• 제목/요약/키워드: Double chamber

검색결과 134건 처리시간 0.026초

연료 과농 환경에서 분사기 유량 통과 특성 연구 (Study of Flow Discharging Characteristics of Injectors at Fuel Rich Conditions)

  • 서성현;임병직;김문기;안규복;김종규;최환석
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2010년도 제35회 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.9-12
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문은 연료 과농 연소 환경 하의 이중 와류 동축형 분사기의 유량 통과 특성 파악을 위해 수행한 실험결과를 수록하였다. 액체산소와 케로신(Jet A-1)을 사용하여 연소시험을 수행하고 유량 통과 특성을 유량계수로 표현하였다. 유량계수 산출을 위해 유량, 압력, 온도를 계측하였다. 연료 분사기의 경우, 산화제 측 분사기 형상, 연소압, 혼합비에 관계없이 일정한 유량 계수 값을 보였다. 이에 반해 산화제 분사기는 연소압과 혼합비 변화에 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 화염 형성 변화가 유량계수 변화에 특히 산화제 측에 영향을 주고 있음을 밝혔다.

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Study on Combustion Characteristics of Unielement Thrust Chambers with Various Injectors

  • Seonghyeon Seo;Lee, Kwang-Jin;Han, Yeoung-Min;Kim, Seung-Han;Kim, Jong-Gyu;Moon, Il-Yoon;Seol, Woo-Seok
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2004년도 제22회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2004
  • Experimental study on combustion characteristics of double swirl coaxial injectors has been conducted for the assessment of critical injector design parameters. A reusable, unielement thrust chamber has been fabricated with a water-cooled copper nozzle. Two principle design parameters, a swirl angle and a recess length, have been investigated through hot firing tests for the understanding of their effects on high pressure combustion. Clearly, both parameters considerably affect the combustion efficiency, dynamics and hydraulic characteristics of an injector. Internal mixing of propellants in a recess region increases combustion efficiency along with the increase of a pressure drop required for flowing the same amount of mass flow rates. It is concluded that pressure buildup due to flame can be released by the increase of LOx flow axial momentum or the reduction of a recess length. Dynamic pressure measurements of the thrust chamber show varied dynamic behaviors depending on injector configurations.

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비대칭 이중화 EHA의 동기 제어 (Synchronous Control of an Asymmetrical Dual Redundant EHA)

  • 이성렬;홍예선
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, an elementary force fighting problem was investigated. The problem is encountered when a double-rod type EHA(electro-hydrostatic actuator) is combined with a single-rod type EHA to build a redundant actuator system with synchronized motion. When the rod-side chambers of the two different types of EHAs have the same effective piston areas and are simultaneously pressurized by an external load, the two EHAs behave identically, sharing the external load equally. However, when the piston head-side chamber of the single rod type EHA, having a larger effective area than the rod-side chamber, is pressurized by the external load, an abnormal force fighting between the two EHAs occurs, unless their pump speeds are properly decoupled. In this study, the output drive forces of each EHA were obtained from the cylinder pressure signals and applied to the position control for each EHA to maintain the balance between their pump speeds. Adding minor force difference feedback loops to the position control, the force fighting phenomena could be eliminated and steady state synchronization errors were reduced. The power consumption of the pumps also could be remarkably reduced, avoiding unnecessarily high load pressures to the pumps.

통합형 오일 정제 시스템의 개발 (Development of an Integrated Oil Purification System)

  • 홍성호;이경희;정남화
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2022
  • This study presents the development of an integrated oil purification system consisting of moisture removal, oil flushing, and oil filtering devices. In this system, the oil flushing device is combined with a micro-bubble generator. Oil purification is necessary for ensuring the high performance of the lubricant through the efficient removal of contaminants and thus enables good maintenance of mechanical systems. The developed purification system removes moisture, varnish, and solid particles. Moreover, during oil purification, the oil flushing device separates foreign materials and contaminants remaining in the lubricating oil piping or mechanical systems. The microbubble generator, which is combined with the oil flushing device, can separate harmful contaminants, such as sludge, wear particles, and rust, from piping or lubrication systems through the cavitation effect. Moisture is removed using a double high-vacuum chamber, while sludge and varnish are removed via electro-absorption using a high-voltage generator. Additionally, the total maintenance cost of the system is reduced through the use of domestically fabricated cartridge filters composed of glass fiber and cellulose. The heater, which maintains the temperature of the lubricant at 60℃, can process 41,000 L of lubricant simultaneously. Multiple tests confirmed that the proposed integrated purification system exhibits good performance in oil flushing and removal of water and varnish.

새만금 간척지 첨단온실 에너지 설계를 위한 풍환경 및 온실 피복재의 영향 분석 (Analysis on Insulation of Wind Environment and Greenhouse Cover Materials Insulation for Advanced Greenhouse Energy Design in Saemangeum Reclaimed Land)

  • 서효재;서일환;노득하;이학성
    • 생물환경조절학회지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구에서는 새만금과 같은 간척지를 활용하여 대규모 첨단온실단지를 조성하는 경우 간척지의 환경적 특수성 중 높은 풍속에 따른 유리 단열재의 에너지 효율을 평가하였다. 현장에서 주로 사용되는 온실 단열재 중 4가지에 대한 평가 결과, 최대 37.4%의 에너지 차이를 보여, 온실 피복재의 선정이 중요함을 제시하였다. 이를 바탕으로 일반적인 내륙에서의 온실을 설계하는 것과 달리, 간척지에서는 내재해성 온실규격을 따라 시설을 설계하여야 하며, 에너지 소비량은 높아진 풍속과 재질을 고려하여 산정되어야 한다. 본 연구의 결과는 에너지 효율성을 온실 피복재의 종류와 풍속에 따라서 제시하고 있으며, 이는 대규모 첨단온실 조성 시 에너지 소비량을 예측하고, 이를 바탕으로 신재생에너지원을 포함하는 에너지 설계에 활용될 수 있다

진공챔버 내 프리트 이용 진공유리 봉지공정 최적화에 관한 연구 (A Study on Optimization of Vacuum Glazing Encapsulating Process using Frit inside a Vacuum Chamber)

  • 박상준;이영림
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.567-572
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    • 2013
  • 냉난방을 사용하는 가정에서는 대부분 창문을 통해 열손실이 이루어지고 있는데 이를 방지하기 위해 Low-E 유리, 복층유리 또는 진공유리가 사용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 진공유리 제작공정의 최종공정인 봉지공정에 대한 연구가 수행되었는데 기존 상압 접합이 아닌 진공챔버 내 접합이 고려되었다. 봉지과정의 효율성을 위해 진공챔버 내에서 히터온도에 따른 프리트 용융온도 및 접합시간을 최적화하였고 열응력으로 인한 유리 파손을 방지하기 위해 유리 예열온도를 최적화하였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 성공적으로 진공유리를 제작하였고 측정된 열관류율은 약 $5.7W/m^2K$로 진공유리 내부압력은 약 $10^{-2}$ torr로 판명되었다.

이중원추형 모형연소기에서 압력과 공기비에 따른 NOx 배출특성 (Effect of Pressure and Stoichiometric Air Ratio on NOx Emissions in Gas-Turbine Dump Combustor with Double Cone Burner)

  • 남동현;남현수;한동식;김규보;조승완;김한석;전충환
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 이중원추형 버너가 장착된 고압연소기를 이용하여 입구공기온도, 공기비 그리고 연소실 압력조건에 따른 NOx 배출 특성을 실험적으로 조사하였다. 배기가스 온도와 NOx 배출량은 동일한 연소실 끝단지점에서 측정되었다. NOx 배출량은 공기비가 증가함에 따라 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으며, 입구공기 온도와 연소실의 압력이 높아질수록 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 특히 입구공기 온도의 증가는 희박 영역에서 가연한계를 증가시켜 높은 단열화염 온도를 가짐에도 불고하고 저감된 NOx 배출 수준을 얻을 수 있었다. 연소실 압력이 증가할수록 Thermal NOx의 영향을 받는 영역에서의 NOx 배출은 큰 폭의 상승을 보였으나, 공기비가 1.8이상인 영역에서는 적은 연료량으로 인하여 적은 상승폭을 나타내었다.

대동맥동 동맥류 파열 5례 보고 (Ruptured Aneurysm of Sinus Valsalva A report of 5 cases)

  • 박만실
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 1985
  • Ruptured aneurysms of the sinus Valsalva are relatively rare, and the incidence seems to be higher in oriental than in western countries. Five patients underwent operative treatment in Catholic Medical Center in recent 2.5 year period. Three patients were male and two patients were female, ages ranged from 20 to 54 years. Bacterial endocarditis was suspected or proved in 3 patients. In 3 patients in our series had a ruptured congenital aneurysms and in 2 patients acquired aneurysms by bacterial endocarditis. Associated cardiac lesions were common; such as aortic insufficiency in 3 patients, atrial septal defect in 2 patients, mitral stenoinsufficiency in 1 patient and tricuspid insufficiency in 1 patient. All aneurysmal ruptures of the sinus Valsalva arose from right coronary sinus and in 4 patients ruptured into right ventricle and in 1 patient into right atrium. Surgical techniques consisted of direct closure 4 in patients and closure with Dacron patch in 1 patient. And we preferred double approach, that is, through both the aorta and the involved cardiac chamber in cases in whom aortic insufficiency was present. So additional aortic valve replacement performed in 2 patients due to severe aortic insufficiency and aortic valvuloplasty performed in 1 patient. One patient who underwent direct closure of ruptured sinus Valsalva and double valve replacement died due to low cardiac output syndrome just after the operation. Operative results were relatively good in remainders.

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One Alternative Process to Vapor Pressure Control for the Bulk Crystal Growth of GaAs

  • Oh, Myung-Hwan;Joo, Seung-Ki
    • 한국결정성장학회:학술대회논문집
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 1998
  • In this work, aiming at improvement of growth processes for the bulk GaAs single crystals, efforts have been made first in investigate thermodynamic properties of the Ga and As system and second to suggest that bulk GaAs crystals could be grown in principle with the single temperature zone only by determining the excess arsenic charge as a function of growth conditions. During crystal growth, this will be evaporized inside the growth chamber to induce the required inner pressure, instead of aesenic vapor pressure in the double temperature zone method, so as to be in equilibrium with the method, growth experiments have been prepared and carried out for dopes and undoped GaAs crystals with the newly built Bridgman system which was designed according to this principle. To compare the results to those of the double temperature zone method, the same numbers of GaAs crystals have been grown with both processes and all of them were characterized in single crystallinity, lattice defects and electrical properties. Especially, the relationship between growth conditions and crystal quality was discussed from the viewpoint of growth peculiarities with this method.

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고온 전자빔 증착에 의한 Ethylene Terephthalate상의 SiOx 박막의 특성 평가 (Characteristics of Defects in SiOx Thin films on Ethylene Terephthalate by High-temperature E-beam Deposition)

  • 한진우;김영환;김종환;서대식;문대규
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.71-74
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we investigated the characterization of silicon oxide(SiOx) thin film on Ethylene Terephthalate(PET) substrates by e-beam deposition for transparent barrier application. The temperature of chamber increases from $30^{\circ}C$ to $110^{\circ}C$, the roughness increase while the Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) decreases. Under these conditions, the WVTR for PET can be reduced from a level of $0.57 g/m^2/day$ (bare subtrate) to $0.05 g/m^2/day$ after application of a 200-nm-thick $SiO_2$ coating at 110 C. A more efficient way to improve permeation of PET was carried out by using a double side coating of a 5-${\mu}m$-thick parylene film. It was found that the WVTR can be reduced to a level of $-0.2 g/m^2/day$. The double side parylene coating on PET could contribute to the lower stress of oxide film, which greatly improves the WVTR data. These results indicates that the $SiO_2$ /Parylene/PET barrier coatings have high potential for flexible organic light-emitting diode(OLED) applications.