• Title/Summary/Keyword: Design goals

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Optimization of Heat Exchange Network of SOFC Cogeneration System Based on Agricultural By-products (농산부산물 기반 SOFC 열병합발전 시스템 열교환망 최적화)

  • Gi Hoon Hong;Sunghyun Uhm;Hyungjune Jung;Sungwon Hwang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we constructed a process simulation model for an agricultural by-products based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) combined heat and power generation system as part of the introduction of technology for energy self-sufficiency in the agricultural sector. The aim was to reduce the burden of increasing fuel and electricity consumption due to rapid fluctuations in international oil prices and the expansion of smart farming in domestic farms, while contributing to the national greenhouse gas reduction goals. Based on the experimental results of 0.3 ton/day torrefied agricultural by-product gasification experiment, a model for an agricultural by-product-based SOFC cogeneration system was constructed, and optimization of the heat exchange network was conducted for SOFC capacities ranging from 4 to 20 kW. The results indicated that an 8 kW agricultural by-product-based SOFC cogeneration system was optimal under the current system conditions. It is anticipated that these research findings can serve as foundational data for future commercial facility design.

The Influence of Learning Agility, Grit, and Positive Psychological Capital on the Performance of Clinical Nurses (임상간호사의 학습민첩성, 그릿, 긍정심리자본이 간호업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chang Seung; Lee, Insook
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The goals of this study were to identify the relationships among learning agility, grit, positive psychological capital, and nursing performance and to determine the impact of these factors on clinical nursing performance. Methods: Between November and December 2021, a descriptive survey design was conducted with a convenience sample of 260 clinical nurse participants from two regional hospitals. Data were collected using the Learning Agility Scale, Grit Scale, Psychological Capital Questionnaire, and the Nursing Performance Scale. Data from 248 nurses were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation, and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 27.0. Results: Results revealed significant positive correlations between nursing performance and learning agility, grit, and positive psychological capital. Stepwise multiple regression analysis identified positive psychological capital as the strongest predictor of nursing performance, followed by work experience, learning agility, grit, and educational level. These variables accounted for 51% of the variance in nursing performance. Conclusion: This study underscored the importance of positive psychological capital, learning agility, and grit in improving nursing performance. Healthcare organizations should prioritize the development of these attributes among nurses. Implementing strategies to enhance these factors in nursing practice and education could improve nursing performance, potentially resulting in better patient outcomes and increased job satisfaction. Future research should explore specific interventions to cultivate these qualities and assess their long-term impact on nursing practice.

An Exploratory Study on Non-Contact Nursing Experiences of Clinical Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID-19 대유행 기간 중 임상 간호사의 비대면 간호 경험에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Byun, Hye Min;Yun, Eun Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.446-458
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aimed to understand the non-contact nursing experiences of clinical nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A qualitative research design applying thematic analysis was used. The participants were purposive sampled from three institutes: a tertiary hospital, a general hospital, and a residential treatment center in Seoul. Data were collected between December 2021 and January 2022 through individual in-depth interviews with 12 clinical nurses. The data were analyzed using Braun and Clarke's method to identify the meaning of the participants' experiences. Results: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the fields where the participants performed non-contact nursing included intensive care units and isolation wards of hospitals, a residential treatment center, and home cares. Their tasks in non-contact nursing commonly involved remote monitoring using digital devices or equipment, consultation and education. From their experiences performing tasks in these fields, the four theme clusters and nine themes were derived. The four theme clusters are as follows: (1) Confusion of nursing role; (2) Conflict due to insufficient support system; (3) Concern about the quality of nursing; (4) Reflection on the establishment of nursing professionalism. Conclusion: This study highlights the necessity for institutionalizing professional nursing areas, nursing education, and practical support by clarifying the purpose and goals of non-contact nursing and developing nursing knowledge through frameworks.

Enhancing Transparency and Trust in Agrifood Supply Chains through Novel Blockchain-based Architecture

  • Sakthivel V;Prakash Periyaswamy;Jae-Woo Lee;Prabu P
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.1968-1985
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    • 2024
  • At present, the world is witnessing a rapid change in all the fields of human civilization business interests and goals of all the sectors are changing very fast. Global changes are taking place quickly in all fields - manufacturing, service, agriculture, and external sectors. There are plenty of hurdles in the emerging technologies in agriculture in the modern days. While adopting such technologies as transparency and trust issues among stakeholders, there arises a pressurized necessity on food suppliers because it has to create sustainable systems not only addressing demand-supply disparities but also ensuring food authenticity. Recent studies have attempted to explore the potential of technologies like blockchain and practices for smart and sustainable agriculture. Besides, this well-researched work investigates how a scientific cum technological blockchain architecture addresses supply chain challenges in Precision Agriculture to take up challenges related to transparency traceability, and security. A robust registration phase, efficient authentication mechanisms, and optimized data management strategies are the key components of the proposed architecture. Through secured key exchange mechanisms and encryption techniques, client's identities are verified with inevitable complexity. The confluence of IoT and blockchain technologies that set up modern farms amplify control within supply chain networks. The practical manifestation of the researchers' novel blockchain architecture that has been executed on the Hyperledger network, exposes a clear validation using corroboration of concept. Through exhaustive experimental analyses that encompass, transaction confirmation time and scalability metrics, the proposed architecture not only demonstrates efficiency but also underscores its usability to meet the demands of contemporary Precision Agriculture systems. However, the scholarly paper based upon a comprehensive overview resolves a solution as a fruitful and impactful contribution to blockchain applications in agriculture supply chains.

Government's Budget Concentration for the Fisheries Sector: An analysis of support measures for the Korea-China FTA (우리나라 수산부문 예산 배분 집중도 분석: 한-중 FTA 국내보완대책을 중심으로)

  • Hae-Kyung Kee;Hyun-Ki Jeong;Se-Hyun Park
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 2024
  • Purpose - The purpose of the study was to find out how the Korean government reflected its policy goal and direction by analysing the budget allocation on support measures for the Korea-China FTA in the fisheries sector. Design/methodology/approach - Concentration Ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index and BCG Matrix were applied to the government's budget allocation on support measures for the Korea-China FTA in the fisheries sector. Findings - The study result shows that the government has provided various programmes without over-investing in some programmes. Meanwhile, the government has increased its budget for some programmes that are in line with its long-term policy goals, such as promoting sustainable fisheries and transforming fisheries into a value-added industry. In addition, the government has reduced its budget for programmes that threaten its fiscal sustainability. Research implications or Originality - The Korean government planned a 10-year budget plan for support measures for the fisheries sector after the implementation of the Korea-China FTA. Since 2016, the government has operated the subordinate programmes under the 10-year budget plan each year, reflecting its new policy direction, which takes into account both domestic and external factors. Accordingly, this study is meaningful in that it allows us to examine the government's policy direction for the fisheries sector after the Korea-China FTA.

A Study on the Development of Library Management Indicators Reflecting Korean-Sustainable Development Goals (국가지속가능발전목표를 반영한 도서관 운영지표 개발에 관한 연구*)

  • Kyungjae Bae;Ok Nam Park;Jin Ho Park;Dahee Chung;Tae-Kyung Kim;Ji Hei Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.333-358
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    • 2024
  • To promote libraries as "Libraries for All," it is essential to assess the current state of regional library infrastructures and explore policy support strategies for their improvement. This study develops the 'Library Vitality Index' as a metric to evaluate libraries' capabilities as sustainable infrastructures. The index assesses various aspects, including libraries' environmental responsiveness, accessible design, level of digital transformation, and capacity to provide universal cultural services. The research involved a comprehensive review of domestic and international cases, Delphi surveys, and expert group interviews to derive the final set of indicators. These indicators were weighted based on their importance using AHP analysis. The final index consists of three components: regional library activation (300 points), individual library capacity (470 points), and feedback systems (30 points), with a total of 800 points. The index includes 108 items, divided into 14 for regional library activation, 88 for individual library capacity, and 6 for feedback systems.

Deep learning-based smart vision for building and construction application

  • Li Yue
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2024
  • The current study was not created with a specific goal in view, which addresses many applications in the field of building and construction. It provides a variety of goals that must be addressed immediately for construction applications. This means that we approach the situation from different angles. The present paper approaches the title in two distinct ways. With regard to "building," we concentrated on damage detection (crack and spall). At the same time, for "construction site application," we mainly depend on worker safety. Since this study is a novel concept with two distinct domains, with one solution. We design an advanced deep learning strategy to address both of the study's objectives. Most previous studies specifically deal with this type of application with various approaches, but the present study gives one solution to address both the objectives. Guaranteeing stable structure of buildings and worker safety are important in the quickly developing field of construction management. By creating an edge-enhanced multi-drone system that makes use of advanced deep learning algorithms, this work provides a novel solution. The chief objectives of this research are to: (1) detect crack damage at building sites; and (2) Focused on employees' compliance by using drone technology. According to this, the proposed model combines two effective strengths called YOLOv3 and Bayesian optimization, an Intelligent Deep Learning (INDEED) model which helps to meet the dual challenges was handled by the study. The system's integration of edge computing principles guarantees real-time processing and decision-making abilities, and providing quick response to abnormalities occurred. Due to this combined ability, the model able to solve both damage detection and safety enhancement procedures in single hand. The evaluation of the study is conducted through two distinct datasets: Crack damage detection was assessed using CSIR-CEERI, Pilani. And the workers safety procedures were evaluated using the UAE based local site samples. The proposed model uses the hardware environment of Jetson-TX2. A multi-drone system, which helps to capture the surroundings of construction and buildings stability. The experiment proves the suggested model efficacy with two distinct validations.

The Characteristics of Traditional Representation in the Artist's Garden of the Garden Exposition seen through the Design Process (설계과정을 통해 본 정원박람회 작가정원의 전통재현 특성)

  • Lee, Song-Min;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted through the analysis of literature and on-site research as a case study of 14 artists' gardens with traditional themes presented at the garden fair. With Focusing on the design process for determining traditional reproduction, the following characteristics and implications were derived by analyzing the design goals, selection of subjects for traditional reenactment, determination of methods for reproduction, and design stages of landscape components. First, the pattern of selecting traditional structures as subjects for reproduction in many artist gardens can be understood as an advantage of being suitable for narrow sites and having remarkable topic communicability. They directly delivered the design intent by adding the names of traditional structures such as Madang, Wool, Buttumak, Jangdokdae, Chuibyeong and Seokgasan. Works expressed indirectly, such as Wall, Korean Garden, Suwon, and Seoul craftsmen, have relatively weak topic communicability. There were also symbolic representations of objects to be reproduced, such as Seonbi, marginal spaces, and Pung-lyu. Second, while reproducing Hanok Madang, separate the gardens paved with grass and stone, the fortress wall of Suwon Hwaseong and the northwest Gongsimdon of the watchtower. Also the garden with a miniature version of the extraneous Yong-yeon and the garden, which was reproduced as a low decorative wall in the rest area based on Nakan-Eupseong Fortress, shows the need for a deep understanding of tradition. On the other hand, the reproducting works of choosing the location of the traditional garden, the Korean Garden showed the importance of systematic arrangement with the surrounding environment, the beauty of the space in the courtyard of Hanok, the beauty of the slowness enjoyed by the scholars and the reenactments of the Pung-lyu culture of Moonlight boating are not only imitating traditional structures but also spreading understanding of tradition to garden culture and sentiment. Third, there were many works that reconstructed the real-size traditional structure in a straightforward way in relation to design. The garden was divided into Chuibyeong and the living space was decorated with Buttumak, chimneys, and gardens, and facilities representing Gyeongbokgung Palace, Soswaewon, and Seoseokji were systemically arranged. However it recognized the importance of selecting the key design elements, constructing the elevation of the structure, and the sense of scale of the space from works that reproduced the large Suwon Hwaseong and Nakan-Eupseong in an abstract way. While there are examples gardens of Hanok yards and Bazawul, which are far from the original image among the gardens that chose the dismantling method, the Blank-space garden expressed only by a frame composed of cubes, and Seonbi's Sarangbang garden, that permeated the moonlight with many traditional structures are the positive examples. The Seoul Artisan Garden, Jikji Simche Garden and Pung-lyu Garden, which display modernly designed landscape components, need an explanation to understand the author's intention.

Research about a structure system of the bus information system which is applied to the bus stop - Around a problem and preference of Pusan bus information system investigation - (버스정류장에 적용된 버스정보시스템의 구성 체계에 관한 연구 - 부산시 버스정보시스템의 문제점 및 선호도 조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Cha Min-Jun;Hong Kwan-Seon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2006
  • The functions and roles in the various fields of modern society are changing into the unified and multiplex structure, which is simultaneous and virtual communication environments beyond physical space and time, by the digital IT technology. The urban traffic system is also being intellectualized in order to solve urban traffic problems and convenient services by using digital IT technology. The bus, which is the one of the most common public transportation, are suffering in the decrease of bus service quality and the bus passengers rate because of the development of other public transportation systems such as the subway and electric railway and by rapidly increasing private cars. By recognizing these problems, many domestic and overseas cities are promoting to introduce the Bus Information System (BIS) to improve service quality of buses through the intelligent traffic system. According to the construction of this new information system called the Bus Information System (BIS), the new bus stop configuration system and design plans are being required to solve the existing bus stop information system. Therefore, this research was conducted to suggest an effective BIS configuration system plan and synthetic design goals based on the investigation the problems of the information system and the BIS configuration system for Busan city. Also, this research are conducted the below actions as follows: First, the literature survey was conducted, such as theoretical documents on the bus stop and the Bus Information System(BIS), Also, the design trend of the BIS was examined through domestic and overseas BIS cases studies. Scondly, the problems related to the information system in Busan city bus stops were investigated to investigate the present state and problems of the Bus Information System (BIS). Finally, as a result of this research, the effective BIS configuration system plan and design approach methods of bus stops were proposed for by Busan city based on the above investigation results.

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Development of A Parent Education Program to Improve Anger Control Ability of Parents of Elementary School Children (초등학생 부모의 분노조절능력 향상을 위한 부모교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Taek
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.668-685
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    • 2016
  • When the parents are unable to control anger properly, it can have a negative effect on their children. Therefore, parents need anger control ability very much. The purpose of this study is to develop a parent education program to improve anger control ability of parents of elementary school children so that it could help them to perform their parental role. The development of the program followed the procedure of analysis, design, development, execution, and assesment. In the analysis stage, previous studies were examined to explore in depth the ways to improve anger control ability. In the design stage, the goals were confirmed and learning objective for each session was defined, and according to this, the contents of education were selected. In the development stage, 8 sessions of education activities were formulated with 2 hours for each session and experts were consulted to examine the validity of the contents. In the execution stage, the operating method was proposed and the program was applied with a total of 8 sessions, 1 session for a week. In the final assessment stage, the effect of the program was assessed. Assessment of the program was carried out by both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was verified by pre-and-post comparison, and analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. For the qualitative method, questionnaire and interview were used. After the program was implemented, the pre-and-post comparison was carried out. The result shows there was significant improvement in both anger control ability of parents and parenting efficacy. Also, participants reported the program was very helpful for increasing parenting skills in many aspects. Lastly, the researcher of this study proposed the direction for further development of the program.