuals. The jaebol has many dimensions in its size, but to sketch its magnitude, the share of the jaebol in the manufacturing sector reached 37.3% in shipment and 17.6% in employment as of 1989. The concentration of economic power can be ascribed to a number of causes. In the early stages of economic development, when the market system is immature, entrepreneurship must fill the gap inherent in the market in addition to performing its customary managerial function. Entrepreneurship of this sort is a scarce resource and becomes even more valuable as the target rate of economic growth gets higher. Entrepreneurship can neither be readily obtained in the market nor exhausted despite repeated use. Because of these peculiarities, economic power is bound to be concentrated in the hands of a few entrepreneurs and their business groups. It goes without saying, however, that the issue of whether the full exercise of money-making entrepreneurship is compatible with social mores is a different matter entirely. The rapidity of the concentration of economic power can also be traced to the diversification of business groups. The transplantation of advanced technology oriented toward mass production tends to saturate the small domestic market quite early and allows a firm to expand into new markets by making use of excess capacity and of monopoly profits. One of the reasons why the jaebol issue has become so acute in Korea lies in the nature of the government-business relationship. The Korean government has set economic development as its foremost national goal and, since then, has intervened profoundly in the private sector. Since most strategic industries promoted by the government required a huge capacity in technology, capital and manpower, big firms were favored over smaller firms, and the benefits of industrial policy naturally accrued to large business groups. The concentration of economic power which occured along the way was, therefore, not necessarily a product of the market system. At the same time, the concentration of ownership in business groups has been left largely intact as they have customarily met capital requirements by means of debt. The real advantage enjoyed by large business groups lies in synergy due to multiplant and multiproduct production. Even these effects, however, cannot always be considered socially optimal, as they offer disadvantages to other independent firms-for example, by foreclosing their markets. Moreover their fictitious or artificial advantages only aggravate the popular perception that most business groups have accumulated their wealth at the expense of the general public and under the behest of the government. Since Korea stands now at the threshold of establishing a full-fledged market economy along with political democracy, the phenomenon called the concentration of economic power must be correctly understood and the roles of business groups must be accordingly redefined. In doing so, we would do better to take a closer look at Japan which has experienced a demise of family-controlled Zaibatsu and a success with business groups(Kigyoshudan) whose ownership is dispersed among many firms and ultimately among the general public. The Japanese case cannot be an ideal model, but at least it gives us a good point of departure in that the issue of ownership is at the heart of the matter. In setting the basic direction of public policy aimed at controlling the concentration of economic power, one must harmonize efficiency and equity. Firm size in itself is not a problem, if it is dictated by efficiency considerations and if the firm behaves competitively in the market. As long as entrepreneurship is required for continuous economic growth and there is a discrepancy in entrepreneurial capacity among individuals, a concentration of economic power is bound to take place to some degree. Hence, the most effective way of reducing the inefficiency of business groups may be to impose competitive pressure on their activities. Concurrently, unless the concentration of ownership in business groups is scaled down, the seed of social discontent will still remain. Nevertheless, the dispersion of ownership requires a number of preconditions and, consequently, we must make consistent, long-term efforts on many fronts. We can suggest a long list of policy measures specifically designed to control the concentration of economic power. Whatever the policy may be, however, its intended effects will not be fully realized unless business groups abide by the moral code expected of socially responsible entrepreneurs. This is especially true, since the root of the problem of the excessive concentration of economic power lies outside the issue of efficiency, in problems concerning distribution, equity, and social justice.

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Verification of Winglet Effect and Economic Analysis Using Actual Flight of A321 Sharklet Model (A321 Sharklet 모델의 운항실적을 이용한 윙렛 장착 효과 검증 및 경제성 분석)

  • Jang, Sungwoo;Lee, Youngjae;Kim, Kangwook;Yoo, Jae Leame;Yoo, Kwang Eui
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.273-279
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    • 2021
  • Winglets are specialized wingtip devices to reduce induced drag, and they have been installed on Boeing-made aircraft since the 1980s, Airbus has also developed a winglet named 'Sharklet' since 2009 and has started providing them as an option to the A320 Family. The winglet has the effect of improving take-off performance, reducing fuel consumption, increasing payload, and increasing flight distance by reducing the induced drag generated at the tip of the wing. The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual flight data of the sharklet-installed and non-sharklet-installed models of the A321 aircraft to verify the fuel efficiency improvement due to the winglet installation, and to analyze the economic analysis accordingly. Through this, it can be used to determine the winglet installation when introducing an aircraft or to make a decision for upgrading the existing aircraft. To this end, a case study on the aerodynamic characteristics and effects of the winglet installation was conducted, and the economic analysis was verified.

An Architectural Study on the Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Public Institution - Focused on Public Office Buildings Remodeling of Passive Design Elements - (공공기관 에너지 효율등급 향상을 위한 적용 설계요소에 관한 연구 - 공공청사 리모델링시 패시브 디자인요소를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Jung-Chul;Park, Jae-Seung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 2012
  • There are lots of buildings which were built before the Legislation on building energy rating system. Remodeling of the buildings would be required for an improvement of the building energy rating system was enforced by the government. In the Passive Building Design, Elements which will be used for the remodeling are Insulation, Window, External venetian blind, Heat exchanger. The Purpose of this study is to indicate a Method for the improvement of Energy saving by an analysis of Construction Cost, Cost Evaluation, Energy performance Efficiency in applied design elements. In this study, the remodeling of existing public buildings to improve energy efficiency rating was applied to extract the elements of design-specific energy performance, efficiency, and the application of the designs that has been analyzed. The results were as follows: applying the design-specific cost-effective investment that represents the economy (investment efficiency/%) surveyed the average insulation(7.0%), triple glazed windows(10.1%), double glazed windows(12.1%), external shading(24.5%), and Heat(77.2%) were analyzed in order to be more efficient. Analysis of the basis of information on the existing public buildings to improve energy efficiency rating for the remodeling depending on driving conditions at a degree of individual difference. The main effect, however, depending on economic investment, design elements, heat exchangers, external awning, double glazed windows, triple glazed windows, insulation, is recommended as review of the order shall be determined.

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A Study on the Effective Economic Appraisal of Port Remodeling Project (항만투자평가 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 항만 리모델링사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.58-81
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    • 2010
  • The economic appraisal of a port remodeling project must be transparent and persuasive to the public over the entire stage of the project. A project evaluator need to be familiar with the guidelines on evaluation, and to do his best to follow the guidelines to evaluate the given project. To make the right decision on investment, the evaluator must take into consideration not only economic efficiency, but also equity issues such as income redistribution and balanced development between regions. Port remodeling projects tend to produce externalities to the environment. However, these externalities are of qualitative nature, and hard to measure in monetary terms, so these are liable to be ignored in the process of project evaluation. Two different approaches - RP(revealed preference) and SP(stated preference) have been tried to assess the value of these non-market goods. Government authorities need to set minimum guidelines which project evaluators must follow in order to make the evaluation more reliable.