• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dipping time

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Effect of Anesthesia Killing and non-Bleeding on Physicochemical Properties of Plaice, Paralichthys olivaceus Muscle at early Period after Death. (마취사 및 무방혈이 넙치육의 사후조기의 물리${\cdot}$화학적변화에 미치는 영향)

  • CHO Young-Je;CHO Min-Sung;KIM Sang-Moo;CHOI Young-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.589-594
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    • 1997
  • This study was performed to clarify the effect of anesthesia killing and non-bleeding on the physicochemical and rheological properties of plaice, Paralichthys olivaceus muscle at early period after death. Live plaice was killed by the two different methods: spiking at the brain instantly with bleeding and dipping In seawater containing anesthetic (2,000 ppm ethyl-aminobenzoate) for 10 min without bleeding. These samples were stored at $0^{\circ}C$ and used in checking rigor-mortis, ATP breakdown, the content of ATP and its related compounds, breaking strength, and lactate accumulation through storage. The rigor-mortis, ATP breakdown, and lactate accumulation was faster in samples killed by spiking than in samples killed by anesthesia. ATP in samples killed by anesthetic showed little breakdown until 22.5 hrs, but it was decomposed completely after 30 hrs storage. Breaking strength of samples killed by spiking at the brain instantly with bleeding decreased steadily and showed the maximum value over 10 hrs $(2207.3{\pm}60.2g)$. However, in case of the dipping fresh flesh without bleeding in seawater containing anesthetic, the value and time reached around the maximum breaking strength were $2147.8{\pm}29.0g$ and 13 hrs respectively, but it maintained constantly until 20 hrs passed. From these results, it could be suggested that anesthesia killing and non-bleeding is more effective in maintaining firmness of fresh plaice muscle than spiking killing with bleeding at the early period after death.

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Structural characteristics of the Yecheon Shear Zone in the Pukhumyeon-Pyeongeunmyeon area, Gyeongsangbukdo, Korea (경상북도 북후면-평은면 지역에 발달된 예천전단대의 구조적 특성)

Preparation of Photosynthesis Nanofiber Composite Membrane by Using Chlorophyll and Polymer Nanofiber (식물 엽록소와 고분자 나노섬유를 이용한 광합성 나노섬유복합막의 제조)

  • Yun, Jaehan;Jang, Wongi;Byun, Hongsik
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2015
  • In this study, chlorophylls were been extracted from common local plants, deposited on polypropylene (PP) substrate using various approaches, and the oxygen generation effect of the chlorophylls were investigated. The loading of chlorophylls on the substrates was achieved by dipping and spraying methods, where the spraying coating showed overall better results regarding oxygen generation from the combustion experiments in the closed vessel or in the isolated vacuum oven cell than those of dip coating. In addition, a composite substrate was prepared by nylon6/6 nanofiber on the PP substrate, and it exhibited an increase in the activation of chlorophylls. In the case of samples containing titanium dioxide ($TiO_2$), the reaching time of oxygen concentration from 16% to 21% and the combustion test using a candle for a sample with 50% chlorophylls showed similar results to those of a sample without $TiO_2$. As such, combining a spray coating and $TiO_2$ incorporation into gas separation membrane systems are expected to be useful to understand the fundamentals of material properties for their applications as oxygen generation membranes and air filtration systems.

Effects of Chitosan Dipping Treatments with Different Molecular Weights on the Meat Quality of Hanwoo(Korean Cattle) Beef during Refrigerated Storage (분자량을 달리한 Chitosan 침지처리가 한우육의 저온저장 중 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 김용선;양성운;김혜정;이성기
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2004
  • The effects of chitosan dipping treatments with different molecular weights on the meat quality of Hanwoo(Korean Cattle) beef during refrigerated storage were investigated. The beef(M. Semimembranosus) were dipped in 0.5% chitosan(in 1% acetic acid) with two different molecular weights(Mw=150 and 600 kDa) for 5 min and stored at $1^{\circ}C$(90% RH). The pH was significantly(p<0.05) higher in chitosan(600 kDa) group than in the other groups. The L* value for 3 days was significantly(p<0.05) higher in chitosan (600 kDa) group, but it was not significantly(p>0.05) different after 6 days. The a* value of day 0(before storage) was not significantly(p>0.05) different among the treatment groups, however the a* value of day 12 was significantly(p<0.05) higher in chitosan(150 kDa) group. The metmyoglobin(%) was significantly(p<0.05) lower in chitosan(600 kDa) group. The total bacterial counts of day 0(before storage) were significantly(p<0.05) lower in chitosan(600 kDa) group, but during storage, the chitosan(150 kDa) group was effective in antibacterial activity. The chitosan(l50 kDa) group had significantly(p<0.05) lower shear force than the other groups over time.

Development of an Efficient Mass-screening Method for Testing the Resistance of Radish to Fusarium Wilt (무 시들음병에 대한 간편한 대량 저항성 검정법 개발)

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Jang, Kyoung Soo;Choi, Yong Ho;Kim, Hun;Choi, Gyung Ja
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.152-157
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    • 2016
  • Root-dipping inoculation method has been used to investigate resistance of radish plants to Fusarium wilt. However, the method requires a lot of labor and time because of complicate procedure. This study was conducted to establish a simple and effective mass-screening method for resistant radish to Fusarium wilt. Radish seedlings of susceptible and resistant cultivars were used to investigate wounding method by scalpel, inoculum concentration, and pathogen-inoculated growth stage of seedlings. We established an efficient mass-screening method based on our results as following: Roots of 14-day-old seedlings of radish are cut with a scalpel at a $90^{\circ}$ angle to a 2 cm-depth at a 1 cm-distance from main stem and then inoculated by pouring with a 10 ml-aliquot of a fungal spore suspension ($1.0{\times}10^7conidia/ml$) on soil. The inoculated plants are cultivated in a growth room at $25^{\circ}C$ for about 4 weeks with 12-hour light a day. The proposed screening method enables to effectively select resistant from mass radish plants cultivars to Fusarium wilt.

Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ogcheon Zone: Mineralization in the Pyeongchang-Jucheon Area, Kangwon-Do, Korea (옥천대(沃川帶)의 지질(地質) 및 광물자원(鑛物資源)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -평창(平昌)~주천지역(酒泉地域)에 있어서의 광화작용(鑛化作用)-)

  • Yun, Suckew;So, Chil Sop;Kim, Kyu Han
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1986
  • A group of 16 $Zn+Pb{\pm}Ag$ deposits distributed in the Pyeongchang-Jucheon area, Kangwon-do, South Korea, were semi-regionally investigated. These deposits are contact metasomatic and/or hydrothermal replacement types hosted in the carbonate-dominated Cambrian Machari Formation and Ordovician Ibtanri Formation, and also in the carbonate interbeds of the Precambrian argillic metasediments. Comparing some key aspects of the individual deposits, it is found that the ore deposits hosted in the Machari and Ibtanri Formations are mostly of steeply-dipping chimneys with or without skarn minerals and are rich in Ag and Pb>Zn in metal grade whereas those occuring in the carbonate interbeds of the Precambrian argillic metasediments are gently-dipping conformable lenticular orebodies mostly with skarn minerals and are generally poor in Ag and Zn>Pb. The skarn mineralization in the area appears to have occurred during the lower Cretaceous (118.7Ma) to mid-Cretaceous (107.8Ma) time assumed from the K-Ar dates of the Dowon and Pyeongchang granites which are closely associated with the skarn ore deposits. The Rb/Ba/Sr ratios of these granites indicate that they are of strongly differentiated anomalous granites, and the Nb vs. Y and Rb vs. Y+Nb plots fall on the field of volcanic arc setting. The contact aureoles are zoned, giving the sequence in order of increasing distance from igneous contact: garnet-wollastonite, granet-wollastonite-clinopyroxene and garnet-clinopyroxene in such as the Pyeongchang and Yeonwol 114 areas. Electron microprobe analyses reveal that garnets and clinopyroxenes are generally low in Fe and Mn. Garnets are grossular to intermediate grandite except for those from the Ogryong exoskarn which are richer in andradite, pyrope and spessartine fractions. This indicates that the oxidation state of skarn-forming environment at Ogryong was higher than at the other deposits. Clinopyroxenes are mostly salitic except for those from the Ogryong exoskarn which involve considerable amounts of hedenbergite and johansenite fractions. The ${\delta}^{18}O$ value of Jurassic biotite granite at Ogryong is higher (+10.21‰) than that of Cretaceous one at Chodun (+8.41‰). The ${\delta}^{13}C$ values of carbonate rocks range from -0.89‰ to 0.68‰ and the ${\delta}^{18}O$ values range from +11.91‰ to + 19.34‰ indicating that these carbonate rocks are of marine origin. However, the ${\delta}^{13}C$ values of skarn calcite and vein calcite are -4.80‰ and -12.92‰, and the ${\delta}^{18}O$ values are +5.56‰ and +10.32‰, respectively, indicating that these calcites are of hydrothermal origin. The ${\delta}^{34}S$ values of sulfide minerals range from +4.4‰ to +8.7‰ suggesting that the sulfurs are of magmatic origin.

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Studies on the browning inhibition of yam(Dioscorea aimadoimo) during hot air dehydration (단마(Dioscorea aimadoimo)의 열풍건조 시 갈변 억제 방안 연구)

  • Chung, Yong-Yul;Jeong, Woo-Sik;Chung, Shin-Kyo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.384-388
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    • 1996
  • This research was conducted to investigate the effective methods for browning inhibition on yam (Dioscorea aimadeimo) during dehydration by physical and chemical pretreatments. Moisture, crude protein, crude fiber and N-free extract contents of yam were 81.17%, 1.43%, 0.29% and 15.81%, respectively. Yams were sliced to 0.5 cm thickness and placed to single and poly layer in plastic tray, and then changes of their weights were measured during air dehydration at $50^{\circ}C,\;65^{\circ}C,\;and\;80^{\circ}C$. The dehydration time reaching to optimum moisture level for the pulverization of the yam slices were 10, 6, 3 hours(single layered) and 12, 7, 5 hours(multi layered) at the respective temperature. To inhibit browning at $80^{\circ}C$ air dehydration, water and steam blanching, microwave treatment effects were investigated on yam slices for 30 sec. and 60 sec. Steam blanching for 30 sec. was comparatively effective to inhibit browning of yam slices. Yam slices were immersed in single and combined browning inhibitor solutions and evaluated for browing degree during dehydration by the values of Hunter L, a, b and ${\Delta}E$. The most effective pretreatment to inhibit browning of yam slices was immersion In the solution containing 500 ppm of citric acid and 1000 ppm of cysteine for 1 min.

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Determination of the Optimum Condition in Preparing Gulbi (salted and semi-dried Yellow croaker, Larimichthys polyactis) by Brine Salting with Onion Peel Extract (양파껍질 추출물이 함유된 물간법으로 굴비 제조의 최적 조건 확립)

  • Shin, Mee-Jin;Kang, Seong-Gook;Kim, Seon-Jae;Kim, Jeong-Mok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.1385-1389
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    • 2004
  • For the development of better Gulbi processing, brine salting method was applied for the Yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis). The changes of moisture contents, salt contents, and total microbial numbers in Yellow croaker were measured following different brine concentration (20, 30%), temperature (5, 25, 35$^{\circ}C$), and soaking time (1, 6, 12, 24 hours) by brine salting method. Rate of salt penetration into Yellow croaker muscle increased as higher brine concentration and higher dipping temperature. When compared to commercial products of Gulbi by dry-salting method, the moisture and salt contents in Yellow croaker showed similar values after treated with 20% brine at $25^{\circ}C$ for 1 hour. The weight of Yellow croaker increased about 4% when immersed it in 20% brine at 5$^{\circ}C$ for 24 hours. There was no weight change at $25^{\circ}C$ dipping temperature and reduced 7% of weight at 35$^{\circ}C$ dipping temperature. At 30% brine concentration, the weight of Yellow croaker reduced 1%, 9%, and 13% on weight at 5$^{\circ}C$, $25^{\circ}C$, and 35$^{\circ}C$, respectively. Total microbial counts in Yellow croaker muscle soaked at 30% brine showed 1 log lower numbers than 20%. The muscles had about 1 log higher microbial numbers than the treated brine solution. An ethanol extract of onion peel added to brine for giving better color and for preventing oxidation on Gulbi lipid. The treated group showed higher Land b values on Gulbi surface as well as antioxidant effect on the extracted oil.

Bioactivity analysis of Resveratrol from peanut sprouts using On-line screening HPLC-ABTS (On-line screening HPLC-ABTS를 이용한 땅콩새싹으로부터 Resveratrol의 생물활성 분석)

  • Kim, Young Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.4100-4105
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    • 2013
  • The Peanut sprouts have been used as food for long time in many Asian countries. Among them, resveratrol have bioactivity effects as antioxidant and anticancer. In this work, resveratrol was extracted from peanut sprouts by dipping(extraction time 3h, $25^{\circ}C$) method. And extraction efficiency and amount was identified using on-line screening HPLC-ABTS. From the experimental results, it is evident that the amount of resveratrol($0.310-0.346{\mu}g/mL$) by 50% aqueous EtOH was higher than any 100% water and EtOH composition. Also, the 100% water extracts sample was low yield 2.040-2.145%. The shown results can be applied as sources for pharmaceuticals and functional material.

Dyeability of Silk Fabrics Using Extracts of Ligustrum Japonicum Thunb Fruit (광나무 열매 추출물을 이용한 견직물의 염색성)

  • Lee, Hye-Sun;Ko, Sung-Mi
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2010
  • In this study the optimum dyeing conditions and blocking effect of UV deodorization efficiency of Ligustrum japonicum Thunb were investigated. Colorants were water-extracted from Ligustrum japonicum Thunb fruit and freeze-drided to obtain colorants powder. The effects of dye concentration, dyeing temperature, dyeing time, and the number of dipping count were studied. Fastness to dry cleaning, rubbing, perspiration, and light were measured according to KS K 0644, KS K 0650, KS K 0715 and KS K 0700, respectively. In order to examine the dyeability according to dyeing conditions, reflectance of fabrics were measured by using UV/VIS spectrophotometer. The bath ratio was 1:20. Dyeing concentration was 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500% on the weight of fiber. Dyeing time was 20, 40, 60, and 80 minutes. Dyeing temperature was 20, 40, 60, 80, and $100^{\circ}C$. The infrared high pressure dying machine was used. As dyeing concentration increased, dye adsorption increased up to 400% and it slowed down. Dye uptake was increased with raising themperature up to $80^{\circ}C$ and it slowed down. Dye adsorption occurred rapidly at first 20 minutes and then it slowed down and reached almost maximum dye uptake at 60 min. Dye uptake increased by repeated dyeing. Therefore, it is considered that optimum dyeing condition is 400%(o.w.f.), $80^{\circ}C$, 60 min. And repeated dyeing improves dye uptake. Color fastness to dry cleaning and rubbing was good, but light fastness and perspiration fastness was not good. Blocking effect of ultraviolet radiation and deodorization efficiency was good.