• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Automation

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The Effect of AI and Big Data on an Entry Firm: Game Theoretic Approach (인공지능과 빅데이터가 시장진입 기업에 미치는 영향관계 분석, 게임이론 적용을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Jikhan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.95-111
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    • 2021
  • Despite the innovation of AI and Big Data, theoretical research bout the effect of AI and Big Data on market competition is still in early stages; therefore, this paper analyzes the effect of AI, Big Data, and data sharing on an entry firm by using game theory. In detail, the firms' business environments are divided into internal and external ones. Then, AI algorithms are divided into algorithms for (1) customer marketing, (2) cost reduction without automation, and (3) cost reduction with automation. Big Data is also divided into external and internal data. this study shows that the sharing of external data does not affect the incumbent firm's algorithms for consumer marketing while lessening the entry firm's entry barrier. Improving the incumbent firm's algorithms for cost reduction (with and without automation) and external data can be an entry barrier for the entry firm. These findings can be helpful (1) to analyze the effect of AI, Big Data, and data sharing on market structure, market competition, and firm behaviors and (2) to design policy for AI and Big Data.

Innovation Resistance, Satisfaction and Performance: Case of Robotic Process Automation (혁신저항, 만족 및 도입 성과에 대한 연구: 로보틱 프로세스 자동화 사례)

  • Yoon, Sungchul;Roh, Jonggeuk;Lee, Jungwoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2021
  • Many organizations are applying robotic process automation (RPA) to automate repetitive and rule based tasks to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of works. Some members are willing to join the projects hoping to eliminate annoying and meaningless tasks, but others are resisting this innovation fearing that they may lose their jobs. In this study, both positive and negative antecedents are posited to influence the performance in adopting RPA. The effects of relative advantage, compatibility, change management effect, innovation resistance and satisfaction, conclusively to performance improvement were examined via a survey of 109 employees involved in the 11 RPA projects in a manufacturing company, and the structural equation model analysis. The research considering the consumer characteristics of the innovation resistance model can be followed for the development of individualized change management strategy.

Lifetime prediction of optocouplers in digital input and output modules based on bayesian tracking approaches

  • Shin, Insun;Kwon, Daeil
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2018
  • Digital input and output modules are widely used to connect digital sensors and actuators to automation systems. Digital I/O modules provide flexible connectivity extension to numerous sensors and actuators and protect systems from high voltages and currents by isolation. Components in digital I/O modules are inevitably affected by operating and environmental conditions, such as high voltage, high current, high temperature, and temperature cycling. Because digital I/O modules transfer signals or isolate the systems from unexpected voltage and current transients, their failures may result in signal transmission failures and damages to sensitive circuitry leading to system malfunction and system shutdown. In this study, the lifetime of optocouplers, one of the critical components in digital I/O modules, was predicted using Bayesian tracking approaches. Accelerated degradation tests were conducted for collecting the critical performance parameter of optocouplers, current transfer ratio (CTR), during their lifetime. Bayesian tracking approaches, including extended Kalman filter and particle filter, were applied to predict the failure. The performance of each prognostic algorithm was then compared using accuracy and robustness-based performance metrics.

A Study on Introduction System of LED Lighting the Possibility of Application in Digital-home (디지털 홈에 적용 가능한 LED조명의 도입방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chun Jung-Oh;Han Hae-Ryon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.14 no.6 s.53
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    • pp.220-227
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    • 2005
  • The development of digital technology makes our life more convenient in our lives and its calmness promotes the qualify of our life. Digital-home-automation system lets indoor-living more free, safe and clear so that it really has come true our life style that considers our mind and healthy to be important. Moreover, LED light source that combines the semiconductor with the digital technology has been tried as a current indoor illumination. Also the Introduction of the light which has a high technology, like LED light, has been required in living space. It shows that it is very important to have an illuminated-plan which is accepted as well-developed technology This study deals with the investigation into the user satisfaction of the existing residential area illumination and the investigation Into the user satisfaction of the LED illumination being supplied for commercial area now. In the result, the fact is investigated that the user wants the introduction of the digital technology in the illumination because of a backward the residental area illumination in the circumstances being digital gradually. The inconvenience of the illumination used now should be minimized and the development of the LED illumination is a way satisfying the desire. The intended illumination project of the residential area should be accomplished according to the lifestyle of a changing residence.

New Seed Detection by Shape Analysis for Construction of Vascular Structures

  • Shim, Hack-Joon;Lee, Hyun-Joon;Yun, Il-Dong;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.427-433
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    • 2010
  • Although tracking methods are efficient and popular for vessel segmentation, they require a seed to initiate an instance of tracking. In this paper, a new method to detect new seeds for tracking of arterial segments from CT angiography (CTA) and to construct a vascular structure is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on shape analysis of connected components in a volume of interest around a vessel segment which was already extracted by tracking. The eigenvalues of the covariance matrix are used as the shape features for detection. The experimental results on actual clinical data showed that the results totally revealed the arterial tree not hindered by bone or veins. In visual comparison to a method which combines registration and subtraction of both pre-contrast and post-contrast CT volumes, the proposed method produced comparable results to the reference method and were confirmed of its feasibility for clinical use of reducing the cost and burden of patients.

A Study on the Automation of Interior Orientation and Relative Orientation (내부표정과 상호표정의 자동화에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Soo;Park, Choung-Hwan;Yun, Kong-Hyun;Yeu, Bock-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 1999
  • Owing to the rapid development of computer system and the introduction of image processing technique, recent photogrammetric studies have been concentrated on the automation of photogrammetric orientation work that have been carried out by skilled professionals in analog and/or analytical pbotogrammetric field. To automate the whole photogrammetric work, the automation of the orientation processes including interior, relative and absolute orientation should be preceded. This study aims to automate interior orientation and relative orientation process. For this purpose, we applied Hough transform to interior orientation process and object space matching technique to relative orientation process. As the result of this study, we can present a method to automate interior and relative orientation process that has been semi-automatically operated in most commercial digital photogrammetric workstations currently available.

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Evolutionary Design of Image Filter Using The Celoxica Rc1000 Board

  • Wang, Jin;Jung, Je-Kyo;Lee, Chong-Ho
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1355-1360
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we approach the problem of image filter design automation using a kind of intrinsic evolvable hardware architecture. For the purpose of implementing the intrinsic evolution process in a common FPGA chip and evolving a complicated digital circuit system-image filter, the design automation system employs the reconfigurable circuit architecture as the reconfigurable component of the EHW. The reconfigurable circuit architecture is inspired by the Cartesian Genetic Programming and the functional level evolution. To increase the speed of the hardware evolution, the whole evolvable hardware system which consists of evolution algorithm unit, fitness value calculation unit and reconfigurable unit are implemented by a commercial FPGA chip. The Celoxica RC1000 card which is fitted with a Xilinx Virtex xcv2000E FPGA chip is employed as the experiment platform. As the result, we conclude the terms of the synthesis report of the image filter design automation system and hardware evolution speed in the Celoxica RC1000 card. The evolved image filter is also compared with the conventional image filter form the point of filtered image quality.

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Development of IEC 61850 based Integration Engineering Tool for Intelligent Electronic Device (IEC 61850 기반의 IED 통합 엔지니어링 툴 개발)

  • Han, Jeong-Yeol;Ahn, Yong-Ho;Jang, Byung-Tae;Song, In-Jun;Kim, Yong-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2010
  • In order to construct the IEC 61850 based substation automation system, the IED integration engineering tool is necessary to cope with the substation automation by full digital devices in the real power system. Compared the configuration tools provided IED vendors which are able to support the operation and communication analysis among IEDs, the XML based IED integration engineering tool can build, edit and save the ICD, SCL and CID files. Particularly, the IED integration engineering tool is possible to apply the IEC 61850 based IEDs to engineering the systems and also provides the reliability and efficiency of the system to the utilities and manufacturers.

Implementation and Experimental Evaluation of Bandwidth Allocation Scheme on MS/TP Protocol (MS/TP 프로토콜에서 대역폭할당기법 구현 및 실험적 평가)

  • Kwon, Young-Chan;Hong, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.1144-1155
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    • 2006
  • Digital communication networks have become a core technology in advanced building automation systems. BACnet(Building Automation and Control networks) is a standard data communication protocol designed specifically for building automation and control systems. BACnet adopts Master-Slave/Token-Passing(MS/TP) protocol as one of its field level networks. In this study, we introduce a method of implementing a bandwidth allocation scheme in the MS/TP protocol. The bandwidth allocation scheme improves the capability of real-time communication of the original MS/TP protocol. The bandwidth allocation scheme introduced in this paper can be easily implemented in the existing MS/TP protocol with a slight modification. In this study, we actually developed the hardware and firmware of the modified MS/TP communication module in which the bandwidth allocation scheme is implemented. Using the modified MS/TP communication module, we developed an experimental model in order to examine the validity of the bandwidth allocation scheme in the MS/TP protocol. Experimental results show that the modified MS/TP protocol satisfies the requirements of real time communication for periodic and urgent messages of BACnet communication services.

Development of a injection molding automation system of busbar insert for the electric vehicle (전기 자동차 부스바 인서트 사출 자동화 시스템 개발)

  • Jong-Su Kim
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2024
  • Injection molding is a process widely used across various industries for molding plastics, and it is the most commonly applied process in root industries utilizing molds. Among the different types of injection molding, insert injection molding, where busbars are used as inserts, is increasingly being applied in the electric vehicle industry. However, currently, the insert injection molding process is manually performed, with workers placing insert components by hand before injection molding. This results in issues related to productivity, safety, and quality. Additionally, there is a growing demand for automation of such production lines due to hazardous working conditions, economic difficulties in the manufacturing industry, and the decline in the labor force caused by an aging population. This study focuses on the application of an automated system for the insert injection molding process used in electric vehicles. The development of an automated system for the transport and insertion of insert components, as well as the inspection and stacking processes after injection, has resulted in over a 25% improvement in productivity and more than a 27% reduction in defect rates.