• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distribution innovation

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A Study on effectiveness of transition of policy instruments for renewable energy: In the case of shift from FIT to RPS in Korea (재생에너지 정책수단 전환의 효과성 연구: 한국의 전환 사례 분석)

  • Park, Inyong;Choung, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2020
  • While the policy intervention of each country for the promotion of renewable energy is strengthened, Korea introduced Feed-in Tariff (FIT) in 2002 to directly support the development of renewable energy. But in 2012, the shift of policy instrument that from FIT to Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is occurred. This is a unique background that is currently found only in Korea, and new answers that focus on the outcomes of the shift of policy instruments are needed in addition to the existing discussion of comparison of FIT and RPS. Therefore, this study analyzed the change of policy efficiency after the shift to RPS using Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) and Malmquist Index. In the result of analysis, a difference in the improvement of policy efficiency after in shift to RPS is found among each renewable energy source. This result is because renewable energy companies voluntarily entered the market only for energy sources that have secured technology or price competitiveness, and this indicates that the performance of renewable energy after the RPS shift has been concentrated on specific energy sources. As a result of this study, considering that the goal of renewable energy policy is to expand distribution and to drive growth engines, multi-faceted analysis is required in consideration of technology and market in selecting policy instruments.

A Comparative Study on the Traditional Medicine Policies between Korea and China: Focused on the Second Korean Medicine Development Plan and the 12.5 Traditional Chinese Medicine Development Plan (한국과 중국의 전통의학 정책 비교: 제2차 한의약육성발전계획 및 중의약사업발전 12.5규획 중심)

  • Ko, Chang-Ryong;Ku, Nam-Pyong;Seol, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.421-447
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    • 2014
  • Traditional medicine has been integrated into the national health system in many countries such as Korea, China, Taiwan, etc. Korea and China are most representative among them. The purpose of this study is to compare the policies on traditional medicine in Korea and China focusing on where it came from and where it is headed. In this regard, the study suggested the first analysis tool in the world for analyzing the policy of traditional medicine. The results of the study are as follows: First of all, the development process of Korean Medicine (KM) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) shows the same pattern, that is, both are influenced by its own national policies. Secondly, the difference between the two countries is due to the gap in the development status or the different aspects in national heath system. TCM is more vitalized in health system and has larger category, and stays ahead in globalization compared to KM. TCM covers Chinese medicine, integrative medicine and ethno-medicine. Korea emphasizes the role of KM in the declining birthrate and aging society, and promotes the overseas patient invitation strategy. China, on the other hand, establishes the medical system for emergency medical treatment and preventive treatment of major diseases and promotes overseas expansion of TCM service. In addition, Korea stressed the safety and distribution of herbal medicine, and China emphasizes production technologies. Korea has a strong medical device industry along with the government's fostering policy; however, in China, medical devices are in the R&D stage yet. Even though both countries promotes the drug development from natural products, Korea focuses on developing herbal cosmetics in application industry, but China shows weakness in policies on application industry. China shores up the foundation for culture and theory of traditional medicine, while Korea doesn't have related policy. Korea places emphasis on promoting collaboration with international organizations and medical volunteer programs, whereas China is more interested in mutual cooperation and real trade with other countries.

The Heterogeneous Impacts of Agricultural R&D on Farm Efficiencies by Farm Income levels (농업 R&D투자의 형평성 분석: 농가단위 효율성에 미치는 영향의 소득계층별 차이를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.27-57
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    • 2013
  • The projects of agricultural R&D investments have been evaluated largely on the basis of efficiency better than equity although both criteria are equally critical in that major fund source of agricultural R&D investments is public budget. In this study, I focus on equity aspects by identifying the heterogeneous impacts of public knowledge created by R&D on farm efficiencies by farm income levels using bias-corrected DEA and quantile regression with panel data. The findings indicate that entire farms haven't been likely to be benefited evenly from public knowledge stock created by agricultural R&D, in particular high income farms can have enjoyed relatively more benefits of its in terms of efficiency gain. Those can imply agricultural R&D have functioned in the way analogue to digressive subsidies. In addition, the heterogeneous technological needs different among income level farms turns out to be main underlying factors affecting such the skewed benefit distribution of agricultural R&D over different income level farms.

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The Effects of Technological Progress on Growth, Employment and Distribution (성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배에 대한 기술진보의 파급효과)

  • Im, Yang-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2005.02a
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    • pp.220-267
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구의 분석목표는 순요소증가형 CES 생산함수를 실증적으로 추정함으로써 한국 제조업부문의 기술변화의 유형을 규명하고 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배에 대한 기술진보의 파급효과를 분석하는 것이다. 이 분석결과를 토대로 하여, 본 연구는 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 동시적으로 추구할 수 있는 정책방향을 기술경제 패러다임의 시각에서 제시하였다. 본 연구의 실증적 분석결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다 : 한국 제조업부문의 기술변화의 유형은 Hicks형 비(非)중립적인 자본사용적(B(t)>0) 즉 노동절약적 기술진보인 것으로 추정되었다. 이 결과, 잠재적 고용수준은 감소될 수밖에 없었다. 또한, Hicks형 중립적 기술진보를 나타내는 총요소생산성 증가율(${\gamma}$)은 감소하였던 반면에, 비(非)중립적 기술진보를 나타내는 요소간 대체탄력도(${\sigma}$)와 자본집약도(${\delta}$)는 증가하였다. 이에 따라 노동(L)이 자본(K)으로 광범위하게 대체되었을 뿐만 아니라, 자본투입(K)이 노동투입(L)보다 상대적으로 더 빠르게 증가 (K/K > L/L 즉 k/k > 0)되었다. 이 결과, 소득분배구조가 악화 (S/S< 0)된 것으로 추정되었다. 그러므로, 오늘날 경제성장의 한계 봉착, 대량실업의 폭발, 계층간 갈등의 심화를 초래한 요인은, 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 동시적으로 추구하는 산업 ${\cdot}$ 기술경제정책을 일관성있게, 또한 과감히 추진하지 않았던 결과, 노동사용적 중소기업의 몰락, 노동의 생산효율성 증진을 위한 인적자본 투자의 미흡, 자본의 생산효율성 증진을 위한 자본절약적 기술진보의 저조, 총요소 생산성 증가의 부진, 만성적인 인플레이션에 의한 실질 임금수준의 하락 및 실물 자산가치의 상승 등이라고 말할 수 있다. 따라서 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배의 조화는 바로 노동효율 증가형 기순혁신이며, 이를 위한 인적자본에의 투자라고 말할 수 있다. 본 연구가 기술경제 패러다임(techno-economic paradigm)의 시각에서 제시하는 한국경제의 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 위한 정책방향은 다음과 같은 동태적발전과정으로 요약할 수 있다 : 기초과학연구능력 확충 ${\rightarrow}$ 소화 ${\cdot}$ 흡수 ${\cdot}$ 개량 ${\rightarrow}$ 토착화 능력의 배양 ${\rightarrow}$ 자체기술개발, 선진기술 도입, 산업간 및 산업내 기술확산, 국제기술협력 ${\rightarrow}$ 기술혁신의 촉진 ${\rightarrow}$ 총요소생산성과 기업경쟁력(자원 및 역량, 프로세스 경쟁력, 품질경쟁력, 시장경쟁력, 고객성과, 시장성과, 재무성과)의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 가격경쟁력(임금, 금리, 물류비용, 환율 등)과 비(非)가격경쟁력(디자인, 에프터서비스, 품질, 운송 등)의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 국가경쟁력의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 국제수지 흑자 ${\rightarrow}$ 성장 ${\rightarrow}$ 물가 및 고용 안정 ${\rightarrow}$ 분배 ${\rightarrow}$ 최대다수의 최대행복이다.

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Analysis of R&D Efficiency between Industries : focusing on Technology-innovative SMEs (연구개발 활동 효율성의 산업간 비교 분석: 기술혁신형 중소기업을 대상으로)

  • Jeon, Soojin
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.33-62
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    • 2021
  • This study compares and analyzes the efficiency of R&D activities of technology-innovative small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) between industries and proposes ways to improve efficiency. The research samples are 6,708 technology-innovative SMEs, which have received a guarantee by the KIBO from 2008 to 2011. Input variables are the level of R&D personnel, R&D investment, and output variables are patent applications, prototype. Efficiency is measured by the DEA model, and indirect comparisons that are individually measured by industry are performed. As a result of the analysis, the CCR for determining the optimal returns to scale is 0.19, the BCC for determining the optimal input distribution is 0.70, and the SE for determining the optimal output is 0.30. By industry type, the medium and low-tech industries have high CCR and BCC, while the high-end and high-tech industries have high SE. R&D activities need to be operated on an optimal scale through managing R&D performance because there is the inefficiency of scale across the industry. The contribution of the study is to analyze the R&D efficiency of each industry of technology-innovative SMEs by the technology evaluation data of the KIBO.

An Analysis of Chinese Technology Billionaires (중국의 기술업 억만장자 분석)

  • Sun, Yunhao;Seol, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1577-1605
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes China's technology billionaires. However, this study does not show the accumulating process of wealth in each of the Chinese billionaires, because there are many technology billionaires, but only deals with the macro analysis of the technology billionaire; the pattern of existence, comparison with other industries, the process of wealth creation reflecting China's particularity, and comparison with the world's technology billionaires. The findings of this study are as follows. First, more than 10 billion yuan of Chinese billionaires will emerge from 2004. Second, in the early days, illegal and corruption made rich, but the wealth of own efforts has gradually increased. Third, the real estate and manufacturing billionaires are still strong overall, but the growth of billionaires in technology, medicine and finance industry is remarkable. Fourth, in the case of the top 10 richest, four are from real estate, four from technology, and two from manufacturing and distribution. Most technology billionaires are in Guangdong, Zhejiang, Beijing and Shanghai. The determinants of the number of billionaires are GDP, exchange rate to US Dollar and Shenzen Stock Index, and those of technology billionaire are GDP and exchange rate. Given the relationship with existing theories, this study can be called the fifth type of billionaire research. Conceptually, the main reason for accumulating wealth is the search for policy opportunities, market opportunities and technology opportunities.

The Effect of SME Marketing Capability on Market Performance : Mediating Effect of Online Export Marketing and Moderating Effect of Competitive Intensity (중소기업 마케팅능력이 시장성과에 미치는 영향 : 온라인 수출마케팅의 매개효과 및 경쟁 강도의 조절효과)

  • Park, Dong-jin;Seo, Young-wook
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.131-148
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the effect of marketing ability of SMEs using online export marketing on market performance. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are making efforts to expand their markets from the domestic market to the overseas market and increase sales. We studied the factors that can produce results in the fiercely competitive overseas market. A total of 400 export SMEs were surveyed, and 159 companies directly participating in online export marketing were selected as final targets. The survey was analyzed using SMART PLS 4.0 and SPSS 26.0 statistical programs, and research hypotheses were verified. The results of the study are as follows. First, it was found that the marketing ability of SMEs had a positive (+) effect on online export marketing. Second, it was confirmed that online export marketing had a significant positive (+) effect on market performance through its mediating role. In addition, the intensity of competition in the export market was found to have a moderating effect in online export marketing. The implications of this study are as follows. The theoretical basis was established that the marketing capabilities (product development capability, distribution capability, pricing capability, public relations capability) of exporting SMEs have a positive effect on overseas market performance through online export marketing. In the market, the use of online export marketing by SMEs can provide implications in that it can be an important means for overseas market development and performance. As a result, it is necessary to actively utilize online export marketing for SMEs to enter overseas markets and achieve results.

Korea-China FTA and Trade Competitiveness of Agricultural.Fisheries Industry to China in Jeonnam Province: Comparative Advantage and Intra-Industry Trade (한.중 FTA와 전남의 대중국 농수산업 무역경쟁력: 비교우위와 산업내무역)

  • Kim, Chang-Beom
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.333-352
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    • 2013
  • Various trade competitiveness-related indices such as TSI, CACI, MCAI, and IITI are applied to examine the trade structure of comparative advantage and complementarity between Jonnama and Chinese on agricultural and Fisheries industry using the data of years 2000-2012 of KITA. The result show that Joennam has specialized in the product of other products of animal origin and preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts, other par. The Intra-Industry trade level of Korean agricultural and Fisheries industry were in the trend of uprising with vertical intra-industry pattern dominant among them in the product live trees other live plants, edible vegetables roots, oil seeds oleaginous fruit, other vegetable saps extracts, preparations of cereals flour starch. As expected, Jeonnam region show that the high quality vertical IIT, indicating that Jeonnam export high-priced high quality products to China and import cheap low quality items from China. Finally, the innovation of production system, distribution modernization, value-maximizing strategies were suggested as a strengthening method of competitiveness.

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Safe landing control of unmanned Quad-rotor Emergency Procedures (긴급 상황에 대비한 무인 쿼드로터의 안전 착륙 제어)

  • Baek, Seung-Jun;Park, Jong-Ho;Ryu, Ji-Hyoung;Lim, Shin-Teak;Chong, Kil-To
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.2335-2342
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    • 2014
  • If you want to use the unmanned quad rotor for emergency information provision and information about the traffic situation of real-time and moving information is included in the car to help in emergency vehicle operation of the city and in the distribution future innovation the need to consider to have enough safety of the use of silent quad rotor. Therefore, in this study, the unmanned quad rotor system research of safe landing control from the center for the improvement of safety of unmanned quad rotor system you have a motor of four, has taken a good structural balance system based on the dynamic model and motion considering the nonlinear characteristics, and attempts to proceed via non-linearity and system disturbances, tough Fuzzy controller, and analyzed through a computer simulation result.

Analysis of the Level of Technological Development and Digital Readiness of Scientific-Research Institutes

  • ALZHANOVA, Farida G.;KIREYEVA, Anel A.;SATPAYEVA, Zaira Т.;TSOY, Alexander A.;NURBATSIN, Akan
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.1133-1147
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of science and technology development and digital readiness of scientific research institutes based on the author's assessment methodology (a set of evaluations and multifactorial indicators). Keeping with the previous literature, the research is caused by the novelty of the problem, which suggests dividing the literature review into two main research groups: theoretical background, which concentrates on the digital readiness definition, and the impact of digital readiness on science. Moreover, the scientific significance lies in the fact that proposed ideas in the research, developed theoretical and methodological provisions can significantly enrich theories related to the identification of the digital readiness of science and its consumers. Further, the research is devoted to the development of assessment methods of digital changes and analysis of the level of development of digital readiness of scientific research institutes, which is based on the author's assessment methodology (a set of evaluations and multifactorial indicators). The methodology provides an opportunity to build ratings of the digital readiness of scientific-research institutes to the formation and development of a digital economy. Obtained results show that the priority task in the current and the future period is to increase the authority and recognition of scientific organizations, the quality of scientific research, and the formation of demand for scientific products.