• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Surface Model

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A Systematic Treat Model for Software-Defined Networking

  • Zhang, Wenbin;Wu, Zehui;Wei, Qiang;Yuan, Huijie
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.580-599
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    • 2021
  • Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has three key features: separation of control and forwarding, centralized control, and network programmability. While improving network management flexibility, SDN has many security issues. This paper systemizes the security threats of SDN using spoofing, tampering, repudiation, information disclosure, denial of service, and elevation of privilege (STRIDE) model to understand the current security status of SDN. First, we introduce the network architecture and data flow of SDN. Second, we analyze security threats of the six types given in the STRIDE model, aiming to reveal the vulnerability mechanisms and assess the attack surface. Then, we briefly describe the corresponding defense technologies. Finally, we summarize the work of this paper and discuss the trends of SDN security research.

Ceramic molar crown reproducibility by digital workflow manufacturing: An in vitro study

  • Jeong, II-Do;Kim, Woong-Chul;Park, Jinyoung;Kim, Chong-Myeong;Kim, Ji-Hwan
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.252-256
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSE. This in vitro study aimed to analyze and compare the reproducibility of zirconia and lithium disilicate crowns manufactured by digital workflow. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A typodont model with a prepped upper first molar was set in a phantom head, and a digital impression was obtained with a video intraoral scanner (CEREC Omnicam; Sirona GmbH), from which a single crown was designed and manufactured with CAD/CAM into a zirconia crown and lithium disilicate crown (n=12). Reproducibility of each crown was quantitatively retrieved by superimposing the digitized data of the crown in 3D inspection software, and differences were graphically mapped in color. Areas with large differences were analyzed with digital microscopy. Mean quadratic deviations (RMS) quantitatively obtained from each ceramic group were statistically analyzed with Student's t-test (${\alpha}=.05$). RESULTS. The RMS value of lithium disilicate crown was $29.2\;(4.1){\mu}m$ and $17.6\;(5.5){\mu}m$ on the outer and inner surfaces, respectively, whereas these values were $18.6\;(2.0){\mu}m$ and $20.6\;(5.1){\mu}m$ for the zirconia crown. Reproducibility of zirconia and lithium disilicate crowns had a statistically significant difference only on the outer surface (P<.001). The outer surface of lithium disilicate crown showed over-contouring on the buccal surface and under-contouring on the inner occlusal surface. The outer surface of zirconia crown showed both over- and under-contouring on the buccal surface, and the inner surface showed under-contouring in the marginal areas. CONCLUSION. Restoration manufacturing by digital workflow will enhance the reproducibility of zirconia single crowns more than that of lithium disilicate single crowns.

A Method of DTM Generation from KOMPSAT-3A Stereo Images using Low-resolution Terrain Data (저해상도 지형 자료를 활용한 KOMPSAT-3A 스테레오 영상 기반의 DTM 생성 방법)

  • Ahn, Heeran;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.5_1
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    • pp.715-726
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    • 2019
  • With the increasing prevalence of high-resolution satellite images, the need for technology to generate accurate 3D information from the satellite images is emphasized. In order to create a digital terrain model (DTM) that is widely used in applications such as change detection and object extraction, it is necessary to extract trees, buildings, etc. that exist in the digital surface model (DSM) and estimate the height of the ground. This paper presents a method for automatically generating DTM from DSM extracted from KOMPSAT-3A stereo images. The technique was developed to detect the non-ground area and estimate the height value of the ground by using the previously constructed low-resolution topographic data. The average vertical accuracy of DTMs generated in the four experimental sites with various topographical characteristics, such as mountainous terrain, densely built area, flat topography, and complex terrain was about 5.8 meters. The proposed technique would be useful to produce high-quality DTMs that represent precise features of the bare-earth's surface.

Parallel Processing of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Using a Hybrid Model Based on MPI and OpenMP (MPI와 OpenMP기반 하이브리드 모델을 이용한 항공 레이저 스캐닝 자료의 병렬 처리)

  • Han, Soo-Hee;Park, Il-Suk;Heo, Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2012
  • In the present study, a parallel processing method running on a multi-core PC-Cluster is introduced to produce digital surface model (DSM) and digital terrain model (DTM) from huge airborne laser scanning data. A hybrid model using both message passing interface (MPI) and OpenMP was devised by revising a conventional MPI model which utilizes only MPI, and tested on a multi-core PC-Cluster for performance validation. In the results, the hybrid model has not shown better performances in the interpolation process to produce DSM, but the overall performance has turned out to be better by the help of reduced MPI calls. Additionally, scheduling function of OpenMP has revealed its ability to enhance the performance by controlling inequal overloads charged on cores induced by irregular distribution of airborne laser scanning data.

S-CODE: A Subdivision Based Coding System for CAD Models

  • Takarada, Yosuke;Takeuchi, Shingo;Kawano, Isao;Hotta, Jun;Suzuki, Hiromasa
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • v.3 no.1_2
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2003
  • A large scale polygon models are often used to approximately represent 3D CAD models in Digital Engineering environment such as DMU (Digital Mockups) and network based collaborative design. However, they are not suitable for distribution on the network and for interactive rendering. We introduce a new coding system based on subdivision schemes called S-CODE system. In this system, it is possible to highly compress the model with sufficient accuracy and to view the model efficiently in a level of detail (LOD) fashion. The method is based on subdivision surface fitting by which a subdivision surface and curves which approximate a face of a CAD model are generated. We also apply a subdivision method to analytic surfaces such as conical and cylindrical surfaces. A prototype system is developed and used for evaluation with reasonably complicated data. The results show that the method is useful as a CAD data coding system.

Estimation of Solar Energy Based on High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model on the Seoul Area (서울지역의 고해상도 수치표고모델기반 태양 에너지 산출)

  • Jee, Joon-Bum;Jang, Min;Min, Jae-Sik;Zo, Il-Sung;Kim, Bu-Yo;Lee, Kyu-Tae
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2017
  • Solar energy is calculated using high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM). In focus on Seoul metropolitan area, correction coefficients of direct and diffuse solar energy with the topographic effect are calculated from DEM with 1720, 900, 450, 90 and 30 spatial resolutions ($m{\times}m$), respectively. The solar energy on the real surface with high-resolution is corrected using by the correction coefficients with topographic effect from the solar energy on horizontal surface with lower resolution. Consequently, the solar energy on the real surface is more detailed distribution than those of horizontal surface. In particular, the topographic effect in the winter is larger than summer because of larger solar zenith angle in winter. In Seoul metropolitan area, the monthly mean topographic effects are more than 200% in winter and within 40% in summer. And annual topographic effects are negative role with more than -60% and positive role with below 40%, respectively. As a result, topographic effect on real surface is not a negligible factor when calculating and analyzing solar energy using regional and global models.

Estimating the Forest Micro-topography by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Photogrammetry (무인항공기 사진측량 방법에 의한 산림 미세지형 평가)

  • Cho, Min-Jae;Choi, Yun-Sung;Oh, Jae-Heun;Lee, Eun-Jai
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.343-350
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    • 2021
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV) photogrammetry provides a cost-effective option for collecting high-resolution 3D point clouds compared with UAV LiDAR and aerial photogrammetry. The main objectives of this study were to (1) validate the accuracy of 3D site model generated, and (2) determine the differences between Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and Digital Surface Model(DSM). In this study, DEM and DSM were shown to have varying degree of accuracy from observed data. The results indicated that the model predictions were considered tend to over- and under-estimated. The range of RMSE of DSM predicted was from 8.2 and 21.3 when compared with the observation. In addition, RMSE values were ranged from 10.2 and 25.8 to compare between DEM predicted and field data. The predict values resulting from the DSM were in agreement with the observed data compared to DEM calculation. In other words, it was determined that the DSM was a better suitable model than DEM. There is potential for enabling automated topography evaluation of the prior-harvest areas by using UAV technology.

Measurement of Highly Aspherical Surface using Computer Generated Holograms

  • Kim, Tae-hee;Choi, Soon-Cheol
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2002
  • Interferometric metrology with a null CGH(computer-generated hologram) is presented for measuring highly aspheric surfaces used in a large screen projection television system with high accuracy. The cubic spline surface model which works in a single-pass configuration with a refractive index of object space 0 is used for designing a null CGH. A hybrid null corrector with plano-concave lens in front of a CGH is presented to make the CGH easier to fabricate. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed technique.

Adjustment Algorithm of Incident Light Power for Improving Performance of Laser Surface Roughness Measurement (레이저 표면 거칠기 측정 성능 향상을 위한 입사 광강도 조정 알고리즘)

  • 서영호;김화영;안중환
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2004
  • The light pattern reflected from a machined surface contains some information like roughness and profile on the projected surface as expected in the Beckmann-Spizzichino model. In applying the theory into a real reliable measuring device, many parameters such as incident light power, wave length, spot size should be kept a constant optical value. However, the reflected light power is likely to change with the environmental noise, the variations of the light source, the reflectivity of the surface, etc. even though the incident light power is constant. In this study, a method for adjusting the incident light power to keep the reflected light power projected on a CMOS image sensor constant was proposed and a simple adjustment algorithm based on PI digital control was examined. Experiments verified that the proposed method made the surface roughness measurement better and more reliable even under variations of the height of light source.

Rational function model-based image matching for digital elevation model

    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.59-80
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    • 2005
  • This Paper Presents a Rational Function Model (RFM)-based image matching technique for IKONOS satellite imagery. This algorithm adopts the object-space approach and reduces the search space within the confined line-shaped area called the Piecewise Matching Line (PLM). Also, the detailed procedure of generating 3-D surface information using the Rational Function model Coefficients (RFCs) is introduced as an end-user point of view. As a result, the final generated Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using the proposed scheme shows a mean error of 2$\cdot$2 m and RMSE of 3$\cdot$8 m compared with that from 1:5000 digital map.

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