• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Automation

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Study on the Testing Procedures of IED System Performance based on IEC 61850 (IEC 61850 기반 IED 시스템 성능 시험 절차서에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Nam-Ho;Jang, Byung-Tae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.1-2
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    • 2008
  • Korea Electric Power Research Institute has carried out verification of communication conformance on IEC 61850 based IEDs related to power IT project "Development of Prototype for Advanced Substation Automation System based on the Digital Control Technology". Owing to IEC 61850 international standard and digital substation automation system, IED testing process should be changed from the conventional way to the new way described in the paper. This paper describes IED testing procedures based on substation automation system using UML.

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The User Needs for the Home Automation System as a Composition of Digital Home Design - Through the Case Study of the Apartment Residents Lived in Busan - (디지털홈 구성 요소로서 홈오토메이션 시스템에 대한 거주자 요구 - 부산시 아파트 거주자를 대상으로 -)

  • iChoi, In-Young;Jang, Kyong-Mi;Lee, Tae-Kyung;Jun, Eu-Jung;Park, Soo-Been;Choi, Sung-Heui
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.167-170
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    • 2004
  • This study proposes the method seeking out the user needs for the home automation systems which are one of the compositions of digital home. The findings are as follows. (1) The designing of digital home should be based on the residents' daily life and the their needs for the future house prior to the digital technology, (2) The IT Apartments recently developed in Busan set up the safety and security system and the automatic ventilation system mostly. (3) The residents are more concerned of the safety and security and the comfortable interior environment than convenience and entertainments. (4) The residents have diverse needs for the home automation systems according to their age, residential experience and occupation.

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A Study on Modeling Automation of Human Engineering Simulation Using Multi Kinect Depth Cameras (여러 대의 키넥트 뎁스 카메라를 이용한 인간공학 시뮬레이션 모델링 자동화에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Chanmo;Lee, Ju Yeon;Noh, Sang Do
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2016
  • Applying human engineering simulation to analyzing work capability and movements of operators during manufacturing is highly demanded. However, difficulty in modeling digital human required for simulation makes engineers to be reluctant to utilize human simulation for their tasks. This paper addresses such problem on human engineering simulation by developing the technology to automatize human modeling with multiple Kinects at different depths. The Kinects enable us to acquire the movements of digital human which are essential data for implementing human engineering simulation. In this paper, we present a system for modeling automation of digital human. Especially, the system provides a way of generating the digital model of workers' movement and position using multiple Kinects which cannot be generated by single Kinect. Lastly, we verify the effects of the developed system in terms of modeling time and accuracy by applying the system to four different scenarios. In conclusion, the proposed system makes it possible to generate the digital human model easily and reduce costs and time for human engineering simulation.

Research on Digital Twin Automation Techniques in the Construction Industry through 2D Design Drawing Data Extraction and 3D Spatial Data Construction (2D 설계도면 데이터 추출 및 3차원 공간 데이터 구축을 통한 건설산업 디지털 트윈 자동화 기법 연구)

  • Lee, Jongseo;Moon, Il-YOUNG
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.609-612
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    • 2021
  • Government agencies and companies are establishing and promoting digital transformation strategies in various industrial fields, and are leading the era of the 4th industrial revolution through successful technological innovation. In this time of change, we can see many stories of global companies Nike and Starbucks as successful examples of digital transformation. These two companies are showing successful results through digital transformation. Domestic companies are also conducting digital innovation based on mobile, cloud, IoT, artificial intelligence, and AR/VR technologies, and are establishing RPA (Robotic Process Automation) processes for high efficiency and high productivity. In this paper, we introduce the 3D digital twin space construction automation process technique using data from the entire construction cycle of design, construction, and maintenance of the construction industry, and look into the digital transformation strategy of the construction industry in the future.

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Parallel Connected High Frequency AC Link Inverters Based on Full Digital Control

  • Sha, Deshang;Guo, Zhiqiang;Deng, Kai;Liao, Xiaozhong
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.595-603
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a full digital control strategy for parallel connected modular inverter systems. Each modular inverter is a high frequency (HF) AC link inverter which is composed of a HF inverter and a HF transformer followed by a cycloconverter. To achieve equal sharing of the load current and to suppress the circulating currents among the modules, a three-loop control strategy, consisting of a common output voltage regulation (OVR) loop, individual circulating current suppression (CCS) loops and individual inner current tracking (ICT) loops, is proposed. The ICT loops are implemented with predictive current control from which high precision current tracking can be obtained. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified by simulation and experimental results from parallel connected two full-bridge HF AC link inverter modules.

Digital Control Strategy for Input-Series-Output-Parallel Modular DC/DC Converters

  • Sha, Deshang;Guo, Zhiqiang;Liao, Xiaozhong
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2010
  • Input-series-output-parallel (ISOP) converters consisting of multiple modular DC/DC converters can enable low voltage rating switches to be used under high voltage input applications. This paper presents a digital control strategy, which can achieve equal sharing of input voltage for a modular ISOP system consisting of two-transistor forward DC/DC converters by forcing the input voltages of neighboring modules to be equal. The proposed scheme is analyzed using small signals analysis based on the state space average method. The performance of the proposed control strategy is verified with an experimental prototype of an ISOP converter made up of three two-switch forward converters.

A Digitally Controlled Three-Phase Cycloconverter Type High Frequency AC Link Inverter Using Space Vector Modulation

  • Sha, Deshang;Qin, Zian;Wu, Dan;Liao, Xiaozhong
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, a three phase cycloconverter type high frequency AC link inverter is discussed. The configuration consists of a high frequency full-bridge inverter and a high frequency transformer followed by a three phase cycloconverter whose switch is composed of anti-series connected MOSFETs with a common source. A simple digital control strategy based on space vector modulation (SVM) and repetitive control for the cycloconverter is proposed although its input voltage is a high frequency AC pulse. The operation principle of the proposed control strategy is analyzed and the equivalent working modes during one interval are also presented. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified through Matlab/Simulink simulations and experiments on a 1.45kW prototype.

Full digital control of permanent magnet AC servo motors

  • Lee, Jin-Won;Kim, Dong-Il;Jin, Sang-Hyun;Oh, In-Hwan;Kim, Sungkwun
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1993.10b
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    • pp.218-223
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, we present a full digital control scheme which controls currents and speed of the permanent magnet AC servo motor with large range of bandwidth and high performance. The current equations of the permanent magnet AC servo motor are linearized by feedback linearization technique. Both acceleration feedforward terms and IP controllers, whose gains are functions of motor speed, are used in order to control motor currents. In addition the phase delays in current control loops are compensated by placing phase lead-lag compensators after current commands, which make it possible to avoid high gains in the current controllers. Unity power factor can be achieved by the proposed current controller. Pulsewidth modulation is performed by way of the well-known comparison with a triangular carrier signals. The velocity controller is designed on the basis of the linearized model of the permanent magnet AC servo motor by the proposed current controller. The performance of the entire control system is analyzed in the presence of uncertainty in the motor parameters. The proposed control scheme is implemented using the digital signal processor-based controller composed of an Analog Device ADSP 2111 and a NEC78310. The pulsewidth modulation (PWM) signals are generated through a custom IC, SAMSUNG-PWM1, which has the outputs of current controllers as input. The experimental results show that the permanent magnet AC servo motor can be always driven with high dynamic performance by the proposed full digital control scheme of motor speed and motor current.

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R&D Trends of Substation Automation (변전소 종합 자동화 기술개발 동향)

  • Lee, Bong-Hee;Park, Soon-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.548-550
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    • 2002
  • In this paper the domestic and worldwide trends of substation automation are described in order to cope with the coming new environment in this part On the world market of substation control it will be change from analog technology to digital technology. And the technology of a system integration relevant to a substation automation become more important than that of individual power apparatus. Therefore development of substation automation technology is needed.

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BIM-based Design Automation Tool and Digital Twin Interoperability - Case of the Next Generation Noise Barrier Tunnel - (BIM 기반 설계 자동화 도구와 디지털 트윈의 상호운용성 - 차세대 방음터널의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Seung-Won;Kim, Seong-Jun;Kim, Sung-Ah
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2021
  • Digital twins between "BIM Digital Model-Physical Prototype Model" will be built for Noise Barrier tunnel(NBT) that meet the definition of N.G smart city facilities derived from previous studies to build a data flow that connects data at each stage of design, construction, and operation. In this process, BIM design automation tools are created and utilized, and consistent transmission of member and attribute data is performed by converting them into IFC format. Through this, the purpose is to improve the labor-intensive environment required from the design stage of the NBT and to consistently maintain the information required for subsequent production and construction. This includes achieving changes in the construction industry based on digital transformation by unifying various data formats used differently for each industry from design to operation. In addition, it demonstrates that information exchange in the maintenance and management stages is possible based on the data exchange of the established digital twin and aims to improve the existing labor-intensive environment and expand operability between digital and physical information. As suggested in previous studies, the implementation of digital twins in these N.G smart city facilities includes the possibility of building an environment that adds to the possibility of high value-added product platforms as well as the function of big data platforms targeting existing smart cities.