• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distance education

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Geomorphic Processes of Masung Basin (마성분지(麻城盆地)의 지형생성작용(地形生成作用))

  • Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 1996
  • There is a limestone basin surrounded by the mountains consisted of Paleozoic sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in the Masung, Munkyung city, Kyungsangpook do. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the geomorphic processes of the gentle hillslopes in the marginal piedmont of Masung basin. To do so, I analyzed deposits over hillslopes and the relation ship between the distance from the divide and the height(above sea level) at the longitudinal profile of the hillslope, and considered interrelation between the distributions of the gentle hillslopes(less than 230m) and lithology. Geomorphic processes of Masung basin are as follow: (1) The depth of deposits over hillslope increases toward downstream of the hillslope. Most gravels within deposits, whose lithology is limestone, are those eroded at the boundary(overthrust fault zone) between the back-mountain and the hillslope. Deposits at the outward margin of hillslope is well sorted. and moderately imbricated. (2) Hillslope at the margin of the basin(160-230m asl) is formed by the action of 'the flow with channel'. At the boundary between the soft rock(limestone; basin floor) and hard rock(sedimentary and metamorphic rock; back-mountain), the relatively weak limestone is eroded to fresh bedrock by the subsequent action of the overland flow, and therefore discontinuity in slope appeared. (3) After hills lopes were formed, sediments(boulders and fine material) produced during dissection in back-mountain buried deposits over hillslope. In conclusion, geomorphic processes of Masung basin is 'differential erosion due to differentiation of lithological hardness' having suggested as geomorphic processes of granitic basin. However it is not 'removal of weathering material due to sheetflow' but 'erosion due to the overland flow with channel'.

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Parents' concern for child oral health (부모의 자녀에 대한 구강건강 관심도 조사)

  • Kim, Kyung-Seon;Kim, Sun-Ju;Kim, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.405-418
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the interest level of mothers in oral health. The subjects in this study were 184 mothers whose children attended daycare centers in the city of K. A survey was conducted from March 15 through April 30, 2007, and SPSS WIN 11.5 program was employed to analyze their answer sheets. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. A group of mothers whose children brushed their teeth three times a day on the average made up 55.7 percent of those who were at the age of 35 and under. Among the mothers having three or more children, those mothers accounted for 59.1 percent. The daily mean toothbrushing frequency of children was higher among the better-educated mothers. 2. Concerning dietary and oral guidance, the mothers whose academic background was better curbed their children's excessive sugar intake more often, and the gap between them and the others was statistically significant(pE.05). As to the importance of oral health by the number of child and academic credential, those who had two children(36.0%) taught them the importance of oral health frequently(pE.01), and the better-educated mothers taught about it often(pE.05). The gap between the groups and the others was significant. 3. As for experience of visiting dental institutions, the working mothers visited dental institutions more often than the stay-at-home mothers, and the gap between them was statistically significant(pE.05). Regarding purpose of the visit, the largest group aimed to get treatment(64.6%), followed by having a dental checkup(14.6%) and receiving preventive treatment(13.5%). As to any inconveniences in using dental institutions, those who were working and who were in the upper income bracket found it more inconvenient to do that because of a long distance or time constraints. The gap between them and the others was significant. 4. In regard to concern for dental care, the mothers who were better educated(pE.001) and whose family income was 3 million won or more had their teeth scaled more often, and the gap between them and the others was statistically significant(pE.01). The rate of the regular visitors of dental institutions stood at 32.7 percent of the junior-college graduates, 31.0 percent of the mothers receiving college or higher education and 10.1 percent of the high-school graduates(pE.01). And those who earned larger income paid a visit to dental institutions more often and on a regular basis. The gap between them and the others was statistically significant(pE.05).

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Prediction of Lahar Flow Inundation Areas Using LAHARZ_py Program: Application for the Mt. Baekdu Volcano (LAHARZ_py 프로그램을 이용한 라하르 범람지역의 예측: 백두산 화산에 적용)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo;Chang, Cheolwoo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2017
  • Mt. Baekdu which located the border of North Korea and China, is known as a potentially active volcano in a typical mountainous terrain. A lahar on the volcanic area is one of the important hazard that can cause the loss of life and property damage. In order to comprehensively address the impact of lahar hazard at Mt. Baekdu, we simulated lahar inundation area using Laharz_py. We assumed 750 m of additional elevation for DEM to draw proximal hazard zone boundary (PHZB) of Mt. Baekdu that H/L ratio are selected 0.10. And lahar volumes for simulation were estimated to $1{\times}10^6$, $5{\times}10^6$, $1{\times}10^7$, $5{\times}10^7$, $1{\times}10^8$, $5{\times}10^8$, $1{\times}10^9m^3$, respectively. In the results, 15 streams are located near a proximal hazard zone boundary, Amnok (Yalu) river (south), Toudaosonghua river, Jinjiang river and Huapi river (west-southwest), Songjiang river, Xiaosha river, Caozi river and Sandaosongjian river (west-northwest), Toudaobai river, Erdaobai river and Sandabai river (north), Wudaobai river-1, -2, -3 (northeast) and Duman (Tumen) river (east). The results of this study can be used as basic data to make a hazard map for reduce the damage that can be caused by volcanic hazards occurred on Mt. Baekdu.

Crystal Structures of Vacuum Dehydrated Fully $Cd^{2+}$-Exchanged Zeolite A and of Its iodine Sorption Complex (카드뮴 이온으로 완전히 치환한 제올라이트 A를 진공 탈수한 구조와 이것에 요오드를 흡착한 결정구조)

  • Jang, Se-Bok;Han, Young-Wook;Kim, Yang
    • Korean Journal of Crystallography
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 1993
  • The crystal shnture of dehydrated fully Cd2+-exchanged zeolite A evacuated at 2 × 10-6 Torr and 650℃ (a:12.189(2) A) and of its iodine sorption corrplex (a:12.168(2)A) have been netsmlmn by single uystal x-ray diffraction techliques in the cubic space group hkTn at 21(1)℃. The strutures were refined to final error indices, Ri:0.057 and R2 =0.063 with 186 reflections and Rl:0.082 and R2:0.085 with 181 reflections, respectively, for which 1>3σ(In both structure, six lie at two distinguished threefold axes of unit cell ten the crystal structure of an iodine sorption complex of Cd6-A four Cd2+ ions are recessed 0.69(1) A into the large cavity to complex each with from the (111) plane of 0(3), whereas two Cd2+ ions recessed 0.68(1) A into the sodalite unit Awximately 4.0 l3ions per nit cell are sorbed. Each bridge between a Cd2+ ion and 8-ring oxygens ((I-I-I)= 117(1) ˚ and 0(1)-I(1)-I(2)=172(1)). The near linear I-I-0 angle and its interatomic distance (I-0=3.57(3) A) are indicative of a weak charge transfer interacticn between the frarrework oxygen and iodine. The existence of In3 inside the large cavity indicates that the If ions and H ions may be produced by reaction of In vapor with water molecules which maybe associated with Cd2+ ions in partially dehydrated Cd6-A In3- ions may be produced by the combination of I- and I2.

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Distribution of Pyroclastic Density Currents Determined by Numerical Model at Mt. Baekdu Volcano (백두산 화산에서 수치모형 분석에 의한 화쇄류의 영향 범위)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo;Chang, Cheolwoo;Kim, Sunkyeong
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.351-366
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    • 2014
  • We assumed the situation where an eruption column had been formed by the explosive Plinian eruption from Mt. Baekdu and that the collapse of eruption column had caused pyroclastic density currents to occur. Based on this assumption, we simulated by using a Titan2D model. To find out about the range of the impacts of pyroclastic density currents by volcanic eruption scenarios, we studied the distance for the range of the impacts by VEIs. To compare the results by each volcanic eruption scenario, we set the location of the vent on the 8-direction flank of the outer rim and on the center of the caldera, the internal friction angle of the pyroclastic density currents as $35^{\circ}$, the bed friction angle as $16^{\circ}$. We set the pile height of column collapse and the vent diameter with various VEIs. We properly assumed the height of the column collapse, the diameter of the vent, the initial rates of the column collapse and the simulation period, based on the VEIs, gravity and the volume of the collapsed volcanic ash. According to the comparative analysis of the simulation results based on the increase of the eruption, the higher VEI by the increase of eruption products, the farther the pyroclastic density currents disperse. To the northwest from the vent on the northeast slope of the outer rim of the caldera, the impact range was 3.3 km, 4.6 km, 13.2 km, 24.0 km, 50.2 km, 83.4 km or more from VEI=2 to VEI=7, respectively. Once the database has been fully constructed, it can be used as a very important material in terms of disaster prevention and emergency management, which aim to minimize human and material damages in the vicinity of Mt. Baekdu when its eruption causes the pyroclastic density currents to occur.

A Study on the Planning Characteristics of Training Facilities Complex - Focusing on Training Facilities Planned through the Domestic Competitions after 2000s - (연수시설 단지의 계획특성 연구 - 2000년대 이후 국내 현상공모를 통해 계획된 연수시설을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2018
  • Planning and designing training facilities has been developed from educational facilities, and increasingly diversified society has raised a need for facilities dedicated to training and education in a differentiated space separate from the one for regular works. This particular need of our times has led to the expansion of training facilities nationwide although they have something to be desired when it comes to planning and designing with sustainability associated with the locational characteristics of urban space as well as the unique types of facilities taken into account. Against this backdrop, this study will examined a variety of training facilities that have been established since 2000 through theoretical review and conduct intensive analysis on the characteristics of the planning aspects to suggest their significance and implications and to present the overall meanings and ramifications of planning approaches in consideration of new challenges modern training facilities are faced with, which have been revealed through architectural design competitions in recent years. The relevant implications are as follows. First, one of the locational advantages of training facilities, which is commanding beautiful scenery of the surrounding area, can be considered as intent to stress the aspect of a resort, one of the functions of any training facilities. As this study has demonstrated, many training facilities are located near around a beach or a lake. Second, training facilities can be classified into three different types in terms of their location: urban, suburban and resort and such locational characteristics are directly related to intended programs and differentiated links with target users. Third, the architectural styles of training institutes are differentiated in terms of harmonious arrangement between beautiful natural scenery and buildings in consideration of the layout characteristics of major facilities and the distance of ramps in and out of the facilities along with architectural features, including the transparency of building elevation and the type of slopes of roof structure. Fourth, the individual lodging buildings feature a variety of types depending on the design concept with different roles depending on the directional aspects such as the connection of ramps and the relations with the outside. Fifth, outdoor space plans are differentiated according to the intended purpose of training facilities. When it comes to gym facilities, for example, different outdoor space plans are found to be made depending on the original design concept such as outdoor playground-centered planning or golf facilities.

Group Decision Making for New Professor Selection Using Fuzzy TOPSIS (퍼지 TOPSIS를 이용한 신임교수선택을 위한 집단의사결정)

  • Kim, Ki-Yoon;Yang, Dong-Gu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.229-239
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this paper is to extend the TOPSIS(Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution) to the fuzzy environment for solving the new professor selection problem in a university. In order to achieve the goal, the rating of each candidate and the weight of each criterion are described by linguistic terms which can be expressed in trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. In this paper, a vertex method is proposed to calculate the distance between two trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. According to the concept of the TOPSIS, a closeness coefficient is defined to determine the ranking order of all candidates. This research derived; 1) 4 evaluation criteria(research results, education and research competency, personality, major suitability) for new professor selection, 2) the 5 step procedure of the proposed fuzzy TOPSIS method for the group decision, 3) priorities of 4 candidates in the new professor selection case. The results of this paper will be useful to practical expert who is interested in analyzing fuzzy data and its multi-criteria decision-making tool for personal selection problem in personal management. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the findings were discussed and the directions for future research were suggested.

Applying Extended Theory of Planned Behavior for Lung Cancer Patients Undergone Pulmonary Resection: Effects on Self-Efficacy for Exercise, Physical Activities, Physical Function, and Quality of Life (폐절제술을 받은 폐암환자에 대한 확장된 계획행동이론의 적용: 운동 자기효능감, 신체활동, 신체기능 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Lim, Yeonjung;Lee, Haejung;Kim, Do Hyung;Kim, Yeong Dae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.66-80
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aims to examine the effects of nursing interventions based on the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior (ETPB) regarding self-efficacy for exercise (SEE), physical activity (PA), physical function (PF), and quality of life (QOL) in patients with lung cancer who have undergone pulmonary resection. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted between July 2015 and June 2018 in two university-affiliated hospitals. The intervention included pre-operative patient education, goal setting (action and coping planning), and feedback (behavior intention and perceived behavioral control). The intervention group (IG) (n=51) received nursing interventions from the day before surgery to 12 months after lung resection, while the comparison group (CG) (n=36) received usual care. SEE, PA, PF (dyspnea, functional status, and 6-minute walking distance [6MWD]), and QOL were measured before surgery and at one, three, six, and 12 months after surgery. Data were analyzed using the χ2 test, Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, t-test, and generalized estimation equations (GEE). Results: There were significant differences between the two groups regarding SEE (χ2=13.53, p=.009), PA (χ2=9.51, p=.049), functional status (χ2=10.55, p=.032), and 6MWD (χ2=15.62, p=.004). Although there were no time or group effects, the QOL mental component (Z=-2.78, p=.005) of the IG was higher than that of the CG one month after surgery. Interventions did not affect dyspnea or the QOL physical component. Conclusion: The intervention of this study was effective in improving SEE, PA, functional status, and 6MWD of lung cancer patients after lung resection. Further extended investigations that utilize ETPB are warranted to confirm these results.

Location and Scope of Nokdundo located in the Dumangang Estuary (두만강 하구에 자리한 녹둔도의 위치와 범위)

  • Son, Seungho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.651-665
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    • 2016
  • This paper tried to delimitate the location and scope of Nokdundo located in the Dumangang estuary. In 18th century, Nokdundo was an alluvial island formed by several tributaries divided from the mainstream of Dumangang. In the mid-19th century, Nokdundo was connected to the Russian territory because some tributaries were blocked by sediment flows. In many maps published in the Joseon Dynasty, the location and size of Nokdundo had not been depicted consistently with each other nor been described correctly. Because of the recurrent extinction-generating phenomena of waterways of the Dumangang due to sedimentation process, the location and scope of Nokdundo can be delimitated differently according to the era. According to the distance information of the records published in the 19th and 20th century, the scope of Nokdundo can be extended widely to the Maritime Province of Siberia. So, the author have set the Sodumangang(Karasik River) as the northern boundary of Nokdundo. The Karasik River is called Sodumangang by the Koreans living in the Maritime Province. As a tributary of the Dumangang, Sodumangang flows into the Posyet Bay. Nokdundo was an island separated from the Korean peninsula and the Maritime Province by the Dumangang and the Sodumangang respectively. Tributaries of the Dumangang have formed many alluvial islands at the mouth of Dumangang where the Dumangang meets with the East Sea. So, the possibility that Nokdundo was consisted of several islands can not be excluded.

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Linguistic Theory in India and Panini (인도의 언어이론과 파니니)

  • 김형엽
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2001
  • In the history of linguistics in the world the scholars in India could be regarded as the representative linguists, who had provided the cornerstone of the academic development at linguistics. Without looking into the contents of Indian linguistic theories devised and developed in the past it would be almost impossible to account for the origin of descriptive linguistics and historical linguistics. These linguistics trends became full-fledged in 19 and 20 century and are still accepted by a lot of researchers in order to analyze newly revealed languages and train students only coming up the toddling level of linguistic studies. In this paper I will show how far the influence of Indian linguistics has colored the flow of linguistic growth historically. Especially through the analysis of Panini grammar I will prove the intimate relationship between the Indian linguistic theory and the generative grammar - it is the most active theory at present. The methods that Panini applied to constitute the rules like sutra include lots of information, that also could be discovered at the rules postulated in the generative grammar. One of the common features found at both linguistic theories is the simplicity of rule representation. At the generative grammar a rule has to be established without any redundancy. When certain number of sounds like p, b, m show the same phonological. change relevant to lips (labial in linguistic term) different rules need not to be given for each sound separately. It is better to find a way of putting the sounds together in a rule with grouping the 3 sounds with the shared phonetic feature 'labial'. In Panini grammar the form of a rule was decided based on the simplicity, too. For example, sutra 6.1.77 shows the phonological connection between the vowels i, u r 1 and the semi-vowels y, v, r, 1. However, it does not require to postulate 4 individual rules respectively. Instead a rule in which the vowels and the semi-vowels are involved is suggested, and linguistically the rule make it clear that the more simpler the rules will be the better they can reflect the efficiency of human language acquisition. Although the systems introduced at Panini grammar have some sense of distance from the language education itself we cannot deny the fact that the grammar formulates the a turning point of linguistic development. It is essential for us to think over the grammar from the view point of the modem linguistic theories to understand their root and trunk more thoroughly. It will also help us to predict in which way linguistic tendency will proceed to in future.

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