• 제목/요약/키워드: Development of Training Course

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원격교육연수원의 교육과정 운영 실태 분석 (Analysis of the Current Status of Curriculum in Distance Educational Training Institute)

  • 정진구;김자미;김홍래
    • 정보교육학회논문지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 교사들에게 원격교육연수원 교육과정에 대한 종합적인 정보 제공과 원격교원연수를 활성화시키기 위한 방안을 탐색하기 위하여 수행되었다. 2007년 현재, 65개의 원격연수원이 운영 중에 있으나 원격연수원에서 운영 중인 교육과정에 대한 정보는 체계적으로 제공되지 않고 있다. 교육과정 분석을 위하여 65개 연수원 중 33개를 선정하여 직무연수 567개 과정, 자율연수 317개 과정, 기타연수 23개 과정을 선정하였다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 원격교원연수원에 대한 접근성 향상 필요, 둘째, 민간기관 원격교육연수원 중심의 교과목 편중 현상 극복, 셋째, 교사 역량 증진을 위한 교과목의 다양화, 넷째, 특정 교과목 편중 현상 극복, 다섯째, 기존에 운영하고 있는 교육과정에 대한 지속적인 유지보수 필요, 여섯째, 우수 교육과정 개발을 위한 정부차원의 지원 확대 등이다.

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Robotically Assisted Microsurgery: Development of Basic Skills Course

  • Liverneaux, Philippe Andre;Hendriks, Sarah;Selber, Jesse C.;Parekattil, Sijo J.
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.320-326
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    • 2013
  • Robotically assisted microsurgery or telemicrosurgery is a new technique using robotic telemanipulators. This allows for the addition of optical magnification (which defines conventional microsurgery) to robotic instrument arms to allow the microsurgeon to perform complex microsurgical procedures. There are several possible applications for this platform in various microsurgical disciplines. Since 2009, basic skills training courses have been organized by the Robotic Assisted Microsurgical and Endoscopic Society. These basic courses are performed on training models in five levels of increasing complexity. This paper reviews the current state of the art in robotically asisted microsurgical training.

일본에 있어서의 생물교재의 개발과 활용에 관한 연구 (A Study of the Development and Using of Teaching Materials for Biology in Japan)

  • 박인근
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 1987
  • The purpose of the present study is to show the way to develop and use the teaching materials for biology in Japan. This study was mainly carried out in documents. The following suggestions should be taken in moderate consideration: 1. Private enterprises as well as the government make heavy investments and careful considerations for the promotion of the science education including biology education. 2. Among in-service teachers one or two volunteer(s) chosen for special training course managed by the local education center are cultivated as excellent teachers on the development and using of teaching materials through an intensive study and training for six months or twelve months. 3. Most research groups consist of specialists in every field and they carry out studying the development of teaching materials in biology.

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Mouse Bank at CARD Kumamoto University, Japan

  • Nakagata, Naomi
    • Interdisciplinary Bio Central
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    • 제2권4호
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    • pp.16.1-16.4
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    • 2010
  • Cryopreservation of mouse embryos and spermatozoa has become the foremost technique for preserving large numbers of different strains of mice with induced mutations. In 1998, our mouse bank was established in the Center for Animal Resources and Development (CARD), Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, Kumamoto University, Japan, based on the Preservation, supply and development of genetically engineered animals report published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. We cryopreserve mouse embryos and sperm, supply these resources, organize training courses to educate people and form part of a domestic and international network of both mutagenesis and resource centers. We currently have over 1,500 mouse strains, 842,000 frozen embryos and 26,000 straws containing frozen sperm. Moreover, we disclose information about 1,300 deposited strains. Furthermore, over 400 strains of frozen embryos or mice produced from frozen embryos and sperm are being supplied to the requesters both domestically and internationally. Additionally we hold training courses on the cryopreservation of mouse germplasm 2~3 times a year, both domestically and internationally. In the course, we teach basic reproductive engineering techniques to trainees on a man-to-man basis. We have already held 28 training courses on the cryopreservation of mouse germplasm at our center and at other institutes.

직업능력개발훈련 교·강사의 자격연계형 마이크로 크리덴셜 적용 방안 (A Study on the Application of Micro-Credentials for Vocational Competency Development Training Teachers and Instructors)

  • 양미석;권오영;김우철
    • 실천공학교육논문지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 직업능력개발훈련 교·강사의 보수교육과정을 살펴보고, 마이크로 크리덴셜을 적용하기 위한 방안을 살펴보기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 K대학교 능력교육개발원의 직업능력개발훈련 교·강사의 보수교육과정 현황, 마이크로 크리덴셜의 특징, 보수교육과정과 마이크로 크리덴셜의 연계가능성을 살펴보고, 스타훈련교사의 인터뷰를 실시하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 디지털 인증서에 대한 인식은 훈련과정 이수시 디지털 인증서인 디지털 크레딧, 디지털 뱃지 발급과 보수교육의 공인된 자격과정에 대한 인식은 대부분 긍정적으로 인식하고 있었다. 또한, 보수교육의 마이크로 크리덴셜 적용방안으로 다양한 사례로 보수교육보다 혜택을 주는 방안, 보수교육의 체계화, 자격과정의 체계화 및 등급화, 자격과정의 학점화 등을 제안하였다. 둘째, 마이크로 크리덴셜을 적용한 보수교육 활용성 제고를 위한 제도적 보완장치로 NCS기반 전공 보수교육 확대 필요성, 효율적인 학습콘텐츠와 학습방법 제공, 최소 이수시간 설정 등을 언급하였다. 그리고, 직업능력개발훈련 교·강사의 이해도 제고방안으로 가장 많이 응답한 내용은 마이크로 크리덴셜 홍보방안이었다. 셋째, 보수교육기관과 직업능력개발훈련 교·강사의 역할에서 보수교육기관은 교육품질 유지에 대해 가장 많이 언급하고 있으며, 직업능력개발훈련 교·강사의 역할로 가장 많이 응답한 내용은 적극적 참여였다. 본 연구로 직업능력개발훈련 교·강사의 보수교육과정과 마이크로 크리덴셜 간의 자격연계로 전문성 제고와 실무역량 이력 포트폴리오를 실질적으로 제공할 수 있는 직업훈련 환경구축을 기대한다.

수요 분석 기반 방사선 기초 교육과정 개발 (Development of a Needs Based Education Course on the Basics of Radiation)

  • 남종수;원종열;서경원;유혜원;황인아
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.100-105
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    • 2013
  • 우리나라는 상용 및 연구용 원자로 수출, 그리고 국내 원자력 발전소의 추가 건설로 인하여 원자력 분야 전문 인력의 수요가 급증하고 있다. 이에 따라 원자력 인력 양성이 중요한 현안으로 대두되고 있다. 원자력 관련 주요 기관은 교육에 대한 절차와 자원들이 체계적으로 갖추어져 있지만 중소기업은 규모가 영세한 여건 때문에 교육이 어려울 수밖에 없는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 '교육의 체계적인 접근법(Systematic Approach to Training: SAT)'을 도입하여 교육과정을 개발하고자 하였다. 이에 따라 중소기업을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였으며 그 결과를 바탕으로 방사선 분야 교육과정으로서 '방사선 기초 시범 교육'을 개발하고 운영한 결과를 요약하였다. '방사선 기초 시범 교육'은 기대감, 만족도, 강사 역량 등에서 4.0 (5.0 만점 기준) 이상의 높은 교육 참여자 평가 결과를 나타냈다. 수요 분석에 기반을 둔 '방사선 기초 시범 교육' 과정 개발 경험은 향후 수요 분석에서 나타난 원자력 발전 분야 및 ASME code 등의 교육과정 개발에 활용될 것이다.

산촌생태마을 운영매니저의 역할에 대한 인식 특성 분석 - 역량강화교육 개선을 중심으로 - (Analysis of Cognition Characteristic for Operators' Roles in Mountain Eco Villages - focused on an improvement of empowerment training -)

  • 김성학;서정원
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2013
  • The importance of human resources empowerment for operation and management is increasing for sustainable effects and improvement in mountain eco village development projects. This study aimed to understand the cognition characteristics of operator who works for mountain eco villages as part of the mountain village development and to suggest improvement methods in empowerment training aspects. The survey contained operator's empowerment and operator systems in mountain eco villages and the results were analyzed for the study. Operators who joined the mountain eco village operator training course by Korea Forest Service were conducted the survey on March 12th~13th in 2012 and March 13th~15th in 2013. 69 and 58 of questionnaires were collected respectively and analyzed for the study. T-test was applied to Intergroup cognition difference and regression analysis was used for influential factors in necessity of operator's role. Collected data was analyzed by statistical package programme SPSS 18.0 version. According to the comparison of empowerment cognition with contingent upon training experience, 'harmony with residents' showed significantly difference at p<0.05 level. In the recognition comparison for prospect of future mountain eco village development, 'various training experiences' was significantly difference at p<0.01 level between positive and negative prospect group. Regression analysis revealed that 'communication with village leader', 'harmony with residents', and 'idea related to the project' have an effect on necessity of operator's empowerment significantly. Based on the results, the study suggests improved directions for operator's empowerment training as a horizontal leader who conduces a mountain village.

e-러닝 기반 경영과학 강의방식에 관한 사례연구 (Case Study: e-Learning for Management Sciences Course)

  • 엄명용;김태웅
    • 경영과학
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2009
  • E-learning is a networked phenomenon allowing for instant revisions and distribution, and goes beyond training and instruction to the delivery of information and tools to improve performance. The proponents of e-learning emphasizes that students learn more effectively when they interact and are involved with other students participating in similar endeavors. The paper outlines the process of development and design of e-learning based Management Sciences course, with the aim of ensuring widespread use, in undergraduate business program. Experiences in introducing students to e-learning course are reported. Feedback from students has been very positive but also indicates the need for ongoing support and direction. In addition, a survey was used to identify the determinants of students' academic performance of Management Science, and PLS based model is developed to analyze the results. Statistical results concerning the hypothesized model are provided.

A Study on the Development of Software Education Program to Activate Employment for the Disabled

  • Lee, Won Joo
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문에서는 장애인 취업 활성화를 위한 효과적인 소프트웨어(SW) 교육 프로그램을 제안하고, 시범 운영을 통하여 SW교육 효과를 검증한다. 이 SW교육 프로그램에서는 기초과정인 유니티 프로그래밍 과정과 심화과정인 AR/VR 디지털 콘텐츠 개발 과정으로 구성된 SW교육과정을 개발한다. SW교육 성취기준은 국가직무능력표준(NCS)의 가상현실콘텐츠제작 직무의 수준과 시각·청각·지체장애 청소년의 SW교육 성취기준을 고려하여 기초 및 심화과정의 성취기준을 개발한다. SW교육 교재는 유니티 기반으로 장애인의 지적수준에 따라 하나의 AR/VR 디지털콘텐츠를 단계적으로 구현할 수 있도록 프로젝트 기반으로 개발한다. SW교육 시범운영은 코로나-19로 인하여 Blended Learning 기반의 비대면 온라인 교육으로 실시한다. SW교육 시범 운영에 대하여 SW교육 효과와 학습자 개인별 SW교육 학업성취도를 도출하기 위해 학습자들에게 설문조사를 실시하고, 그 결과를 분석한다. 기초과정에서는 학습자의 77.3%가 우수(80~90) 이상의 학업성취도를 달성했으며, 심화과정에서는 학습자의 48.8%가 우수(80~90) 이상의 학업성취도를 달성하였다. 이러한 결과는 본 논문에서 개발한 장애인 SW교육 프로그램이 장애인 취업 활성화에 효과가 있다는 것을 검증하는 것이다.

Collaboration to Enhance Development and Application of Shiphandling Simulators

  • Shi, Chaojian;Chen, Jinbiao;Xiao, Baojia;Ding, Baocheng
    • 한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국항해항만학회 2006년도 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS Vol.1
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    • pp.459-464
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    • 2006
  • It has been well proved that shiphandling simulators are efficient and useful facilities for training and education of cadets and seafarers. Most of the maritime universities and many maritime training institutes all over the world have installed shiphandling simulators, which play important roles in maritime education and training. However, most of the Shiphandling simulators are standalone facilities with diversities on system architectures, layouts and functions. STCW78/95 requires simulators used for simulator-based training shall be suitable for the selected objectives and training tasks. To ensure the shiphandling simulator facilities meet the requirements of STCW convention and other expanded applications, collaborated research and coordination are needed in development and application of shiphandling simulators. Performance standard should be established for shiphandling simulator systems considering the advanced research needs as well as the needs in education, training, and assessment of competence. Standardizing and exchanging shiphandling mathematical models will improve critical performance of the system. Cooperated research on model course and training assessment approaches will enhance the training standard. In addition, the rapid spread of the internet technology has shown a promising future of application of shiphandling simulators through internet. Research has been carried out on internet based integration of multiple shiphandling simulators. A multi-agent based system, including necessary hardware, has been developed. Collaborated operation of the system can be of benefit in filling the gaps of the technical and operational level and methodology between maritime universities, enhancing mutual understanding of the navigation customs and culture background among cadets and seafarers from different countries, facilitating communication and maritime English training, and extending the functions of shiphandling simulators.

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