• Title/Summary/Keyword: E-defense

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Test and Evaluation Procedures of Defense AI System linked to the ROK Defense Acquisition System (국방획득체계와 연계한 국방 인공지능(AI) 체계 시험평가 방안)

  • Yong-Bok Lee;Min-Woo Choi;Min-ho Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.229-237
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    • 2023
  • In this research, a new Test and Evaluation (T&E) procedure for defense AI systems is proposed to fill the existing gap in established methodologies. This proposed concept incorporates a data-based performance evaluation, allowing for independent assessment of AI model efficacy. It then follows with an on-site T&E using the actual AI system. The performance evaluation approach adopts the project promotion framework from the defense acquisition system, outlining 10 steps for R&D projects and 9 steps for procurement projects. This procedure was crafted after examining AI system testing standards and guidelines from both domestic and international civilian sectors. The validity of each step in the procedure was confirmed using real-world data. This study's findings aim to offer insightful guidance in defense T&E, particularly in developing robust T&E procedures for defense AI systems.

Relation of J$\bar{i}$n ji$\acute{e}$(根結) and Defensive Qi(衛氣) (근결(根結)과 위기(衛氣)와의 관계(關係))

  • Lee, Tae Kyoung;Kim, Kyoung-Shin;Kang, Jung Soo;Kim, Byoung-Soo
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2013
  • J$\bar{i}$n ji$\acute{e}$(根結) has been recognized as one of a meridian pathway. If you want to study a defense qi(衛氣) and nutrient qi(營氣)'s nature, function and operation, you could find a relationship of J$\bar{i}$n ji$\acute{e}$(根結) and the defense qi(衛氣). We proposed that, especially, J$\bar{i}$n ji$\acute{e}$(根結) has got a close relationship with a operation of the defense qi(衛氣). The ji$\acute{e}$(結) of three yang(三陽) located in ears and eyes, that are a starting point of the defense qi(衛氣) operation in the daytime and a one of five sense organs(五官). Gin, Liu, Zou and Ru (根, 溜, 注, 入) of the three yang(三陽) distinguished between the three yang(三陽) in the extremities. and in the symptoms of a disease of the three yang(三陽) on the bolt - leaf - hanges(關闔樞) theory, Greater yang(太陽) is related to the skin and flesh, Yang brightness(陽明) is related to the flesh and Lesser yang(少陽) is related to the muscle or bone. These skin, flesh, muscle and bone belonged to the five bodies(五體). The five bodies(五體) have relationship with the defense qi(衛氣)'s operation and function part. The ji$\acute{e}$(結) of three yin(三陰) located in neck, chest and abdomen. If we could catched the concepts on the ji$\acute{e}$(結) of three yin(三陰) and The Gin, Liu, Zou, Ru and ji$\acute{e}$(根, 溜, 注, 入, 結) position of three yang(三陽) altogether, we could suggested the theory of the entire area completed in the surface of body. so the defense qi(衛氣)'s protecting function of the whole body surface is achieved. In the symptoms of a disease of the three yin(三陰)'s the bolt - leaf - hanges(關闔樞) theory, greater yin(太陰) and reverting yin(厥陰)'s symptoms indicates the defense qi(衛氣)'s main action of a chest and abdomen. And lesser yin(少陰)' symptoms is about a vessle, that is not to mention on the five bodies(五體) of the three yang(三陽)'s symptoms, so here is mentioned the relationship of the defense qi(衛氣) and the five bodies(五體) strengthened. In the "J$\bar{i}$n ji$\acute{e}$ chapter(根結編) of Lin Shu(靈樞)", as the meridians of the foot (足經) was described, except the meridians of the hand(手經), it is reasonable to infer that the defense qi (衛氣) is relevant to the meridians of the foot(足經) than the meridians of the hand(手經).

Effective Test and Evaluation Approaches for Reliable Defense Systems Development examined through Domestic Defense Cases (국내 사례로 살펴보는 국방체계 개발의 신뢰성을 높이기 위한 시험평가 방안)

  • Seo, Kyung-Min;Lee, Chan Young;Bang, Kyoung Woon;Lee, Dong Chul;Choi, Woo Young;Kim, Tag Gon
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents practical issues for test and evaluation(T&E) methods to develop defense systems. Our argument is motivated by several domestic defense cases and the cases lead us to discuss two main factors for reliable defense systems development: 1) statistical approaches and 2) technical schemes. Specifically, statistical approaches enable to provide credible interpretations about T&E results in the decision-making process. With practical T&E results of the “Red Shark” torpedo, we performed statistical hypothesis tests and suggest a minimum sample size to accept the hypothesis. Next, technical schemes have more direct effects on improving reliability of developed defense systems and we shortly introduce tools development for systems verification that is required to integrate several sub-systems, e.g., combat, sensor, weapon, and communication systems, within a defense system. We additionally summary some domain cases using modeling and simulation techniques for successful T&E. In closing, we expect that the paper shows empirical investigation and lessons learned with these two practical issues, which provides a guide those who desire to make decisions about reliable defense systems development.

A Study on the Quantitative Management Scheme of Weapon Systems T&E (무기체계 시험평가업무 정량적 관리방안 연구)

  • Jang, Yongsik;Bang, Heejin;Han, Sunghee;Kim, Jaekab
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we suggest a quantitative management scheme to accomplish effective weapon systems test and evaluation service(T&E). The Capability Maturity Model Integration(CMMI) process model has been introduced and applied for that purpose by the 8th directorate, Agency for Defense Development(ADD). Although a CMMI process model was developed focusing on the software development, systematic approaching scheme in the CMMI process model can be utilized for the quantitative management implementation of a weapon systems T&E service. To manage a T&E service quantitatively, at first, organizational performance objectives and sub processes are established, and then each performance indicators and performance base lines are followed.

A Comparative Study on the Information Security Strategy of Korean I-Government with Defense-in-Depth Strategy of DoD (미 국방성의 종심방어전략과 전자정부의 정보보호전략에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Song Woon-ho;Jeong Wook-jae;Kim Joon-bum;Kang Han-seung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.12C no.5 s.101
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    • pp.659-664
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    • 2005
  • Advanced countries overhaul government workflows using IT, which not only enhances efficiency and productivity, but paves the way to a 'e-Government' offering prompt, quality service for citizens. This research analyzes the DiD(Defense-in-Depth Strategy) and compares the information protection strategy of Korean e-Government with DiD for reliable and safe e-Government's build.

A Study on Mission Critical Factors for Software Test Enhancement in Information Technologies Development of Public Sector (Mission Critical 공공 정보화 구축 시험평가 개선 지표 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-hwa;Lim, Sung-ryel
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2015
  • Up until recently, Korea has ranked the first place in UN e-Government Survey for three consecutive years. In keeping with such accomplishment, the size of budget execution has been consistently growing in accordance with Korea's Government 3.0 policy and vision, leading to increase in big-sized informatization projects in the business. Especially in mission critical public sector's infrastructure where it affects many people, growing demand for establishing high-quality information system with new technologies being brought to attention in order to meet the complex needs of citizens. National defense information system, being one of representative domains examples in the concerned area, established high military competency by applying breakthrough technology. Network-oriented national defense knowledge informatization was set as the vision in order to implement core roles in making efficient national defense management; and effort has been made to materialize the vision by making advancement in national defense's information system and its informatization implementation system. This research studies new quality index relevant to test and evaluation (T&E)of informatization business in national defense which is the representative example of mission critical public sector's infrastructure. We studied international standards and guidelines, analyzed actual T&E cases, and applied them to the inspection items that are currently in use, complying with the e-government law (Act No. 12346, Official Announcement Date 2014. 1.28., Enforcement Date 2014. 7.29.) As a result of productivity analysis, based on hypothesis in which suggested model was applied to T&E of the national defense informatization business, we confirmed the possibility of enhancement in the T&E productivity by assessing reliability, expertise, and safety as evaluation factors.