• Title/Summary/Keyword: Discrete element method

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Distinct Element Modelling of Stacked Stone Pagoda for Seismic Response Analysis (지진응답 해석을 위한 적층식 석탑의 개별요소 모델링)

  • Kim, Byeong Hwa;Lee, Do Hyung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2018
  • It is inevitable to use the distinct element method in the analysis of structural dynamics for stacked stone pagoda system. However, the experimental verification of analytical results produced by the discrete element method is not sufficient yet, and the theory of distinct element method is not universal in Korea. This study introduces how to model the stacked stone pagoda system using the distinct element method, and draws some considerations in the seismic analysis procedures. First, the rocking mode and sliding mode are locally mixed in the seismic responses. Second, the vertical stiffness and the horizontal stiffness on the friction surface have the greatest influence on the seismic behavior. Third, the complete seismic analysis of stacked stone pagoda system requires a set of the horizontal, vertical, and rotational velocity time histories of the ground. However, earthquake data monitored in Korea are limited to acceleration and velocity signals in some areas.

Design Methodology of Automotive Wheel Bearing Unit with Discrete Design Variables (이산 설계변수를 포함하고 있는 자동차용 휠 베어링 유닛의 설계방법)

  • 윤기찬;최동훈
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2001
  • In order to improve the efficiency of the design process and the quality of the resulting design, this study proposes a design method for determining design variables of an automotive wheel-bearing unit of double-row angular-contact ball bearing type by using a genetic algorithm. The desired performance of the wheel-bearing unit is to maximize system life while satisfying geometrical and operational constraints without enlarging mounting spae. The use of gradient-based optimization methods for the design of the unit is restricted because this design problem is characterized by the presence of discrete design variables such as the number of balls and standard ball diameter. Therefore, the design problem of rolling element bearings is a constrained discrete optimization problem. A genetic algorithm using real coding and dynamic mutation rate is used to efficiently find the optimum discrete design values. To effectively deal with the design constraints, a ranking method is suggested for constructing a fitness function in the genetic algorithm. A computer program is developed and applied to the design of a real wheel-bearing unit model to evaluate the proposed design method. Optimum design results demonstrate the effectiveness of the design method suggested in this study by showing that the system life of an optimally designed wheel-bearing unit is enhanced in comparison with that of the current design without any constraint violations.

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  • Choo, S.M.;Chung, S.K.;Kannan, R.
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2002
  • Finite element Galerkin solutions for the strongly damped extensible beam equations are considered. The semidiscrete scheme and a fully discrete time Galerkin method are studied and the corresponding stability and error estimates are obtained. Ratios of numerical convergence are given.


    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.685-693
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we introduce fully discrete mixed discontinuous Galerkin approximations for parabolic problems. And we analyze the error estimates in $l^{\infty}(L^2)$ norm for the primary variable and the error estimates in the energy norm for the primary variable and the flux variable.

Prediction of PTO Power Requirements according to Surface energy during Rotary Tillage using DEM-MBD Coupling Model (이산요소법-다물체동역학 연성해석 모델을 활용한 로타리 경운작업 시 표면 에너지에 따른 PTO 소요동력 예측)

  • Bo Min Bae;Dae Wi Jung;Jang Hyeon An;Se O Choi;Sang Hyeon Lee;Si Won Sung;Yeon Soo Kim;Yong Joo Kim
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we predicted PTO power requirements based on torque predicted by the discrete element method and the multi-body dynamics coupling method. Six different scenarios were simulated to predict PTO power requirements in different soil conditions. The first scenario was a tillage operation on cohesionless soil, and the field was modeled using the Hertz-Mindlin contact model. In the second through sixth scenarios, tillage operations were performed on viscous soils, and the field was represented by the Hertz-Mindlin + JKR model for cohesion. To check the influence of surface energy, a parameter to reproduce cohesion, on the power requirement, a simple regression analysis was performed. The significance and appropriateness of the regression model were checked and found to be acceptable. The study findings are expected to be used in design optimization studies of agricultural machinery by predicting power requirements using the discrete element method and the multi-body dynamics coupling method and analyzing the effect of soil cohesion on the power requirement.

Sensitivity analysis based on complex variables in FEM for linear structures

  • Azqandi, Mojtaba Sheikhi;Hassanzadeh, Mahdi;Arjmand, Mohammad
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.15-32
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    • 2019
  • One of the efficient and useful tools to achieve the optimal design of structures is employing the sensitivity analysis in the finite element model. In the numerical optimization process, often the semi-analytical method is used for estimation of derivatives of the objective function with respect to design variables. Numerical methods for calculation of sensitivities are susceptible to the step size in design parameters perturbation and this is one of the great disadvantages of these methods. This article uses complex variables method to calculate the sensitivity analysis and combine it with discrete sensitivity analysis. Finally, it provides a new method to obtain the sensitivity analysis for linear structures. The use of complex variables method for sensitivity analysis has several advantages compared to other numerical methods. Implementing the finite element to calculate first derivatives of sensitivity using this method has no complexity and only requires the change in finite element meshing in the imaginary axis. This means that the real value of coordinates does not change. Second, this method has the lower dependency on the step size. In this research, the process of sensitivity analysis calculation using a finite element model based on complex variables is explained for linear problems, and some examples that have known analytical solution are solved. Results obtained by using the presented method in comparison with exact solution and also finite difference method indicate the excellent efficiency of the proposed method, and it can predict the sustainable and accurate results with the several different step sizes, despite low dependence on step size.

Prediction of Velocity of Shot Ball with Blade Shapes based on Discrete Element Analysis (이산요소해석에 기초한 블레이드 형상에 따른 숏볼의 투사속도 예측)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyung;Lee, Seung-Ho;Jung, Chan-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Mechanical Technology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.844-851
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the regression equation was suggested to predict of the shot ball velocity according to blade shapes based on discrete element (DE) analysis. First, the flat type blade DE model was used in the analysis, the validity of the DE model was verified by giving that the velocity of the shot ball almost equal to the theoretical one. Next, the DE analyses for curved and combined blade models was accomplished, and their analytical velocities of shot ball were compared with the theoretical one. The velocity of combined blade model was greatest. From this, the regression equation for velocity of shot ball according to the blade shape based on the DE analysis was derived. Additionally, the wind speed measurement experiment was carried out, and the experimental result and analytical one were the same. Ultimately, it was confirmed that the prediction method of the velocity of shot ball based on DE analysis was effective.

Numerical Modeling of Soil-Cement based on Discrete Element Method (개별요소법을 이용한 시멘트 혼합토의 수치모델링)

  • Jeong, Sang-Guk
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2016
  • Discrete Element Method was conducted for rock and coarse-grained materials in development of granular mechanics and related numerical model due to analyze and apply micromechanical property. And it was verified that the analysis to consider bonding effect was insufficient. In this study, to overcome limits of existing method, it was conducted to analyze difference between indoor test result and bonding effect using $PFC^{3D)}$. For indoor test of mixed soil, uniaxial compression tests by curing time and by cement content were performed. And, DEM to suitable for each condition of indoor test was conducted. In the result of this study, in terms of geotechnics, it was verified that DEM can be used for application as numerical laboratory as well as prediction of micro and macro behavior about bonding effect of mixed soil.

Estimation of Strength and Deformation Modulus of the 3-D DFN System Using the Distinct Element Method (개별요소법을 이용한 삼차원 DFN 시스템의 강도 및 변형계수 추정)

  • Ryu, Seongjin;Um, Jeong-Gi;Park, Jinyong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a procedure was introduced to estimate strength and deformation modulus of the 3-D discrete fracture network(DFN) systems using the distinct element method(DEM). Fracture entities were treated as non-persistent square planes in the DFN systems. Systematically generated fictitious fractures having similar mechanical characteristics of intact rock were combined with non-persistent real fractures to create polyhedral blocks in the analysis domain. Strength and deformation modulus for 10 m cube domain of various deterministic and stochastic 3-D DFN systems were estimated using the DEM to explore the applicability of suggested method and to examine the effect of fracture geometry on strength and deformability of DFN systems. The suggested procedures were found to effective in estimating anisotropic strength and deformability of the 3-D DFN systems.

Aspects of size effect on discrete element modeling of normal strength concrete

  • Gyurko, Zoltan;Nemes, Rita
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.521-532
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    • 2021
  • Present paper focuses on the modeling of size effect on the compressive strength of normal concrete with the application of Discrete Element Method (DEM). Test specimens with different size and shape were cast and uniaxial compressive strength test was performed on each sample. Five different concrete mixes were used, all belonging to a different normal strength concrete class (C20/25, C30/37, C35/45, C45/55, and C50/60). The numerical simulations were carried out by using the PFC 5 software, which applies rigid spheres and contacts between them to model the material. DEM modeling of size effect could be advantageous because the development of micro-cracks in the material can be observed and the failure mode can be visualized. The series of experiments were repeated with the model after calibration. The relationship of the parallel bond strength of the contacts and the laboratory compressive strength test was analyzed by aiming to determine a relation between the compressive strength and the bond strength of different sized models. An equation was derived based on Bazant's size effect law to estimate the parallel bond strength of differently sized specimens. The parameters of the equation were optimized based on measurement data using nonlinear least-squares method with SSE (sum of squared errors) objective function. The laboratory test results showed a good agreement with the literature data (compressive strength is decreasing with the increase of the size of the specimen regardless of the shape). The derived estimation models showed strong correlation with the measurement data. The results indicated that the size effect is stronger on concretes with lower strength class due to the higher level of inhomogeneity of the material. It was observed that size effect is more significant on cube specimens than on cylinder samples, which can be caused by the side ratios of the specimens and the size of the purely compressed zone. A limit value for the minimum size of DE model for cubes and cylinder was determined, above which the size effect on compressive strength can be neglected within the investigated size range. The relationship of model size (particle number) and computational time was analyzed and a method to decrease the computational time (number of iterations) of material genesis is proposed.