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A Study of Smart Convergence Strategies for Enhancing a Creative Economy: Lessons from Korea (창조경제 활성화를 위한 스마트융합 전략방안)

  • Kim, Yong-Beom;Kwak, Jeongho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2014
  • One of the core policies recently implemented by the Korean government is the introduction of a creative economy, a concept that integrates ICT with the existing economic structure in order to create new growth factors and jobs. In June of 2013, the National Assembly passed a bill for the institutional practice of a creative economy. The concept of a creative economy is to integrate industries centered on ICT in order to form a new-concept industry paradigm that creates new values and services that exceed past industrial categories. In other words, smart convergence, which integrates ICT with various industries, is evaluated as a core factor for boosting the creative economy. Thus, based on the definition of 'smart convergence', this study predicted the economic effects and sociocultural changes that will ensue due to the future era of smart convergence. Also, this study proposes policies for enhancing the creative economy in various ways. More specifically, in-depth interviews with convergence industry experts were carried out and quantitative analyses were performed employing a Solow Model. Furthermore, as a means to revitalize the creative economy, this study underscores the significance of the preemptive institutionalization of legislations and suggests several policy proposals regarding smart convergence rooted in market supply and the demand chain, smart convergence through selective focus, and smart work. This study is differentiated from previous studies that have only focused in establishing theories in that it offers quantitative research with a consideration of the feasibility of proposed policies. The leading experience of Korea regarding smart convergence can provide important lessons to other countries that hope to promote a creative economy as a means to create new growth factors and jobs.

Current States of the Global Water Market and Considerations for the Groundwater Industry in South Korea (물 시장의 현주소와 지하수 산업에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Byung-Woo;Koh, Yong-Kwon;Choi, Doo-Houng;Kim, Deog-Geun;Kim, Gyoo-Bum
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2014
  • Since the establishment of the Groundwater Act in Korea in 1993, the national policy on groundwater has focused on the preservation and management of groundwater, which should be used only as a subsidiary water resource. However, population growth, increased water demand, climate change, and the need for uniform water distribution have brought changes to groundwater policy, and have led to the prioritization of development projects such as groundwater dams and river bank filtration. Population growth, changes to the water environment, and increased water risks have all played a role in triggering rapid growth within the water industry; the size of the investment in water resources will also continue to increase worldwide. Until now, private wells and bottled mineral water have led the groundwater industry in South Korea. However, a new area of the groundwater industry, which includes the health and medical sciences, employs groundwater properties derived from regional geology, and is growing. This requires the advancement of groundwater research and technical development connected with ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and medical science, and that the public development of groundwater and its various applications is expanded through locating groundwater in the core of the water industry cluster.

Analysis of nutritional contents and useful functional materials for finding breeding resources in Flammulina velutipes (팽이 기능성 육종소재 발굴을 위한 영양성분 및 유용 기능성 물질 분석)

  • Ji-Hoon, Im;Minji, Oh;Youn-Lee, Oh;Min-Sik, Kim;Jong-Won, Lee
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2022
  • Flammulina velutipes, known as winter mushroom in the family of Physalacriaceae, is the main edible and export mushroom with the third highest production after oyster and king oyster mushroom in Korea. However, as normal consumers regard F. velutipes as a simple subsidiary material, there is a limitation to increasing mushroom demand. In order to overcome the consumption limit and increase the differentiation of new varieties, it is necessary to breed varieties with enhanced functionality in consideration of consumer preferences. Therefore, the study was performed to analyze nutrient components and several useful functional substances with 26 genetic resources of F. velutipes. Analyses of inorganic compound(Ca, K, Mg) and 15 amino acids revealed that Strain 4148 had the highest content among the 26 strains. Beta-glucan, which increases immune activity and polyphenol, which exert antioxidant effects were higher in non-white strains than in white strains with a small number of exceptions. Among the five fatty acids, linoleic acid(an omega-6 fatty acid) and α-linolenic acid(an omega-3 fatty acid), were detected in six mushroom strains. α-linolenic acid, which was not found in five major mushrooms including oyster mushrooms, was identified in F. velutipes. The results of HPLC analysis showed that 'Auram' (Strain 4232) and 'Baekseung'(Strain 4230) had the highest content of the stabilizing neurotransmitter GABA(15.38 ㎍/ml and 20.56 ㎍/ml, respectively) among non-white and white strains, respectively. Our findings provide useful information for breeding F. velutipes to obtain strains with enhanced functionality.

Recognition of Food Additives of High School Students in Gwangju (광주지역 고등학생의 식품첨가물에 대한 인식)

  • Jung, Hwa-Young;Jung, Lan-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate recognition of food additives, to provide the basic data for food education of high school students. The survey was conducted from 560 students who are boys and girls of high schools in Gwangju. Data were analyzed by a SAS program. According to the survey, an usual recognition for additive food according to related variable showed that it was the highest ratio of 4.18 that policy on complete labeling of foods should be requested for additive food but it showed the lowest 2.17 that additive food is promoting quality of food. In a difference of a degree of a correct answer of knowledge for additive food and knowledge according to related variable, a degree of a correct answer of knowledge for additive food showed a lot of interest in safety in that knowledge for safety showed 79.45 but were showed much lower 7.5% for a degree of a correct answer of actual knowledge of additive food among food ingredients labels. A a degree of a demand of information, safety concerns and understanding a uses of additive food according to sex and a grade showed that in a degree of a demand of information, the students have ever heard information of additive food was the girls were more than the boys and also freshmen were the most answered and have ever heard term of additive food was the boys were more than the girls and the sophomore students were the most answered questionnaire for media of TV. Radio. Newspaper and so forth. A degree of necessity the students know additive food was the most answered of positive from the boys and freshmen. Where the students would like to learn additive food was answered of media from the boys school teacher from the girls school teacher from the freshmen, media from the sophomore and the junior.

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A Study on the Performance Certification System of Inspection and Diagnostic Equipment for Infrastructure using Advanced Technologies (첨단기술을 이용한 시설물 점검 및 진단장비 성능인증체계에 대한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Ho;Kim, Jung-Gon;Cho, Jae-Young;Kim, Do-Hyoung;Kim, Jung-Yeol;Kim, Young-Min;Lee, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: It is expected that various infrastructures diagnosis equipment will be needed as infrastructures management is strengthened to implement the Framework Act on Sustainable Infrastructure Management. It is necessary for a certification system to supply certified products of a reasonable level in accordance with market requirements for various convergence equipment. This paper deals with the introduction of certification system of inspection and diagnosis equipment for infrastructure using advanced technologies. Method: The basic elements, systems and procedures of certification system were reviewed through analyzing and comparing the existing similar certification system in Korea. In addition, a survey was conducted on a catalog method and the minimum performance criterion (sampling survey and complete enumeration survey) to equipment developers (manufacturers), clients and equipment users. Result: This survey showed that clients preferred complete enumeration method on the basis of minimum performance, and equipment users also preferred complete enumeration survey and sample survey, for minimum performance, at a similar rate. On the other hand, equipment developers preferred the catalog method. Conclusion: Clients and users who are the users of the diagnostic equipment preferred the minimum performance criterion because their trust in quality is important. On the other hand, developers(manufacturers) preferred the catalog method which adopts self certification because it is regulated in developing various products. There is no specific plan for the minimum performance standards required for the introduction of the method which users demand, at present. In addition, it is not desirable to force to introduce a certification system because it requires a considerable period of study to prepare the specific standards. Therefore, it is appropriate to operate the system for a certain period of time centering around the catalog method for the stable and continuous development of the infrastructure diagnosis and test equipment market in Korea. Also, it is effective to expand and develop the certification system to the extent that it minimizes the impact on the market when specific plans for the standards are prepared in the future.

Basic System Architecture Design for Airport GIS Service Models (Airport GIS 구축을 위한 서비스모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Sim, Jae-Yong;Lee, Tong-Hoon;Park, Joo-Young
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.82-94
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    • 2008
  • Airport GIS is a comprehensive information system to improve security and efficiency of airport. At the initial stage to make it real, the current status of domestic and international regulations along with relevant standardization bas been reviewed. Gimpo Airport becomes a test-bed to get some ideas about how to bring the airport GIS into workflow by building service model and basic design based on current status and demand analysis of the airport. The 6 service models primarily brought into the project are as follows: (1) Local vehicles safety management in airside, (2) Intelligent traffic control between flights and vehicles at main cross points, (3) Dynamic safety management against FOD in airside and breakage on pavement, (4) Special support vehicle management such as deicing remotely controlled, (5) Response and support for fire vehicles and ambulances of signatory institutions in emergency. The upcoming research topic aims at drawing a specific design and building integrated system in the future.

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A Study on Service Process Modeling for the Performance of the Non-face-to-face Call Center (비대면 접점 콜센터의 성과 제고를 위한 서비스 프로세스 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Seong-Ho;Park, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2014
  • According to the economic advancement, the position of service industry in GDP has increased. Development of service industry has solved the employment issue and derived the activation of the internal market. It has contributed to demand creation in health care, education, and culture, enhancing competition of the manufacturing industry and entire economic development. By the development of information communication technologies, improvement of the quality of life from those, and changes in the competitive environment, customers, from businesses and public agencies, or the customer's needs are increasing. In these circumstances, companies are operating non-face-to-face contact call center for the purpose to communicate with customers, handle customer complaints, attract and retain new customers. In this study, to improve the performance of the non-face-to-face contact call center, this study tried to derive the call center's 'Service Process Modeling' and future policy assignment by analyzing the problem from the research of the service and process summary, performance evaluation, call center evaluation and etc.

A Study on Determinants of Franchised Coffee Shop Rents (프랜차이즈 커피점의 상가임대료 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Seung-Young
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.217-235
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    • 2015
  • The study has analyzed the determinants of retail rents for the franchised coffee shop with the Multi-Regression analysis in Seoul. Central place, agglomeration, and demand-externality theories provide the basis for empirical models. The data used in this study consisted of 2,000 retail units in Seoul. As the results, the results show that coffee shop of retail sales per $3.3m^2$ and characteristic of retail trade-areas, and characteristic of coffee shop affects on the coffee shop's rents per $3.3m^2$. Coffee Shop's sales are the major determinant of coffee shop's rents. Also, coffee shop's goodwill per $3.3m^2$ and rental bond per $3.3m^2$ are positively correlated with a coffee shop's rents. Additionally, number of wholesale company and manufacturers in the retail trade-areas influences coffee shop's rent per $3.3m^2$. In summary, the study shows that coffee shop's brand identity, location and retail mix in the retail trade areas affects a coffee shop's rent per $3.3m^2$.

Mutual Authentication between the mobile node in Ad-hoc Network (Ad-hoc 망에서 이동 노드 간 상호 인증)

  • Choi, Woo-Jin;Seok, Gyeong-Hyu
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.1087-1092
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    • 2015
  • It was diversified demand for a wireless network to the rapid growth of the Internet, the time and space that are not in the new level of Internet technology, limits the Ad-hoc networks are needed. Ad-hoc networks do not communicate with the central station, each of the mobile nodes included in the network communicate with each other by the relay role. In recent years, the Ad-hoc wireless networks in a variety of routing protocols and network security, research is actively underway for the authentication method, but the security of wireless Internet and Ad-hoc networks, certification is incomplete situation. This paper considers the authentication and key agreement technique applicability of the USIM card using the DSR routing protocol of the Java Card and Ad-hoc networks, we propose a secure authentication mechanism between the mobile node.

Investigation of Subcategories according to the Level of Job Stress in Medical Technologist (임상병리사의 직무스트레스의 수준에 따른 하위영역의 실태조사)

  • So, Jung-Kyu;Kim, Jung-Suk;Lee, Young-Hee;Kim, Dae-Jung;Park, Chang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to provide fundamental data for the plans to reduce occupational stress by analyzing occupational stress of medical technologist. The experimental group comprised of 193 medical technologists working in Gyeonggi province. Occupational stress was 49.74 out of 100. In detail, job insecurity showed a high value of 64.42, followed by organizational system, lack of reward, physical environment, job demand, insufficient job control, interpersonal conflict, and occupational climate with respective values of 52.46, 52.30, 51.18, 49.57, 48.43, 39.78 and 39.77. It is recommended that those in high-stress job group increase physical activity and reduce job insecurity to improve health. The development of programs to reduce occupational stress are necessary, and this study can provide objective information using biological indicators.