• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distribution Tool

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CFD Analysis on Discharge Passage Flow of Hydrogen Reciprocating Compressor (왕복동식 수소압축기의 토출구 유동에 관한 CFD해석)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Hwan;Rahman, Mohammad-Shiddiqur;Chung, Han-Shik;Jung, Hyo-Min
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.561-566
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    • 2008
  • The reciprocating compressor is widely used in the industry field, because it has simple principle and high efficiency. In this work, in order to improve design of discharge passage line in hydrogen compression system Numerical analysis was conducted. General information about an internal gas flow is presented by numerical analysis approach. Relating with hydrogen compressing system, which have an important role in hydrogen energy utilization, this should be a useful tool to observe the flow quickly and clearly. Flow characteristic analysis, including velocity, pressure and turbulence kinetic energy distribution of hydrogen gas going out from the cylinder to discharge-path line are presented in this paper. Discharge-passage model is designed based on real model of hydrogen compressor. Pressure boundary conditions are applied considering the real condition of operating system. The result shows velocity, pressure and turbulent kinetic energy are not distributed uniformly along the passage of the Hydrogen system. Path line or particles tracks help to demonstrate flow characteristics inside the passage. The existence of vortices and flow direction can be precisely predicted. Based on this result, the design improvement might be done.

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Spatial Analysis of Major Atmospheric Aerosol Species Using Earth Observing Satellite Data (지구관측 위성자료를 이용한 주요 대기 에어러솔 성분의 공간분포 분석)

  • Lee, Kwon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.109-127
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    • 2011
  • Atmospheric aerosols, small particles in the atmosphere, are one of the important parameters in climate change and human health. Additionally, accurate estimates of aerosol species are increasingly important in environmental impact assessment studies. Recent advances in global satellite remote sensing provide powerful tool for air quality monitoring. This study explores the potential usage of satellite derived data such as atmospheric aerosols for air quality monitoring as well as climate change study. The objectives of this study is to understand the general features of the global distribution of type dependent aerosols. A detailed spatio-temporal variability of the each different satellite dataset shows the variation of the global zonal average and specific geographical regions where the strong emission sources are located. Especially, significantly large aerosol amounts are observed in Asia and Africa because of the desert dust storm, anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions.

복합재료 선미익 항공기 날개 하중해석

  • Han, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Eung-Tai;Ahn, Seok-Min;Kim, Jin-Won
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.8-27
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    • 2002
  • In this study, the load analysis of a composite canard aircraft is performed numerically. Excel visual basic program for PC is used to calculate aerodynamic coefficients, loads and moments etc.. The basic data required for the load analysis such as aircraft configuration and dimension, parts and its weight and coordinate etc. are obtained from Catia modeling, measurement or material density. Aircraft weight, center of gravity, inertia moment, structural design speeds, wing load distribution, forces and moments are evaluated by using these data. V-n diagram is also represented for selecting critical loads applied to the wing and fuselage. The V-n diagram is investigated to decide the flight envelope of canard aircraft for design speed VA, VC, VD and load factor +3.8G, -1.52G at maximum weight of 2,573 lbs and sea level. In the future, the results of the wing and fuselage load analysis is to represented by using selected critical loads.

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Association Based Reasoning Method Using Rescorla-Wagner Model and Galton Free Association Test for Augmented Reality E-Commerce (증강현실 전자상거래 위한 Rescorla-Wagner 모형과 Galton 자유연상 실험을 활용한 연상 기반 추론 방법)

  • Kwon, Oh-Byung;Jung, Dong-Young
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.131-151
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    • 2009
  • Natural interface is important to select and provide the services in ubiquitous smart space such as u-plant, u-distribution. Augmented Reality(AR) has recently begun to receive attention as a realization tool for natural interface. AR provides virtual object on real environment and it differs from virtual reality. When AR is used, it has advantage to provide information intuitively and collaboratively. However AR is rarely used in e-commerce domain of ubiquitous smart space, and it has limitation which predefined information and services provide in a static manner. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology of AR based e-commerce which provides personalized association service by considering user's dynamic context. To do so, association algorithm is developed based on Rescorla-Wagner model and Galton's free association test.

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Identification of high-dip faults utilizing the GRM technique of seismic refraction method(Ⅰ) - Computer modeling - (굴절파 GRM 해석방법을 응용한 고경사 단층 인지(Ⅰ) - 컴퓨터 모델링 연구 -)

  • Kim, Gi Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 1999
  • To effectively identify near-surface faults with vertical slips from seismic refraction data, the GRM interpretation technique is tested and investigated in terms of various parameters through computer modeling. A characteristic change in shape of the velocity-analysis function near faults is noticed, and a new strategy of `Slope Variation Indicator (SVI)' is developed and tested in this study. The SVI is defined as a first horizontal derivative of the difference of velocity analysis functions for a large XY value and a small one, respectively. As the dip of refractor decreases and as the difference in XY value increases, the peak value of SVI increases and its duration decreases. Consequently, the SVI indicates accurately the location of buried fault in the test models. The SVI is believed to be an efficient tool in seismic refraction method to investigate location and distribution of shallowly buried faults.

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Analysis of Minisatellite 7 of SLC6A19 (SLC6A19-MS7) for the Relationship to Myocardial Infarction and Evolutional Level (SLC6A19 Minisatellites 7(SLC6A19-MS7)의 심근경색과의 관련성과 진화적 분석)

  • Seol, So-Young;Lee, Sang-Yeop;Yum, Ji-Hoon;Yoon, Hae-Soon;SunWoo, Yang-Il
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2010
  • SLC6A19 which reported as a neurotransmitter was composed of seven minisatellites. In previous our study, the minisatellites variants of SLC6A19-MS7 showed the susceptibility for hypertension. When this minisatellte sequences were analyzed using the bioinformatic tool, USF1 (upstream transcription factor 1) was found in this region as a putative transcription factor binding site. USF1 is binding with E-boxes which has a consensus sequence of CACGTG. USF1 is a ubiquitously expressed transcription factor and involved in the transcriptional control of many genes including the molecular pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Thus, we investigated that the putative functional relationship between the minisatellites variants and susceptibility for myocardial infarction. A case-control study was performed that compared genomic DNA from 400 controls and 225 cases with myocardial infarction. There were no significant differences observed in the overall allelic distribution of minisatellites between controls and cases, which indicates that this polymorphism is not responsible for myocardial infarction susceptibility. Hence, we analyzed the five different minisatellites alleles from this study and characterized 14 different repeats units (Unit1~Unit14). Then, we evaluated the DNA composition, phylogenic tree, and pairwise distances of its repeats. The variability of each repeats differed from 2.33% to 16%. The phylogenic trees for the four SLC6A19-MS7 minisatellites exhibited very different shapes in their braches and distances, and present most common 8 repeats allele was the longest 14 repeats allele. Therefore, this result may help to understand for the evolutional level of the length of minisatellites.

Time dependent behavior of piled raft foundation in clayey soil

  • Fattah, Mohammed Y.;Al-Mosawi, Mosa J.;Al-Zayadi, Abbas A.O.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.17-36
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    • 2013
  • Settlement of the piled raft can be estimated even after years of completing the construction of any structure over the foundation. This study is devoted to carry out numerical analysis by the finite element method of the consolidation settlement of piled rafts over clayey soils and detecting the dissipation of excess pore water pressure and its effect on bearing capacity of piled raft foundations. The ABAQUS computer program is used as a finite element tool and the soil is represented by the modified Drucker-Prager/cap model. Five different configurations of pile groups are simulated in the finite element analysis. It was found that the settlement beneath the piled raft foundation resulted from the dissipation of excess pore water pressure considerably affects the final settlement of the foundation, and enough attention should be paid to settlement variation with time. The settlement behavior of unpiled raft shows bowl shaped settlement profile with maximum at the center. The degree of curvature of the raft under vertical load increases with the decrease of the raft thickness. For the same vertical load, the differential settlement of raft of ($10{\times}10m$) size decreases by more than 90% when the raft thickness increased from 0.75 m to 1.5 m. The average load carried by piles depends on the number of piles in the group. The groups of ($2{\times}1$, $3{\times}1$, $2{\times}2$, $3{\times}2$, and $3{\times}3$) piles were found to carry about 24%, 32%, 42%, 58%, and 79% of the total vertical load. The distribution of load between piles becomes more uniform with the increase of raft thickness.

Simulation of Groundwater Flow in Fractured Porous Media using a Discrete Fracture Model (불연속 파쇄모델을 이용한 파쇄 매질에서의 지하수 유동 시뮬레이션)

  • Park, Yu-Chul;Lee, Kang-Kun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.503-512
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    • 1995
  • Groundwater flow in fracture networks is simulated using a discrete fracture (DF) model which assume that groundwater flows only through the fracture network. This assumption is available if the permeability of rock matrix is very low. It is almost impossible to describe fracture networks perfectly, so a stochastic approach is used. The stochastic approach assumes that the characteristic parameters in fracture network have special distribution patterns. The stochastic model generates fracture networks with some characteristic parameters. The finite element method is used to compute fracture flows. One-dimensional line element is the element type of the finite elements. The simulation results are shown by dominant flow paths in the fracture network. The dominant flow path can be found from the simulated groundwater flow field. The model developed in this study provides the tool to estimate the influences of characteristic parameters on groundwater flow in fracture networks. The influences of some characteristic parameters on the frcture flow are estimated by the Monte Carlo simulation based on 30 realizations.

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Rock Physics Modeling: Report and a Case Study (암석 물리 모델링: 기술 보고 및 적용 사례)

  • Lee, Gwang H.
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.225-242
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    • 2016
  • Rock physics serves as a useful tool for seismic reservoir characterization and monitoring by providing quantitative relationships between rock properties and seismic data. Rock physics models can predict effective moduli for reservoirs with different mineral components and pore fluids from well-log data. The distribution of reservoirs and fluids for the entire seismic volume can also be estimated from rock physics models. The first part of this report discusses the Voigt, Reuss, and Hashin-Shtrikman bounds for effective elastic moduli and the Gassmann fluid substitution. The second part reviews various contact models for moderate- to high-porosity sands. In the third part, constant-cement model, known to work well for the sand that gradually loses porosity with deteriorating sorting, was applied to the well-log data from an oil field in the North Sea. Lastly, the rock physics template constructed from the constant-cement model and the results from the prestack inversion of 2D seismic data were combined to predict the lithology and fluid types for the sand reservoir of this oil field.

A Study on the Structure Analysis Optimization of Die Cam Drive Considering the Thin Plate Hardening (박판판재 경화를 고려한 다이 캠 드라이브의 구조해석 최적화에 대한연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Bae;Kim, Seon-Sam;Woo, Chang-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.5769-5777
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    • 2015
  • According to the forming or bending deformation in the press die, the thin plate occurs a work-hardening, the sheet hardening and cam unit's deformation causes incomplete forming during the cam molding process by the reacting spring forces. This study treated the input parameters of the stress and strain as given properties and also used Cam forming pressure considering the sheet hardening in the forming process of the aluminum sheet. The Hyperstudy are operated be linked with the Abaqus of the finite element analysis tool and the shape of Cam were carried out with non-linear shape optimization analysis. As a result removing the deformation of plate, the cam shape were optimized under conditions reduced deformation, having a minimum stress range and the minimum deformation. Therefore, a stress-strain curve and a normal distribution of stress-thickness can be obtained and optimization could be obtained for the shape of the stress and strain on the die plate hardened cam considering the thickness and reaction force of gas spring as iteration process.