• 제목/요약/키워드: Departmental development

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산업여대학학생단대지간적령수산품개발화품패관리협작(产业与大学学生团队之间的零售产品开发和品牌管理协作) (Retail Product Development and Brand Management Collaboration between Industry and University Student Teams)

  • Carroll, Katherine Emma
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 2010
  • 本文阐述了产业和学术之间的合作项目. 这个合作项目关注美国东北部的一家大型地区连锁百货商店的两个自有品牌服装的营销和产品开发战略发展. 这个项目的目标是通过和学生的想法的合作来振兴产品线. 从而给学生提供真实产业环境中的实践经验. 这个项目中有很多关键者. 在美国东北部的一家私有连锁百货商店为已有的两个自有服装品牌寻求一个学术伙伴. 他们的目标客户是追求休闲, 适中价格的中年消费者. 这个公司想要改变包装和展示的方向, 甚至是产品的设计. 公司的品牌和产品开发部门联系东北一个州立大学的学术部门的教授. 有两位教授认为这个项目非常适合他们的课程-一个是初级的媒介品牌管理课程; 一个是高级的时装产品开发课程. 这些教授认为通过合作项目, 学生在安全的学术学习环境中能进入一个真实的工作场景中在一个多学科协作团队, 提供超出一个学生的能力, 经验和资源优势, 并增加了解决问题的过程中的 "智囊" (Lowman 2000). 这种提高学生的能力目标的方向让每班教师去组织品牌和产品开发类的跨学科团队. 此外, 许多大学都聘请科研和教学的产业伙伴关系, 协作的时间(学期)和环境(教室/实验室)的约束有助于提高学生的知识和对现实世界的经验. 在田纳西大学, 产业服务中心和UT-Knoxville's 工学院和一家公司合作来发展它们美国公司的的设计进步. 本研究中, 因为是和一个自有商标零售品牌, Wickett, Gaskill 和Damhorst's (1999) 指出产品开发和品牌管理团队使用的零售服装产品开发模型. 之所以选择这个框架是因为它从零售这个角度强调了服饰产品开发. 两个班级参与了这个项目: 一个初级品牌管理班级和一个高级时装产品开发班级. 7个团队包括四名学习品牌管理的学生和两名学习产品开发的学生. 这两个课程在同一个学期但是不同的时间. 在学期开始的时候, 每个班级都被介绍给了产业合作伙伴并接受了问题. 一半的团队指定为男士品牌, 另一半是女士品牌. 这些小组负责制定解决问题的方法, 制定自己的工作时间表, 在与业界代表保持接触, 并确保每个小组成员以积极的方式负责任. 这些小组的目标是通过用销售规划进程来计划, 发展和展示一条产品线(遵循Wickett, Gaskill和Damhorst 模型) 并为这条产品线发展新的品牌战略. 这些小组展示了趋势, 色彩, 面料和目标市场调查; 制定一个产品线的草图;编辑了草图, 介绍他们的执行计划书写说明书, 配上合适的模型并最终开发生产样品. 品牌班的学生完成了SWOT分析, 品牌测量研究报告, 品牌心智图和完整综合的营销报告. 这些报告在介绍新产品线时同时发表. 将来如果有更多这样的协作机会而且公司希望同时考虑品牌和产品开发战略, 那么课程应该定在相同的时间, 这样学生有更多的时间在一起讨论时间表和被分配的任务. 像上面的任务, 学生不得不每堂课之外的时间见面. 这使得团队工作变得具有挑战性(Pfaff和Huddleston, 2003). 虽然这项工作的后勤是费时设立和管理, 但教授认为对学生的好处是多种多样的. 根据两堂课的学生的回复, 最重要的好处是和产业专业人士一起工作的机会, 跟进他们的进程, 并看到公司里做决定级别的高层对他们作品的评估. 教员们都感激有一个 "真实的世界" 的案例. 制定的创意和战略扩大和加强了品牌和产品开发两个部门的联系. 通过和来自不同知识领域的学生一起工作并且和产业伙伴联系, 遵守产业活动的框架和时间表, 学生小组在新的环境中完成优秀创新的作品是具有挑战性的. 在产品开发和为 "现实生活" 品牌的品牌工作, 这些品牌都在努力给学生一个机会, 看看他们的课程是如何紧密的与现实世界联系, 以及公司运营中设计和商业方面如何需要创造性, 协作和灵活性. 行业人员对(a)学生的知识水平和深度以及执行力, (b)品牌的新思路的创造性产生了深刻的印象.

Variation of Hospital Costs and Product Heterogeneity

  • Shin, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 1978
  • The major objective of this research is to identify those hospital characteristics that best explain cost variation among hospitals and to formulate linear models that can predict hospital costs. Specific emphasis is placed on hospital output, that is, the identification of diagnosis related patient groups (DRGs) which are medically meaningful and demonstrate similar patterns of hospital resource consumption. A casemix index is developed based on the DRGs identified. Considering the common problems encountered in previous hospital cost research, the following study requirements are estab-lished for fulfilling the objectives of this research: 1. Selection of hospitals that exercise similar medical and fiscal practices. 2. Identification of an appropriate data collection mechanism in which demographic and medical characteristics of individual patients as well as accurate and comparable cost information can be derived. 3. Development of a patient classification system in which all the patients treated in hospitals are able to be split into mutually exclusive categories with consistent and stable patterns of resource consumption. 4. Development of a cost finding mechanism through which patient groups' costs can be made comparable across hospitals. A data set of Medicare patients prepared by the Social Security Administration was selected for the study analysis. The data set contained 27,229 record abstracts of Medicare patients discharged from all but one short-term general hospital in Connecticut during the period from January 1, 1971, to December 31, 1972. Each record abstract contained demographic and diagnostic information, as well as charges for specific medical services received. The 'AUT-OGRP System' was used to generate 198 DRGs in which the entire range of Medicare patients were split into mutually exclusive categories, each of which shows a consistent and stable pattern of resource consumption. The 'Departmental Method' was used to generate cost information for the groups of Medicare patients that would be comparable across hospitals. To fulfill the study objectives, an extensive analysis was conducted in the following areas: 1. Analysis of DRGs: in which the level of resource use of each DRG was determined, the length of stay or death rate of each DRG in relation to resource use was characterized, and underlying patterns of the relationships among DRG costs were explained. 2. Exploration of resource use profiles of hospitals; in which the magnitude of differences in the resource uses or death rates incurred in the treatment of Medicare patients among the study hospitals was explored. 3. Casemix analysis; in which four types of casemix-related indices were generated, and the significance of these indices in the explanation of hospital costs was examined. 4. Formulation of linear models to predict hospital costs of Medicare patients; in which nine independent variables (i. e., casemix index, hospital size, complexity of service, teaching activity, location, casemix-adjusted death. rate index, occupancy rate, and casemix-adjusted length of stay index) were used for determining factors in hospital costs. Results from the study analysis indicated that: 1. The system of 198 DRGs for Medicare patient classification was demonstrated not only as a strong tool for determining the pattern of hospital resource utilization of Medicare patients, but also for categorizing patients by their severity of illness. 2. The wei틴fed mean total case cost (TOTC) of the study hospitals for Medicare patients during the study years was $11,27.02 with a standard deviation of $117.20. The hospital with the highest average TOTC ($1538.15) was 2.08 times more expensive than the hospital with the lowest average TOTC ($743.45). The weighted mean per diem total cost (DTOC) of the study hospitals for Medicare patients during the sutdy years was $107.98 with a standard deviation of $15.18. The hospital with the highest average DTOC ($147.23) was 1.87 times more expensive than the hospital with the lowest average DTOC ($78.49). 3. The linear models for each of the six types of hospital costs were formulated using the casemix index and the eight other hospital variables as the determinants. These models explained variance to the extent of 68.7 percent of total case cost (TOTC), 63.5 percent of room and board cost (RMC), 66.2 percent of total ancillary service cost (TANC), 66.3 percent of per diem total cost (DTOC), 56.9 percent of per diem room and board cost (DRMC), and 65.5 percent of per diem ancillary service cost (DTANC). The casemix index alone explained approximately one half of interhospital cost variation: 59.1 percent for TOTC and 44.3 percent for DTOC. Thsee results demonstrate that the casemix index is the most importand determinant of interhospital cost variation Future research and policy implications in regard to the results of this study is envisioned in the following three areas: 1. Utilization of casemix related indices in the Medicare data systems. 2. Refinement of data for hospital cost evaluation. 3. Development of a system for reimbursement and cost control in hospitals.

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직업교사 전문화 및 직업과학 학과발전에 기반한 중국 직업교육 교사양성 전망 -UNESCO '국제 직업교사 석사 교육과정 구성표준'을 중심으로- (The development direction of vocational education teachers' fostering of china based on vocational teachers specialization and vocational disciplines)

  • 유자룡;조지군;남승권;최완식
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.70-81
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    • 2010
  • 이 연구의 목적은 중국 직업교육 교사 양성에 대한 시사점을 제시하기 위해 국제 직업교사 석사 교육과정 구성표준을 소개하고 이와 관련된 내용을 분석하는데 있다. 2004년 UNESCO에서는 국제학술 교류를 촉진할 뿐 아니라 교사와 훈련지도자 등 직업교육 및 훈련 영역 전문 인원의 능력을 증진시키기 위하여 '국제 직업교사 석사 교육과정 구성 표준'을 구성하였다. 이에 따르면 교육과정 표준을 도입한 대학교는 전문 위원회를 구성하여야 하며, 다른 학교의 상황 및 학생 능력과 학력인증체제 등의 구체적 상황을 고려하여 교육을 실시하여야 한다. 교육과정 표준은 국제 직업교육과학 발전의 최신 경향을 포함하며 아울러, 한 국가 내의 여러 고등학교 간에 혹은 여러 국가의 고교 간에 연합교육 학습을 실시할 수 있도록 하였다. UNFSCO는 교육과정 표준을 통하여 직업교육 학습이론과 직업과학 등 직업교육 기초학과의 교육학습과 연구의 발전을 촉진하고자 하며 직업교육의 교사소양을 제고하고 직업교사의 전문화를 실현하고자 하였다. 중국에서 직업교육 석사과정을 설치한 대학교는 20여 개이며, 매년 모집하는 학생의 수는 2,000여 명이다. 각 대학의 직업교사 석사과정 계획을 살펴보면, 교육과정 및 교육학습과 같은 실제적 문제를 다루는 과정에 대한 설치가 미비한 실정이다. 그러나 교육과정 표준에서는 응용 이론의 교육 학습과 연구를 보다 중요시하고, 구체적 영역에 대한 실천과 교육 학습을 더욱 강조하고 있다. 교육과정 표준과 관련된 선진국의 앞선 경험을 활용하는 것이 중국 직업교사 양성모델과 학과 체계의 탐색에서 중요한 의미를 갖고 있으며, 중국 직업교사 양성과정의 전공 및 교육과정 설치에 유용한 여러 가지 점을 시사해 준다.

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토양 및 지하수 Investigation 과 Remediation에 대한 현장적용

  • Wallner, Heinz
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2000년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.44-63
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    • 2000
  • Situated close to Heathrow Airport, and adjacent to the M4 and M25 Motorways, the site at Axis Park is considered a prime location for business in the UK. In consequnce two of the UK's major property development companies, MEPC and Redrew Homes sought the expertise of Intergeo to remediate the contaminated former industrial site prior to its development. Industrial use of the twenty-six hectare site, started in 1936, when Hawker Aircraft commence aircraft manufacture. In 1963 the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Company purchased part of the site. Ford commenced vehicle production at the site in the mid-1970's and production was continued by Iveco Ford from 1986 to the plant's decommissioning in 1997. Geologically the site is underlain by sand and gravel, deposited in prehistory by the River Thames, with London Clay at around 6m depth. The level of groundwater fluctuates seasonally at around 2.5m depth, moving slowly southwest towards local streams and watercourses. A phased investigation of the site was undertaken, which culminated in the extensive site investigation undertaken by Intergeo in 1998. In total 50 boreholes, 90 probeholes and 60 trial pits were used to investigate the site and around 4000 solid and 1300 liquid samples were tested in the laboratory for chemical substances. The investigations identified total petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil up to 25, 000mg/kg. Diesel oil, with some lubricating oil were the main components. Volatile organic compounds were identified in the groundwater in excess of 10mg/l. Specific substances included trichloromethane, trichloromethane and tetrachloroethene. Both the oil and volatile compounds were widely spread across the site, The specific substances identified could be traced back to industrial processes used at one or other dates in the sites history Slightly elevated levels of toxic metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were also identified locally. Prior to remediation of the site and throughout its progress, extensive liaison with the regulatory authorities and the client's professional representatives was required. In addition to meetings, numerous technical documents detailing methods and health and safety issues were required in order to comply with UK environmental and safety legislation. After initially considering a range of options to undertake remediation, the following three main techniques were selected: ex-situ bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils, skimming of free floating hydrocarbon product from the water surface at wells and excavations and air stripping of volatile organic compounds from groundwater recovered from wells. The achievements were as follows: 1) 350, 000m3 of soil was excavated and 112, 000m3 of sand and gravel was processed to remove gravel and cobble sized particles; 2) 53, 000m3 of hydrocarbon contaminated soil was bioremediated in windrows ; 3) 7000m3 of groundwater was processed by skimming to remove free floating Product; 4) 196, 000m3 of groundwater was Processed by air stripping to remove volatile organic compounds. Only 1000m3 of soil left the site for disposal in licensed waste facilities Given the costs of disposal in the UK, the selected methods represented a considerable cost saving to the Clients. All other soil was engineered back into the ground to a precise geotechnical specification. The following objective levels were achieved across the site 1) By a Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) methodology it was demonstrated that soil with less that 1000mg/kg total petroleum hydrocarbons did not pose a hazard to health or water resources and therefore, could remain insitu; 2) Soils destined for the residential areas of the site were remediated to 250mg/kg total petroleum hydrocarbons; in the industrial areas 500mg/kg was proven acceptable. 3) Hydrocarbons in groundwater were remediated to below the Dutch Intervegtion Level of 0.6mg/1; 4) Volatile organic compounds/BTEX group substances were reduced to below the Dutch Intervention Levels; 5) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals were below Inter-departmental Committee for the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land guideline levels for intended enduse. In order to verify the qualify of the work 1500 chemical test results were submitted for the purpose of validation. Quality assurance checks were undertaken by independent consultants and at an independent laboratory selected by Intergeo. Long term monitoring of water quality was undertaken for a period of one year after remediation work had been completed. Both the regulatory authorities and Clients representatives endorsed the quality of remediation now completed at the site. Subsequent to completion of the remediation work Redrew Homes constructed a prestige housing development. The properties at "Belvedere Place" retailed at premium prices. On the MEPC site the Post Office, amongst others, has located a major sorting office for the London area. Exceptionally high standards of remediation, control and documentation were a requirement for the work undertaken here.aken here.

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우리나라 임상방사선종양을 위한 웹 기반 PCS 시스템의 개발과 특성 (A Web-based 'Patterns of Care Study' System for Clinical Radiation Oncology in Korea: Development, Launching, and Characteristics)

  • 김일한;지의규;오도훈;서창옥;김종훈;안용찬;허원주;정웅기;최두호;이재원
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2003
  • 목적: PCS연구의 목적은 임상 방사선치료 QA의 표준 연구 수단을 구축하고, 방사선치료 과정의 기본 요소를 결정하고, 협동 임상시험의 기반을 제공하고, 외국과의 비교 연구를 위한 기본 자료의 구축에 있다. 우리나라 임상 방사선종양학의 PCS 연구기법으로서 구축한 웹 기반의 PCS 시스템의 개발 및 특성을 보고하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: 본 시스템은 메인서버와 외부에 구축한 2중 백업서버로 구성되어 있다. 리눅스 운영 체제 및 MySQL데이터베이스를 이용하여 프로그램을 완성하였다. PCS 대상이 되는 종양으로서의 개발 우선 순위는 1989년부터 1999년 사이에서 우리나라 전국의 방사선종양학과에서 치료빈도가 많은 순서를 근거로 결정하였다. 결과: 2003년 초반에 웹 기반의 임상 PCS시스템이 구축되었다. 웹 주소는 www.pcs.re.kr이며, 우선 유방암, 직장암, 식도암, 후두암, 폐암 및 전이성 뇌종양을 대상으로 하였다. 완성된 개발항목의수는 1,000 항목을 상회하였다. 구축된 시스템은 사용자 편의성 충족, 기입 내용 중복 확인, 자료 기밀성, 자료 보존 및 사본 작성, 이중 백업, 통계 분석 지원등을 구현하였다. 문자화된 자료 외에 영상 자료도 입력되도록 시스템을 구축하였다. 아울러, 임상시험승인 관련 양식지원, 무작위 자료 추출, 방사선종양학과의 구조적 요소 파악 기능도 갖추었다. 결론: 본 시스템은 PCS분야에서는 최초로 구축되고 작동되는 웹 기반 시스템이다. 구축한 시스템을 통해서 단시간 내에 표본 자료의 수집이 가능하여 시간 및 비용을 절약할 수 있게 되었으나 구축자료의 신뢰도 확인을 별도의 검증과정은 필수적이다. 본 연구팀이 개발한 본 웹 기반 시스템은 향후 PCS 연구 또는 자료 수집이 필요한 유사 연구 상황에 응용될 수 있는 표준적인 기법으로서의 활용되기를 희망한다.

지자체 부서 간 업무연계성 진단 -부산광역시 정보화사업을 중심으로 - (The Diagnosis of Work Connectivity between Local Government Departments -Focused on Busan Metropolitan City IT Project -)

  • 지상태;남광우
    • 한국지리정보학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2018
  • 현대의 도시문제들은 점차 한 부서의 힘만으로 해결이 불가능한 시장혼재(market mix) 상태가 확대되어 부서 간의 데이터 소통을 기반으로 하는 협력체계 구축 필요성이 증대되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 부서 간의 협력은 공동 활용도가 높은 데이터의 공유에서 시작될 수 있다는 관점에서 부서별 데이터의 활용 및 공유 현황을 파악하고자 2014년부터 2018년까지의 부산광역시 정보화 사업을 분석하였다. 또한, 정보화사업 주관부서 공무원을 대상으로 FGI(Focus Group Interview)를 진행한 결과를 바탕으로 데이터 현황 분석결과에 대한 검증을 실시하였다. 동시에 사회연결망분석(SNA)을 통해 부서 간 데이터 연계 필요성을 파악하고 향후 우선적으로 공유되어야 할 데이터를 제시하였다. 분석한 바, 현재 정보시스템은 데이터 생산부서 내에서만 제한적으로 데이터를 활용하고 있는 경우가 대다수였다. 연계되고 있는 데이터의 대부분은 정보화부서에 집중되고 있었다. 이에 본 연구는 다음과 같은 해결책을 제시하였다. 첫째 개별부서단위의 운영으로 발생하는 중복투자 방지와 정보공유를 위해 정보 간 연계성이 높은 부서들부터 단계적으로 소규모 블록단위로 묶어가는 스몰 플랫폼 구축이 필요하다. 둘째, 다분야에 활용될 정보의 공유 확대를 위해 국가표준의 확대형태로 데이터 표준을 마련하는 지자체 수준의 프로세스가 필요하다. 셋째, 또 하나의 해결책으로는 클라우드 기반의 GIS 플랫폼 적용을 통해 주소 및 위치정보 기반으로 다양한 유형의 정보를 통합하여 활용할 수 있는 체계 구축을 제안하였다. 본 연구 결과는 비용절감과 함께 정보공유 확대를 통한 부서 간 협력체계를 제공하는 데 기여할 것으로 기대된다.