• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dominant fluctuation

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Domination of glassy and fluctuation behavior over thermal activation in vortex state in $MgB_2$ thin film ($MgB_2$ 박막에서의 열적 활성화에 비해 두드러진 볼텍스 유리화 및 열적 요동현상의 연구)

  • Kim, Heon-Jung;W. N. Kang;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Park, Eun-Mi;Kim, Kijoon H. P.
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2001
  • We have investigated the mixed-state magnetoresistance of high quality c-axis-oriented MgB2 thin film for magnetic field from 0.5 T to 5.0 T, applied normal to ab-plane. The temperature dependence of magnetoresistance was well described by vortex glass and fluctuation theories for different temperature regimes. We observed glassy exponent of v(z-1)~3 and upper critical field of $H_{c2}$(0)~35 T, which is consistent with previous data obtained from direct $H_{c2}$(0) measurements. Interestingly, the thermally activated flux flow region was observed to be very narrow, suggesting that the pinning strength of this compound is very strong. This finding is closely related to the recent reports that the bulk pinning is dominant in $MgB_2$and the critical current density of $MgB_2$ thin film is very high, comparable to that of cuprate superconductor. The present results further suggest that $MgB_2$is beneficial to technical applications.ons.

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Seasonal Fluctuation in Abundance and Species Composition of Fishes in Sorido Island of Yeosu Coast, Korea (여수 소리도 주변해역에서 채집되는 어류의 종조성 및 군집구조)

  • HAN, Kyeong-Ho;LEE, Sung-Hun;KIM, Seon-Jae;YOUN, Byoung-il
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.646-654
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    • 2017
  • The Fluctuation in the abundance and species composition of fish was investigated Sorido Island southern, Korea from August, 1999 to May, 2000. A total of 1,920.6 fishes were sampled and classified into 9 orders, 34 families, and 39 species. The dominant orders were Perciformes including 15 famailies and 17 species, followed by Pleuronectiformes including 5 families and 6 species, Scorpaeniformes including 4 families and 6 species Ilisha elongata was the dominant occupying 23.96%, followed by Scomber japonicus 16.27%, and Engraulis japonicus 10.98%. Year-round species dominant occupying Conger myriaster, Ilisha elongata, Platycephalus indicus, Leiognathus nuchalis. Seasonal species occupying Hapalogenys mucronatus, Uranoscopus japonicus, Citharoides macrolepidotus. The monthly diversity, evenness, and Richness index were 1.970~2.528, 0.669~0.759, 2.747~4.729, respectively.

Characterization of Algal Community of Yongdam Reservoir and Identification of Ecological Factors Inducing the Changes in Community Composition (용담호 조류군집의 시공간적 분포와 조류발생 요인분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-su;Jeong, Il-hwan
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.121-134
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    • 2015
  • Spatial and temporal changes in algal population in Yongdam reservoir and ecological factors that induced the changes in the size and composition of algal population were investigated by monthly sampling at ten locations in the reservoir. Nutritional state of the reservoir was identified to be phosphorus-limited with nitrogen to phosphorus (N : P) ratio much greater than 17 in most samples. Algal population was dominated by three taxonomic groups, diatoms, chlorophytes and cyanobacteria. Although explosive algal growth was not observed in the summer, algal population showed transition with time of the dominant algal type from diatoms in the winter to cyanobacteria in the summer. Chlorophyta was not the dominant group in the reservoir although they maintained relatively stable number of cells in the reservoir and showed increase in population from March to May. The application of statistical methods revealed that the factors inducing changes in cell number of each group were water temperature for diatoms and cyanobacteria and phosphorus concentration for chlorophyte. Fluctuation of cyanobacterial population was mainly observed near the inlet of tributaries while diatoms showed higher variation inside the reservoir.

Fluctuations in abundance and species composition of fishes collected by gape net in Dolsan District of Yeosu (여수 돌산연안 낭장망에 어획된 어류의 종조성 및 계절변동)

  • KIM, Kee-Taek;HAN, Kyung-Ho;LEE, Sung-Hoon;YOUN, Byeong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.142-151
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    • 2017
  • The fluctuation in the abundance and species composition of fish was investigated using gape net in Dolsan District of Yeosu Korea from July 2015 to April 2016. A total of 1,331 fishes were sampled and classified into 30 orders, 42 families, and 53 species. The dominant orders are Perciformes including 21 famailies and 24 species, followed by Scorpaeniformes including 7 families and 13 species, and Clueiformes including 6 families and 6 species. Among the 53 fish species collected, Engraulis japonicus was the most frequent species occupying 43.5%, followed by Argyrosomus argentatus (23.8%), and Leiognathus nuchalis (22.4%). The monthly diversity, evenness, and richness index were 1.83-2.90, 0.76-0.95 and 3.06-6.40.

Stomach Contents of the Southern Rough Shrimp Trachysalambria curvirostris (Stimpson) in the Coastal Area of Yeosu, Korea

  • Yoon, Ho-Seop;Soh, Ho-Young;Park, Sang-Duk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 2003
  • The southern rough shrimp Trachysalambria curvirostris (Stimpson) was monthly sampled from the coastal area of Yeosu, Korea from June 2000 to May 2001 and its stomach contents were investigated. Mysids and amphipods were the most dominant prey, comprising >40% of the diet in both % occurrence and % abundance. In particular, mysids were most important food without regard to seasons, size classes, or sexes. The abundance and occurrence composition of food items showed a seasonal fluctuation: mysids and amphipods were the predominant prey items in spring (33.8%), summer (41.1%), autumn (43.9%), and winter (49.2%). For small-sized shrimps (>25 mm CL), mysids and amphipods consist of more than 45% of its food in both % abundance and % occurrence. For large-sized shrimps (>25 mm CL), these were clearly dominant. The quantities and items of food did not differ in both genders, which mainly fed on mysids and amphipods. The trophic diversity and equality of diet varied with seasons and size classes. The diet diversity for smaller shrimps was highest in spring, while that for the larger shrimp lowest in winter. Also, the mandibular structure of Trachysalambria curvirostris indicates that the species is carnivorous.

Effects of Submerged Plants on Water Environment and Nutrient Reduction in a Wetland (습지의 수환경과 영양물질에 미치는 침수식물의 영향)

  • Yi, Yong min;Lee, Suk Mo;Sung, Kijune
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2010
  • Submerged plants whose most of vegetative mass are below the water surface can have great effects on wetland biogeochemistry and water purification through their photosynthesis and nutrient uptake processes. In this study, change of dissolved oxygen concentration and pH as well as nutrient removal capacity of the submerged plant dominant wetland were investigated using wetland mesocosm experiments. Obvious periodic DO and pH fluctuation was observed due to photosynthetic activities of the submerged plants. It implies that the submerged plants can provide periodic or sequential changes of oxic and anoxic conditions that affect nitrification and denitrification processes and contribute permanent nitrogen removal in the wetland system. The pH changes in the wetland mesocosm suggested that submerged plant could also play an important role as a temporary $CO_2$ storage. Higher nutrient removal efficiency was observed in the submerged plant dominant wetland mesocosm. The removal efficiencies under experimental conditions were 38.89, 84.70, 91.21, 70.76, 75.30% of TN, DIN, $NH_4-N$, TP, $PO_4-P$ in the wetland mesocosm, while those were 26.11, 57.34, 63.87, 28.19, 55.15% in the control treatment, respectively.

The Effect of Exchange Rates and Interest Rates of Four Large Economies on the Health of Banks in ASEAN-3

  • PURWONO, Rudi;TAMTELAHITU, Jopie;MUBIN, M. Khoerul
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.591-599
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    • 2020
  • This study examines how the health of the banks in ASEAN-3 countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand respond to the change in exchange rates and foreign interest rates in four large economies. The transmissions of the two external factors through domestic factors in each ASEAN-3 countries eventually affects Non-Performing Loan (NPL) of commercial banks. This study uses the monthly time series data and the renowned Structural Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model comprising five variables, namely exchange rate, foreign interest rate, domestic interest rate, money supply, and non-performing loan (NPL). The results indicate that there are different effects between ASEAN-3 countries, which can be classified as short-run effect and long-run effect. In the long run effect, external factors have a dominant role in determining NPL in ASEAN-3 countries. Yuan has the biggest effect on Malaysia's NPL, while Indonesia is more affected by European interest rates rather than the fluctuation of the US currency and China's interest rates. Among ASEAN-3 countries, Malaysia is the one that is the most vulnerable to external factors. While Thailand's NPL is affected dominantly by domestic factors. This study shows that the Fed Funds Rate (US official interest rate) is not always the dominant factor affecting the health of domestic banks in ASEAN-3.

Phytoplankton Community and Surrounding Water Conditions in the Youngsan River Estuary: Weekly Variation in the Saltwater Zone (영산강 하구의 식물플랑크톤 군집 및 수 환경: 해수역의 주별 변동)

  • Sin, Yongsik;Yu, Haengsun
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2018
  • In this study we conducted a weekly monitoring exercise at a fixed station in the saltwater zone during the dry season (Jan-Mar, 2013) and wet season (Jun-Aug, 2013) to understand the fluctuations in phytoplankton communities and environmental factors in the Youngsan River estuary altered by a dike constructed in the coastal area. Phytoplankton communities displayed seasonality; diatoms were dominant during the dry season whereas dinoflagellates were dominant during the wet season. T-test analysis showed that water temperature was significantly different between the seasons whereas freshwater discharge from the dike was not significantly different. This suggests that seasonal variations of phytoplankton are more likely affected by water temperature than freshwater discharge. However, a short-term fluctuation was also observed in response to freshwater discharge; freshwater species appeared during or after the discharge in the dry and wet seasons and blooms of harmful species developed after the discharge. Phytoplankton communities may be affected by changes in physical factors such as turbidity and salinity and nutrient supply resulting from freshwater discharge. Especially, the nutrient supply may directly contribute to the harmful algal blooms (HABs) composed of dinoflagellates which can adapt to low salinity after freshwater discharge.

Quantitative fluctuation and species composition of ichthyoplankton in Gwangyang Bay, Korea (광양만 연안에 분포하는 부유성 난 및 자치어의 종조성과 양적변동)

  • CHU, Bo-Ra;LEE, Sung-Hoon;YU, Tae-Sik;HWANG, Tae-Yong;HAN, Kyeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2019
  • Species composition and yearly variation of fish eggs and larval fishes were investigated from 2014 to 2016. During the study period, the fish eggs were identified as belonging to 14 taxa. The dominant species of fish eggs were Leiognathus nuchalis, Engraulis japonicus, and Konosirus punctatus. These three species accounted for 97.4% of the total number of individuals collected. The collected larval fishes were identified into 37 taxa, 22 families, and seven orders. The dominant species of larval fish were Leiognathus nuchalis, and Gobiidae fishes. These three species accounted for 85.4% of the total number of individuals collected. The diversity index of the larval fishes was the highest in 2014 (H' = 1.60) and the lowest in 2015 (H' = 1.15). The evenness index was the highest in 2016 (J = 0.51) and the lowest in 2015 (J = 0.39). The dominance index was the highest in 2015 (D = 83.5%) and the lowest in 2016 (D = 70.9%). In addition, the economically important species in this area were Engraulis japonicus, Konosirus punctatus, Hippocampus coronatus, Sebastes schlegelii, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, and Cynoglossus joyneri.

Ichthyofauna and Fish Community Structure in Lake Chungju, Korea (충주호의 어류상과 어류군집)

  • Kim, Chi-Hong;Lee, Wan-Ok;Hong, Kwan-Eui;Jeon, Hyoung-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.264-270
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    • 2005
  • The ichthyofauna and fish community structure were investigated at three areas in Lake Chungju from April to October 2004. During the surveyed period,32 two species belonging to 12 families were collected. Dominant species in number was hemibarbus labeo (relative abundance : 23.2%) and subdominant was Erythroculter erythropterus (12.1%). Siniperca scherzeri (9.2%), and Pseudogobio esocinus (8.6%) were also numerous. There were nine Korean endemic species belonging to six families including Acheilognathus yamatsutae. The number of fish species collected was 28 in Danyang, 17 in Jecheon, and 15 in Chungju. Highest dominant index calculated was 0.670 in Chungju, and highest diversity index calculated was 2.442 in the Danyang area. We need closer observation of population fluctuation of some species, including H. labeo, the dominant species by biomass in Lake Chungju.