• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dicom

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Implementation of Medical Diagnostic Information System and Conformance Test of Medical Image in Mobile Environment (모바일 환경에서 의료 진단 정보 시스템의 구현 및 의료 영상의 적합성 평가)

  • Cho, Chung-Ho;Kim, Gwang-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.713-720
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    • 2015
  • As the hand-held mobile devices are widely used, they are recently coming into convergence with medical diagnostic systems. Furthermore, the wireless mobile Internet and the various kinds of communication devices are rapidly coming into wide use converging with medical technology. The mobile communication environments can make people get more health care services beyond space and time. In this paper, we implement and evaluate the mobile client and the medical diagnostic information server for transmitting, searching and updating the medical diagnostic information. The DICOM CT image and the compressed JPEG 2000 CT image are statistically evaluated by t-test performance whether those images are clinically appropriate. In the case of the DICOM CT image, we realize that the average value is relatively more appropriate to the clinical diagnosis than the JPEG 2000 CT image.

Implementation of Intelligent Medical Image Retrieval System HIPS (지능형 의료영상검색시스템 HIPS 구현)

  • Kim, Jong-Min;Ryu, Gab-Sang
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2016
  • This paper describes the construction of knowledge data retrieval management system based on medical image CT. The developed system is aimed to improve the efficiency of the hospital by reading the medical images using the intelligent retrieval technology and diagnosing the patient 's disease name. In this study, the medical image DICOM file of PACS is read, the image is processed, and feature values are extracted and stored in the database. We have implemented a system that retrieves similarity by comparing new CT images required for medical treatment with the feature values of other CTs stored in the database. After converting 100 CT dicom provided for academic research into JPEG files, Code Book Library was constructed using SIFT, CS-LBP and K-Mean Clustering algorithms. Through the database optimization, the similarity of the new CT image to the existing data is searched and the result is confirmed, so that it can be utilized for the diagnosis and diagnosis of the patient.

Monte Carlo Simulation for absorbed dose in PMMA phantom during the low-energy X-ray irradiation (저 에너지 X선 조사 시 PMMA 팬텀 내의 흡수선량 평가를 위한 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Sang-Tae;Kang, Sang-Koo;Kim, Chong-Yeal
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.383-389
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    • 2011
  • This study offered a new method to calculate absorbed dose of actual patients through Monte Carlo Simulation by using the linkage of Geant4 and DICOM, and, the experimental value of absorbed dose at the center and Geant 4 simulation result according to the depth of PMMA mock phantom were compared by using MOSEF in order to verify Geant4 calculation code. In the area where there was no air space between the irregular gap due to incomplete compression of PMMA slab, the differences were $0.46{\pm}4.69$ percent and $-0.75{\pm}5.19$percent in $15{\times}15cm^2$ and $20{\times}20cm^2$ respectively. Excluding the error due to incomplete compression of PMMA mock phantom, the calculation values of the Monte Carlo simulation by linkage of Geant4 and DICOM was the same.

Efficient Sharing System of Medical Information for Interoperability between PACS System (PACS 시스템간 상호운용성을 위한 효율적인 의료 정보공유시스템)

  • Cho, Ik-Sung;Kwon, Hyeong-Soong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.498-504
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    • 2009
  • In the PACS system, the radiology image(X-ray) and its report are saved as separated parts. The exchange of the radiology image between clinics that installed this system are easily achieved by the DICOM standardization. But it is difficult to exchange the radiology report between clinics because a solution of PACS system is different according to manufacturers. The radiology report should be unified the vocabulary and the type of code for effective sharing and exchanging, and also the radiology image and its report should be integrated for the accurate analysis. In this paper, we propose the sharing system of medical information based on HL7-CDA, it defines the templates and converts the structured documents. For this purpose, we design the XML schema of the radiology report and turn the DICOM files into defined schema. The HL7-CDA documents based on XML is easily displayed on web browser and can help the diagnosis by inserting the radiology image.

Comparison of the Quality of Clavicle Fracture Three-dimensional Model Printing by Open Source and Commercial use Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Stereolithography File Conversion Program (공개용과 상업용 DICOM STL 파일변환 프로그램으로 출력한 삼차원 프린팅 쇄골 골절 모델의 품질비교)

  • Oh, Wang-Kyun;Kim, Hyeong-Gyun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2018
  • The recent 3D printing technology is used in various medical, manufacturing, and education fields and is more efficient in terms of production process, time, and cost than existing production. Especially in fracture surgery, interest and research have been focused on improving accuracy, shortening of operation time and recovery time, and reducing reoperation. However, because of the financial and technical problems of the 3D printer and the file conversion program, the 3D printing is made directly at the hospital, and it is not generally used for diagnosis of fracture and surgical research. In this study, to solve those problems, clavicle CT imaging was switched into Osirix Open Source DICOM Viewer, Stereolithography file conversion programs and commercial Terarecon 3D DICOM Viewer, file conversion programs, and then clavicle fracture model was directly made through 3D printer of fused filament fabrication wire additive processing method, and then the accuracy of the shape was compared and analyzed. Clavicle fracture models printed in two methods were blind-tested on clinicians of general hospitals' orthopedics and radiologic technicians with over 10 years of experiences, and then their analysis opinions of resolution reviews were analyzed. The result showed no difference. The 3D printing model with open source DICOM STL file conversion program used was applicable to clinical, so it is considered useful in precision diagnosis of fracture and operation plans.

An Observational Study on the Morphological Changes of the External Ear Canal by Converging DICOM Imaging and Design Modeling (DICOM 영상과 설계 모델링을 융합한 외이도의 형태적 변화 관찰 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2019
  • DICOM(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) imaging plays a significant role in the diagnosis and treatment of the human body, and design modeling is a technology of planning shapes in three dimensions according to the purpose. In this study, we converge these two technologies to observe the relationships of the cross-section, volume, and surface area to the morphological changes of the external ear canal. The experiment applied medical imaging technologies to acquire sections of the human body to create and divide centerlines using 3D shapes extracted from 19 external ear canals by applying stereolithography and 3-matic program. The results showed that the cross-sectional structure of the external ear canal had various shapes, such as oval (38.5%), semicircular (28.2%), mixed (17.9%), square (10.2%), and wrinkled (5.1%). In addition, the cross-sectional area of each phase increased as the length of the external ear canal increased, and the volume and surface area decreased towards the direction of the eardrum. However, the surface area reduction rate was relatively low. This indicates that the structure becomes irregular towards the direction of the eardrum.

A Comparative Study on the Dose of GEANT4-DICOM to TPS for High-Energy Radiation Treatment (고 에너지 방사선치료 시 GEANT4-DICOM과 TPS간 선량비교 연구)

  • Kwak, Keun-Tak;Kim, Yang-Soo;Kwon, Hyoung-Cheol;Kim, Jung-Soo;Lee, Sun-Young
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.567-572
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    • 2018
  • Radiation therapy is one of the beneficial choices in the treatment of cancer. This is a comparison of TPS(Treatment Planning System) and GEANT4-DICOM, which should be preceded by the best radiation therapy. A treatment plan for prostate cancer was established with Eclipse and the point doses 366.1 cGy, 189.1 cGy, 213.4 cGy, 127 cGy, 105.7 cGy of any five prostate, bladder, rectum, right femoral head and left femoral head were identified. GEANT4-DICOM simulation showed that the results of Eclipse and ${\pm}2%$ dose error were confirmed. The monthly X-ray output agreement management value recommended by TG-142 is ${\pm}2%$, which means that the experimental results can be meaningful. In conclusion, GEANT4-DICOM is an infinite way to obtain more extended dose information once the time constraints are overcome in the simulation.

A Study on Medical Information System Based on UPnP A/V (UPnP A/V 기반의 의료정보시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Jeon, Jae-Hwan;Heo, Sung-Uk;Kang, Sung-In;Kim, Gwan-Hyung;Choi, Sung-Wook;Oh, Am-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.287-290
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 DICOM 영상을 UPnP Server로 구현된 PACS 서버를 설계하고 UPnP Renderer를 이용하여 스트리밍 전송으로 화면에 출력하고 전송하여 병원에서의 진단 진료 시스템의 효율을 높일 수 있고 사용자 서비스적 관점의 이동형 의료정보시스템을 제안하고자 한다. 본 논문에서의 DICOM 엔진은 PACS 에서의 영상 취득 서버의 과부화 문제를 해결하고 의료 정보통합의 과정에서 다양한 프로세싱 방법으로 사용될 것이며, 홈 네트워크나 PnP 기능으로 제한되어 있던 UPnP 미들웨어의 다양한 서비스 활용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.

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Design of Medical Conferencing System using DICOM 3.0 (DICOM 3.0 표준안을 이용한 의료 화상회의 시스템의 설계)

  • Yoo, S.K.;Kang, Y.T.;Kim, K.M.;Bae, S.H.;Kim, N.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.05
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    • pp.104-107
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    • 1997
  • A medical teleconferencing and medical image transmision system has been developed for diagnosis of the medical images between the medical doctors who are far away. The medical teleconferencing system transmits the voice and image of the doctors using the video and audio capture boards. The medical image transmission system software uses the medical image standard DICOM 3.0 for the future expansibility and the open system interconectivity. The medical images usually use CR images.

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A Description Tool for Healthcare Media Services in MPEG IoMT (웨어러블 기반의 헬스케어 미디어 서비스를 위한 MPEG IoMT 서술툴)

  • Yang, Anna;Lee, Dae-Gyu;Lee, Yejin;Kim, Jae-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.98-100
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    • 2017
  • IoT 및 웨어러블 환경에서의 미디어 서비스를 위한 MPEG IoMT(Internet of Media Thing) 표준에서는 헬스케어 미디어 서비스도 주요 유스 케이스(use case)로 고려되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 효율적인 헬스케어 미디어 소비를 위한 IoMT 메타데이터 스키마를 제시한다. 제안하는 Pseudo-DICOM 스키마(schema)는 의료미디어 표준인 DICOM(Digital Imaging and Communication in Medical) 데이터의 헤더에 포함되는 의료기기, 환자, 미디어 등에 대한 정보를 기술하기 위한 것이다. 본 논문의 유스 케이스에서는 제안된 스키마에 따라 기술된 이들 정보를 스마트 글래스로 획득한 구조현장 비디오와 함께 병원으로 제공함으로써 이 비디오를 쉽게 DICOM 데이터로 변환하게 하여 효율적인 재생 및 저장 관리를 지원한다.

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