• 제목/요약/키워드: Detection ability

검색결과 827건 처리시간 0.021초

설치수심에 따른 어류탐지용 음향 텔레메트리 수신기의 탐지성능분석 (Analysis on the detection ability of acoustic telemetry receiver for fish detection by installation depth)

  • 황보규;신현옥
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2010
  • Acoustic telemetry is a useful method to investigate fish behavior and is widely used to obtain biological information. In this study, the detection ability of a mooring-type acoustic telemetry system and the seasonal changes were studied for survey design and data analysis. The system detection range was examined with an underwater noise model, and seasonal changes were estimated with a ray-tracing program and underwater temperature profile data. The field experiment was conducted with two sets of pingers and six receivers to estimate the difference in detection rate by installation depth and to compare the model estimate. Results indicated that the long-range detection ability of the acoustic telemetry system was significantly affected by underwater temperature. The detection rate rapidly decreased near the sea surface or bottom despite that the near-range Signal to noise ratio was sufficient.

구취가 후각인지도 및 methyl mercaptan에 대한후각감지역치에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Bad Breath on Olfactory Identification Ability and on Olfactory Detection Threshold for CH3SH)

  • 도영환;최재갑;안형준
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.309-318
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    • 2001
  • The purposes of the study were (1) to evaluate the olfactory identification ability in those who have bad breath, (2) to determine the olfactory detection threshold for methyl mercaptan in normal subjects and those who have bad breath, and (3) to evaluate the effect of oral hygiene care on the olfactory detection threshold for methyl mercaptan. Sixteen male subjects with bad breath (male odor group), 9 male subjects without bad breath (male non-odor group), and 10 female subjects without bad breath (female non-odor group) were included for the study. Olfactory identification ability was assessed by administrating the Cross-Cultural Smell Identification Test (CC-SIT), and the olfactory detection threshold for methyl mercaptan was measured by two-alternative forced-choice single-staircase detection threshold procedure in a double-blinded condition. The geometric mean of the last four staircase reversal points of a total of seven reversals is used as the threshold. For the male odor group, after 1 month of intensive oral hygiene care for reducing oral volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) concentration, the olfactory detection threshold for methyl mercaptan was measured again and compared to the initial value. The ANOVA was used to test the group difference of olfactory threshold and olfactory identification ability and the paired t-test was used to test the difference of olfactory threshold between before and after reduction of oral VSC in male odor group. The results were as follows : 1. There was no significant difference in olfactory identification ability among those who have bad breath and normal male or female subjects. 2. The olfactory detection threshold for methyl mercaptan was about 8.4 ppb in normal male and female. 3. There was a tendency that male subjects with bad breath showed a higher olfactory detection threshold for methyl mercaptan when compared to those of no bad breath. 4. The olfactory detection threshold for methyl mercaptan returned to a normal level after 1 month of intensive oral hygiene care for reducing oral VSC.

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Chinese Female Immigrants English-Speaking Ability and Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Practices in the New York Metropolitan Area

  • Chen, Wei-Ti;Wang, Justin
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.733-738
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    • 2013
  • Background: Breast and cervical cancers are significant causes of mortality and morbidity for Asian women, and poor English-speaking ability is a barrier to cancer prevention practices. Materials and Methods: This project tested relationships among English-speaking ability and early detection practices regarding to breast and cervical cancer among female Chinese immigrants. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was used. Results: 175 female Chinese immigrants completed the survey in the breast cancer prevention section, and 35 of them also completed the cervical cancer prevention section. Some 63% of them had heard about the clinical breast exam (CBE), but only 54% had had a CBE. While 46% of the participants were aware of their need for a Pap smear, only 31% had heard about it and had undergone a pelvic exam. Conclusions: English-speaking ability was strongly associated with immigrant women's knowledge of female cancer early detection. Culturally and linguistic issues should be considered as the first step to access immigrant population in designing future education intervention.

An autonomous radiation source detection policy based on deep reinforcement learning with generalized ability in unknown environments

  • Hao Hu;Jiayue Wang;Ai Chen;Yang Liu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2023
  • Autonomous radiation source detection has long been studied for radiation emergencies. Compared to conventional data-driven or path planning methods, deep reinforcement learning shows a strong capacity in source detection while still lacking the generalized ability to the geometry in unknown environments. In this work, the detection task is decomposed into two subtasks: exploration and localization. A hierarchical control policy (HC) is proposed to perform the subtasks at different stages. The low-level controller learns how to execute the individual subtasks by deep reinforcement learning, and the high-level controller determines which subtasks should be executed at the current stage. In experimental tests under different geometrical conditions, HC achieves the best performance among the autonomous decision policies. The robustness and generalized ability of the hierarchy have been demonstrated.

가우시안 혼합모델 기반 3차원 차량 모델을 이용한 복잡한 도시환경에서의 정확한 주차 차량 검출 방법 (Accurate Parked Vehicle Detection using GMM-based 3D Vehicle Model in Complex Urban Environments)

  • 조영근;노현철;정명진
    • 로봇학회논문지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2015
  • Recent developments in robotics and intelligent vehicle area, bring interests of people in an autonomous driving ability and advanced driving assistance system. Especially fully automatic parking ability is one of the key issues of intelligent vehicles, and accurate parked vehicles detection is essential for this issue. In previous researches, many types of sensors are used for detecting vehicles, 2D LiDAR is popular since it offers accurate range information without preprocessing. The L shape feature is most popular 2D feature for vehicle detection, however it has an ambiguity on different objects such as building, bushes and this occurs misdetection problem. Therefore we propose the accurate vehicle detection method by using a 3D complete vehicle model in 3D point clouds acquired from front inclined 2D LiDAR. The proposed method is decomposed into two steps: vehicle candidate extraction, vehicle detection. By combination of L shape feature and point clouds segmentation, we extract the objects which are highly related to vehicles and apply 3D model to detect vehicles accurately. The method guarantees high detection performance and gives plentiful information for autonomous parking. To evaluate the method, we use various parking situation in complex urban scene data. Experimental results shows the qualitative and quantitative performance efficiently.

NPC 인버터 시스템에서 개방성 고장시 PWM 특성을 이용한 새로운 고장 검출 방법 (A Novel Fault Detection Method using the PWM Characteristic at Open-Circuit Fault in NPC Inverter Systems)

  • 이정대;김태진;하동현;현동석
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제57권7호
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    • pp.1200-1207
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a novel fault detection method is proposed when the neutral-point-clamped inverter has a open-circuit fault in the switching device. This proposed method is configured with simple circuit and is achieved by a simple algorithm using the inherent characteristic of the continuous Pulse Width Modulation. Also, this method has the fast fault detection ability and is much simpler to embody, in comparison with conventional fault detection methods. This ability to detect fault minimizes harmful effect which are such as DC-link voltage unbalance and overstress to other switching devices. Therefore, this proposed fault detection method can improve reliability of NPC inverter system. Experimental results are presented to verify the validity of proposed fault detection method.

복제를 통한 우수한 암탐지 능력의 보존 (Preservation through Cloning of Superior Canine Scent Detection Ability for Cancer Screening)

  • 김민정;박정은;오현주;홍소군;강정택;임상현;이동원;라정찬;이병천
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.352-355
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 암탐지에 우수한 능력을 보유하고 있는 공여견의 냄새 탐지 능력이 복제를 통하여 보존될 수 있을지를 알아보기 위하여 설계되었다. 직장암 탐지에 특화되어 훈련된 개를 복제하였고, 복제된 개는 환자와 건강한 지원자들로부터 채취된 호흡 샘플을 사용하여 유방암을 탐지하도록 훈련 되었다. 복제개의 암탐지 민감도는 93.3%, 특이도는 99.5%로 공여견의 암탐지 민감도 및 특이도 (91% 및 99%)와 유사하였다. 게다가 복제개는 유방암의 초기 단계까지 성공적으로 탐지할 수 있었다. 따라서 우수한 암탐지 능력은 복제를 통해서 보존될 수 있을 것이다.

MLP-Mixer를 이용한 이미지 이상탐지 (Image Anomaly Detection Using MLP-Mixer)

  • 황주효;진교홍
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2022년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.104-107
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    • 2022
  • 오토인코더 딥러닝 모델은 이상 데이터도 정상 데이터로 복원하는 능력이 우수하여 이상탐지에 적절하지 못한 경우가 발생한다. 그리고 데이터의 일부를 가린(마스킹) 후 가린 데이터를 복원하는 방식인 Inpainting 방식은 잡음이 많은 이미지에 대해서는 복원능력이 떨어지는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 MLP-Mixer 모델을 수정·개선하여 이미지를 일정 비율로 마스킹하고 마스킹된 이미지의 압축된 정보를 모델에 전달해 이미지를 재구성하는 방식을 사용하였다. MVTec AD 데이터 셋의 정상 데이터로 학습한 모델을 구축한 뒤, 정상과 이상 이미지를 각각 입력하여 재구성 오류를 구하고 이를 통해 이상탐지를 수행하였다. 성능 평가 결과 제안된 방식이 기존의 방식에 비해 이상탐지 성능이 우수한 것으로 나타났다.

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선택적 전달 공격 탐지 기법에서의 감시 노드 수 제어기법 (Control Method for the number of check-point nodes in detection scheme for selective forwarding attacks)

  • 이상진;조대호
    • 한국정보통신설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신설비학회 2009년도 정보통신설비 학술대회
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    • pp.387-390
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    • 2009
  • Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can easily compromised from attackers because it has the limited resource and deployed in exposed environments. When the sensitive packets are occurred such as enemy's movement or fire alarm, attackers can selectively drop them using a compromised node. It brings the isolation between the basestation and the sensor fields. To detect selective forwarding attack, Xiao, Yu and Gao proposed checkpoint-based multi-hop acknowledgement scheme (CHEMAS). The check-point nodes are used to detect the area which generating selective forwarding attacks. However, CHEMAS has static probability of selecting check-point nodes. It cannot achieve the flexibility to coordinate between the detection ability and the energy consumption. In this paper, we propose the control method for the number fo check-point nodes. Through the control method, we can achieve the flexibility which can provide the sufficient detection ability while conserving the energy consumption.

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Deep Packet Inspection for Intrusion Detection Systems: A Survey

  • AbuHmed, Tamer;Mohaisen, Abedelaziz;Nyang, Dae-Hun
    • 정보와 통신
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    • 제24권11호
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2007
  • Deep packet inspection is widely recognized as a powerful way which is used for intrusion detection systems for inspecting, deterring and deflecting malicious attacks over the network. Fundamentally, almost intrusion detection systems have the ability to search through packets and identify contents that match with known attach. In this paper we survey the deep packet inspection implementations techniques, research challenges and algorithm. Finally, we provide a comparison between the different applied system.