• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Economics

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The Purchasing Status of the Avatars and Digital Fashion Items in Metaverse and Consumers' Purchase Satisfaction and the Future Purchase Intentions According to Usage Motivation (메타버스 디지털 아이템 이용 실태 및 이용동기에 따른 만족도 및 추후 구매의사)

  • Kim, Nam Eun;Lee, Jeong Ran
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.133-148
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to explore the status and motives for using avatars and digital fashion items in the metaverse and to examine consumers' purchase satisfaction and future purchase intentions. We intend to provide implications for the development of avatars and fashion items, and the direction of the fashion industry and clothing education. For this purpose, the purchasing status, consumer motives for using avatars and digital fashion items, purchase satisfaction, and future purchase intentions were investigated, through a survey with 149 consumers aged 19 years or older, with the experience of using avatars. The results are as follows. First, the percentage of avatar ownership was high among women aged between 19 and 29, and those with low or high incomes. The younger group was more likely to make mobile phone purchases than the older group, and the older group was more likely to use credit cards. Even those respondents who owned avatars did not purchase frequently or spent a lot on items. On the other hand, in the case of fashion item purchases, the group spending more than 8,000 won was aged between 19 and 29, and the frequency and amount of purchases increased as income increase. Second, among the motives for using avatars and fashion items, the pursuit of pleasure had the greatest influence, and men paid more attention to self-expression through avatars than women. Third, the motive for vicarious satisfaction influenced purchase satisfaction, and the factors that influenced future purchase intention were vicarious satisfaction and stress relief. The results of this study suggests that avatars and fashion items should be developed considering factors that can relieve stress for all age groups, create a sense of unity among metaverse users, and provide satisfaction in a virtual world that is different from reality. In addition, education on how to use fashion items and consumption attitudes in education related to clothing life will be required.

Organizational Design for New Product Architecture Development: Comparative Analysis of Sharp and Casio on PDA Development (신규 제품아키텍처 개발을 위한 기업조직의 설계: PDA 개발에 있어 샤프와 카시오의 개발조직 비교 분석)

  • Wi John-H.
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the organizational design and management of product development in creating new product architecture by an established firm. For the purpose, the paper put up the organizational design in the process of PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) development of Sharp and Casio which were Japanese major PDA firms in 1990s. PDA is the product born through architectural change from Electronic Organizer. Prior research on the product architecture change and organizational adaptation emphasized that an established firm is difficult to adapt to new product architecture due to the restriction of prior technology or organizational inertia. For overcoming these problems and successful development of new product architecture, organizational design and management in the process of product development becomes essential. In case of Sharp, corporate development project team had been used to overcome the restrictions from architectural knowledge accumulated through previous product. After launching first new PDA by corporate development project team, Sharp created a new division and pushed an evolution of PDA, when new PDA market start to grow up rapidly toward a major market segmentation. As a result, Sharp was able to build up stable PDA project trajectory. However, Casio was late for three years in launching of new PDA architecture because previous division charging of Electronic Organizer tried to develop first new PDA. Casio's PDA development was prohibited by engineers of previous division because new PDA architecture was inferior on user interface and display definition. That is, Casio's first PDA development was restricted by architectural knowledge of previous product.

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The Internal Meanings of Dolls and Dolls' Images Expressed in Modern Fashion Show (현대 패션쇼에 나타나는 인형과 인형이미지의 내적 의미)

  • Yoo, Ju Yeon;Kwon, Gi Young
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal meanings of dolls and dolls' images expressed in modern fashion show. Dolls are used as sacred object, decoration object, playing object, personified object or cherished object. The expression types of doll image in modern fashion are as following; substitutes of multi-ego, object of sexual desire, objectified creature, and medium of transcending fantasy. First, dolls image as substitutes of multi-ego had been expressed in magical expression, disgusting mask, transparent mannequin, expressionless, horror, conflict, loss of identity, exaggeration or escapism. Second, as object of sexual desire, dolls image are expressed as naked baby, ambiguous expression, naked body, voluminous body, emphasized specific bodypart, heavy makeup or wax doll of sexy actresses. Third, as objectified creature, dolls are human body in passive form. Human bodies are disassembled and reassembled as dolls. Such dolls reflect serious reality. They wrap up human like product and objectify it. Fourth, dolls image expressed as medium of transcending fantasy recollects youth age or expresses imagination on ambiguous virtual reality. Like this, dolls have value as creatures in various fields of modern fashion. Dolls contribute a lot in creating important inspiration. Dolls also expose internal mentality and represent ego. Externally, dolls express human shape becoming more and more materialized and objectified by advancing scientific technology in digital capitalistic society.

A Study on the strategic points(6C) of e-Port in KwangYang Port (e-CRM을 위한 광양항(光陽港)의 e-Port화(化) 전략요소(戰略要素)(6C)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Heung-Seob
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2001
  • The managing strategies of each enterprise has been fundamentally changed due to the emergence of digital economics by using the internet. Therefore it is indispensable for each enterprise to be changed their business strategies. With a view to meeting the change of new economic paradigm, they are efforting to build a infrastructure for information and communication, induce foreign capital, reconsider their conditions of location, draw the law concerned and reinforce education for experts etc. In consideration of these change, the KwangYang port have to introduce e-Business for the purpose of increasing the level of their competition. We - our government, the companies - concerned with port management should recognize and use efficiently our core competence and potentiality of our port management. To achieve it, firstly port industries are to handle not only international logistic system but also communication, finance and sightseeing. Secondly, the developed off-line system have to be harmonizing with the on-line. Therefore, this paper are focused to suggest the theoretic background by analyzing the strategic points of e-port which are divided in 6C - Contents, Community, Connection, Commerce, Communication and Customization.

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Key Success Factors of Blockchain Platform for Micro-enterprises

  • YANG, Mei-Hsiang;LEE, Tzong-Ru;CHANG, Tin-Chang
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.283-293
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    • 2019
  • The purposes of the study are threefold: (1) develop key successful factors of blockchain platform for micro-enterprises based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC), (2) find out the correlation between the key successful factors of blockchain platform for micro-enterprises, and (3) understand the perception of micro-enterprise blockchain and the difference between theoretical guidance and practical application. This study combines Interpretative Structural Modeling Method, (ISM) and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) to analyze the causal relationships and hierarchical structures of the 12 key successful factors of blockchain platform for micro-enterprises and understand the correlation between factors. The 12 key successful factors developed based on the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard, and the questionnaire designs based on the concept of DEMATEL, and then analyzed data by DEMATEL and ISM methods to understand the correlation between key factors. The research results show that the key successful factors of blockchain platform for micro-enterprises include "brand equity", "security and anti-counterfeiting", "sales growth", "transparency and clear", "trust", "consensus mechanism", "traceability", "consistency", "tracking", "innovation management", "international", "organizational adaptation", in which consumer "trust" plays an important role. Micro-enterprises can use blockchain to expand the market, provide customers with better service quality, and bring sales growth to micro-enterprises.

A Study on Design Methodology of the Advanced Home Automation System (차세대 주택자동화시스템 설계 방법론에 대한 연구)

  • Ko, Yun-Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.1857-1864
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    • 2013
  • In 21 century, it is difficult to define the limit of home automation, Recently, based on the advanced digital communication technology and necessity, The scope of the home automation has widened to home energy management, integrated reading of home and home health care etc. beyond the existing home automation. However, those methodologies reduce the efficiency and economy, and make it harder to realize a compact home automation because those methodologies are proposed independently without a unified standard. Therefore, this paper investigates and analyzes these methodologies, and then proposes an advanced home automation system that enables a compact design and improves the efficiency and economics of the home automation system based on the analyzed result.

신규제품 아키텍처 개발을 위한 기업조직의 설계 -PDA 개발에 있어 샤프와 카시오의 개발조직 비교 분석-

  • Wi, Jeong-Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.44-68
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the organizational design and management of product development in creating new product architecture by an established firm. For the purpose, the paper put up the organizational design in the process of PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) development of Sharp and Casio which were Japanese major PDA firms in 1990s. PDA is the product born through architectural change from Electronic Organizer. Prior research on the product architecture change and organizational adaptation emphasized that an established firm is difficult to adapt to new product architecture due to the restriction of prior technology or organizational inertia. For overcoming these problems and successful development of new product architecture, organizational design and management in the process of product development becomes essential. In case of Sharp, corporate development project team had been used to overcome the restrictions from architectural knowledge accumulated through previous product. After launching first new PDA by corporate development project team, Sharp created a new division and pushed an evolution of PDA, when new PDA market start to grow up rapidly toward a major market segmentation. As a result, Sharp was able to build up stable PDA project trajectory. However, Casio was late for three years in launching of new PDA architecture because previous division charging of Electronic Organizer tried to develop first new PDA. Casio's PDA development was prohibited by engineers of previous division because new PDA architecture was inferior on user interface and display definition. That is, Casio's first PDA development was restricted by architectural knowledge of previous product.

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A Study on Vitalization of the Activities of Online Shopping Mall in Quality Management System (품질경영체제에서 온라인쇼핑몰의 활성화에 관한 연구)

  • 김형욱;정인진
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.54-75
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    • 2001
  • The tremendous growth of the Internet, particularly World Wide Web, has resulted in significant changes in commerce environments. Internet has brought significant changes in the economics of marketing channels and has led to a redefinition of industry value chain. Electronic Commerce(EC) has become so important that countries and firms unprepared for this new trend would lose competitive advantages in the coming century of Digital Economy. Despite its importance, current EC markets in Korea are immature and there still exist several barriers to EC development thus excluding business to consumer EC markets. As interest in quality management and its effect on competitive performance has grown, there has been a corresponding proliferation of research. However, the majority of the research on quality management has not evolved in a comprehensive and rigorous fashion, particularly with regard to reliability and validity issues. The purpose of this paper investigates on Vitalization of the Activities of on-line shopping mall under of TQM system in Korea. That would make it possible to remove elements of insecurity and doubt currently felt by many users of on-line shopping mall(internet detail or cyber mall) business. In addition, we tried to find out what factors discourage consumers from using electronic purchasing methods, as well as how perceived quality factors and customer satisfaction when consumers are exposed to the purchase process on the on-line shopping mall business.

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A study on the present condition and hereafter important problems of electronic trade in Korea (우리나라의 전자무역의 최근동향과 향후과제에 대한 연구)

  • Yu, Jae-Keol
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2004
  • Global Electronic Trading means that trading partners trade each other via Global Electronic Trading Network, that is, global business to business electronic commerce. Electronic payment systems are how to make payment electronically in manner that is efficient, reliable, and secure. I suggest the Electronic payment systems such as TradeCard and SWIFT enable seller and buyer to conduct and settle international B2B electronic commerce in case of solving the above problems. And, where the cargo arrives ahead of the B/L, the importer cannot take delivery of the cargo without the B/L. This situation is referred to as the B/L dilemma. But the BOLERO system will resolve this B/L dilemma. Bolero Project is developing a cross industry utility platform for the secure, electronic transfer of commercial trade information world wide.

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A Study on the strategic points(6C) of Global e-Port in Pusan Port & KwangYang Port (Global e-Port화(化)를 위한 부산(釜山)/광양항(光陽港)의 6C 전략(戰略)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Heung-Seob;Song, Sun-Yok
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    • v.16
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    • pp.205-244
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    • 2001
  • The managing strategies of each enterprise has been fundamentally changed due to the emergence of digital economics by using the internet. Therefore it is indispensable for each enterprise to be changed their business strategies. With a view to meeting the change of new economic paradigm, they are efforting to build a infrastructure for information and communication, induce foreign capital, reconsider their conditions of location, draw the law concerned and reinforce education for experts etc. In consideration of these change, the Pusan port & the KwangYang port have to introduce e-Business for the purpose of increasing the level of their competition. We - our government, the companies - concerned with port management should recognize and use efficiently our core competence and potentiality of our port management. To achieve it, firstly port industries are to handle not only international logistic system but also communication, finance and sightseeing. Secondly, the developed off-line system have to be harmonizing with the on-line. Therefore, this paper are focused to suggest the theoretic background by analyzing the strategic points of e-port which are divided in 6C - Contents, Community, Connection, Commerce, Communication and Customization.

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