• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital generation

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Fabrication and Characterization of Lead Oxide (PbO) Film for High Efficiency X-ray Detector (고효율 X선 검출기 적용을 위한 PbO 필름 제작 및 특성 연구)

  • Cho, Sung-Ho;Kang, Sang-Sik;Choi, Chi-Won;Kwun, Chul;Nam, Sang-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.329-329
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    • 2007
  • Photoconductive poly crystalline lead oxide coated on amorphous thin film transistor (TFT) arrays is the best candidate for direct digital x-ray detector for medical imaging. Thicker films with lessening density often show lower x-ray induced charge generation and collection becomes less efficient. In this work, we present a new methodology used for the high density deposition of PbO. We investigate the structural properties of the films using X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy experiments. The film coatings of approximately $200\;{\mu}m$ thickness were deposited on $2"{\times}2"$ conductive-coated glass substrates for measurements of dark current and x-ray sensitivity. The lead oxide (PbO) films of $200\;{\mu}m$ thickness were deposited on glass substrates using a wet coating process in room temperature. The influence of post-deposition annealing on the characteristics of the lead oxide films was investigated in detail. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy have been employed to obtain information on the morphology and crystallization of the films. Also we measured dark current, x-ray sensitivity and linearity for investigation of the electrical characteristics of films. It was found that the annealing conditions strongly affect the electrical properties of the films. The x-ray induced output charges of films annealed in oxygen gas increases dramatically with increasing annealing temperatures up to $500^{\circ}C$ but then drops for higher temperature anneals. Consequently, the more we increase the annealing temperatures, the better density and film quality of the lead oxide. Analysis of this data suggests that incorporation and decomposition reactions of oxygen can be controlled to change the detection properties of the lead oxide film significantly. Post-deposition thermal annealing is also used for densely film. The PbO films that are grown by new methodology exhibit good morphology of high density structure and provide less than $10\;pA/mm^2$ dark currents as they show saturation in gain (at approximate fields of $4\;V/{\mu}m$). The ability to operate at low voltage gives adequate dark currents for most applications and allows voltage electronics designs.

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LiDAR Chip for Automated Geo-referencing of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery (라이다 칩을 이용한 고해상도 위성영상의 자동좌표등록)

  • Lee, Chang No;Oh, Jae Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.4_1
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2014
  • The accurate geo-referencing processes that apply ground control points is prerequisite for effective end use of HRSI (High-resolution satellite imagery). Since the conventional control point acquisition by human operator takes long time, demands for the automated matching to existing reference data has been increasing its popularity. Among many options of reference data, the airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data shows high potential due to its high spatial resolution and vertical accuracy. Additionally, it is in the form of 3-dimensional point cloud free from the relief displacement. Recently, a new matching method between LiDAR data and HRSI was proposed that is based on the image projection of whole LiDAR data into HRSI domain, however, importing and processing the large amount of LiDAR data considered as time-consuming. Therefore, we wmotivated to ere propose a local LiDAR chip generation for the HRSI geo-referencing. In the procedure, a LiDAR point cloud was rasterized into an ortho image with the digital elevation model. After then, we selected local areas, which of containing meaningful amount of edge information to create LiDAR chips of small data size. We tested the LiDAR chips for fully-automated geo-referencing with Kompsat-2 and Kompsat-3 data. Finally, the experimental results showed one-pixel level of mean accuracy.

Development of an Image Processing System for the Large Size High Resolution Satellite Images (대용량 고해상 위성영상처리 시스템 개발)

  • 김경옥;양영규;안충현
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.376-391
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    • 1998
  • Images from satellites will have 1 to 3 meter ground resolution and will be very useful for analyzing current status of earth surface. An image processing system named GeoWatch with more intelligent image processing algorithms has been designed and implemented to support the detailed analysis of the land surface using high-resolution satellite imagery. The GeoWatch is a valuable tool for satellite image processing such as digitizing, geometric correction using ground control points, interactive enhancement, various transforms, arithmetic operations, calculating vegetation indices. It can be used for investigating various facts such as the change detection, land cover classification, capacity estimation of the industrial complex, urban information extraction, etc. using more intelligent analysis method with a variety of visual techniques. The strong points of this system are flexible algorithm-save-method for efficient handling of large size images (e.g. full scenes), automatic menu generation and powerful visual programming environment. Most of the existing image processing systems use general graphic user interfaces. In this paper we adopted visual program language for remotely sensed image processing for its powerful programmability and ease of use. This system is an integrated raster/vector analysis system and equipped with many useful functions such as vector overlay, flight simulation, 3D display, and object modeling techniques, etc. In addition to the modules for image and digital signal processing, the system provides many other utilities such as a toolbox and an interactive image editor. This paper also presents several cases of image analysis methods with AI (Artificial Intelligent) technique and design concept for visual programming environment.

Proposal and Analysis of Primality and Safe Primality test using Sieve of Euler (오일러체를 적용한 소수와 안전소수의 생성법 제안과 분석)

  • Jo, Hosung;Lee, Jiho;Park, Heejin
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.438-447
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    • 2019
  • As the IoT-based hyper-connected society grows, public-key cryptosystem such as RSA is frequently used for encryption, authentication, and digital signature. Public-key cryptosystem use very large (safe) prime numbers to ensure security against malicious attacks. Even though the performance of the device has greatly improved, the generation of a large (safe)prime is time-consuming or memory-intensive. In this paper, we propose ET-MR and ET-MR-MR using Euler sieve so it runs faster while using less memory. We present a running time prediction model by probabilistic analysis and compare time and memory of our method with conventional methods. Experimental results show that the difference between the expected running time and the measured running time is less than 4%. In addition, the fastest running time of ET-MR is 36% faster than that of TD-MR, 8.5% faster than that of DT-MR and the fastest running time of ET-MR-MR is 65.3% faster than that of TD-MR-MR and similar to that of DT-MR-MR. When k=12,381, the memory usage of ET-MR is 2.7 times more than that of DT-MR but 98.5% less than that of TD-MR and when k=65,536, the memory usage of ET-MR-MR is 98.48% less than that of TD-MR-MR and 92.8% less than that of DT-MR-MR.

Implementation of the Large-scale Data Signature System Using Hash Tree Replication Approach (해시 트리 기반의 대규모 데이터 서명 시스템 구현)

  • Park, Seung Kyu
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2018
  • As the ICT technologies advance, the unprecedently large amount of digital data is created, transferred, stored, and utilized in every industry. With the data scale extension and the applying technologies advancement, the new services emerging from the use of large scale data make our living more convenient and useful. But the cybercrimes such as data forgery and/or change of data generation time are also increasing. For the data security against the cybercrimes, the technology for data integrity and the time verification are necessary. Today, public key based signature technology is the most commonly used. But a lot of costly system resources and the additional infra to manage the certificates and keys for using it make it impractical to use in the large-scale data environment. In this research, a new and far less system resources consuming signature technology for large scale data, based on the Hash Function and Merkle tree, is introduced. An improved method for processing the distributed hash trees is also suggested to mitigate the disruptions by server failures. The prototype system was implemented, and its performance was evaluated. The results show that the technology can be effectively used in a variety of areas like cloud computing, IoT, big data, fin-tech, etc., which produce a large-scale data.

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Discovering the Knowledge Structure of Graphene Technology by Text Mining National R&D Projects and Newspapers (국가R&D과제와 신문에서 텍스트마이닝을 통한 그래핀 기술의 지식구조 탐색)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon;Na, Hye-In;Lee, Byeong-Hee;Kim, Tae-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2021
  • Graphene, called the "dream material" is drawing attention as a groundbreaking new material that will lead the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Graphene has high strength, excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, excellent optical permeability, and excellent gas barrier properties. In this paper, as the South Korean government recently announced Green New Deal and Digital New Deal policy, we analyze graphene technology, which is also attracting attention for its application to Corona 19 biosensor, to understand its national R&D trend and knowledge structure, and to explore the possibility of its application. Firstly, 4,054 cases of national R&D project information for the last 10 years are collected from the National Science & Technology Information Service(NTIS) to analyze the trend of graphene-related R&D. Besides, projects classified as green technology are analyzed concerning the government's Green New Deal policy. Secondly, text mining analysis is conducted by collecting 500 recent graphene-related articles from e-newspapers. According to the analysis, the field with the largest number of projects was found to be high-efficiency secondary battery technology, and the proportion of total research funds was also the highest. It is expected that South Korea will lead the development of graphene technology in the future to become a world leader in diverse industries including electric vehicles, cellular phone batteries, next-generation semiconductors, 5G, and biosensors.

Design of a Secure Web-mail System based on End-to-End (End-to-End 기반의 안전한 웹 메일 시스템 설계)

  • 전철우;이종후;이상호
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.13-29
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    • 2003
  • Web-mail system is worthy of note as a next generation e-mail system for its mobility and easiness. But many web-mail system does not have any kind of security mechanism. Even if web-mail system provides security services, its degree of strength is too low. Using these web-mail systems, the e-mail is tabbed, modified or forged by attacker easily. To solve these problems, we design and implement secure web-mail system based on the international e-mail security standard S/MIME in this thesis. This secure web-mail system is composed of server system and client system The server system performs basic mail functions - sending/receiving the mails, storing the mails, and management of user information, etc. And the client system performs cryptographic functions - encryption/decryption of the mails, digital signing and validation, etc. Because client system performs cryptographic functions this secure web-mail system gives its reliability and safety, and provides end-to-end security between mail users. Also, this secure web-mail system increase system efficiency by minimize server load.

Performance Evaluation of KOMPSAT-3 Satellite DSM in Overseas Testbed Area (해외 테스트베드 지역 아리랑 위성 3호 DSM 성능평가)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Hwang, Jeong-In;Yoo, Woo-Sun;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1615-1627
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the performance of KOMPSAT-3 Digital Surface Model (DSM) made in overseas testbed area. To that end, we collected the KOMPSAT-3 in-track stereo image taken in San Francisco, the U.S. The stereo geometry elements (B/H, converse angle, etc.) of the stereo image taken were all found to be in the stable range. By applying precise sensor modeling using Ground Control Point (GCP) and DSM automatic generation technique, DSM with 1 m resolution was produced. Reference materials for evaluation and calibration are ground points with accuracy within 0.01 m from Compass Data Inc., 1 m resolution Elevation 1-DSM produced by Airbus. The precision sensor modeling accuracy of KOMPSAT-3 was within 0.5 m (RMSE) in horizontal and vertical directions. When the difference map was written between the generated DSM and the reference DSM, the mean and standard deviation were 0.61 m and 5.25 m respectively, but in some areas, they showed a large difference of more than 100 m. These areas appeared mainly in closed areas where high-rise buildings were concentrated. If KOMPSAT-3 tri-stereo images are used and various post-processing techniques are developed, it will be possible to produce DSM with more improved quality.

A Study on the Change of Gender Expression in Animation and Live Action Films Characters : In the Enneagram Perspective (<알라딘> 애니메이션과 실사영화 캐릭터 젠더표현 변화에 관한 연구 : 에니어그램을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Jae-Pil
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.599-606
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates trends and changes in gender expression in film and animation. It compares how gender, race, and class discrimination that was socially and culturally expressed differently in past and modern media contents. Indiscriminate content appreciation by the "digital native" generation is likely to unconsciously create false stereotypes. In this study, 「Aladdin」(1992) and 「Aladdin」(2019) were analyzed. This study looks at in the characters have changed since the original, which was a 2D animation in 1992, was re-released as a live-action film in 2019. For character analysis, we compare and analyze major characters and find out the differences based on the nine personality types of Enneagram, which define human personality types. As a result, Princess Jasmine's character change was remarkable. In the past, Disney animations had the majority of patriarchal and male-dependent princess characters, but now Disney is aiming for self-directed and independent female characters. Also, scenes that could instill stereotypes of gender, race, and class were changed. Disney's change can be seen as expressing the gender image that the public wants. Analysis of the change in character's personality in these works can be a useful methodology for creating attractive characters for the public.

A Study on Next-Generation Data Protection Based on Non File System for Spreading Smart Factory (스마트팩토리 확산을 위한 비파일시스템(None File System) 기반의 차세대 데이터보호에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seungyong;Hwang, Incheol;Kim, Dongsik
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.176-183
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The introduction of smart factories that reflect the 4th industrial revolution technologies such as AI, IoT, and VR, has been actively promoted in Korea. However, in order to solve various problems arising from existing file-based operating systems, this research will focus on identifying and verifying non-file system-based data protection technology. Method: The research will measure security storage that cannot be identified or controlled by the operating system. How to activate secure storage based on the input of digital key values. Establish a control unit that provides input and output information based on BIOS activation. Observe non-file-type structure so that mapping behavior using second meta-data can be performed according to the activation of the secure storage. Result: First, the creation of non-file system-based secure storage's data input/output were found to match the hash function value of the sample data with the hash function value of the normal storage and data. Second, the data protection performance experiments in secure storage were compared to the hash function value of the original file with the hash function value of the secure storage after ransomware activity to verify data protection performance against malicious ransomware. Conclusion: Smart factory technology is a nationally promoted technology that is being introduced to the public and this research implemented and experimented on a new concept of data protection technology to protect crucial data within the information system. In order to protect sensitive data, implementation of non-file-type secure storage technology that is non-dependent on file system is highly recommended. This research has proven the security and safety of such technology and verified its purpose.