• 제목/요약/키워드: Delphi Survey Method

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The Development of E-learning Competency Modeling and Education Roadmap for Human Resource in Science & Technology (과학기술인력 이러닝 역량모델링 및 교육로드맵 개발)

  • Kwak, Jin Sun;Ko, Eun-Joung;Kim, Seongcheol
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2017
  • E-learning has become one of the popular educational method in these day. In recognition of the growing e-learning, numerous researchers of S&T have utilized for the training aimed at enhancing competency. In the circumstances, previous studies have yield interesting results regarding certain factors that competency based programs may increase effectiveness of education. Therefore this research described here contributes to design competency modeling and education roadmap for human resource in S&T. The study uses survey, FGI, delphi technique, and expert workshop for selecting the main competencies. In particular, the results are including training roadmap of 5 level in each of two groups as researchers and S&T managers. These findings can be possible to develop customized programs and supported long-term career development path plan for human resource in S&T.

The Design and Application of a Meta-evaluation Model for National R&D Programs (국가연구개발사업 메타평가모형 설계와 응용)

  • Ryu, Youngsoo;Choi, Byungdae;Choi, Sang Ok
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.703-732
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    • 2014
  • Meta-evaluation for national R&D programs should be established within the framework of whole R&D system linked with science and technology needs and objectives. The R&D program evaluation system can be understood as a circulation of input, implementation, output, and utilization. In the result of the Delphi survey, which consisted of twenty-four experts (performed in three rounds), twenty-four indices were developed. The meta-evaluation model included sub-items which were important points of view of it as follow (eight items): propriety of planning, sufficiency of information, and propriety of evaluators in evaluation input; appropriateness of method and appropriateness of procedure in evaluation implementation; credibility of output in evaluation output; and usefulness of report and application of evaluation utilization. As the application of the meta-evaluation model, the total mean was lower than 3.0 of the median value of 2.73 (5 point Likert scale). Finally, it was suggested that the feedback of evaluation results should be more enforced to R&D program improvement particularly (evaluation utilization 2.50).

A Study on the Influence Factors for Virtual Enterprise (가상기업의 성과요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Hye;Choi, Se-Yeon
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.117-135
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    • 2007
  • Globalization changes in market structures and consumer needs, as well as technology innovations force organizations to adopt new structures and collaborative networks to cope with rapidly changing environments. These Collaborative Networks are based on the Idea of virtual enterprise. A virtual enterprise(VE) is a temporary alliance of globally distributed independent enterprises that share core competencies and computer networks. This paper presents a proposal for a methodology to measure a key factor of success and risk First of all, we chose thirty experts' defines on virtual enterprise, fifteen are academic specialist and other fifteen are from industry. For this study we define twenty two factors determining VE's success and seventeen factors determining VE's risk using by Delphi method. And we built the influence model on virtual enterprise. A research model was established according to preceeding research and consensus on experts then the revised model of key factors on virtual enterprise. This survey was based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP is an approach to decision making that involves structuring multiple choice criteria into a hierarchy, the assessing the relative important of these criteria, comparing alternative for each criteria, and determining an overall ranking of the alternatives. A model was constructed as 3 level hierarchy. The hierarches are organizational, strategic, technical criteria. for success model on VE has 22 factors and 17 factors for risk model. They are selected by all 30 experts. 14 copies among 30 copies distributed to carry out on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Consistency ratio confirm high validity and reliability of instrument and support theoretical model. The results of this study are summarized as follows. (1) This study presented success on VE influenced strategic criteria, and essential factor is Creating a value. Risk on VE influenced strategic criteria, and essential factor is Outcome/Distribution. (2) Its enable that ranking the criteria influence on VE. These are supported VE management and using guideline of VE.

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A Study on the Curriculum Design and Training Method for Fostering Librarians Specialized in Reading Healing (독서치유 전문사서 육성을 위한 교육과정 개발 및 양성방안 연구)

  • Cha, Sung-Jong;Hoang, Gum-Sook;Kim, Soo-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.77-109
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to strengthen librarian's capacity by developing curriculum and training system for fostering '(tentative name)Librarians Specialized in Reading Healing' as a field of professional librarians. For this purpose, curriculum and training system for fostering librarians specialized in reading healing are designed and presented through research methods including literature study, case study and 1, 2nd delphi survey. The final curriculum is composed of curriculum for 1st and 2nd grade licensed librarians specialized in reading healing and refresher training based on job description of librarians specialized in reading healing. The training system is based on the first and second level certification granted by completion of the course, thus is designed to meet requirements both for academic achievement and for career development in each grade.

Analysis on Knowledge and Skills for Information Security Professionals (정보보호 분야 직무별 필요 지식 및 기술 분석)

  • Jun, Hyo-Jung;Yoo, Hye-Won;Kim, Tae-Sung
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.253-267
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    • 2008
  • As the importance of information security becomes a major concern, there has been growing effort to educate information security professionals. This study aims to analyze the level of required knowledge and skills for four information security skills groups: strategy and planning; research and development; system management and operation; and accident control. For this study, we selected 55 critical knowledge and skills for information security professionals by literature review and Delphi method, and we conducted a survey of information security knowledge and skills requirements for information security professionals to perform their jobs. As a result, we analyzed the current status of the information security professionals' knowledge and skills level and suggested some guidelines for establishing the demand-based curriculum for training information security professionals.

The Study of Developing a Diagnostic Assessment Tool for Church Health Through The Korean Baptist Church (교회 건강성 측정도구 개발에 관한 연구: 한국침례교회를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Nanye;Ryu, Jeho
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.63
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    • pp.151-182
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    • 2020
  • This study was about developing a diagnostic assessment tool for the health of Baptist Church. To enable this, the definition of healthy Baptist churches and health factors was examined, diagnostic questions by church health factors was developed. Literature review and research of Delphi were used for research methods. Based on the quarter sampling method, the main survey was conducted on 395 people about factor analysis and needs analysis. Through this study, a healthy Baptist church is defined as a community of believers who glorify God by performing the functions of the church well, having the attributes of the church and the identity of the Baptist church as a body member of Christ. Factors of the healthy Baptist churches are community, loyalty of function, identity of Baptist church, and the essential qualities of the church. It was confirmed that there are 17 factors such as community of faith, worship, priesthood of all believers, and apostolicity. For measuring healthy Baptist Church, it consists of 199 diagnostic assessment questionnaires which can be reduced to 53 or 23 condensed diagnostic assessment questionnaires.

Building Web Database for WHO Healthy City Wonju (원주시 건강도시 웹 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Nam, Eun-Woo;Shin, Taek-Soo;Song, Yea-Li-A;Park, Ki-Soo;Song, Tae-Min;Kim, Min-Kyung;Park, Jae-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to develop Web database for healthy city that contains healthy city indicators for making city health plans, setting project priorities, monitoring projects, and evaluating healthy city projects, effectively. Using Delphi survey method for identifying indicator domains and indicators, we extracted nine domains with thirty-four healthy city indicators. Based on the appraisals of DB users about the contents of DB, a web database for healthy city Wonju was constructed. We developed a web database system for the purposes of sharing high quality health related data for managing and evaluating healthy city projects. The web database currently provides variety data in the web address, http://healthycity.wonju.go.kr/index.html. The web DB comprised with major healthy city indicators that are the most important indicators, healthy city indicator data that have a variety data set for encompassing all domain areas such as city infrastructure, health medicine, economies, and all other related areas and qualitative data that contains policy reports, research results, healthy city information and all other tips. A database of healthy city is very essential and important because it makes healthy city projects alive by managing and sharing healthy city related data effectively. But we need to fill out some blank cells in DB because there are currently unavailable data for some indicators. In conclusion, we expect the web DB contributes information sharing of healthy city project teams and improving healthy city project quality at Wonju city in Korea.

A Study on the Suitability Impact Factors of a Comprehensive Park as an Emergency Shelter for Earthquakes (지진대피공간으로써의 공원녹지 적절성 평가지표 연구)

  • Cao, Lin-Sen;Kang, Tai-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2017
  • Following the September $12^{th}$, 2016 earthquake in Gyeongju-city, the observation can be made that South Korea is not a non-earthquake country. Because of its particular characteristics, urban green spaces are good sites for protection during an earthquake but studies regarding the suitability of park green spaces as a form of earthquake shelter are few, making it difficult to highlight the function of park green spaces as emergency shelters. The purpose of this study is to identify indicators for suitability impact factors of comprehensive parks as emergency earthquake shelter zones. Using the Delphi method, three rounds of survey were implemented. According to the analysis results of Average value, CVR, Consultation and Convergence, ten candidate indicators were removed in the candidate group. Twenty-seven suitability impact factors of comprehensive parks were retained, including 8 indicators in the field of safety, 6 indicators in the field of accessibility, and 13 indicators in the field of service effectiveness.

Differences in Perception of Information Security Knowledge and Skills Between Academia and Industry (정보보호 전문인력의 소요 지식 및 기술에 대한 산업체와 교육기관의 관점 비교)

  • Yoo, Hye-Won;Kim, Tae-Sung
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.113-129
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    • 2009
  • With increasing interest in information security, many studies have been conducted on cultivation and management of information security manpower. The widespread application of information security made the activity of information security professionals more diverse. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the knowledge and skills that are necessary for information security professionals to carry out their job and we also need to take these into considerations for the development and operation of education programs. In this study, for analyzing the perception gaps of information security knowledge and skills level between academia and industry, we have derived 58 knowledge and skills by conducting the literature review and Delphi method and we also conducted a survey of information security knowledge and skills requirements for information security professionals who are now working in industries and educational organizations. As a result, we analyze the perception gaps between two groups of information security professionals and suggest some guidelines for establishing the demand-based curriculum for training information security professionals.

Development of Settlement Condition Diagnosis Index in Rural Village (정주체계를 고려한 농촌마을의 정주여건 진단지표 개발)

  • Park, Meejeong;Jeon, Jeongbae;Bae, Seoungjong;Kim, Daesik;Choi, Jinah;Kim, Eunja
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.65-83
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    • 2017
  • This paper proposes a village level settlement environment diagnostic indices in rural areas which can apply to analyze various conditions at village level. A living space in rural areas has been changed with a diverse aspect according to living infrastructure, industrial structure, accessibility to neighbor city and so on. This indicators considered these mega-regionalization of economy and lifestyle in rural areas. The indicators consists of basic indices for all types villages and convenience service indices for center villages and the other neighbor ones classified by a functionality of their convenience facilities. As the results of delphi expert survey and a field validation, rural village settlement environment diagnostic indicators were selected 3 types, 15 domains, 24 subdomains and 61 items. And these indicators weight were determinted by AHP method. These developed indicators were used to diagnosis settlement conditions of 31 villages, located on county of Yeongdong. to validate a applicability and feasibility.