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Development of A Parent Education Program to Improve Anger Control Ability of Parents of Elementary School Children  

Lee, Jae-Taek (단국대학교 교육대학원)
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When the parents are unable to control anger properly, it can have a negative effect on their children. Therefore, parents need anger control ability very much. The purpose of this study is to develop a parent education program to improve anger control ability of parents of elementary school children so that it could help them to perform their parental role. The development of the program followed the procedure of analysis, design, development, execution, and assesment. In the analysis stage, previous studies were examined to explore in depth the ways to improve anger control ability. In the design stage, the goals were confirmed and learning objective for each session was defined, and according to this, the contents of education were selected. In the development stage, 8 sessions of education activities were formulated with 2 hours for each session and experts were consulted to examine the validity of the contents. In the execution stage, the operating method was proposed and the program was applied with a total of 8 sessions, 1 session for a week. In the final assessment stage, the effect of the program was assessed. Assessment of the program was carried out by both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was verified by pre-and-post comparison, and analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. For the qualitative method, questionnaire and interview were used. After the program was implemented, the pre-and-post comparison was carried out. The result shows there was significant improvement in both anger control ability of parents and parenting efficacy. Also, participants reported the program was very helpful for increasing parenting skills in many aspects. Lastly, the researcher of this study proposed the direction for further development of the program.
Anger; Anger Control Ability; Parent Education Program;
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