• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Aerial Image

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Optimal Resolution of Aerial Photo for Construction of Image Database (영상데이타베이스 구축을 위한 항공사진의 최적해상도)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Lee, Seung-Ho;Park, Hong-Gi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.8 no.2 s.16
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2000
  • The Quality and Accuracy of digital image is important factor for decision of accuracy in digital photogrammetry because all the inside works in digital photogrammetry are based on digital image. But it is still difficult to ensure quality assurance and appication of data because there is no distinct criterion about quality and accuracy of digital image when the works in digital photogrammetry is accomplished. This study presents optimal resolution of aerial photo through error analysis of image coordinate using auto inner orientation in digital photograrnrnetry workstation. In second step, we are valified to optimum resolution of aerial photo image with orientation analysis. Finally, we are established to validity optimal resolution of aerial photo image with production of ortho image and mosaic image using optimal resolution aerial photo image.

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Production of Digital Image Map using Aerial Photo and Geospatial Information System (항공사진과 지형공간정보체계를 이용한 수치영상지도 제작연구)

  • Sohn, Duk-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.207-220
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    • 1997
  • This study aims to develope the production method of digital image map of high capable utiliy and terrain interpretability using aerial photo and Geospatial Information System. Theory and efficient practical method was studied to generate tile digital image map with low-cost personal computer system using the merging procedure of raster scanned aerial photo and vector topographic map. Determination theory of ground coordinates, digital image processing, production of digital elevation model was reviewed. And some chariteristics of digital image map, image collection method and significant concepts of digital image processing was studied. Also input and output way of image data to generate the digital image nap, production method of orthophoto map using aerial photo through digital differential rectification was studied. As the result, digital image map was produced and analyzed through the above mentioned procedures.

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DEM Accuracy Assessment of Color Aerial Image (천연색 항공영상의 수치표고모형 정확도 평가)

  • 김감래;황원순;전호원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.259-262
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    • 2004
  • There is the case to make the image map by using color aerial photo, DEM gives the accuracy of the Ortho image. Therefore We evaluate the accuracy by digital photogrammetric system after generating the DEM of Color Aerial Image.

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High Quality Ortho-image Production Using the High Resolution DMCII Aerial Image (고해상도 DMCII 항공영상을 이용한 고품질 정사영상 제작)

  • Kim, Jong Nam;Um, Dae Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2015
  • An Ortho-image is the production of removed geometrical displacement, which is generated the aerial image distortion and the relief displacement, etc., using the DSM (Digital Surface Model). Accordingly, the resolution of raw image and the accuracy of DSM will has significant impacts on the ortho-image accuracy. Since the latest DMCII250 aerial camera delivers the high resolution images with five centimeters Ground Sampling Distance(GSD), it expects to generate the high density point clouds and the high quality ortho-images. Therefore, this research has planned for reviewing the potentiality and accuracy of high quality ortho-image production. Following to proceed the research, DSM has been produced through the high density point cloud extracted from DMCII250 aerial image to supply of high density DSM by creation of ortho-image. The research results has been identified that images with the DSM brought out higher degrees in positional accuracy and quality of ortho-image, compared with the ortho-image, produced from the existing digital terrain map or DSM data.

Analysis of Position Accuracy of Topography using LiDAR Data (LiDAR 데이터를 이용한 지형지물의 위치정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Suk;Kim, Seong-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.270-278
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    • 2008
  • This study : An analysis of position accuracy of topography according to using LiDAR data, aerial photo and digital map for a study area was conducted. The study area was selected in Hadan area, Sahagu, Busan aerial LiDAR data and aerial photo in the scales of 1:20,000, which are high tech surveying ways were used. The final digital orthoimage according to orientation process for each image and image resampling was producted. Using it, a checkpoint was chosen, information about the checkpoints selected was extracted, a coordinate of Horizontal Position through the screen digitizing was also extracted. Both the coordinates of LiDAR data and aerial photo using digital map in the scales of 1:20,000 announced to the public from NGII(National Geographic Information Institute) were gradually compared and analyzed. Based on the digital map, as a result of being both compared and analyzed, it has shown to us that horizontal position of aerial photo is more accurate than that of aerial LiDAR surveying (RMSE-building x:24cm, y:26cm).


  • Han, Seung-Hee;Bae, Yeon-Soung;Kim, Hong-Jin;Bae, Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.899-902
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    • 2006
  • For a quick and accurate 3D modelling of a building, laser scanning data, digital maps, aerial photographs and satellite images should be fusioned. Moreover, library establishment according to a standard structure of a building and effective texturing method are required in order to determine the structure of a building. In this study, we made a standard library by categorizing Korean village forms and presented a model that can predict a structure of a building from a shape of the roof on an aerial photo image. We made an ortho image using the high-definition digital image and considerable amount of ground scanning point cloud and mapped this image. These methods enabled a more quick and accurate building modelling.

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The comparative study of PKNU2 Image and Aerial photo & satellite image

  • Lee, Chang-Hun;Choi, Chul-Uong;Kim, Ho-Yong;Jung, Hei-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.453-454
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    • 2003
  • Most research materials (data), which are used for the study of digital mapping and digital elevation model (DEM) in the field of Remote Sensing and Aerial Photogrammetry are aerial photographs and satellite images. Additionally, they are also used for National land mapping, National land management, environment management, military purposes, resource exploration and Earth surface analysis etc. Although aerial photographs have high resolution, the data, which they contain, are not used for environment exploration that requires continuous observation because of problems caused by its coastline, as well as single - spectral and long-term periodic image. In addition to this, they are difficult to interpret precisely because Satellite Images are influenced by atmospheric phenomena at the time of photographing, and have by far much lower resolution than existing aerial photographs, while they have a great practical usability because they are mulitispectral images. The PKNU 2 is an aerial photographing system that is made to compensate with the weak points of existing aerial photograph and satellite images. It is able to take pictures of very high resolution using a color digital camera with 6 million pixels and a color infrared camera, and can take perpendicular photographs because PKNU 2 system has equipment that makes the cameras stay level. Moreover, it is very cheap to take pictures by using super light aircraft as a platform. It has much higher resolution than exiting aerial photographs and satellite images because it flies at a low altitude about 800m. The PKNU 2 can obtain multispectral images of visible to near infrared band so that it is good to manage environment and to make a classified diagram of vegetation.

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Suitability of the PKNU 2 System for Generating the Orthophoto Map

  • Lee, Eun-Khung;Lee, Chang-Hun;Choi, Chul-Uong;Kim, Young-Seup
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.100-102
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    • 2003
  • This system is capable of obtaining quantitative information from images using natural features on the ortho-image maps that correspond with those from topographical maps. However, the qualitative information can also be obtained because because of the excellent visibility of ortho-image maps. There are plenty of promise for the use of ortho-image maps in the next generation topographic technology because of its wider applicability within the field. In keeping with the cutting edge, we produced ortho-image maps by scanning a specified area in narrow sections using the PKNU 2: a multispectral digital aerial photographing system made by ourselves. We evaluated the precision of the ortho-image maps, and performed an evaluation of the PKNU 2 system's capacity to improve the equipment of the PKNU 2. Ortho-image maps were made using Ground Control Points (GCPs) which were obtained from digital maps and aerial photographs of the PKNU 2. Thus, we demonstrated that it was possible to produce the ortho-image maps, which has a good constant level rate of less than 1m. The PKNU 2 system needs to be improving in the sensitivity of level maintenance equipment in the evaluation in terms of performance. It is thus required to survey the GCPs precisely for an accurate study.

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Ortho-rectification of a Digital Aerial Image using LiDAR-derived Elevation Model in Forested Area

  • Yoon, Jong-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2008
  • The quality of orthoimages mainly depends on the elevation information and exterior orientation (EO) parameters. Since LiDAR data directly provides the elevation information over the earth's surface including buildings and trees, the concept of true orthorectification has been rapidly developed and implemented. If a LiDAR-driven digital surface model (DSM) is used for orthorectification, the displacements caused by trees and buildings are effectively removed when compared with the conventional orthoimages processed with a digital elevation model (DEM). This study utilized LiDAR data to generate orthorectified digital aerial images. Experimental orthoimages were produced using digital terrain model (DTM) and DSM. For the preparation of orthorectification, EO components, one of the inputs for orthorectification, were adjusted with the ground control points (GCPs) collected from the LiDAR point data, and the ground points were extracted by a filtering method used in a previous research. The orthoimage generated by DSM corresponded more closely to non-ground LiDAR points than the orthoimage produced by DTM.

Accuracy Analysis of Aerial Photogrammetry for Digital Cadastral Map (수치지적도화를 위한 항공사진측량의 정확도 분석)

  • Yun, Bu-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.6_3
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    • pp.1191-1197
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    • 2022
  • Recently, many studies have been conducted to utilize the digital aerial photogrammetry method in the field of cadastral surveying. The representative models of digital cameras currently used for aerial photogrammetry are classified into line-type and convex-type cameras, so the representative models were selected and analyzed. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the accuracy suggested by the cadastral survey enforcement rules was satisfied by comparing the orthogonal and ortho image performance. As a result, there were some representative false points that exceeded the acceptable range, but the results extracted from most of the images were shown to satisfy the acceptable range. Therefore, it can be said that the application of digital aerial photogrammetry to the cadastral field in the technical aspect has sufficient potential.