• Title/Summary/Keyword: Direction Map

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Contents Based Partial Encryption of GIS Vector Map (GIS 벡터맵의 콘텐츠 기반 선택적 암호화 기술)

  • Jang, Bong-Joo;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Moon, Kwang-Seok;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.88-98
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    • 2011
  • Recently, according as the importance of GIS(geography information system) database security is embossed, much researches had been achieved about GIS network security. But most such researches are weak against sourceful illegal reproductions and distributions of GIS vector data map. In this paper, we proposed an efficient layer unit contents based partial encryption technique in the vector map compression domain to prevent illegal distributions and unauthorized accesses. This method achieves a partial encryption about each central coordinate and directional parameters of a MCA(minimum coding attribute) that is created at the vector map compression processing in the vector space. First, the position encryption is applied as permutating randomly the center coordinate of each record that is minimum unit of vector map shape. And second, the direction encryption that changing shapes of vector map topography is applied as encrypting the direction of vertices's coordinates of each record. In experimental results, we confirmed that our proposed method can encipher the large volumed vector map data effectively in low computational complexity. Also, we could minimize the decline of compression efficiency that occurred by conventional contents based encryption schemes using AES or DES algorithms.

Research on the direction of laws improvement integrated maps of underground space for systematic management (지하공간통합지도의 체계적인 관리를 위한 제도 개선 방향 연구)

  • Jisong RYU;Yonggu JANG;Donghyun PARK
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2023
  • The integrated underground space map is a three-dimensional map that integrates 16 types, including 7 types of underground facilities, 6 types of underground structures, and 3 types of ground. In order to systematically construct, manage, and utilize the integrated underground space map, it was institutionalized as the "Special Act on Underground Safety Management," and the "Underground Space Integrated Map Production Work Regulations" was prepared as detailed work regulations. However, there is a lack of institutional mechanisms to develop new technologies such as the completed book submission system for submitting change information and automation technology for updating the integrated underground spatial map and to expand the usability of the integrated underground spatial map. Accordingly, this study examined the current status of the integrated underground space map and attempted to suggest a direction for improving the current system through a revision plan and detailed operation management regulations (draft) of the Special Act on Underground Safety Management.

Edge Detection by Compass Gradient Masks (컴패스 그라디언트 매스크에 의한 에지 검출)

  • 김영채;김명기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference
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    • 1986.10a
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    • pp.53-55
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    • 1986
  • The edge detection system makes use or 3*3 compass gradient masks, which are well suited for digital implementation. Edge angles are quantized to eight equally spaced directions, suitable for chain coding of contours. Use of edge direction msp improves the simple thresholding of gradient modulus image. The concept of local connectivity of the edge direction map is useful improving the performance of this method as well as other edge operators such as Kirsch and Sobel.

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A Study on the Development of User Centered Smart City Experience Scenario - Using Local Spatial Information and the Persona Model (스마트시티 사용자 체험 시나리오 도출 연구 지역공간정보 및 페르소나 모델을 활용하여)

  • Kim, So-Yeon;An, Se-Yun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2018
  • Recently, there has been a growing interest in user-centered smart city services. This study examines the spatial information type to derive a smart city service scenario through space - based communication and aims to establish a direction for user - centered experience factor scenario. The results of this study are meaningful for presenting basic data to suggest a space scenario where citizens can experience smart city as walking map and experience route applicable to future smart city test bed. In particular, we simulated the walking scenarios in the smart city test bed through Walking Map, which is tested the service direction based on user requirements. Through this study, we confirmed that smart city service through existing infrastructure can be used multipurpose. The spatial information and the experience factor linkage model and the walking map through the persona model presented in this study can be utilized as a preliminary scenario applicable to the future smart city test bed.

A Study for Depth-map Generation using Vanishing Point (소실점을 이용한 Depth-map 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Chan;Ban, Kyeong-Jin;Kim, Chee-Yong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.329-338
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    • 2011
  • Recent augmentation reality demands more realistic multimedia data with the mixture of various media. High-technology for multimedia data which combines existing media data with various media such as audio and video dominates entire media industries. In particular, there is a growing need to serve augmentation reality, 3-dimensional contents and realtime interaction system development which are communication method and visualization tool in Internet. The existing services do not correspond to generate depth value for 3-dimensional space structure recovery which is to form solidity in existing contents. Therefore, it requires research for effective depth-map generation using 2-dimensional video. Complementing shortcomings of existing depth-map generation method using 2-dimensional video, this paper proposes an enhanced depth-map generation method that defines the depth direction in regard to loss location in a video in which none of existing algorithms has defined.

Accuracy Evaluation and Test of Digital Map for Geo-Spatial Information System (지형공간정보체계를 위한 수치지도의 정확도 평가 및 검정)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Kwon, Hyun;Pior, Myoung-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 1995
  • The digital information of Land is very important as the basis of geo-spatial information system. And the necessity of it is also increasing. But these days, every other institute that is needing digital map is seperately digitalizing lsnd information. So we need the stadard of accuracy evaluation and the method of hypothesis test for it. In this study, we check the standards of foreign countries and compare and analyze with our country's. After doing it, we suggest the direction for standard of digital map and statistical methods for testing accuracy evaluation about total maps that is digitized. Using hypergeometric distribution for considering consumer risk and producer risk, the statistical test can be for deciding optimal sampling map numbers by the total map and the agreement of contacting parties.

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The Digital Road Map Using World Geodetic System-84 Coordinates System (WGS-84 좌표계에 의한 수치지도 작성)

  • 배상진;최철웅;강인준
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.269-275
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    • 1997
  • Car Navigation System with Global Positioning System (GPS) can display position direction and the shortest cut of one's destination. The position datum for GPS in World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) coordinates system need to transform Bessel coordinates system and process Map projection. Since 1987, GPS has used the WGS-84. WGS-84 is a geocentric equipotential ellipsoid of revolution which is defined four parameters. In this study, by comparing the digitized topographical map with the digital map of GPS datum we can consider the technique of WGS84 digital map.

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Assessment of geological hazards in landslide risk using the analysis process method

  • Peixi Guo;Seyyed Behnam Beheshti;Maryam Shokravi;Amir Behshad
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.451-454
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    • 2023
  • Landslides are one of the natural disasters that cause a lot of financial and human losses every year It will be all over the world. China, especially. The Mainland China can be divided into 12 zones, including 4 high susceptibility zones, 7 medium susceptibility zones and 1 low susceptibility zone, according to landslide proneness. Climate and physiography are always at risk of landslides. The purpose of this research is to prepare a landslide hazard map using the Hierarchical Analysis Process method. In the GIS environment, it is in a part of China watershed. In order to prepare a landslide hazard map, first with Field studies, a distribution map of landslides in the area and then a map of factors affecting landslides were prepared. In the next stage, the factors are prioritized using expert opinion and hierarchical analysis process and nine factors including height, slope, slope direction, geological units, land use, distance from Waterway, distance from the road, distance from the fault and rainfall map were selected as effective factors. Then Landslide risk zoning in the region was done using the hierarchical analysis process model. The results showed that the three factors of geological units, distance from the road and slope are the most important have had an effect on the occurrence of landslides in the region, while the two factors of fault and rainfall have the least effect The landslide occurred in the region.

Finding an Intersection Point between Cutter Swept Surface with a Z-Direction Vector (공구 이동 궤적면과 Z-direction 벡터의 교차점 계산)

  • Park, Pae-Yong;Ahn, Jeong-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06c
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    • pp.235-239
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    • 2001
  • Finding intersection point between a surface and a line is one of major problem in CAD/CAM. The intersection point could be found in an exact form or with numerical method. In this paper, the exact solution of the intersection point between a ruled surface which is generated by the movement of an endmill and the z-direction vector is presented. The cutter swept surface which is a ruled surface and the Z-direction vector are represented with parametric equations. With the nature of parametric equations, the geometric properties at the intersection point are easily acquired.

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A Study on Ceiling Light and Guided Line based Moving Detection Estimation Algorithm using Multi-Camera in Factory

  • Kim, Ki Rhyoung;Lee, Kang Hun;Cho, Su Hyung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.70-74
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    • 2018
  • In order to ensure the flow of goods available and more flexible, reduce labor costs, many factories and industrial zones around the world are gradually moving to use automated solutions. One of them is to use Automated guided vehicles (AGV). Currently, there are a line tracing method as an AGV operating method, and a method of estimating the current position of the AGV and matching with a factory map and knowing the moving direction of the AGV. In this paper, we propose ceiling Light and guided line based moving direction estimation algorithm using multi-camera on the AGV in smart factory that can operate stable AGV by compensating the disadvantages of existing AGV operation method. The proposed algorithm is able to estimate its position and direction using a general - purpose camera instead of a sensor. Based on this, it can correct its movement error and estimate its own movement path.