• Title/Summary/Keyword: Designer

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Improvement of Class Reuse at Sensor Network System Based on TinyOS Using CATL Model and Facade Pattern (CATL 모델과 Facade 패턴을 이용한 TinyOS 기반 센서네트워크 시스템 클래스 재사용 개선)

  • Baek, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Hong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2012
  • Recently, when software architecture is designed, the efficiency of reusability is emphasized. The reusability of the design can raise the quality of GIS software, and reduce the cost of maintenance. Because the object oriented GoF design pattern provides the class hierarchy that can represent repetitively, the importance is emphasized more. This method that designs the GIS software can be applied from various application systems. A multiple distributed sensor network system is composed of the complex structure that each node of the sensor network nodes has different functions and sensor nodes and server are designed by the combination of many classes. Furthermore, this sensor network system may be changed into more complex systems according to a particular purpose of software designer. This paper will design the CATL model by applying Facade pattern that can enhance the efficiency of reuse according to attributes and behaviors in classes in order to implement the complicated structure of the multiple distributed sensor network system based on TinyOS. Therefore, our object oriented GIS design pattern model will be expected to utilize efficiently for design, update, or maintenance, etc. of new systems by packing up attributes and behaviors of classes at complex sensor network systems.

Strength Characteristics of Soils mixed with Crushed Stone as a Backfill of Reinforced Earth Wall (보강토옹벽 뒷채움재료로서 쇄석혼합토의 강도특성 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Beom;Ju, Jae-Woo;Kim, Hyun-Do;Na, Hyun-Ho;Han, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2010
  • The most important thing in the design of the reinforced earth retaining wall is to obtain the good backfill materials. However there was a special case using soils mixed with the crushed stone, because the field ran short of good backfill soils. Accordingly in this study various kind of tests were performed according to the mixing content of a crushed stone, which are the gradation curve, the direct shear test and the pullout test. From the test results at first the gradation of soils mixed with crushed stone has been compared with the selecting standard as backfill of reinforced earth wall. And the gradation standard has been satisfied in case of mixing ratio 20% of a crushed stone under 19mm. Also the direct shear test and the pullout test have been performed and at the test results the shear strength parameter and the pullout strength parameter were increased with the increse of the mixing content of a crushed stone. It has been thought that this study will give important data to a designer in designing the reinforced earth wall with soils mixed with crush stones.

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A study on design of glasses pattern using Optical Art (옵아트를 이용안 안경 패턴 디자인의 연구)

  • Kang, Min-Soo;Kim, In-Soo;Kang, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.391-403
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    • 2005
  • Vision is the most important sense of the five senses in our body. This represents that an eye is for the mysterious organ playing the essential role in our body. Alain Mikli known as a famous spectacle designer in France said that glasses exists for seeing and for being seen. This saying is one of the philosophically well-organized definition of the most fundamental function of eye-glasses described in and out of itself. Today, in the world, there are a number of works of glasses design and lots of glasses designers are designing hard in order to convey the goods with the best value and philosophy to customers. They work for the goal that glasses is used as seeing and try to give customers satisfaction and enjoyment of it. And they think that glasses should play the role of the interface. At this point, we need to catch hold of the interface of glasses. That means that glasses has to have the communication between eyes and objects and be the mediation of the connection between the image of oneself and that of one by others. For the character of the interface of glasses, glasses designers should plan and investigate this character at the being of design. This study of optical art has been researched for the necessary and sufficient condition between consumers and products.

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A Study on the Basic Pattern Drafting Method Development of Men's J$\breve{o}$-go-ri -Collar Construction (2)- (남자저고리 원형제도법 개발을 위한 연구(2) -깃구성을 중심으로-)

  • 정옥임
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 1999
  • According to the design method for constructing the Korean Men's Jo-go-ri(the traditional Korean jacket)collar, there are differences in form after its completion. In the construction design of the midsection of the gusset as in that of the basic pattern Jo-go-ri, not only was the positioning of the two sides of the collar not smooth, but also, when the collar strip(Dongjung) was attached, there would be an imbalance on one side or the other so that it was difficult to achieve symmetry. Therefore in this project, by applying the pattern design of the gusset midsection to that of the collar midsection, not only did attaching the collar(Kit) and the collar strip create a visual effect by equalizing the lengths of the two sides, but the construction was also easy. This method of construction introduces the three-dimensional aspect of the human form in its conic, spherical and cylindrical aspects, so that, through schematizing the scientific character of Korea's clothing, its appropriateness is verified. As a matter of fact, since there is no standardization of pattern whether for educational use or for mass-produced clothing, so that even the patterns used in computer-assisted design are executed according to the designer's personal skill, the reality is that after completion of construction the quality has not been uniform. For this schematization, inverse calculation of measurements pertaining to the calculation formula and of teaching materials has been referenced. In particular, the partial regulation of the calculation formula pertaining to the basic pattern construction, the method of making the collar midsection, and the construction method of the extreme and mean ratio adjustment, can be adjusted for all measurements, thereby providing the establishment of a design criterion and the possibility of the standardization of construction methods. The production method for the basic pattern design is as follows: 1) The conic angle for the Jo-go-ri's girth, length end neck width is fixed at 70(72) degree. 2) The radius of the cone is sleeve length. 3) The bust girth calculation formula is B/4 + 2.5 cm. 4) The armhole formula is B/4 + 2.5cm. 5) The neck width formula is B/10. 6) The ratio of the collar junction{width of collar(Kit) + width of collar strip(Dongjung) to the gusset length is 5:8. 7) The length of the side seam is a length intersecting the armhole line and the conic radius of sleeve length, that is an arc that exceeds the length of the Jo-go-ri's midsection.

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A Study on the Estimation of Proper Construction Cost for Road Pavement Maintenance Work (아스팔트포장 유지보수 적정공사비 산정방안 연구)

  • Oh, JaeHun;Song, TaeSeok;An, BangYul
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 2020
  • Road Pavement Maintenance Work is generated in a variety of different field conditions, and it is difficult to calculate the construction cost because there are no detailed criteria when preparing the estimated construction cost. Unlike new pavements, Road Pavement Maintenance has to be constructed with operating vehicles, and there are many differences in productivity depending on urban areas, limited work hours, night-time, construction area, etc. To compensate for this, the standard for calculation of construction cost provides additional charges for the number of lanes, residential areas, working hours, and night work, but it applied differently depending on construction officials. In this study, construction cost estimation standards that can properly reflect the conditions of the site was investigated for major types of Road Pavement Maintenance work. The site was investigated and analyzed mainly for many construction sites with 'overlay of asphalt after cutting', 'restore surface', 'repair of pavement', and 'recovery of roadway'. The criteria for the application of construction volume separately according to working hours, public places, and land area including extra charges for basic downtown and residential area. The hours of operation were divided into three types(7 hours, 5 hours, 3 hours) excluding movement and preparation time, and each type provided a coefficient for dividing the area of the construction site into five types. The construction cost calculation method based on the construction purpose is site conditions is proposed accordingly, and it is deemed that a plan for the designer to calculate the construction cost has been prepared in consideration of the site conditions.

Dual-mode Pseudorandom Number Generator Extension for Embedded System (임베디드 시스템에 적합한 듀얼 모드 의사 난수 생성 확장 모듈의 설계)

  • Lee, Suk-Han;Hur, Won;Lee, Yong-Surk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2009
  • Random numbers are used in many sorts of applications. Some applications, like simple software simulation tests, communication protocol verifications, cryptography verification and so forth, need various levels of randomness with various process speeds. In this paper, we propose a fast pseudorandom generator module for embedded systems. The generator module is implemented in hardware which can run in two modes, one of which can generate random numbers with higher randomness but which requires six cycles, the other providing its result within one cycle but with less randomness. An ASIP (Application Specific Instruction set Processor) was designed to implement the proposed pseudorandom generator instruction sets. We designed a processor based on the MIPS architecture,, by using LISA, and have run statistical tests passing the sequence of the Diehard test suite. The HDL models of the processor were generated using CoWare's Processor Designer and synthesized into the Dong-bu 0.18um CMOS cell library using the Synopsys Design Compiler. With the proposed pseudorandom generator module, random number generation performance was 239% faster than software model, but the area increased only 2.0% of the proposed ASIP.

Studies about Changes in Modern Korean Font and Effect of Digital Font to Caligraphy Design Thinking of Korea (근현대 한글 컴퓨터서체의 변화와 디지털폰트가 Caligraphy에 준 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Soo;Choi, Byoung-Mook
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.159-163
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    • 2008
  • Recently, typography in Korea has been varied. Among them, after 2005 a new trend caligraphy has appeared and in reality people discussed that this has been occurred as a coincidence. However, as a view of one who is interested in Hangeul typography, born of Hangeul caligraphy is not a coincidence. It is because computerizing of Hangeul has been later than U.S. or Japan. Korea was colonized by Japan and experienced the Korean War and economical independence got late and cultural independence got late as well. Our language, Hangeul was independenced in the beginning of 1990's after computer was introduce and original letter of Hangeul was scanned and basic standard was built. From the end of 80's there were many efforts for independence of Hangeul but there were problems on hardware side than software side. In the beginning of 90's basic fonts such as Myungjo or Gothic of Choi Jung-ho's fonts were set for computer hardware, but later 90's can be called as a time for distributing designed fonts for that new fonts that were planned and applying new ideas on fonts were done. In 2000 the two major font company in Korea Sandoll Communication and Yoon Design Institute made a fonts such as When branding had to be done by designer, typo must be written so adjusting size and moving baseline made old style and caligraphy fonts to be born. These cycling process has been natural motive for nowadays' caligraphy and these two major companies' role has made caligraphy to be popular.

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A Study on the Design Development and Construction Process in British Airways London Eye (런던아이의 디자인 전개와 건립과정에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Dae-Seung
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.15 no.1 s.45
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    • pp.7-27
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to identify and analyze the factors that influenced the construction of London Eye which was led by private groups, including characteristics in progress, differentiated value in design, the combination of technology and design, and construction costs. The results of this study were the followings. 1) London Eye provides a new construction method for a landmark in the downtown in that the architects became the clients of the project which might have been hoarded, procuring the construction costs and completing it by themselves. 2) London Eye presents a space utilization method where undeveloped spaces in the downtown are used in three-dimensions by erecting a structure on the river with a minimum land. 3) The process of design, production and erection is propelled the realization of technical intention design with one system and from at the initial stage, the participation of the engineer where the designer is equal with you must accompany. 4) London Eye is endowed with strong shape by a circle in design concept, which is the simplest geometrical figure, and it provides organic relationship between the past and the present by utilizing historical elements in various ways. 5) The construction was completed through four phases including idea phase, promotion phase, turn-key contract phase, and design-build phase. The most critical factor to the success is derived from the direct contact with Involved companies from the production phase. 6) In a project facing many challenges in terms of technology, the design-build method proves to be a more effective method than turn-key contract in that it may more allocate risks and enable coherent implementation of the core concept in design. The organization for the design-build method was composed of three phases including general affairs, responsible contracting by sector, and cooperative system by sector. Since that was a new concept structure, high-level contractors who hadn't had existing cooperative relationships with one another formed new cooperative relationship, while collaborating companies who had long cooperated led the responsible contracting and sub-cooperative system, which resulted in reduction of risks and time. 7) The major factors to change design were the design characteristics, derived from a technically great combination, and the opening time. 8) A new erection method was applied to London Eye, a structure that overcame the limitation in land and period, and the process of installation demonstrated that it is an important value for the construction of a landmark in the city. 9) In spite of many visitors and tremendous operational income, the factors that London Eye fails to free itself from debts include the construction costs expended double than expected, and interest burden to the investments, which occurred in the course of procuring the costs. Absolute limit in time increased the construction costs, resulting in being a great obstacle in the course of operation.

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Optimum Selection of BWMS type by AHP for BWMS Development (선박평형수 처리장치 개발시 AHP 기법을 이용한 최적 처리방식 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang Won;Kim, Dong Joon;Seo, Won Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2016
  • Ballast water in ship operation is essential for a safe voyage. However ballast water can contain unwanted organisms that are the cause of disturbing the ecosystem by the transfer of potential invasive species. To prevent the destruction of the environment, the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediments(BWM Convention) was adopted in 2004. BWMS (Ballast Water Management System) has been developed to prevent the transportation of organisms to another region in order to fulfill the requirements IMO (International Maritime Organization) regulations. Nowadays there are about 50 approved Ballast Water Management Systems of various types globally. The most common BWMS types are UV (Ultra Violet), Electrolysis and Ozone. Among these types there are many difficulties in determining the optimum type of BWMS which can be suitable for the user and designer's requirements. The main objective of this research is to select the best BWMS type by using AHP. To apply AHP, the most important criteria for the BWMS development are derived by users and designers. From our results, we can give a guide BWMS type to the developers of BWMS.

A Investigation for Usage Reason and Usage Satisfaction of Setting Perm and Digital Perm (셋팅 펌과 디지털 펌 기기의 사용 이유와 사용 만족도 조사)

  • Hong, Mi Ra;Park, Hye ryeon;Youn, Young Han
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.312-325
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    • 2020
  • The heat perm is the preferred hair technique to get positive affects such as increase of work efficiency and sale in hair industry. The subjects of this study is 262 hair shop workers and it was investigated heat perm device using reason, using satisfaction and repurchase. As a result, the perm accounted for 32.1 and the use of digital perm devices was more than that of setting perm devices. The reasons for the use were that the longer the setting device was engaged, the flexible it was the hair wave. The higher the rank, the better the hair wave retention and the long hair treatment, and it also helped sales. (p<0.05) Digital perm device can be hair-wavy in the desired style while in use, and the longer the working period, the more advantageous. The repurchase intention was that the longer the period of service and the higher the rank, the more advantageous it was. (p<0.05) The reasons for the usage of setting perm and digital perm were correlated with the satisfaction of use and the repurchase intention. The reasons for the use were helpful for sales and elastic hair wave and long hair waving was possible, which affected the repurchase. In conclusion, heat perm had been found not only helped sales, made a good hair wave, and the long hair waving, but also to be preferred to the long working period of the hair shop and the rank above the designer.