• 제목/요약/키워드: Double Plug

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지하 원유 저장공동에서의 누수량 산정에 대한 연구 (Estimation of Water Leak Rate in the Underground Oil Storage Cavern)

  • 심현진;박태준;정우철;김호영;최영태
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2010
  • 지하 원유 저장공동에서 두 공동간의 혼유 방지를 위해 설치되는 더블 플러그는 구조물 시공 후 더블 플러그 내부를 물로 채운 후에 충수의 누수 정도를 파악함으로써 플러그 기밀성을 평가한다. 만약 예상 누수량이 과소하게 산정되면 시공비용이 증대되고, 과다하게 산정될 경우에는 운영비용이 증가될 수 있으므로 최적의 예상 누수량을 산정할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 더블 플러그(double plug) 주변의 투수특성을 보다 정확하게 반영할 수 있도록 수리 안정성 해석을 수행하였으며, 수리 안정성 해석 및 기존 사례 분석 과정을 통해 플러그 주변의 누수 가능성이 있는 모든 경로에 대한 예상 누수량을 산정하였다. 또한 누수 경로에 대한 누수량을 실측 하여 예상 누수량 산정 결과의 신뢰성을 확인하였다.

대퇴 사두건을 이용한 관절경적 이중 다발 전방 십자 인대 재건술 (Arthroscopic Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction using Autogenous Quadriceps Tendon -Technical Note-)

  • 김성재;정광암;송대흡
    • 대한관절경학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2005
  • Recently, the interest on anatomical ACL reconstruction with double bundle technique is increased to reproduce the original load distribution, and kinematics of the knee. We developed an arthroscopic double bundle ACL reconstruction technique using autogenous quadriceps tendon with 2 splitted graft and patellar bone plug. The anteromedial bundle and posteolateral bundle of the ACL is replicated with each splitted graft of quadriceps tendon and fixed with biodegradable interference screw on the 2 femoral tunnels. The patellar bone plug of quadriceps tendon is fixed with biodegradable interference screw within the 1 tibial tunnel. We suggest that our technique using quadriceps tendon may be an alternative in arthroscopic double bundle ACL reconstruction.

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Sprouting Condition of Crown Bud and Plug Seedling Production in Yacon

  • Doo, Hong-Soo;Choo, Byung-Kil;Ryu, Jeom-Ho
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.223-227
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    • 1998
  • The objectives of this study were to find the sprouting condition and to establish the optimum production methods of plug seedlings in yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia Poepp. & Endl.). The sprouting ratio was greatest at $30\pm 1^{\circ}C$ at 20 days after planting. Crowns with single buds were more effective than those with two or more buds for sprouting, which might be due to the apical dominance. Planting the shoots separated from crown after sprouting in the single- and double-layer polyethylene-covered greenhouses reduced seedling period with 25% and 50%, respectively. Planting the shoots after sprouting was more effective than planting the crown buds. Double-layer polyethylene-covered green-house was good for plug seedling production than open field or single-layer polyethylene-covered greenhouse. The bed soils composed of clay loam : compost or sand : compost (1:l=v:v) were more effective to produce plug seedlings than only clay loam, sand or compost. Seedlings could be produced at 30 days after planting in our studies.

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Study on the Off-design Performance on a Plug Nozzle with Variable Throat Area

  • Azuma, Nobuyuki;Tanatsugu, Nobuhiro;Sato, Tetsuya;Kobayashi, Hiroaki;Hongo, Motoyuki
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2004년도 제22회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.644-648
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    • 2004
  • In the present study were examined numerically and experimentally the off-design performance characteristics on an axisymmetric plug nozzle with variable throat area. In this nozzle concept, its throat area can be changed by translating the plug into the axial direction. First, a mixed-expansion plug nozzle, in which two expansion parts are arranged both inside and outside, was designed by means of the method of characteristics. Second, the CFD analysis was verified by the cold-flow wind tunnel test. Third, its performance characteristics were evaluated over a wide range of pressure ratio from half to double throat area through the design point, using the CFD code verified by the wind tunnel tests. It was made clear from the study that not so critical thrust efficiency losses were found and the maximum thrust efficiency loss was at most approximately 5 % under off-design conditions without external flow. This result shows that a plug nozzle can give the altitude compensation even under off-design geometry operations. However, shock waves were observed in the inner expansion part under the doubled throat area operation and thus some thermal problems may be caused on the plug surface. Furthermore, collapse of cell structure on the plug surface was observed with external flow (around Mach number 2.0) as it became lower pressure ratio below the design point and the fact may result in big efficiency loss regardless of geometrical configuration.

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액상분사식 대형 LPG 희박연소엔진의 분사시기 및 이점점화에 관한 연구 (Investigation on the Injection Timing and Double Ignition Method for Heavy-duty LPG SI Lean Burn Engine)

  • 김창업;오승묵;강건용
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2003
  • An LPG engine for heavy-duty vehicles has been developed using liquid phase LPG injection (hereafter LPLi) system which has regarded as one of the next generation LPG fuel supply systems. In this wort to investigate the lean bum characteristics of heavy-duty LPLi engine, various injection timing (SOI, start of injection) and double ignition method were tested. The results showed that lean misfire limit of LPLi engine could be extended. by 0.2 $\lambda$ value, using the optimal SOI timing in LPLi system. Double ignition method test was carried out by installing the second spark plug and modified ignition circuit to ignite two spark plugs simultaneously. Double ignition resulted in the stable combustion under ultra lean bum condition, below $\lambda=1.7$, and extension of lean misfire limit compare to ordinary case. Therefore, LPLi engine with optimal SOI and double ignition method could be normally operated at around $\lambda=1.9$ and showed higher engine performance.

Nonparametric Estimation of Univariate Binary Regression Function

  • Jung, Shin Ae;Kang, Kee-Hoon
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.236-241
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    • 2022
  • We consider methods of estimating a binary regression function using a nonparametric kernel estimation when there is only one covariate. For this, the Nadaraya-Watson estimation method using single and double bandwidths are used. For choosing a proper smoothing amount, the cross-validation and plug-in methods are compared. In the real data analysis for case study, German credit data and heart disease data are used. We examine whether the nonparametric estimation for binary regression function is successful with the smoothing parameter using the above two approaches, and the performance is compared.

2중판 오리피스를 이용한 기액 2상유량계의 개발 (Development of a 9as-liquid two-phase flowmeter using double orifice plates)

  • 이상천;이상무;남상철
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.619-629
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    • 1998
  • An experimental work was conducted to investigate a feasibility of simultaneous measurement of gas-liquid two-phase flowrates with double orifice plates using air and water. The tests were carried out under the atmospheric pressure and at the ambient temperature using two different tube sizes. Qualities of an air-water flow in the present study have values less than 0.1 and thus the mixed flow showed bubbly, plug, slug flow regimes. The probability density function (PDF) and the power spectral density function (PSDF) of the instantaneous pressure drop traces for the flow regimes were obtained. It is found that some distinctive features exist in the distribution of these functions, depending upon the two-phase flow pattern. The time-averaged value of the instantaneous pressure drop increases with increasing gas and liquid flowrates, showing a single-valued function for the total mass flowrate and the quality. It is also found that the two-phase discharge coefficient exhibits a consistent trend for variation of dimensionless parameters such as the superficial velocity ratio and the gas Reynolds number. The results indicate that simultaneous measurement of two-phase flowrate may be possible based upon a statistical analysis of the instantaneous pressure drop curves monitored using double orifice plates.

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소듐냉각고속로 소듐 내부 가시화를 위한 이중회전구동 C-스캔 시스템 및 프로그램 개발 (Development of Double Rotation C-Scanning System and Program for Under-Sodium Viewing of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor)

  • 주영상;배진호;박창규;이재한;김종범
    • 비파괴검사학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.338-344
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    • 2010
  • 웨이브가이드 초음파센서를 적용하여 소듐냉각 고속로 KALIMER-600의 원자로 노심과 내부구조물의 소듐내부가시화를 수행하는 이중회전 구동 C-스캔 시스템과 소프트웨어 프로그램 Under-Sodium MultiVIEW를 개발하였다. 이중회전 구동 C-스캔 시스템은 KALIMER-600 원자로 헤드의 이중회전 플러그를 모사하여 설계 제작하였으며 웨이브가이드 초음파센서에 초음파 펄스를 송수신할 수 있는 고출력 초음파 시스템과 스캐너 구동 제어 장치를 구축하였다. Under-Sodium MultiVIEW 프로그램은 이중회전 스캐너의 구동을 제어하면서 웨이브가이드 초음파센서에 초음파 신호를 송수신하여 영상 처리를 수행하는 소듐내부가시화 프로그램으로서 LabVIEW 그래픽 프로그램 언어를 기반으로 개발되었다. 이중회전 구동에 의한 수중 C-스캔 성능시험을 수행하여 Under-Sodium MultiVIEW 프로그램의 가시화 성능을 실험적으로 검증하였다.

무수마레인산 생산을 위한 고정층 촉매 반응기 설계 (Design of the Fixed-Bed Catalytic Reactor for the Maleic Anhydride Production)

  • 윤영삼;구은화;박판욱
    • 공업화학
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 1999
  • 공기에 의한 n-butane의 산화로부터 무수마레인산을 합성하는 고정층 촉매 반응기의 거동을 조사하였다. 대류-확산-반응기구로 묘사되는 고정층 촉매반응기의 거동은 Langmuir-Hinshelwood형의 반응속도식 및 비정상상태 이차원 유사균일상 모델을 적용 조사하였다. 예측모델은 Sharma의 pilot-plant 실험 결과인 단일층 반응기의 축방향 온도 및 수율 분포에 대한 최적적합을 통한 최적매개변수 추정에 의해 구성하였다. 또한 예측모델은 단일층 반응기와 통일한 수율 및 전화율을 생성시킬 수 있도록 모사된 불균열활성의 이중층 반응기가 열점에서 $8.96^{\circ}C$ 낮은 온도 상승을 일으켰다. 단일과 이중층 반응기의 가능한 조업조건 (냉매온도, 반응물의 농도, 온도 및 유량)변화에 대한 매개변수 감응도를 조사한 결과 동일한 조업 조건하에서 이중층 반응기가 단일층 반응기에 비해 더 넓은 조업범위는 물론 전화율 및 수율이 다소 높게 나타났다.

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Retention of BioAggregate and MTA as coronal plugs after intracanal medication for regenerative endodontic procedures: an ex vivo study

  • Amin, Suzan Abdul Wanees;Gawdat, Shaimaa Ismail
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.18.1-18.12
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study compared the retention of BioAggregate (BA; Innovative BioCeramix) and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA; Angelus) as coronal plugs after applying different intracanal medications (ICMs) used in regenerative endodontic. Materials and Methods: One-hundred human maxillary central incisors were used. The canals were enlarged to a diameter of 1.7 mm. Specimens were divided into 5 groups (n = 20) according to the ICM used: calcium hydroxide (CH), 2% chlorhexidine (CHX), triple-antibiotic paste (TAP), double-antibiotic paste (DAP), and no ICM (control; CON). After 3 weeks of application, ICMs were removed and BA or MTA were placed as the plug material (n = 10). The push-out bond strength and the mode of failure were assessed. The data were analyzed using 2-way analysis of variance, the Tukey's test, and the ${\chi}^2$ test; p values < 0.05 indicated statistical significance. Results: The type of ICM and the type of plug material significantly affected bond strength (p < 0.01). Regardless of the type of ICM, BA showed a lower bond strength than MTA (p < 0.05). For MTA, CH showed a higher bond strength than CON, TAP and DAP; CHX showed a higher bond strength than DAP (p < 0.01). For BA, CH showed a higher bond strength than DAP (p < 0.05). The mode of failure was predominantly cohesive for BA (p < 0.05). Conclusions: MTA may show better retention than BA. The mode of bond failure with BA can be predominantly cohesive. BA retention may be less affected by ICM type than MTA retention.