• Title/Summary/Keyword: Discrete element method

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Characterization of Thermal Properties for Glass Beads - Rubber Mixture (글라스 비즈 - 고무 분말 혼합물의 열전달 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwoon;Yun, Tae-Sup;Evans, T. Matthew
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2011
  • This study presents the thermal behaviors of glass beads-rubber mixtures depending on the volumetric fraction of each constituent and relative size between them. The transient plane source method is used to measure the effective thermal conductivity of mixtures. The discrete element method (DEM) and the thermal network model are integrated to investigate the particle-scale mechanism of heat transfer in granular packings. Results show that 1) the effective thermal conductivity decreases as the rubber fraction increases, and 2) the relative size between two solid particles dominates the spatial configuration of inter-particle contact condition that in tum determines the majority of heat propagation path through particle contacts. For the mixtures whose volumetric fraction of rubber is identical, the less conductive materials (e.g., rubber particles) with a large size facilitate heat transfer in granular materials. The experimental results and particle-scale observation highlight that the thermal conduction behavior is dominated not only by the volumetric fraction but also the spatial configuration of each constituent.

Effect of packing structure on anisotropic effective thermal conductivity of thin ceramic pebble bed

  • Wang, Shuang;Wang, Shuai;Wu, Bowen;Lu, Yuelin;Zhang, Kefan;Chen, Hongli
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.2174-2183
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    • 2021
  • Helium cooled solid breeder blanket as an important blanket candidate of the Tokamak fusion reactor uses ceramic pebble bed for tritium breeding. Considering the poor effective thermal conductivity of the ceramic breeder pebble bed, thin structure of tritium breeder pebble bed is usually adopted in the blanket design. The container wall has a great influence on the thin pebble bed packing structure, especially for the assembly of mono-sized particles, and thin pebble bed will appear anisotropic effective thermal conductivity phenomenon. In this paper, thin ceramic pebble beds composed of 1 mm diameter Li4SiO4 particles are generated by the EDEM 2.7. The effective thermal conductivity of different thickness pebble beds in the three-dimensional directions are analyzed by three-dimensional thermal network method. It is observed that thin Li4SiO4 pebble bed showing anisotropic effective thermal conductivity under the practical design size. Normally, the effective thermal conductivity along the bed vertical direction is higher than the horizontal direction due to the gravity effect. As the thickness increases from 10 mm to 40 mm, the effective thermal conductivity of the pebble bed gradually increases.

An Introduction to the DECOVALEX-2019 Task G: EDZ Evolution - Reliability, Feasibility, and Significance of Measurements of Conductivity and Transmissivity of the Rock Mass (DECOVALEX-2019 Task G 소개: EDZ Evolution - 굴착손상영역 평가를 위한 수리전도도 및 투수량계수 측정의 신뢰도, 적합성 및 중요성)

  • Kwon, Saeha;Min, Ki-Bok
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.306-319
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    • 2020
  • Characterizations of Excavation Damage Zone (EDZ), which is hydro-mechanical degrading the host rock, are the important issues on the geological repository for the spent nuclear fuel. In the DECOVALEX 2019 project, Task G aimed to model the fractured rock numerically, describe the hydro-mechanical behavior of EDZ, and predict the change of the hydraulic factor during the lifetime of the geological repository. Task G prepared two-dimensional fractured rock model to compare the characteristics of each simulation tools in Work Package 1, validated the extended three-dimensional model using the TAS04 in-situ interference tests from Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in Work Package 2, and applied the thermal and glacial loads to monitor the long-term hydro-mechanical response on the fractured rock in Work Package 3. Each modelling team adopted both Finite Element Method (FEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) to simulate the hydro-mechanical behavior of the fracture rock, and added the various approaches to describe the EDZ and fracture geometry which are appropriate to each simulation method. Therefore, this research can introduce a variety of numerical approaches and considerations to model the geological repository for the spent nuclear fuel in the crystalline fractured rock.

Elastic Wave Propagation in Nuclear Power Plant Containment Building Walls Considering Liner Plate and Concrete Cavity (라이너 플레이트 및 콘크리트 공동을 고려한 원전 격납건물 벽체의 탄성파 전파 해석)

  • Kim, Eunyoung;Kim, Boyoung;Kang, Jun Won;Lee, Hongpyo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2021
  • Recent investigation into the integrity of nuclear containment buildings has highlighted the importance of developing an elaborate diagnostic method to evaluate the distribution and size of cavities inside concrete walls. As part of developing such a method, this paper presents a finite element approach to modeling elastic waves propagating in the containment building walls of a nuclear power plant. We introduce a perfectly matched layer (PML) wave-absorbing boundary to limit the large-scale nuclear containment wall to the region of interest. The formulation results in a semi-discrete form with symmetric damping and stiffness matrices. The transient elastic wave equations for a mixed unsplit-field PML were solved for displacement and stresses in the time domain. Numerical results show that the sensitivity of displacement, velocity, acceleration, and stresses is large depending on the size and location of the cavity. The dynamic response of the wall slightly differs depending on the existence of the containment liner plate. The results of this study can be applied to a full-waveform inversion approach for characterizing cavities inside a containment wall.

A New Image Encryption Method using Quad-tree based Fresnelet Transform (쿼드트리 방식의 프레넬릿 변환을 이용한 영상의 암호화 기법)

  • Seo, Young-ho;Lee, Yoon-hyuk;Kim, Dong-wook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.2933-2942
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a new method which traces significant element of 2-dimensional natural images and encrypts them by using Fresnelet transform (FRNLT). After analyzing property of the subbands obtained by the FRNLT, we estimated the information for ciphering 2D images. Considering FRNLT levels, energy of subbands, and visual effect, we estimated the optimized point for encryption. By selecting various levels and encrypting region, we can encrypt 2D image with various robustness. Encryption effectiveness was showed by analyzing numerical result, executing time for encryption, area of encrypted region, and visual observation. Therefore encryption for various application can be applied by using the suggested parameters without additional analysis. Identifying the experimental result, in the case of $L_{TH}=4$ and $L_{TH}=4$, an image was not recognized through encrypting only 0.42% among the entire data.

Winkler Springs (p-y curves) for pile design from stress-strain of soils: FE assessment of scaling coefficients using the Mobilized Strength Design concept

  • Bouzid, Dj. Amar;Bhattacharya, S.;Dash, S.R.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.379-399
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    • 2013
  • In practice, analysis of laterally loaded piles is carried out using beams on non-linear Winkler springs model (often known as p-y method) due to its simplicity, low computational cost and the ability to model layered soils. In this approach, soil-pile interaction along the depth is characterized by a set of discrete non-linear springs represented by p-y curves where p is the pressure on the soil that causes a relative deformation of y. p-y curves are usually constructed based on semi-empirical correlations. In order to construct API/DNV proposed p-y curve for clay, one needs two values from the monotonic stress-strain test results i.e., undrained strength ($s_u$) and the strain at 50% yield stress (${\varepsilon}_{50}$). This approach may ignore various features for a particular soil which may lead to un-conservative or over-conservative design as not all the data points in the stress-strain relation are used. However, with the increasing ability to simulate soil-structure interaction problems using highly developed computers, the trend has shifted towards a more theoretically sound basis. In this paper, principles of Mobilized Strength Design (MSD) concept is used to construct a continuous p-y curves from experimentally obtained stress-strain relationship of the soil. In the method, the stress-strain graph is scaled by two coefficient $N_C$ (for stress) and $M_C$ (for strain) to obtain the p-y curves. $M_C$ and $N_C$ are derived based on Semi-Analytical Finite Element approach exploiting the axial symmetry where a pile is modelled as a series of embedded discs. An example is considered to show the application of the methodology.

A Study on the Unstable behavior According to rise-span ratio of dome type space frame (돔형 공간 구조물의 Rise-span 비에 따른 불안정 거동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Shon, Su-Deok;Kim, Seung-Deog;Kang, Moon-Myung
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2004
  • Many researcher's efforts have made a significant advancement of space frame structure with various portion, and it becomes the most outsanding one of space structures. However, with the characteristics of thin and long term of spacing, the unstable behavior of space structure is shown by initial imperfection, erection procedure or joint, especially space frame structure represents more. This kind of unstable problem could not be set up clearly and there is a huge difference between theory and experiment. Moreover, the discrete structure such as space frame has more complex solution, this it is not easy to derive the formulation of design about space structure. In this space frame structure, the character of rise-span ratio or load mode is represented by the instability of space frame structure with initial imperfection, and snap-through or bifurcation might be the main phenomenon. Therefore, in this study, space frame structure which has a lot of aesthetic effect and profitable for large space covering single layer is dealt. And because that the unstable behavior due to variation of inner force resistance in the elastic range is very important collapse mechanism, I would like to investigate unstable character as a nonlinear behavior with a geometric nonlinear. In order to study the instability. I derive tangent stiffness matrix using finite element method and with displacement incremental method perform nonlinear analysis of unit space structure, star dome and 3-ring star dome considering rise-span $ratio(\mu}$ and load $ratio(R_L)$ for analyzing unstable phenomenon.

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Particle-Mixing Simulations Using DEM and Comparison of the Performance of Mixing Indices (DEM을 이용한 입자 혼합 시뮬레이션과 혼합지수들의 성능 비교)

  • Cho, Migyung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2017
  • Mixing of molecular grains having different characteristics is very important in many industries such as the food and pharmaceutical industries. With the development of computer simulations, it is common practice to find the optimal mixing conditions through a simulation before the actual mixing task to estimate the proper level of mixing. Accordingly, there has been an increasing need for a mixing index to measure the mix of particles in the simulation process. Mixing indices, which have been widely used so far, can largely be classified into two types: first is the statistical-based mixing index, which is prepared using the sampling method, and the second is the mixing index that is prepared using all the particles. In this paper, we calculated mixing indices in different ways for the data in the course of mixing the particles using the DEM simulation. Additionally, we compared the performance, advantages, and disadvantages of each mixing index. Therefore, I propose a standard that can be used to select an appropriate mixing index.

Experimental and numerical studies of the pre-existing cracks and pores interaction in concrete specimens under compression

  • Haeri, Hadi;Sarfarazi, Vahab;Zhu, Zheming;Marji, Mohammad Fatehi
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.479-493
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, the interaction between notch and micro pore under uniaxial compression has been performed experimentally and numerically. Firstly calibration of PFC2D was performed using Brazilian tensile strength, uniaxial tensile strength and biaxial tensile strength. Secondly uniaxial compression test consisting internal notch and micro pore was performed experimentally and numerically. 9 models consisting notch and micro pore were built, experimentally and numerically. Dimension of these models are 10 cm*1 cm*5 cm. the length of joint is 2 cm. the angularities of joint are $30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$ and $60^{\circ}$. For each joint angularity, micro pore was situated 2 cm above the lower tip of the joint, 2 cm above the middle of the joint and 2 cm above the upper of the joint, separately. Dimension of numerical models are 5.4 cm*10.8 cm. The size of the cracks was 2 cm and its orientation was $30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$ and $60^{\circ}$. Diameter of pore was 1cm which situated at the upper of the notch i.e., 2 cm above the upper notch tip, 2 cm above the middle of the notch and 2 cm above the lower of the notch tip. The results show that failure pattern was affected by notch orientation and pore position while uniaxial compressive strength is affected by failure pattern.

Surface erosion of MICP-treated sands: Erosion function apparatus tests and CFD-DEM bonding model

  • Soo-Min Ham;Min-Kyung Jeon;Tae-Hyuk Kwon
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2023
  • Soil erosion can cause scouring and failures of underwater structures, therefore, various soil improvement techniques are used to increase the soil erosion resistance. The microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) method is proposed to increase the erosion resistance, however, there are only limited experimental and numerical studies on the use of MICP treatment for improvement of surface erosion resistance. Therefore, this study investigates the improvement in surface erosion resistance of sands by MICP through laboratory experiments and numerical modeling. The surface erosion behaviors of coarse sands with various calcium carbonate contents were first investigated via the erosion function apparatus (EFA). The test results showed that MICP treatment increased the overall erosion resistance, and the contribution of the precipitated calcium carbonate to the erosion resistance and critical shear stress was quantified in relation to the calcium carbonate contents. Further, these surface erosion processes occurring in the EFA test were simulated through the coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) with the cohesion bonding model to reflect the mineral precipitation effect. The simulation results were compared with the experimental results, and the developed CFD-DEM model with the cohesion bonding model well predicted the critical shear stress of MICP-treated sand. This work demonstrates that the MICP treatment is effective in improving soil erosion resistance, and the coupled CFD-DEM with a bonding model is a useful and promising tool to analyze the soil erosion behavior for MICP-treated sand at a particle scale.