• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Aging

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The Expressive Characteristics of Morphing in Fashion Design (패션디자인에 나타난 몰핑의 표현특성)

  • Choi, Jung Hwa;Choi, Yoo Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of morphing in fashion design through the documentaries on morphing and fashion. The characteristics of morphing in fine art, media, and design area were categorized as reversible metamorphosis, sequential dissolve and blurring of interpolation boundaries. The results were as follow in fashion design. Reversible metamorphosis showed an automatic silhouette transformation by remote control, the metamorphosis of folding method by wearer's own movements and the automatic silhouette transformation by the air pressurizing method. It represented the thoughts of omnipotence as in the feeling of the magical world, the human desire for control in life, the rationalization of magical thinking and imaginative power, the creation of a new dress space and the extension of dress function. Sequential dissolve showed juxtaposition in the same area by the time order, juxtaposition in virtual space through the computer graphics, the series of fashion photography by steel cut of the dress making process and the blending of digital film and fashion design. It represented the approach for the storytelling of fashion show, implication of creative fashion design process and the creation of organic forms and the feeling of fantasy through artificial technology. The blurring of interpolation boundary showed an overlay of different fabrics with transparent boundaries, an overlay of different patterns with transparent boundaries and the blending of fabrics through the visual mixing of color. It represented the obfuscation of the object, the connotation of the space order, the connotation of the extensive and various meanings and the integrative property of objects.

A Study on Purchase and Wearing Condition of Outdoor Wear among Active Senior Males (액티브 시니어 남성의 아웃도어 웨어 구매 및 착용 실태)

  • Kim, Ji Eun;Kim, Eun Kyong
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.736-748
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to offer basic data that can be used for clothing industry for active senior males emerging as a new consumer bracket in the rapid aging age. To this end, this study conducted a questionnaire survey on consumers' wearing condition targeting active senior males. As a result of the questionnaire survey targeting active senior males, the outdoor wear items that they had the most were windbreaker jackets, long pants, and they said the most important reason for their preferred brand was wearing sensation. The matters to consider in purchasing outdoor wear were also wearing sensation and size. Consequently, the active senior males regard wearing sensation as very important. The measurements that they felt uncomfortable by body part were the abdominal extension circumference, sleeve length and jacket length of a jacket, and the rise and lengths of pants. To design the outdoor wear patterns suitable for the active senior male's body type, the pattern measurements of these body parts need to be modified. From the fact-finding survey result on outdoor wear companies, their measurement indicating method was the same for jackets, but each brand used different methods for pants. Based on the results of this survey, outdoor wear needs to be developed to meet active senior needs.

A Development of Wrist type Monitoring System for Smart Home Healthcare (스마트홈의 헬스케어를 위한 손목형 생체신호 감시 장치 개발)

  • Lee, Gun-Ki;Lee, Ju-Won;Jeong, Won-Geun;Lee, Han-Wook;Jang, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.2349-2354
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    • 2006
  • Due to technological developments and the joint effect of both new social and economic needs and constraints, telemedicine is expanding rapidly through a variety of applications. Especially, owing to the rapid aging of society and increasing the wish for well being life, we take interest in health care services for people with special needs who wish to remain independent and living in their own home. We have focused on tole-monitoring to real-time medical signal and environment factor which is an influence on medical signal. We monitor the six signal(medical signal and environment factor), and transmit that signal to computer on bluetooth network. We get the information after using the some digital signal processing system, and display that information on the real-time monitoring system. We developed the measurer as portable type in older to non-restrained monitor.

An Empirical Study on the Factors and Resolution Methods of the Smart Divide of Older Adults (노년층의 스마트 정보격차 요인 및 해소방안에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Paek, Kihun;Bong, Jinsook;Shin, Yongtae
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.42 no.10
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    • pp.1207-1221
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    • 2015
  • This research was conducted both to analyze the determining factors of and to suggest resolution methods for the smart divide of adults over 65 years of age in the rapidly aging society of the 2000s and the smart society of the 2010s following the information society of the 1990s. The research model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) includes 6 determining factors derived from existing studies: Self Efficacy, Training, Accessibility, Playfulness, Cost Rationality, and Policy Support. Research data were collected through a survey given to a total of 243 older adults in 14 Senior Welfare Centers nationwide, and research hypotheses were verified by structural equation model (SEM) analysis. The results of this research that gives priority to the order of Political Support, Playfulness, Self Efficacy, Accessibility, Cost Rationality, and Training can be used to develop various resolution methods for the smart divide of adults over 65 years of age.

An analysis on the Deconstructed Visage in Fashion Illustration - Based on the Deconstructed Visage of Francis Bacon's Painting - (패션 일러스트레이션에 나타난 얼굴해체 - 프란시스 베이컨 회화의 얼굴해체를 바탕으로 -)

  • Choi, Jung-Hwa;Choi, Yoo-Jin
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.874-885
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzes the visage in fashion illustration based on the deconstructed visage of Francis Bacon's paintings as well as analyzes fashion illustration works since 2000. The deconstructed visages in Francis Bacon's paintings are classified as blurring, elimination, distortion and division. The expressive methods and meanings in fashion illustration (according to categorization) are as follow. Blurring shows an ambiguous visage organ by the sweeping of the brush, removal of a boundary among the visage, body and clothes, gradation of organic line like visage shapes, stretching of the a plat combined to visage and fragmentation of visage. It represents an uncertainty of the fashion theme and image interpretation, impossibility of figure by ambiguity, fantastic effect and the induction of the uncanny. Elimination shows the background color's painting of a photo-montage, overlap of a cutting of visage's part and background of a plat, elimination of the visage and the elimination of eyes, nose or lips. It represents a weakened identity, the reinforcement of anonymity, creation of a violent image, and uncanny unfamiliarity. Distortion shows a distorted visage by free drawing, and unconscious drawing line, fluid digital body, combination of an unconscious curve, and an eccentric combination of the accidental. It represents the relief of specialty about realistic existence, hypothetical immateriality and fantasy. Division shows overlapped visages with different angles, the weird combination of a plural visage and different species and a plural breakaway of direction, and the position of several organs. It represents motion by power's trace, non-territory of species, ambiguity and uncertainty and the uncanny.

Design of Low Power and High Speed NCL Gates (저전력 고속 NCL 비동기 게이트 설계)

  • Kim, Kyung Ki
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.112-118
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    • 2015
  • Conventional synchronous circuits cannot keep the circuit performance, and cannot even guarantee correct operations under the influence of PVT variations and aging effects in the nanometer regime. Therefore, in this paper, a DI (delay insensitive) design based NCL (Null Convention Logic) design methodology with a very simple design structure has been used to design digital systems, which is one of well-known asynchronous design methods robust to various variations and does not require any timing analysis. Because circuit-level structures of conventional NCL gates have weakness of low speed, high area overhead or high wire complexity, this paper proposes a new lNCL gates designed at the transistor level for high-speed, low area overhead, and low wire complexity. The proposed NCL gate libraries have been compared to the conventional NCL gates in terms of circuit delay, area and power consumption using a asynchronous multiplier implemented in dongbu 0.11um CMOS technology.

Analysis on Foot Measurements of Elderly Women for Ergonomic Shoes Design (인간공학적 신발설계를 위한 노년여성 발측정치 분석)

  • Park, Soon-Jee;Chae, Hye-Seon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2008
  • This study was designed to figure out the changes in elderly women's foot size and shape by aging, to propose size specification for elderly women's shoes, and to produce regression equations using representative measurements items to estimate other measurements usually hard to get. Subjects were 118 women of 30-59 years and the 227 elderly women over 60 years. Martin's anthropometry was done on the right foot of each subject for 25 items. And 11 indirect measurement items were measured on both foot printing sole outline and picture in profile taken by digital camera. For statistical analysis on the anthropometric measurements by SPSS program, analysis of variance, post-hoc test(SNK-test), crosstabulation, multiple correlation analysis, regression analysis were performed. The results of the study are as follows. Firstly, it was found that the foot figures of elderly women over 60 years were smaller in girth and width than those of below 60 years. In addition, it was revealed that a big toe and a little toe of elderly women showed a tendency concentrating to the central axis of feet. The foot index of elderly was smaller in width and girth. Secondly, foot size distribution table of elderly group showed wider size ranges and covered smaller sizes than the below the age of 60, meaning wide variation in foot size of elderly women. Thirdly, the multiple correlation analysis showed high correlation of foot length/girth to other measurements, suggesting these two items could be used as representative items for elderly women's shoe size specification as other age groups. Regression equations were produced using foot length/girth to estimate other measurements, suggesting such items could be estimated effectively and utilized in on/off-line shoe manufacturing shop as heel to big toe length, heel to little toe length, exterior malleouls width, instep girth, ankle girth, etc. These results imply prudent features of elderly women's foot as diversity of foot shape and wide size specification range should be applied for ergonomic shoe design for them.

Effect of Leonurus japonicus Houtt. on Scopolamine-induced Memory Impairment in Mice (Scopolamine 유발 기억 손상 마우스에서 익모초의 효과)

  • Lee, Jihye;Kim, Hye-Jeong;Jang, Gwi Yeong;Seo, Kyung Hye;Kim, Mi Ryeo;Choi, Yun Hee;Jung, Ji Wook
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2020
  • Cognitive impairment is symptoms of dementia, a degenerative brain disease that is drawing attention in a rapidly aging society. This study was conducted to investigate the improvement of cognitive function of Leonurus japonicus on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice and the effect and mechanism of memory recovery. In vivo studies were conducted on mice orally pretreated with L. japonicus in doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg (p.o.) and scopolamine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) were injected 30 min before the behavioral task. Antioxidant activity was assessed by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) assay and 2,2-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assay, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition activity evaluated by Ellman's method. In behavior studies showed that L. japonicus has an improved the memory of scopolamine-treated mice in Y-maze, passive avoidance and Morris water maze test. In addition, L. japonicus was also exerted free radical scavenging activity and inhibited acetyl cholinesterase activity. These results suggest that L. japonicus improves short-term and long-term memory in scopolamine-induced memory decline model and prevents scopolamine-induced memory impairments through in reduced oxidative stress and acetyl cholinesterase inhibition effect. Thus, L. japonicus is related to functional medicinal materials for prevention and treatment of human dementia patients.

Automatic Tuning Architecture of RC Time-Constant due to the Variation of Integrated Passive Components (집적된 수동 소자 변동에 의한 RC 시상수 자동 보정 기법)

  • Lee, Sung-Dae;Hong, Kuk-Tae;Jang, Myung-Jun;Chung, Kang-Min
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, on-chp atomatic tuning circuit, using proposed integration level approximation technique, is designed to tuning of the variation of RC time-constant due to aging or temperature variation, etc. This circuit reduces the error, the difference between code values and real outputs of integrator, which is drawback of presented dual-slope tuning circuit and eliminates modulations of processing signals in integrated circuit due to fixed tuning codes during ordinary operation. This system is made up of simple integrator, A/D converter and digital control circuit and all capacitors are replaced by programed capacitor arrays in this system. This tuning circuit with 4 bit resolution achieves $-9.74{\sim}+9.68%$ of RC time constant error for 50% resistance variation.

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Development of Structure Dynamic Characteristics Analysis System Prototype using Image Processing Technique (영상처리기법을 이용한 구조물 동특성 분석 시스템 프로토타입 개발)

  • Jo, Byung-Wan;Lee, Yun-Sung;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Do-Keun;Yoon, Kwang-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2016
  • Recently, structure safety management techniques using cutting-edge technology(Displacement senor, sensor of acceleration) has emerged as an important issue owing to the aging of infrastructure such as bridge and building. In general, the structural monitoring system for structure safety management is based on IT technology and it is expensive to install. In this paper developed an image-based structure dynamic characteristic analysis system prototype to assess the damage of structure in a more cost-effective way than traditional structure health monitoring system. The inspector can take a video of buildings or other structures with digital camera or any other devices that is passible to take video, and then using NCC calculation for image processing technique to get natural frequency. This system is analysis of damage of the structure using a compare between the frequency response ratio and functions when problems are occurs send alarm to administrator. This system is easier to install and remove than previous monitoring sensor in economical way.