• 제목/요약/키워드: Dispute Comment

검색결과 6건 처리시간 0.021초

인터넷 토론 사이트의 논쟁댓글 및 논쟁관계 시각화 (Extracting and Visualizing Dispute comments and Relations on Internet Forum Site)

  • 이윤정;정인준;우균
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 2012
  • 최근에는 인터넷 토론 사이트에서 댓글을 이용해 다른 사람들과 토론이나 논쟁하는 경우를 흔히 볼 수 있다. 논쟁을 통해 게시물의 내용과는 다른 새로운 의견이 나타날 수도 있으므로 논쟁댓글을 파악하고 식별하는 것은 중요한 문제라고 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 국내의 인터넷 토론 사이트인 SkepticalLeft와 아고라에서 수집한 댓글을 통해 인터넷 토론 게시판에서 논쟁댓글의 특성을 분석하였다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 댓글 목록의 논쟁구간과 논쟁관계를 검출하고 이를 시각화하는 방법을 제안한다. 제안 방법의 성능을 보이기 위해 논쟁댓글과 논쟁 쌍을 검출하고 정확도와 재현율 그리고 F-measure를 측정하였다. 논쟁댓글검출 성능은 F-measure가 0.84(SkepticalLeft)와 0.83(아고라)으로 측정되었고, 논쟁 쌍 검출은 각각 0.75(SketpcialLeft)와 0.82(아고라)로 측정되었다. 제안 방법은 댓글 작성자의 순서관계만을 이용하므로 사용언어나 철자법에 제약받지 않는다. 또한 시각화된 뷰를 통해 게시판 이용자들이 댓글에 내포된 논쟁구조를 파악하는데 도움을 줄 것이다.

투자유치국의 정치.경제상황 악화로 인한 국제투자분쟁의 해결에 관한 사례연구 -CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic 사건을 중심으로 (A Case Study on the Resolution of International Investment Disputes Caused by Aggravation of Political and Economic Situation of the Host State - Focusing on the case of CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic)

  • 오원석;허해관
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제36권
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    • pp.87-109
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    • 2007
  • This Comment explores the ICSID case of CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic, awarded on May 12, 2005. The Part II of this Comment first describes the relevant facts of the case including the some background for readers' understanding and the Part III summaries the claimant's requests and the decisions rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal in the Award. At Part IV, the Comment addresses the issue of determinating laws applicable to the merits of dispute in case that the parties of the case have not chosen a governing law, and at Part V, takes a close look into three main issues of (i) the indirect expropriation of the investment, (ii) the breach of fair and equitable treatment and (iii) the protections under umbrella clauses. In this CMS case, we see first that while the Tribunal affirmed that any indirect expropriation can occur from incidental interference depriving the foreign investor of the use or reasonable-to-be-expected economic benefit even if not necessarily to the obvious benefit of the host State, the Tribunal denied the occurrence of indirect expropriation in this case by holding that the Government of Argentina has not breached the standard of protection laid down in the Treaty. Secondly, however, regarding the issue of fair and equitable treatment, we see that the Tribunal, finding Argentina's breach of obligations, affirmed that the foreign investor can expect the host State to act in a consistent manner, free from ambiguity and totally transparently in its relations with the foreign investor, which can give the foreign investor certain degree of foreseeability. Thirdly and finally, we see that, on base of the effect of the umbrella clause, the Tribunal recognized the obligation of the host State undertaken not to freeze the tariff regime or subject it to price controls and not to alter the basic rules governing contracts between the foreign investor and the host State without the first's written consent. However, the protection under the umbrella clause is available only when there is a specific breach of rights and obligations under BIT or a violation of contract rights protected under BIT.

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미국 행정법상 행정입법절차와 사전통지, 의견청취 - Azar v. Allina Health Service, 587 U.S. 1804 2019 판결에 대한 분석을 중심으로 - (Administrative Legislation Procedures, Pre-Notices, Listening to Opinions under the Administrative Law of the United States - Focusing on the Analysis of the 2019 Ruling, Federal Supreme Court Azar v. Allina Health Service, 587 U.S. 1804 -)

  • 김용민
    • 의료법학
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.187-220
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    • 2020
  • 오늘날 행정입법은 국민의 법적 생활 관계를 매우 구체적이고 상세하게 설정할 뿐 아니라, 수범자가 가지는 권리·의무의 발생, 소멸, 변경 등과 밀접한 관련성을 가진다는 점에서 그 중요성이 점점 더 커지고 있다. 미국의 경우 행정입법의 종류를 실체규정과 해석규정으로 나누어 이른바 실체규정으로서 "국민의 권리와 의무에 영향을 미치는" 행정입법의 경우 연방 행정절차법 제553조에 따라 공식 혹은 비공식 행정절차를 통해 이해 당사자에 대한 사전통지와 의견제출의 기회를 부여하고 있다. 반면, 행정청이 "법령의 단순해석을 위하여 제정한 규정"인 해석규정의 경우 국민의 권리 의무관계에 영향을 주지 않는다고 보아 사전통지와 의견제출을 요구하지 않는다. 본 연구논문의 대상이 된 미국 연방대법원의 Azar v. Allina Health Service, 587 U.S. 1804, 2019 판결은 2014년 메디케어 감독청이 빈곤층을 위하여 의료서비스를 제공한 요양의료기관에 대하여 보상액을 결정하도록 하는 신규정을 둘러싼 논쟁에 관한 것으로 당해 규정을 행정절차법상 실체규정으로 보아 청문과 사전통지 절차를 부여하여야 하는지 혹은 단순한 내부 사무처리 지침인 해석규정으로 보아 그와 같은 절차를 필요로 하지 않는다고 보아야 하는 것인지와 관련된 내용이다. 우리나라의 현행 행정절차법이 제42조 1항 및 제44조 1항을 통하여 행정상 입법예고의 절차에 관하여 규정하고 있지만 여태까지 우리 법원이 행정절차법상 입법예고절차의 위반을 행정입법 위법성 심사기준으로 판단한 바 없다는 점에서 미국 연방대법원의 논쟁은 단순한 법률해석을 넘어 법규명령 통제에 대한 새로운 시사점을 제공할 것이며, 향후 행정절차법상 관련 규정 정비 측면에서 큰 의미를 갖는다고 평가할 수 있다.

국제투자조약상 포괄적 보호조항(Umbrella Clauses)의 해석에 관한 연구 (Interpretation of the Umbrella Clause in Investment Treaties)

  • 조희문
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.95-126
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    • 2009
  • One of the controversial issues in investor-state investment arbitration is the interpretation of "umbrella clause" that is found in most BIT and FTAs. This treaty clause requires on Contracting State of treaty to observe all investment obligations entered into with foreign investors from the other Contracting State. This clause did not receive in-depth attention until SGS v. Pakistan and SGS v. Philippines cases produced starkly different conclusions on the relations about treaty-based jurisdiction and contract-based jurisdiction. More recent decisions by other arbitral tribunals continue to show different approaches in their interpretation of umbrella clauses. Following the SGS v. Philippines decision, some recent decisions understand that all contracts are covered by umbrella clause, for example, in Siemens A.G. v. Argentina, LG&E Energy Corp. v. Argentina, Sempra Energy Int'l v. Argentina and Enron Corp. V. Argentina. However, other recent decisions have found a different approach that only certain kinds of public contracts are covered by umbrella clauses, for example, in El Paso Energy Int'l Co. v. Argentina, Pan American Energy LLC v. Argentina and CMS Gas Transmission Co. v. Argentina. With relation to the exhaustion of domestic remedies, most of tribunals have the position that the contractual remedy should not affect the jurisdiction of BIT tribunal. Even some tribunals considered that there is no need to exhaust contract remedies before bringing BIT arbitration, provoking suspicion of the validity of sanctity of contract in front of treaty obligation. The decision of the Annulment Committee In CMS case in 2007 was an extraordinarily surprising one and poured oil on the debate. The Committee composed of the three respected international lawyers, Gilbert Guillaume and Nabil Elaraby, both from the ICJ, and professor James Crawford, the Rapportuer of the International Law Commission on the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, observed that the arbitral tribunal made critical errors of law, however, noting that it has limited power to review and overturn the award. The position of the Committee was a direct attack on ICSID system showing as an internal recognition of ICSID itself that the current system of investor-state arbitration is problematic. States are coming to limit the scope of umbrella clauses. For example, the 2004 U.S. Model BIT detailed definition of the type of contracts for which breach of contract claims may be submitted to arbitration, to increase certainty and predictability. Latin American countries, in particular, Argentina, are feeling collectively victims of these pro-investor interpretations of the ICSID tribunals. In fact, BIT between developed and developing countries are negotiated to protect foreign investment from developing countries. This general characteristic of BIT reflects naturally on the provisions making them extremely protective for foreign investors. Naturally, developing countries seek to interpret restrictively BIT provisions, whereas developed countries try to interpret more expansively. As most of cases arising out of alleged violation of BIT are administered in the ICSID, a forum under the auspices of the World Bank, these Latin American countries have been raising the legitimacy deficit of the ICSID. The Argentine cases have been provoking many legal issues of international law, predicting crisis almost coming in actual investor-state arbitration system. Some Latin American countries, such as Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, already showed their dissatisfaction with the ICSID system considering withdrawing from it to minimize the eventual investor-state dispute. Thus the disagreement over umbrella clauses in their interpretation is becoming interpreted as an historical reflection on the continued tension between developing and developed countries on foreign investment. There is an academic and political discussion on the possible return of the Calvo Doctrine in Latin America. The paper will comment on these problems related to the interpretation of umbrella clause. The paper analyses ICSID cases involving principally Latin American countries to identify the critical legal issues arising between developing and developed countries. And the paper discusses alternatives in improving actual investor-State investment arbitration; inter alia, the introduction of an appellate system and treaty interpretation rules.

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남북중재규정 제정의 기본방향 (Basic Direction for the South and North Korea's Aybitration Rules)

  • 김연호
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.3-26
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    • 2005
  • Since the Agreement on Commercial Arbitration was signed by the Governments of South and North Korea last year, there has been quite a few discussions on the way for implementing the Agreement in both public and private sectors. The Department of Justice of South Korea was quite active in making the draft of arbitration rules representing the South Korean views in alliance with the Department of Reunification of South Korea and recently held an informal seminar to preview their draft. On the other hand, the Korea Arbitration Association, a main body of commercial arbitration which are composed of professors and lawyers, were carefully watching the steps and the draft made by the Department of Justice. The reasons are to assure that not only shall the commercial arbitration rules comply with comment norms of international arbitration but shall it be made to meet the needs of enterprises investing in the Special Economic District of Kaesung City in North Korea. The concerns of the Korea Arbitration Association can be accomplished if the Department of Justice would modify the provisions pointed out in the seminars. Five general principles shall be brought into the attention in promulgating the commercial arbitration rules. First, it should comply with the Agreement on Commercial Arbitration signed by South and North Korea. Second, it should accept common rules contained in UNCITRAL arbitration rules. Third, it should boost the promptness of proceedings when a case was filed. Fourth, it should feature unique aspects of trade between South Korea and Korea by differentiating it from purely international trade between a country and a country. Lastly, it should combine the respective rules of both South and North Korea, currently in effect. With the above five principles accomplished, it should be noted that the Agreement on Commercial Arbitration the upper authority of arbitration rules, mandates the following features. It declared that arbitration be processed by three arbitrators. Single arbitrator is not permitted. Arbitration can be adopted even if an arbitration clause does not exist in an agreement by the parties, provided that the dispute arose out of the scope of the Agreement on investment Guarantee signed by South Korea and North Korea. It excluded quick and simplified procedures even if the amount of claim in arbitration is minimal. All the procedures should take a formal procedure. It let the double administration offices operate. One is to sit in Seoul of South Korea and the other is to sit in Pyongyang of North Korea. This would intimidate the fastness of procedures. With the above principles and the features considered, each provision in the draft by the Department of Justice should be reviewed and suggested for change.

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항공기사고에서 국제근로계약과 불법행위의 국 제재판관할권 판단기준 (A Comment on the Standard for International Jurisdiction to foreign-related cases by the employment contract and tort in Air crash)

  • 조정현;황호원
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.73-98
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    • 2016
  • 이 논문은 외국적 요소가 있는 사안에 있어서 우리나라의 국제재판관할권에 관한 판례를 분석한 것이다. 대상 판결은 우리나라에서 발생한 항공기사고에 기인한 외국항공사와 외국인승무원간의 근로계약관계 그리고 불법행위에 대한 우리 법원의 국제재판관할권의 유무를 판단한 판례로서 이후 우리 법원의 판례에 기준이 되고 있다. 본 사건은 항공기가 대한민국 내에 추락함으로써 사망한 중국 국적 승무원의 부모가 그 항공운송인으로서 중국 법인인 피고 항공사를 상대로 대한민국 법원에 그 손해의 배상을 구하는 것으로, 이는 외국적 요소가 있는 법률관계에 관한 분쟁으로 우리 국제사법의 규정에 따라 대상사안에 관하여 우리나라에 국제재판관할권이 있는가의 여부에 대한 판단이 필요하였다. 제1심법원은 우리나라의 국제재판관할권을 부정하였으나, 대법원은 우리나라의 국제제판관할권을 긍정하였다. 이는 국제사법에 따라 국제재판관할권의 유무를 판단하게 되는데, 이에 있어 '실질적 관련성'에 대한 검토가 필요하다. 이에 본 판례평석에서는 국제사법 제2조에서 규율하는 국제재판관할권에 있어서의 판단기준인 실질적 관련성과 국제재판관할 배분의 이념에 부합하는 합리적인 원칙, 토지관할과 국제재판의 특수성에 관한 이론적 배경에 대하여 알아보고, 당해 사안에 대하여 토지관할권과 예측가능성에 따른 국제재판관할권의 인정 여부로서 불법행위지, 근로계약을 검토하고, 예측가능성과 항공기 승무원의 노무의 특징, 준거법 등에 관하여 대법원판결과 제1심, 학설 등에 비추어 그 의의와 쟁점을 살펴보기로 한다. 또한, 이번 사안에서와 같이 항공기 승무원의 노무와 그 근로계약에 따른 법적 성질에 관하여 EU의 계약상 채무의 준거법에 관한 'Rome I'(Regulation(EC) 593/2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations) 상에서 논의된 '기지 원칙'에 따른 적용을 해 보았다.