• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Plan

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A Study on the Design Improvement of Digital Government for User-Centered Public Services in Korea (사용자 중심의 공공서비스를 위한 디지털 정부 서비스디자인 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Eun Suk;Cha, Kyung Jin
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2021
  • Recently, public participation in government policy design has been further expanded and public services perceived by users are expanding. At this time, the role of the digital government and the direction of the service to be pursued are user-centered, and above all, it is necessary to focus on the keywords of pre-emptive, preventive, and customized. In order to propose service quality improvement in the public sector, service user-centered classification and monitoring are integrated and the usability of government documents is improved. It is necessary to identify the needs of whether to provide a path for public participation. In the post-corona era, people are accessing quarantine information from the digital government every day. The government should proactively respond to the acceleration of digital transformation and the non-face-to-face demands of the people who experience non-face-to-face daily life. In order to evolve into a smart organization along with the innovation promotion plan and to provide customized services, it is necessary to use existing guides for institutional and technical improvement, along with new technology and data-based analysis, to strive for change management. The government should seek counter-measures that have advanced one step ahead by incorporating new high-tech IT with user-centered necessary services. This study aims to derive improvement plans to provide user-centered digital government service design when designing public services and collecting public opinions. Based on the e-government development model research and the existing research on user-centered service design in the public sector, institutional and technical measures are provided for the improvement of digital government service design.

The Architecture of an Intelligent Digital Twin for a Cyber-Physical Route-Finding System in Smart Cities

  • Habibnezhad, Mahmoud;Shayesteh, Shayan;Liu, Yizhi;Fardhosseini, Mohammad Sadra;Jebelli, Houtan
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.510-519
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    • 2020
  • Within an intelligent automated cyber-physical system, the realization of the autonomous mechanism for data collection, data integration, and data analysis plays a critical role in the design, development, operation, and maintenance of such a system. This construct is particularly vital for fault-tolerant route-finding systems that rely on the imprecise GPS location of the vehicles to properly operate, timely plan, and continuously produce informative feedback to the user. More essentially, the integration of digital twins with cyber-physical route-finding systems has been overlooked in intelligent transportation services with the capacity to construct the network routes solely from the locations of the operating vehicles. To address this limitation, the present study proposes a conceptual architecture that employs digital twin to autonomously maintain, update, and manage intelligent transportation systems. This virtual management simulation can improve the accuracy of time-of-arrival prediction based on auto-generated routes on which the vehicle's real-time location is mapped. To that end, first, an intelligent transportation system was developed based on two primary mechanisms: 1) an automated route finding process in which predictive data-driven models (i.e., regularized least-squares regression) can elicit the geometry and direction of the routes of the transportation network from the cloud of geotagged data points of the operating vehicles and 2) an intelligent mapping process capable of accurately locating the vehicles on the map whereby their arrival times to any point on the route can be estimated. Afterward, the digital representations of the physical entities (i.e., vehicles and routes) were simulated based on the auto-generated routes and the vehicles' locations in near-real-time. Finally, the feasibility and usability of the presented conceptual framework were evaluated through the comparison between the primary characteristics of the physical entities with their digital representations. The proposed architecture can be used by the vehicle-tracking applications dependent on geotagged data for digital mapping and location tracking of vehicles under a systematic comparison and simulation cyber-physical system.

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Research on Realizing Continuous Movements of Responsive Digital Humans (반응형 디지털 휴먼의 연속적 상호작용 시스템 개발)

  • Song-Won Kim;Ye-Jun Choi;David June-Sok Lee;Mi-Kyeong Moon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.919-926
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    • 2024
  • Digital humans have human-like forms, allowing for natural interaction with users, and are widely used in fields where communication such as information guidance, promotional marketing, and education is prevalent. Most digital humans pre-plan interaction scenarios with users and prepare actions accordingly. However, it is practically impossible to predict all scenarios, leading to unnatural movements in unexpected interaction situations. This paper describes a method for seamless and continuous realization of movements in interactions between users and digital humans. The study connects specific actions based on hand gestures recognized through a webcam with continuous situational awareness to enable digital humans to maintain a natural flow of movements. It is expected that in fields requiring interaction with humans, digital humans can become more familiar to people through this approach.

A Study on the Improvement of 1/1,000 Digital Map Construction System (1/1,000 수치지도 구축체계 개선방안 연구)

  • Park, Chan Hyeok;Song, Yeong Sun;Kim, Won Dae;Lee, Sang Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2016
  • The maps produced by the NGII(geographical information institute) are composed of 1/1,000, 1/2,500, 1/5,000 large scale maps, 1/25,000, 1/50,000 and smaller scale maps. 1/1,000 digital map, as the most large-scale digital map made by the NGII, has been constructed with the beginning of NGIS(national geographic information System) Project in 1995. However, 1/1000 digital maps have been not produced by the fundamental survey on the basis of systematic planning at the national level, but a lot of parts have been constructed by the public survey for the purpose of the fiscal year of the local governments. Also, these maps have been not regularly updated because of big budget. In this study, we investigated problems related to the construction status, system, and area, and suggested plans that can improve these problems. As the improvement plan, we proposed a nationwide three regionalization for short-term modification and long-term regular update, reset of core downtown boundaries based on topographical features, diversification of budget execution method and an improved execution system.

A study about the improvement plan in production processes of digital entertainment image using the motion capture system (모션캡쳐시스템을 활용한 디지털 엔터테인먼트 영상에서 제작과정상 개선 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Man-Woo;Yun, Deok-Un;Park, Jin-Seok;Kim, Soon-Gohn
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.824-828
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    • 2006
  • Introduction of motion capture system to the field of digital entertainment paved the way to accelerate the development of 3D character animation all the more. Motion capture system has been developed of the level that it can capture the fierce motions of character particularly in the digital game image and improve the dynamic characteristics by capturing the movement of human muscle or express the human's true emotion by capturing wrinkles and expression on face. Such an extension of realistic expression enables them to be used increasingly in movie, TV, advertisement, music video, etc centering around the game industry in the field of digital entertainment. The fact is, however, that many difficulties are held in the image production process compared with the competing countries such as USA and Japan, owing to inferiorities in technical expertise and capital in the image production process using the local motion capture, insufficient professional human resources of motion capture and small size of local motion capture image market. Hence, this study intends to suggest the plan to improve the technical problems in terms of integrated motion capture system, motion capture professional human resources and motion capture in-house program development in the production process of digital entertainment image using the motion capture system by surveying local and overseas examples of image production.

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A Basic Study of an Integrated Digital Map Generation to an Electronic Navigational Chart and a Digital Topographic Map for Coastal Development and Management (연안 개발 및 관리를 위한 육·해도 통합수치도 제작에 관한 기초연구)

  • Yi, Gi-Chul;Park, Chang-Ho;Kim, Jeong-Hee;Suh, Sang-Hyun;Jeong, Hui-Gyun;Choi, Joon-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1999
  • The Korean government is developing a systematic plan of integrated coastal management for effective conservation, utilization, and development of coastal areas. For this plan, integrated maps of land maps and nautical charts are indispensable. However, these maps are not made, nor studied yet in terms of integration, although digital maps(DM) on land and electronic nautical charts(ENC) have been recently developed by Korean Geography Institute and National Marine Investigation Institute, respectively. In this study, as preliminary studies to make eventual integrated maps, the concept of coastal areas are defined, specifically, coastal lines from DM and ENC are matched against each other. Issues on map production procedures, coordinate systems, and map projections, are carefully considered. A test coastal area located in Seo-Gu, Pusan, over 14 km of coastal lines is selected for the edge matching of coastal lines. RMS differences are 13.83 m and 4.37 m over man-made coastal lines and natural coast lines, respectively, which are quite larger considering a scale difference and other factors. However, no systematic differences are found.

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3dimension Topography Generation and Accuracy Analysis Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 3차원 지형도 생성 및 정확도 분석)

  • Nim Young Bin;Park Chang suk;Lee Cheol Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2005
  • Recently as map making skills developed and as digital maps prevailed, peoples began to take interest in the realistic 3dimension topography rather than the flat 2 dimension one. The experiment is done by using the topographical information from the digital maps, To analyze the preciseness of this 3dimension topography, analysis of the coordinate-changed standard map image and the location errors of the plane and height from digital values of the map's topography by layers and features, were done. The visual results of locational values differed by every programs of coordinate transformation. Errors of locations also appeared from the methods of correcting the visual sources, when deciding the standard source's datum point. The plan's accuracy of the image data coordinate transformation is about ${\pm}4.1m$. In ground distance, therefore, it is included in the allowed error of the 1:25,000 scale changed map, satisfying the plan's accuracy. Also, by the use of reasonably spaced grid, it satisfied the visual topographical accuracy. Because the 3 dimension topographical map can be produced effectively and rapidly by using various scale's standard map image and the digital map, the further practical use of 3 dimension topographic map made by using the existing topographies and changed maps has high expectations.

A Study on the Design Characteristics of Multimedia Center in Public Library by Space Planning Elements (공공도서관 디지털자료실의 공간계획요소별 디자인특성 연구)

  • Lim, Eun-Young;Hwang, Yeon-Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 2018
  • A public library is changing into a place where people can freely acquire and make use of information in digital environment with the basic ideology of publicity. In spite of such changes, multimedia center is still biased with the function of computer room to use PC and is not used actively by many users. This study can be summarized and concluded as follows and spatial characteristics of digital data room of public library can make use of space planning elements by aspects as an analysis tool. First, designed characteristics focusing too much on the possession of seats for reading digital data. Therefore, spatial planning for users to choose necessary facilities according to the data they wish to read and type of users is needed. Second, interior tone of multimedia center is applied with identical color for all floors, walls, and ceilings, to create sense of unification. However, due to the arrangement of similar colors, while using identical brightness and chroma, some users felt difficult to realize shape or depth in space. It is more appropriate to apply distinctive color plan according to the characteristic of the data or space region, in order to create pleasant digital environment for visually weaker people or elderly. Third, psychological or technical factors of multimedia center is not sufficiently applied in space planning elements for users. In order for various digital service of public library to be technically implemented, it is necessary to organize open space by expanding the size of multimedia center to utilize high-tech facilities.

Deriving required functions and developing a working prototype of EPG on digital TV (디지털 TV EPG 사용자 요구 기능 도출 및 워킹 프로토타잎 개발)

  • Park, Ji-Su;Lee, U-Hun;Ryu, Dong-Seok
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.55-80
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    • 2004
  • Multichannel on digital TV not only gave opportunities to the TV audience to view a wide range of programs. but also made it difficult for them to search for the program which they plan to view among over 1000 programs broadcasted on more than 100 channels. In this paper the functions of EPG (Electronic Program Guides) required by the users on digital TV were derived from the systematic analysis of multichannel viewing situations. In the situation analysis the situations where they viewed programs on more than 100 channels were generated systematically and the viewing processes in those situations were analyzed to identify user needs and derive the required functions of EPG. We surveyed the viewing behavior of the audience who subscribed to a digital satellite broadcast. SkyPerfecTV. in Tokyo. Japan. The purpose of the survey was to verify the validity of the functions derived from the situation analysis and to identify hidden user needs which were difficult to in the situation analysis. The functions were implemented on a working prototype of EPG based on a digital TV simulator which broadcasts 500 programs on 100 channels and can be controlled by three working prototypes of personal remote controllers. The working prototype will be used in Participatory Design to make it possible for the users to experience and verify the usefulness of the required functions of EPG and also find problems in user interface design of EPG

A Study on the Construction and Utilization of Digital Archives for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Korea (국내 무형문화유산 디지털 아카이브 구축 및 활용을 위한 연구)

  • Han, Hui-Jeong;Oh, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Tae-Young;Kim, Yong
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.95-134
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    • 2016
  • The intangible cultural heritage possesses the extremely important meaning and value irrespective of its form. The value of the intangible cultural heritage becomes the important driving force in the social development as useful resources of reflecting social aspects and historical records that the life and tradition of past is delivered. Hence, this study aims to propose the method to manage and provide of the intangible cultural heritage syntagmatically from the digital aspect. For this the plan, the study compared and analyzed the current status of digital archiving of intangible cultural heritage. Consequently, based on the analysis, policy based on cultural governance and standardized management factors were developed. The method to materialize digital contents was developed for constructing digital archives and utilization of intangible cultural heritage can be facilitated.