• Title/Summary/Keyword: Discrete element method

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Instability of (Heterogeneous) Euler beam: Deterministic vs. stochastic reduced model approach

  • Ibrahimbegovic, Adnan;Mejia-Nava, Rosa Adela;Hajdo, Emina;Limnios, Nikolaos
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.167-198
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    • 2022
  • In this paper we deal with classical instability problems of heterogeneous Euler beam under conservative loading. It is chosen as the model problem to systematically present several possible solution methods from simplest deterministic to more complex stochastic approach, both of which that can handle more complex engineering problems. We first present classical analytic solution along with rigorous definition of the classical Euler buckling problem starting from homogeneous beam with either simplified linearized theory or the most general geometrically exact beam theory. We then present the numerical solution to this problem by using reduced model constructed by discrete approximation based upon the weak form of the instability problem featuring von Karman (virtual) strain combined with the finite element method. We explain how such numerical approach can easily be adapted to solving instability problems much more complex than classical Euler's beam and in particular for heterogeneous beam, where analytic solution is not readily available. We finally present the stochastic approach making use of the Duffing oscillator, as the corresponding reduced model for heterogeneous Euler's beam within the dynamics framework. We show that such an approach allows computing probability density function quantifying all possible solutions to this instability problem. We conclude that increased computational cost of the stochastic framework is more than compensated by its ability to take into account beam material heterogeneities described in terms of fast oscillating stochastic process, which is typical of time evolution of internal variables describing plasticity and damage.

Development of threshing cylinder simulation model of combine harvester for high-speed harvesting operation

  • Min Jong Park;Hyeon Ho Jeon;Seung Yun Baek;Seung Min Baek;Su Young Yoon;Jang Young Choi;Ryu Gap Lim;Yong Joo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.499-510
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a high-speed combine harvester. The performance was evaluated by composing a dynamic simulation model of a threshing cylinder and analyzing the amount of threshed rice grain during threshing operations. The rotational speed of the threshing cylinder was set at 10 rpm intervals from 500 rpm until 540 rpm, based on the rated rotational speed of 507 rpm. The rice stem model was developed using the EDEM software using measured rice stem properties. Multibody dynamics software was utilized to model the threshing cylinder and tank comprising five sections below the threshing cylinder, and the threshing performance was evaluated by weighing the grain collected in the threshing tank during threshing simulations. The simulation results showed that section 1 and 2 threshed more grains compared to section 3 and 4. It was also found that when the threshing speed was higher, the larger number of grains were threshed. Only simulation was conducted in this study. Therefore, the validation of the simulation model is required. A comparative analysis to validate the simulation model by field experiment will be conducted in the future.

A Numerical Study on Thermo-hydro-mechanical Coupling in Continuum Rock Mass Based on the Biot′s Consolidation Theory (Biot의 압밀 이론에 근거한 연속체 암반의 열-수리-역학 상호작용의 수치적 연구)

  • 이희석;양주호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Rock Mechanics Conference
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    • 2000.09a
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2000
  • As large underground projects such as radioactive waste disposal, hot water and heat storage, and geothermal energy become influential, the study, which consider all aspects of thermics, hydraulics and mechanics would be needed. Thermo Hydro-Mechanical coupling analysis is one of the most complex numerical technique because it should be implemented with the combined three governing equations to analyze the behavior of rock mass. In this study, finite element code, which is based on Biot's consolidation theory, was developed to analyze the thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in continuum rock mass. To verify the implemented program, one-dimensional consolidation model under the isothermal and non-isothermal conditions was analyzed and was compared with the analytic solution. The parametric study on two-dimensional consolidation was also performed and the effects of several factors such as poisson's ratio and hydraulic anisotropy on rock mass behavior were investigated. In the future, this program would be revised to be used for analysis of general discontinuous media with incorporating discrete joint model.

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A Numerical Study on Thermo-hydro-mechanical Coupling in Continuum Rock Mass Based on the Biot's Consolidation Theory (Biot의 압밀 이론에 근거한 연속체 암반의 열-수리-역학 상호작용의 수치적 연구)

  • 이희석;양주호
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.355-365
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    • 2000
  • As large underground projects such as radioactive waste disposal, hot water and heat storage, and geothermal energy become influential, the study, which consider all aspects of thermics, hydraulics and mechanics would be needed. Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical coupling analysis is one of the most complex numerical technique because it should be implemented with the combined three governing equations to analyze the behavior of rock mass. In this study, finite element code, which is based on Biot's consolidation theory, was developed to analyze the thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in continuum rock mass. To verify the implemented program, one-dimensional consolidation model under the isothermal and non-isothermal conditions was analyzed and was compared with the analytic solution. The parametric study on two-dimensional consolidation was also performed and the effects of several factors such as poisson's ratio and hydraulic anisotropy on rock mass behavior were investigated. In the future, this program would be revised to be used for analysis of general discontinuous media with incorporating discrete joint model.

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Static and Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Axisymmetric Shell on an Elastic Foundation - With Application to the Nuclear Reinforced Concrete Containment Structures- (탄성지반상에 놓인 철근콘크리트 축대칭 쉘의 정적 및 동적 해석(I) -철근 콘크리트 원자로 격납 건물을 중심으로-)

  • 조진구
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 1996
  • This is a basic study for the static and dynamic analysis on the elasto-plastic and elasto-viscoplastic of an axi-symmetric shell. The objective of this study was to investigate the mechanical characteristics of a nuclear reinforced concrete containment structure, which was selected as a model, by a numerical analysis using a finite element method. The structure was modeled with discrete ring elements of 8-noded isoparametric element rotating against the symmetrical axis, and the interaction between the foundation and the structure was modeled by Winkler's model. Also, the meridional tendon was modeled with 2-node truss elements, and the hoop tendon was done with point elements in two degrees of freedom. The effect of the tendon was considered without the increasement in total degree of freedom as the stiffness matrix of modeled tendon elements was assembled on the stiffness matrix of ring elements linked with the tendon. The results obtained from the analysis of an example were summarized as follows : 1. The stresses in the hoop direction on the interior and exterior surfaces of the structure were shown in changes of similar trend, and high stresses appeared on the structure wall 2. The stresses in the meridional direction on the interior and exterior surfaces were shown in change of different trend. Especially, the stresses at the junctions between the dome and the wall and between the wall and the bottom plate of the structure were very high, compared with those at other parts of the structure. 3. The stress changes in the direction of thickness on the crown of the dome were much linearly distributed. However, as the amount of tendon increased, the stresses in the upper and lower parts of the wall established with the tendon were shown stress concentration. 4. The stress changes in the direction of thickness on the center of the structure wall was linearly distributed in the all cases, and special stress due to the use of the tendon was not shown.

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Testing, simulation and design of back-to-back built-up cold-formed steel unequal angle sections under axial compression

  • Ananthi, G. Beulah Gnana;Roy, Krishanu;Chen, Boshan;Lim, James B.P.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.595-614
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    • 2019
  • In cold-formed steel (CFS) structures, such as trusses, transmission towers and portal frames, the use of back-to-back built-up CFS unequal angle sections are becoming increasingly popular. In such an arrangement, intermediate welds or screw fasteners are required at discrete points along the length, preventing the angle sections from buckling independently. Limited research is available in the literature on axial strength of back-to-back built-up CFS unequal angle sections. The issue is addressed herein. This paper presents an experimental investigation on both the welded and screw fastened back-to-back built-up CFS unequal angle sections under axial compression. The load-axial shortening and the load verses lateral displacement behaviour along with the deformed shapes at failure are reported. A nonlinear finite element (FE) model was then developed, which includes material non-linearity, geometric imperfections and modelling of intermediate fasteners. The FE model was validated against the experimental test results, which showed good agreement, both in terms of failure loads and deformed shapes at failure. The validated FE model was then used for the purpose of a parametric study to investigate the effect of different thicknesses, lengths and, yield stresses of steel on axial strength of back-to-back built-up CFS unequal angle sections. Five different thicknesses and seven different lengths (stub to slender columns) with two different yield stresses were investigated in the parametric study. Axial strengths obtained from the experimental tests and FE analyses were used to assess the performance of the current design guidelines as per the Direct Strength Method (DSM); obtained comparisons show that the current DSM is conservative by only 7% on average, while predicting the axial strengths of back-to-back built-up CFS unequal angle sections.

Integrated Structural Design Operation by Process Decomposition and Parallelization (프로세스 분할 병행에 의한 통합 구조설계 운용)

  • Hwang, Jin-Ha;Park, Jong-Hoi
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2008
  • Distributed operation of overall structural design process, by which product optimization and process parallelization are simultaneously implemented, is presented in this paper. The database-interacted hybrid method, which selectively takes the accustomed procedure of the conventional method in the framework of the optimal design, is utilized here. The staged application of design constraints reduces the computational burden for large complex optimization problems. Two kinds of numeric and graphic processes are simultaneously implemented by concurrent engineering approach in the distributed environment of PC networks. The former is based on finite element optimization method and the latter is represented by AutoCAD using AutoLISP programming language. Numerical computation and database interaction on servers and graphic works on independent clients are communicated through message passing. The numerical experiments for some steel truss models show the validity and usability of the method. This study has sufficient adaptability and expandability, in that it is based on general methodologies and industry standard platforms.

A Study of Periodic Solutions of Typical Relay Servo System (릴레이 제어기구 조기해법에 관한 연구)

  • 나계근
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1971
  • A relay servo, one of the nonlinear sytsems, is inherently compact compared to a linear system for an equivalent control problem. The power element or actuator is not adjusted proportionally in accordance with an error signals but rather is switched abruptly between several discrete conditions. Usually switched conditions are off, full, forward or full reverse. The relay system is a particularly simple and compact one, but probably more effort has been expended on its analysis and design than on all other systems together. Early studies in the art were made by Goldfarb, austin, Oppelt and Kochenburger on the describing function method, which can be used as an approximate check on the stability of the system. The describing function method is based on the assumption that any periodic wave could be approximated as a fundamental one in wide ranges of practical applications. A relay servo system usually operates on a limit cycle condition as the loop gain increases. The stability analysis compensation or any improvement effort based on the describing function method sometimes may present considerable discrepancies on physically realized practical systems. An approach to exact periodic solutions of a relay servo system is much important for the analysis, design and system improvement. This paper dells with periodic solutions of a relay servo system on the basis of describing function and generalized chopper wave form which is composed of infinite number of harmonic series. Various ways of graphical representation were attempted to get periodic solutions, some of which have shown its validity in rapid approach to exact solutions and also in judgement of system behavior.

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A Numerical Study of the Effects of Design Parameter upon Fan Performance and Noise (원심홴의 설계 변수가 홴의 성능과 소음에 미치는 영향의 수치적 연구)

  • Jeon, Wan-Ho;Lee, Duck-Joo
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.2 no.3 s.4
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 1999
  • Centrifugal fans are widely used and the noise generated by these machines causes one of the most serious problems. In general, the centrifugal fan noise is often dominated by tones at BPF(blade passage frequency) and its higher harmonics. This is a consequence of the strong interaction between the flow discharged from the impeller and the cutoff in the casing. However, only a few researches have been carried out on predicting the noise due to the difficulty in obtaining detailed information about the flow field and casing effects on noise radiation. The objective of this study is to develop a prediction method for the unsteady flow field and the acoustic pressure field of a centrifugal fan and to calculate the effects of rotating velocity, flow rate, cut-off distance and the number of blades and its effects on the noise of the fan. We assume that the impeller rotates with a constant angular velocity and the flow field around the impeller is incompressible and inviscid. So, a discrete vortex method (DVM) is used to model the centrifugal fan and to calculate the flow field. The force of each element on the blade is calculated with the unsteady Bernoulli equation. Lowson's method is used to predict the acoustic source. The cut-off distance is the most important factor effecting the noise generation. Acoustic pressure is proportional to 2.8, which shows the same scaling index as the experimental result. In this paper, the cut-off distance is found to be the dominant parameter offecting the acoustic pressure.

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Co-simulation of MultiBody Dynamics and Plenteous Sphere of Contacted Particles Using NVIDIA GPGPU (NVIDIA 의 GPGPU 를 이용한 수 많은 구형 접촉 입자가 포함된 다물체 동역학 해석)

  • Park, Ji-Soo;Yoon, Joon-Shik;Choi, Jin-Hwan;Rhim, Sung-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2012
  • In this study, a dynamic simulation model that considers many spherical particles and multibody dynamics (MBD) entities is developed. Plenteous spherical particles are solved using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) technique and simulated on a GPU board in a PC. A fast algorithm is used to calculate the Hertzian contact forces between many spherical particles, and NVIDIA CUDA is used to increase the calculation speed. The explicit integration method is applied to solve the many spheres. MBD entities are simulated by recursive formulation. Constraints are reduced by recursive formulation, and the implicit generalized alpha method is applied to solve the dynamic model. A new algorithm is developed to simulate the DEM and MBD models simultaneously. As a numerical example, a truck car model and gear model are developed. The results show that the proposed algorithm using a general-purpose GPU in a PC has many advantages.