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Impact Fracture Behavior of Toughened Epoxy Resin Applied Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites (Toughened 에폭시 수지를 사용한 탄소 섬유강화 복합재료의 충격파괴 거동)

  • 이정훈;황승철;김민영;김원호;황병선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.111-114
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    • 2003
  • Thermosets are highly cross-linked polymers with a three-dimensional molecular structure. The network structure gives rise to mechanical properties, however, one major drawback of thermosets, which also results from their network structure, is their poor resistance to impact and to crack initiation. In this study, to solve this problem, the reactive thermoplastics such as amine terminated polyetherimide (ATPEI), ATPEI-CTBN-ATPEI(ABA) triblock copolymer, CTBN-ATPEI(AB) diblock copolymer, and carboxyl group modified ATPEI was synthesized, after that blended with epoxy resin, and the carbon fiber reinforced composites were fabricated. The impact load, energy, and delamination were investigated by using drop weight impact test and C-scan test. As a results, the ABA/epoxy blend system showed good impact properties.

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The Evaluation of 16x16 JDFA Pressure Loss Coefficients Using the Fuel Assembly Compatibility Test System

  • Lim, Hyun-Tae;Jun, Byung-Soon;Kim, Hong-Ju;Jeon, Kyeong-Lak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1996.05b
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    • pp.254-259
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    • 1996
  • The hydraulic tests for 16×16 JDFA were performed to obtain the pressure loss coefficients using the FACTS. The pressure loss coefficients are calculated by converting the each properties of experimental values for inlet region, mixing vane grid, outlet region and core region by performing a power fit of the pressure loss coefficient values to the corresponding Reynolds number. The test results are compared with the existing calculated values and evaluated by using the CALOPR code in terms of pressure drop. It is turned out that the differences between the test results and the calculated values are about by 3.8% for the pressure loss coefficients and by 8.5% for the pressure drop.

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Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography Monitoring during Head-up Tilt Test in Patients with Recurrent Syncope and Presyncope (반복적인 실신 및 실신전환자의 기립경사 검사시 경두개 초음파 감시)

  • Cho, Soo-Jin;Lee, Kwang-Ho;Chung, Chin-Sang
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 1999
  • Background : Syncope was defined as transient loss of consciousness and postural tone. The mechanisms of changes in cerebral hemodynamics during syncope have not been fully evaluated. Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography can continuously monitor the changes in cerebral hemodynamics during head-up tilt (HUT). TCD could reveal the different patterns of changes in cerebral hemodynamics during syncope. Syncope without hypotension or bradycardia could be detected by TCD. We investigated the changes in cerebral blood flow velocity during HUT using TCD in 33 patients with a history of recurrent syncope or presyncope of unknown origin. Methods & Results : The positive responses were defined as presyncope or syncope with hypotension, bradycardia, or both. During HUT without isoproterenol infusion, there were a 86±23 drop in DV and a 41±34 drop in SV in 5 patients with positive reponses, and mean changes in those were less than 10% in patients with negative reponses (p=.00, p=.00). During HUT with isoproterenol infusion, TCD showed a 80±18 drop in diastolic velocity in 14 patients with positive reponses, and a 47±10 drop in that in patients with negative reponses (p=.00), however the change in systolic velocity did not differ. TCD showed three patterns during positive responses; loss of all flow, loss of end diastolic flow, and a decrease in diastolic velocity. Loss of consciousness occurred in the patients with loss of all flow or end-diastolic flow during positive reponses. Conclusions : TCD shows different patterns of changes in cerebral hemodynamics during HUT. TCD can be used to investigate the pathophysiology of neurocardiogenic syncope.

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Experiments on Condensation Heat Transfer Characteristics and Flow Regime Inside Microfin Tubes (마이크로핀관내 유동 양식과 응축 열전달 특성 연구)

  • 한동혁;이규정
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.602-611
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    • 2001
  • Experiments on the condensation heat transfer characteristics inside a smooth and a microfin tube with R410A/R22 are performed in this study. The test tubes 7/9.52 mm in outside diameters and 3m in length are used. Varying the mass flux of the refrigerant and the condensation temperatures, the average heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop are investigated. Most flows in this study are in the annular and/or wavy flow regime. It is shown that the heat transfer is enhanced and the pressure drops are larger in the microfin tube than the smooth tube. From the heat transfer enhancement coefficients and the pressure drops, it is found that the high heat transfer enhancement factors are obtained in the range of small mass flux while the penalty factors are almost equal. Experiments results show that average heat transfer coefficients of R410A is larger than that of R22 and pressure drop of R410A is less than R22.

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Dynamic Fracture Testing of Welding part of Nuclear Piping by Using Normalization Method (정규화법을 이용한 원전배관 용접부의 동하중 파괴저항시험)

  • Huh, Yong;Cho, Sung-Keun;Park, Jae-Sil;Seok, Chang-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.262-267
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    • 2004
  • The unloading compliance method is the most commonly used method to evaluate the fracture resistance characteristics of a material. In dynamic loading condition, the direct current potential drop(DCPD) method has been used because the unloading compliance method can not be applied due to the discontinuity of loading. However, even in the dynamic test using DCPD method, there is a problem that the voltage drops sharply on the initiation of crack. For the reason metioned above, the normalization method was suggested on ASTM E 1820 which is revised recently, as a new method to evaluate the dynamic fracture resistance characteristic. The nomalization method can be used to obtain a fracture resistance curve directly from a load-load line displacement. In this study, we obtained two fracture resistance curves from static test of welding part of nuclear piping both by unloading compliance and nomalization method. The two curves were almost same each other, so the adaptability of the nomalization method has been proved. We conducted a dynamic fracture resistance test for the same material. The fracture resistance curve from the dynamic test was obtained by normalization method and compared to that of the static test result.

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Parameter Study of Exhaust Pressure in Catalytic Converter (촉매를 고려한 배압 계산에서의 인자 결정 연구)

  • 이원근;임효재
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2003
  • A parametric study was conducted on pressure drop in a catalytic converter for automobile. In this work, we proposed a new pressure drop relation which contains the various parameters needed to calculate and got a few results. In a monolith of catalyst, the flow originally turbulent flow changes to laminar flow and thus the pressure drop through the monolith is linearly proportional to the velocity. The exhaust pressure is doubly affected by the increase of mean velocity and length when we decrease the diameter of monolith while the volume keeps constant. Theoretical parameters such as α and β are suggested to use as a reference value when there is no a experimental data. Especially in the part load test, these values should be modified to consider the property change of exhaust gas.

Effects of Physical Characteristics Factors on Ankle Joint Injury during One Leg Drop Landing (외발 착지 시 신체적 특성 요인들이 발목 관절 상해에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seong-Yeol;Lee, Hyo-Keun;Kwon, Moon-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.839-847
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of ankle flexibility, gender, and Q-angle on the ankle joint injury factors during one leg drop landing. For this study, 16 males(age: 20.19±1.78 years, mass: 69.54±10.12 kg, height: 173.22±4.43 cm) and 16 females(age: 21.05±1.53 years, mass: 61.75±6.97 kg, height: 159.34±4.56 cm) in their 20's majoring in physical education using the right foot as their dominant feet were selected as subjects. First, an independent t-test of joint motion and joint moment according to the experience of ankle injury was conducted to determine the effect of physical characteristics on ankle joint injury during one leg drop landing(α = .05). Second, the variable that showed a significant difference through t-test was set as the dependent variable, and the ankle flexibility, gender difference, and Q-angle were designated as independent variables to use Multiple Linear Regression(α =. 05). As a result of this study, it was found that the group that experienced an ankle joint injury was found to use a landing strategy and technique through adduction of the ankle joint and internal rotation of the knee joint, unlike the group without an injury. It was also confirmed that this movement increases the extension moment of the ankle joint and decreases the extension moment of the hip joint. In particular, it was found that the dorsi flexion flexibility of the ankle affects the ankle and knee landing strategy, and the gender difference affects the ankle extension moment. Therefore, it was confirmed that physical characteristics factors affecting ankle joint injuries during one leg drop landing.

A curtain traveling pluviator to reconstitute large scale sand specimens

  • Kazemi, Majid;Bolouri, Jafar B.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2018
  • The preparation of repeatable and uniformly reconstituted soil specimens up to the specified conditions is an essential requirement for the laboratory tests. In this study for large samples replication, the simultaneous usage of the traveling pluviation and curtain raining technique is used to develop a new method, called the curtain travelling pluviator (CTP). This simple and cost effective system is based on the air pluviation approach, whilst reducing the sample production time, can reproduce uniform samples with relative densities ranging from 25% to 96%. In order to investigate the resulting suitability and uniformity from the proposed method, a series of tests is performed. The effect of curtain traveling velocity, curtain width, drop height, and flow rate on the parameters of the sample is thoroughly investigated. Increase in the curtain velocity and drop height leads to the increase in relative density for the sand specimen. Increase in curtain width typically resulted in the reduction of relative density. Test results reveal that the terminal drop height for the sand specimen in this study is more than 500 mm. Relative density contour lines are presented that can be utilized in optimizing the drop height and curtain width parameters. Sample uniformity in the vertical and horizontal orientation is investigated through the sampling containers. Increasing relative density tends to result in the higher sample repeatability and uniformity.

The Review of Studies on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer In Microchannels

  • Hwang, Yun-Wook;Kim, Min-Soo
    • International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2005
  • This paper reviews the studies on the pressure drop and the heat transfer in microchannels. Although a lot of studies about the single-phase flow have been done until now, conflicting results are occasionally reported about flow transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow, friction factor, and Nusselt number. Some studies reported the early flow transition due to relatively greater wall effect like surface roughness, but the other studies showed that the flow transition occurred at the Reynolds number of about 2300 and the early flow transition might be due to less accurate measurement of the channel geometry. Also, there have been arguments whether the conventional relation based upon continuum theory can be applied to the fluid flow and the heat transfer in microchannels without modification or not. The studies about the two-phase flow in microchannels have been mostly about investigating the flow pattern and the pressure drop in rectangular channels using two-component, two-phase flow like air/water mixture. Some studies proposed correlations to predict two-phase flow pressure drop in microchannels. They were mostly based on Lockhart-Martinelli model with modification on C-coefficient, which was dependent on channel geometry, Reynolds number, surface tension, and so on. Others investigated the characteristics of flow boiling heat transfer in microchannels with respect to test parameters such as mass flux, heat flux, system pressure, and so on. The existing studies have not been fully satisfactory in providing consistent results about the pressure drop and the heat transfer in microchannels. Therefore, more in-depth studies should be done for understanding the fundamentals of the transport phenomena in the microchannels and giving the basic guidelines to design the micro devices.

The Effect of Balance Training and environmental enrichment on motor performance after Traumatic Cerebellar Injury in the Rat (균형훈련과 환경강화가 외상성 소뇌 손상 흰쥐의 운동 수행력에 미치는 영향)

  • Song Ju-min;Kim Jin-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.72-89
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    • 2004
  • The purposes of this study were to test the effect of balance training and environmental enrichment on motor performance after traumatic cerebellar injury in the rat. Traumatic cerebellar injury was induced by weight drop model and after operation they were housed in individual standard cages for 24 hours. Twenty two Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned into control and experimental groups. The control group was housed in standard cage for 7 days. The experimental group I was housed in standard cage after balance training for 7 days. The experimental group II was housed in environmental enrichment cage after balance training for 7 days. Vestibular drop test and tilting plane test was examined at preoperation, on 1st day after operation and 7th day after operation to the rats. The results of this experiment were as follows: 1. In motor behavioral test, at preoperation and on 1 day after operation, the outcomes were not different among the groups. But on 7th day after operation, the outcomes of group I were better than that in control group, and group II were better than group I. These results suggest that behavioral motor outcome by simultaneously application of balance training and environmental enrichment in traumatic cerebellar injured rats were more improve than that by just balance training.

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