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도시숲 조성 및 관리를 위한 도시숲 건전성 평가지표 선정 (Evaluation Indicators for Creation and Management of Urban Forest)

  • 이동근;김대현;김은영;정지철;오영출;주신하;김경목
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.104-113
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    • 2008
  • The importance of the green space in urban area has been increasing. There are the increasing needs of creation and sustainable management of urban forest. In order to satisfy the need, it is necessary to set indicators for sustainable urban forest. With this regard, this study is to derive the indicators for evaluation of the urban forest through literature reviews, experts opinion, and field survey. The results of the study, the indicators consist of the ecological healthiness, socio-cultural function, and scenic beauty. The ecological healthiness includes stability and naturality (e.g. area, native species, connectivity etc.). The socio-cultural function contain improvement of living environment, stable emotion, community, and environmental education. The scenic beauty includes environmental-friendly facilities, maintenance of urban forest. The indicators have high feasibility to create and manage the urban forest through evaluating urban forest in practical. This indicators are useful to guide to develop urban forest and park.

생태적 측면에서의 도시림 지속성 평가 지표 선정 (Criteria selection of urban forestry sustainability evaluation in the view of ecology)

  • 이수동;김동필;최송현;오정학;홍석환
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.472-483
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    • 2014
  • 도시림 개선을 위한 노력은 꾸준하게 진행되어 왔으나 사회적인 욕구를 제대로 반영하였는지에 대한 평가가 없어 향후 지속적인 개선 및 관리의 방향을 제안하기는 어려운 상태이다. 사회환경과 생물환경이 어우러진 도시림을 효율적으로 개선하기 위해서는 양적 증대 뿐만아니라 생물의 분포 및 서식, 인간의 이용성을 평가할 수 있는 연결성, 건전성, 접근성 등 질적인 측면을 동시에 고려할 수 있는 생태적 건전성에 대한 평가지표의 필요성에 따라 연구를 진행하였다. 연구는 생태적 건전성 평가시 중요한 항목에 대한 상대적 중요도 평가, 문헌고찰을 통한 세부 지표 선정, 타당성 검토의 체계를 갖는다. 결과적으로 도시림은 자연림과는 다른 기능이 존재한다는 전제로, 도시림 평가는 고유의 기능인 생태성 뿐만아니라 인간의 간섭을 고려할 수 있는 사회성, 관리성이 충분하게 고려되어야 하나 중요도에 대한 설문조사 결과 생태성이 다른 가치에 우선하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 생태적 건전성을 평가할 수 있는 세부지표를 선정하였는데, 식생관련 지표로는 희귀성, 훼손잠재성, 자연성, 면적, 다양성, 발생기간, 야생조류관련 지표로는 숲 발달정도, 면적을 추출하여 분산분석을 실시한 결과 안정성, 자연성, 다양성, 잠재성, 서식가능성이 평가지표로 선정되었다.

도림천 수변지역 조성을 위한 생태적 관리방안 및 하천환경 관리방안에 관한 연구 (Studies on the Ecological Management and Stream Environment in Dorim Stream for Establishing Eco-wetland Parks)

  • 이상돈;김석철
    • 한국습지학회지
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2008
  • 도심하천은 도심개발과 오염으로 인해 기능이 점차 상실되고 있다. 본 연구는 도림천의 출현 동물상 및 식물상을 파악하여 도심하천의 건강성을 평가하는 지표종을 발굴하고, 습지보전지역의 가능성을 위한 방안을 토론하였다. 도림천에서 안양천에 이르는 구간에 총 113종의 식물종, 포유류 9종, 조류 23종, 양서류 4종, 파츙류 2종과 어류 2종이 관찰되었다. 육상곤충은 71종이 관찰되었으며, 습지식생은 매우 다양하며 총 4개의 권역으로 나누었으며, 도심하천의 특징을 나타내는 수변지역 및 습지식물권역(습지식물권역, 반습지식물권역, 습지주변초지 지역, 습지주변교목지역)에 대한 관리방안이 도출되었다.

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울산 연안 해역 저서다모류 군집의 시·공간 변동 및 저서건강도 평가 (Spatio-temporal Variation and Evaluation of Benthic Healthiness of Macrobenthic Polychaetous Community on the Coast of Ulsan)

  • 정봉근;신현출
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.223-235
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to investigate benthic sedimentary environments and benthic polychaetous communities on the coast of Ulsan, located on the southern East Sea of Korea. This survey was conducted at 15 stations, four times seasonally in January, April, July and October 2016. From the coast to the outer sea, surface sediments turned into fine grained sediments. There were complex coarse-grained sedimentary facies in various forms in the coastal zones while those with mud facies were found in the offshore zone. Organic matter content (LOI) and sulfide amount (AVS) recorded extremely high values, and increased from the coast to the outer sea, showing a similar trend to mud content with depth. The benthic polychaetous community revealed a mean density of $525ind./m^2$, and the total species number of species was 84. The major dominant polychaetous species were Magelona japonica, Lumbrineris longifolia and Heteromastus filiformis throughout the four seasons. Magelona japonica was concentrated predominantly in shallow coastal areas, but was present in all the regions of the survey area. Lumbrineris longifolia showed higher density in offshore regions more than 30 m deep, whereas H. filiformis showed higher density in coastal areas less than 30 m in depth. As a result of cluster analysis, the study area was divided into three ecological areas according to species composition, such as the northern coastal area between Ulsan PortOnsan Port, the southern area around Hoeya River and the outer sea area. Benthic environments in the study area, as determined by AMBI and BPI index, maintained a healthy condition in all four seasons with the AMBI at a level above GOOD and BPI at a level above FAIR. As organic matter accumulation continues to take place in the Ulsan coastal area, it is essential that detailed research activities continue to be carried out and ongoing monitoring be maintained.

가정학적 접근을 통한 보육의 발전 방향 제시 (A Direction of Child-care Development through the View of Home Economics)

  • 윤숙현;이미정
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to seek for a direction of child-care development through the basic concepts of home economics which have taken charge of much parts of the studies in child-care in the early years. When the problem of child-care is studied in view of the developmental process or the basic concepts of home economics, it is summed up as follows; First, on the basis of human ecological approach, when we study child-care, it needs to emphasize the mutual relationship between the macro-environment in connection with home and child-care. The study of child-care have to find out the relationship between the micro-environment in connection with children and the macro-environment in connection with home. And on the basis of this study, we must endeavor to build up the desirable environment of child-care. Second, on the basis of the concept of Institutional household, we mud be concerned about the developmental stages of young children, and emphasize 'the principle of love and care'. This means that the institution of child-care must be considered as a place which enlarges the merits of home and complements the defects of home through the strengthener of the function of home. Third, on the basis of healthy family, child-care service must support and complement the function of bringing of home in view of 'total healthiness of home'. Child-care service must be offered to be able to be chosen according to the total conditions of family such as the employment of mother, the family life cycle, the life style, the socioeconomic status of family.

태안해안국립공원 인근의 허베이스피리트 사고를 포함한 유류유출 해역의 식물플랑크톤 생태계 1. 하계 식물플랑크톤 군집의 연변동 (Phytoplankton Ecosystems at Oil Spill Coasts Including the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill Site Near Taeanhaean National Park, Korea 1. Interannual Variability of Phytoplankton Community in Summer)

  • 이원호;김형섭;조수근
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • Right after the 2007 Hebei Spirit Oil Spill phytoplankton ecosystems were investigated for 11 years based on the seasonal monitoring of the composition and abundance of phytoplankton species. Comparable time-series data from the 1989 Exxon Valdez or the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill sites were not available. It was suggested that the ecological healthiness of phytoplankton ecosystems at EVOS sites had recovered after 10 years following the oil spill based on chlorophyll concentrations even though these concentrations only represented phytoplankton communities in most cases. Chlorophyll concentrations can only reflect limited aspects of highly complex phytoplankton ecosystems. During the last 11 years following the 2017 HSOS, extreme variabilities were met in the seasonally averaged ratios of diatoms to phototrophic flagellates including dinoflagellates based on the microscopic cell countings. Summer phytoplankton communities exhibited some cyclic interannual changes in dominant groups every 2-4 years. During the early years (2008-2010) cryptophytes or raphidophytes (Chattonella spp.) dominated alternately each year, which was repeated again in 2014, 2015 and 2017. Two thecate dinoflagellates, Tripos fusus and Tripos furca, together accounted for 52.5% and 50.0% of all organisms in the summers of 2011 and 2012, respectively, which was repeated again in 2018. Summer occurrence and dominance by the phototrophic flagellates including HABs (Harmful Algal Blooms) species as well as their interannual variabilities in the oil spill sites could be utilized as markers for the stable and long-term management of healthy ecosystems. For this type of scientific ecosystem management monitoring of chlorophyll concentrations may sometimes be insufficient to gain a proper and comprehensive understanding of phytoplankton communities located in areas where oil spills have occurred and harmed the ecosystem.

농업생태계 내 수서곤충류의 생태분석 및 환경평가 (Ecological Analysis and Environmental Evaluation of Aquatic Insects in Agricultural Ecosystem)

  • 김종길;최영철;최지영;심하식;박해철;김원태;박병도;이종은;강기경;이덕배
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제46권3호
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2007
  • 농업생태계 내 수서곤충류의 주 서식지는 연중 수계가 유지되는 연못, 농수로, 저수지 등으로 확인되었다. 조사지역별 곤충 출현 종수는 무비무농약지역이 친환경농업지역 및 관행농업지역에 비해 많았고 오염원 유입지역인 주거 및 공단지역의 경우 현저히 낮은 경향을 보였으며, 동일 지역 내에서는 연못이 수로에 비해 높게 나타났다. 농업생태계 건전도를 평가할 수 있는 지표종으로 물방개(Cybister japonicus), 검정물방개(Cybister brevis), 자색물방개(Hyphydrus japonicus), 알물방개(Noterus angustulus) 등 4종을 선발하였다. 환경평가 요인으로는 지표곤충으로 선발한 4종의 출현종 수, 대상지역 내에서 물방개류 전체 출현종 수 및 다양도 지수 등 3개 요인으로 설정하였으며, 평가 등급은 최상의 환경보전 지역을 I등급, 우량 환경지역을 II등급, 최소한의 환경지역으로 개선이 요구되는 지역을 III등급, 불량환경 지역으로 시급한 개선이 요구되는 지역을 IV등급으로 구분하였다.