• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital resources

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Development of the Visualization Prototype of Radar Rainfall Data Using the Unity 3D Engine (Unity 3D 엔진을 활용한 강우레이더 자료 시각화 프로토타입 개발)

  • CHOI, Hyeoung-Wook;KANG, Soo-Myung;KIM, Kyung-Jun;KIM, Dong-Young;CHOUNG, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 2015
  • This research proposes a prototype for visualizing radar rainfall data using the unity 3D engine. The mashup of radar data with topographic information is necessary for the 3D visualization of the radar data with high quality. However, the mashup of a huge amount of radar data and topographic data causes the overload of data processing and low quality of the visualization results. This research utilized the Unitiy 3D engine, a widely used engine in the game industry, for visualizing the 3D topographic data such as the satellite imagery/the DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and radar rainfall data. The satellite image segmentation technique and the image texture layer mashup technique are employed to construct the 3D visualization system prototype based on the topographic information. The developed protype will be applied to the disaster-prevention works by providing the radar rainfall data with the 3D visualization based on the topographic information.

Topographic Survey at Small-scale Open-pit Mines using a Popular Rotary-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) (보급형 회전익 무인항공기(드론)를 이용한 소규모 노천광산의 지형측량)

  • Lee, Sungjae;Choi, Yosoon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.462-469
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    • 2015
  • This study carried out a topographic survey at a small-scale open-pit limestone mine in Korea (the Daesung MDI Seoggyo office) using a popular rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, Drone, DJI Phantom2 Vision+). 89 sheets of aerial photos could be obtained as a result of performing an automatic flight for 30 minutes under conditions of 100m altitude and 3m/s speed. A total of 34 million cloud points with X, Y, Z-coordinates was extracted from the aerial photos after data processing for correction and matching, then an orthomosaic image and digital surface model with 5m grid spacing could be generated. A comparison of the X, Y, Z-coordinates of 5 ground control points measured by differential global positioning system and those determined by UAV photogrammetry revealed that the root mean squared errors of X, Y, Z-coordinates were around 10cm. Therefore, it is expected that the popular rotary-wing UAV photogrammetry can be effectively utilized in small-scale open-pit mines as a technology that is able to replace or supplement existing topographic surveying equipments.

The Solution of Content Creation for User Side Using Animation Management System (애니메이션 공정관리시스템을 활용한 사용자 중심 콘텐츠 생성 방안)

  • Lim, Yang-Mi;Kim, Sung-Rea;Kim, Ho-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.163-167
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    • 2006
  • The previous media has the function that was information of the contents was delivered by only content providers, but the current media makes the interactive function between content providers and general receivers. For this reason, the role of receivers are also expanded in the realm of multimedia and receivers have the roles of the sending and getting information for content user, not more receiver. The constituent members relative to content are content providers, users and user-created content. This paper introduces "the wonderland" the animation process management system for high-level user group. Also, most of images which are made of the animation process are publicly accessible, providing the public or the average user group for making resources easily by using "the wonderland." Although, the general user can get an environment to reedit their own new movie with making the most of provided movie sources are scene and cut units, according to one's taste and one's idea. The materialization of process management system can expand dramatically enough contents, and save the time to edit digital animation or movie, control numerous sources, made an animation processing, and the result output. Such "the wonderland" will significantly help to create future content.

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Study on the Geographic and Geologic Centers in South Korea Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 남한의 지리 및 지질 중심에 관한 연구)

  • Cheong, Won-Seok;Hwang, Jae-Hong;Kang, Yong-Sock;Na, Ki-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.416-424
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    • 2006
  • Because there is no generally accepted definition of a geographic center and no completely satisfactory method to determine one, there may be as many geographic centers of a country as there are many definitions. The geographic center of an area may be defined as the center of gravity on a surface, or that point on which the surface of an area would balance if it were a plane of uniform thickness. This research uses geographic information system (GIS) analysis and there are places where it defines the geographical and the geological centers in the inland of South Korea. To compute the geo-centers in South Korea: 1) firstly, we collected existing reaserch data related to digital map data. 2)Secondly, we analyzed a geological center and data collection examples of Korea and other nations-the Europe and America. 3) Thirdly, we carried out numerous processes to build a geodatabase, short for geograhic database, so that GIS analysis and the constructed geodatabase is covered within the inland in South Korea. Where geodatabase is a kind of spatial database. 4) Fourthly, in order to determine the geographical center, we supposed that the condition of continental surface is the plane of homogeneous or irregular density. 5) Consequently, we chose a few resonable conditions and produced a variety of geographical centers that is geometric and gravitational in South Korea. As a result of the analysis, center points are massed to southern part of Chungbuk province, Korea.

A Systematic Review on the Present Condition of the Internal Robot Therapy (국내 로봇치료 연구 현황에 대한 체계적 고찰)

  • Song, Ji-Hyeon;Sim, Eun-Ji;Yom, Ji-Yun;Oh, Min-Kyeong;Yi, Hu-Shin;Yoo, Doo-Han
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2016
  • Objective : By organizing systematically the study case that use Robot Therapy as intervention tool according to PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome), This study aims to investigate the domestic Robot Therapy's present condition. Methods : We searched 710 pieces of domestic scientific journal and master's thesis during the past nine years in 'Research Information Sharing Service' and 'National Digital Science Library' database using the keyword 'Robot therapy'. We finally chose 15 pieces of domestic scientific journal and master's thesis among the domestic studies that based on the full text which is affordable and used robot by therapeutic intervention tool. Chosen studies were layed out by PICO that could organize the resources systematically. Results : The quality of study tool was used to the method of evidence-based study level of 5 step classification. More than three stages of quality level study was 13. Result of dividing the studies using robot therapy by intervention field, language, lower extremity(gait), cognition, development and study for the region of the upper extremity of five is advancing. Conclusion : Nationally, the robot therapy has been used in various area that include the upper extremity and lower extremity's intervention of language, cognition, growth and others. We hope that this study for baseline data will be utilized in various area engaging to domestic robot therapy.

A Study of the Curriculum Operating Model and Standard Courses for Library & Information Science in Korea (한국문헌정보학 교과과정 운영모형 및 표준교과목 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Young-Hee;Ahn, in-Ja;Choi, Sang-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.55-82
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    • 2012
  • This study seeks to develop a curriculum operating model for Korean Library and Information Science, based on investigations into LIS curricula at home and abroad. Standard courses that can be applied to this model were also proposed. This study comprehensively analyzed the contents of domestic and foreign curricula and surveyed current librarians in all types of library fields. As a result, this study proposed required courses, core courses, and elective courses. Six required LIS courses are: Introduction to Library and Information Science, Information Organization, Information Services, Library and Information Center Management, Information Retrieval, and Field Work. Six core LIS courses are: Classification & Cataloging Practice, Subject Information Resources, Collection Development, Digital Library, Introduction to Bibliography, and Introduction to Archive Management. Twenty selective LIS courses include: the General Library and Information Science area (Cultural History of Information, Information Society and Library, Library and Copyright, Research Methods in Library and Information Science), the Information Organization area (Metadata Fundamentals, KORMARC Practice), the Information Services area (Information Literacy Instruction, Reading Guidance, Information User Study), the Library and Information Center Management area (Library Management, including management for different kinds of libraries, Library Information Cooperator, Library Marketing, Non-book Material and Multimedia Management (Contents Management), the Information Science area (Database Management, including Web DB Management, Indexing and Abstracting, Introduction to Information Science, Understanding Information Science, Automated System of Library, Library Information Network), and the Archival Science area (Preservation Management).

A Study on the Implementation of Terminal System for the Fishing Ship Using Digital Fishing Network (디지털 어업통신망을 위한 어선용 단말기 구현 방안 연구)

  • Kim Jeong-nyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.1620-1625
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    • 2004
  • To advance fisheries, we set developmental directions of fishery information by grasping present situations and analyzing maritime & fisheries issues. We promote various policies through effective systematical information data bases, based on both control and utilization of oceanic resources. For these puposes, it is imperative that we set up fisheries communication networks. There are satellite assisted informational networks to assist fishing vessels with their marine based movements. However, there's no hope for poorly equipped fishermen to adopt this network because of extravagant network call charges. So we think that using existing SSB communication system is the best plan. We organize fishery communication network by HF SSB communication which doesn't have operational costs. We build wireless transmitting and receiving stations that are basic systems of informnation, and equip wireless data communication systems by the use of wireless communication network protocols in coastal stations. It is necessary that a fish boat has a terminal device for wireless data communication. In this research we can conclude that if we transmit the location of a fishing boat in-real time through GPS channels then we propose that some methods be formulated to able terminal devices on fishing boats to collect various types of information, such as meteorological and oceanic conditions.

Comparison of Observation Performance of Urban Displacement Using ALOS-1 L-band PALSAR and COSMO-SkyMed X-band SAR Time Series Images (ALOS-1 L-band PALSAR와 COSMO-SkyMed X-band SAR 시계열 영상을 이용한 도심지 변위관측 성능 비교 분석)

  • Choi, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Sang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_1
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    • pp.283-293
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    • 2018
  • We applied PSInSAR to two SAR satellite (ALOS-1 and COSMO-SkyMed) images and analyzed the difference in displacement observation performance according to sensor characteristics. The building layer was extracted from the digital topographic map, and the PS extracted from the SAR image was classified into two groups(building structure and ground surface) for density analysis. The density of PS extracted from the research area was 0.023point/m2 for ALOS-1 PALSAR and 0.1point/m2 for COSMO-SkyMed, more than 4 times PS was extracted compared to ALOS-1. In addition, not only the PS density in the building, but also the density in the ground were greatly increased. The average displacement velocity of ALOS-1 PALSAR is within ±1cm/yr, while for COSMO-SkyMed it is within ±0.3cm/yr. Although it is difficult to make quantitative comparisons because it does not use the data for the same period, it can be said that the accuracy of X-band SAR system is very high compared to the L-band. In consideration of PS observation density and observation accuracy of displacement, X-band SAR data is very effective in research where it is important to acquire useful signals from the ground surface, such as ground subsidence and sinkhole.

Production and Analysis of Digital Climate Maps of Evapotranspiration Using Gridded Climate Scenario Data in Korean Peninsula (격자형 기후변화 시나리오 자료를 활용한 한반도의 증발산량 전자 기후도 생산 및 분석)

  • Yoo, Byoung Hyun;Lee, Kyu Jong;Lee, Byun Woo;Kim, Kwang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 2017
  • Spatio-temporal projection of evapotranspiration over croplands would be useful for assessment of climate change impact and development of adaptation strategies in agriculture. Potential evapotranspiration (PET) and dryness index (DI) during rice growing seasons were calculated using climate change scenario data provided by the National Institute of Meteorological Research (NIMR). A data processing tool for gridded climate data files, readGrADSWrapper, was used to calculate PET and DI during the current (1986-2005) and future (2006-2100) periods. Scripts were written to implement the formulas of PET and DI in R, which is an open source statistical data analysis tool. Evapotranspiration in rice fields (PETRice) was also determined using R scripts. The Spatio-temporal patterns of PET differed by regions in Korean Peninsula under current and future climate conditions. Overall, PET and PETRice tended to increase throughout the 21st century. Those results suggested that region-specific water resource managements would be needed to minimize the risk of water loss in the regions where considerable increases in PET would occur under the future climate conditions. For example, a number of provinces classified as a humid region were projected to become a sub-humid region in the future. The Spatio-temporal assessment of water resources based on PET and DI would help the development of climate change adaptation strategies for rice production in the 21st century. In addition, the studies on climate change impact would be facilitated using specialized data tools, e.g., readGrADSWrapper, for geospatial analysis of climate data.

Towards Service Quality Improvement for University Library by LibQUAL+ Analysis for Multiple Years (LibQUAL+의 통시적 분석을 통한 대학도서관의 서비스 개선 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Bo-Yoon;Chung, EunKyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.131-154
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    • 2015
  • Users tend to perceive differently the service quality of library depending on the advance of digital information technologies. It is necessary to analyze the cumulative results of LibQUAL+ in order to identify the suggestions for improvement of library services. This study aims to comparatively analyze the results of LibQUAL+ and demonstrate the trends and changes for the services of university library. To achieve the purpose of this study, two university libraries were selected for analysis. The library of McGill University in Canada was selected with the six years' results of LibQUAL+. Another library located in Seoul was selected with the 2012 result of LibQUAL+ and a new LibQUAL+ in 20015 was conducted for this study. The results were analyzed with three dimensions and 22 items in terms of circular chart, bar chart, and graph. Findings of this study indicated that there were substantial differences in terms of years of LibQUAL+ survey and user groups with undergraduate/graduate students in three dimensions. In particular, the results of A library showed that users were likely to expect more from the university library, but they perceived low service quality. In addition, there was found considerable differences among users groups in terms of undergraduate and graduate students. The improvements for library services need to focus on three dimensions such as staff, resources, and facilities as well as customized services for individual user groups.